

E -government –The Next Wave of Development

14March 2005


First Phase of E-government programme 重點:提供網上資訊及促進電子交易Focus : publishing information online and enabling e-transactions

90% (或1,200項服務) 適合電子化的公共服務已提供電子服務選擇1,200 services with e-option, representing 90% of services amenable to electronic delivery

需採取「全政府性角度」的提供服務理念,由以客為本的方式取代以個別部門為本的方式Need to move from a government-centric to a customer-oriented way of providing e-services, adopting a “whole-of-government”approach

下一階段的電子政府-設立獲賦權的架構Next Wave of E-Government –(A) Establishing empowered institutions資訊科技總監辦公室於2004年7月1日成立,擔當更主動和積極的領導角色Office of the Government Chief Information Officer established on 1 July 2004 to provide more visible and proactive leadership

由財政司司長擔任主席的電子政府督導委員會於2004年9月成立,以督導電子政府計劃的進一步發展E-government Steering Committee, chaired by the Financial Secretary, set up in September 2004 to steer the further development of e-government


Next Wave of E-Government –(B) Embracing a Common Vision


以及推動香港作為領先的數碼城市Use information technology to provide customer-centric services that promote an accessible, accountable and efficient government and contribute to Hong Kong’s achievement as a leading digital city


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 提供電子政府服務的新策略New Strategy for e-government service delivery

新策略的目標:Objectives of the new strategy:


Enhance the quality and boost the utilization of e-government services

讓更多私營機構參與Allow more private sector participation

推廣電子商貿和商務Promote e-commerce and e-business


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 提供電子政府服務的新策略New Strategy for e-government service delivery

採用服務群組的方式Adoption of a service clustering approach

設立一站式服務入門網站Provision of a one-stop access portal

採用開放和互用標準Adoption of open and interoperable standards提供共用基建服務Provision of common infrastructuralservices 採用客戶關係管理

Adoption of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

提供電子公共服務的未來模式(暫定) Future Model of Delivery of Electronic Public Services (Tentative)


* 優先服務群組7


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 推行電子政府服務新策略的時間表Time Table for New Strategy for e-government service delivery

於2005年上半年邀請業界提交發展新策略的意向書Invite Expression of Interest from industry in the first half of 2005

於2005年年底前制訂服務群組的具體業務及推行計劃於2006年開發服務群組及共用基建服務於2007年年內分期推出優先服務群組Draw up business and implementation plans for clusters before end 2005Develop service clusters and common services in 2006Establish priority service clusters by phases from early to end 2007


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

b) 客戶關係管理Customer Relationship Management (CRM)就推廣應用客戶關係管理制訂推行策略

Map out an implementation strategy to promote CRM adoption


Issue a Practical Guide in April 2005


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

c) 服務途徑管理策略Channel Management Strategy

在2005年第3季公布服務途徑管理策略,就下列事項提供指引:Promulgate a channel management strategy by Q3 2005 to provide guidelines on:

提升電子服務的質素及吸引力Enhancement of e-service quality and attractiveness為高增值的服務訂定目標使用率Set utilization targets for high value-added e-services引入不同措施鼓勵客戶轉用電子服務Introduction of incentives to migrate customers to the e-channel

適當地調整提供服務的途徑Rationalization of service delivery channels10


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

d) 電子採購E-procurement

制訂推行電子採購的策略,以提高內部效率和推動工商界應用資訊科技Map out a strategy for taking forward e-procurement, aiming to enhance internal efficiency and driving IT adoption in the business sector預計於2005年第三季將有研究結果Study findings expected by Q3 2005


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

e) 衡量電子政府措施所帶來的效益

Measuring the benefits of e-government initiatives


Commission a study within 2005 on methodologies and tools to identify and measure the benefits of e-government initiatives


Progress of On-going Initiatives

A. 「公共服務電子化」計劃及其他電子服務ESD Scheme and other E-services

a) 嶄新服務New services

物業印花稅系統、綜合註冊資訊系統、綜合公司註冊資訊系統第一期,及為網上訂購統計及其他政府刊物服務提供15%折扣Property Stamping System, Integrated Registration Information System, Integrated Companies Registry Information System Phase 1, 15% discount for online purchase of statistical and government publicationsb) 客戶意見Customer feedback

透過客戶意見調查、面談、意見表格、電郵及電話熱線等方式Through such means as customer surveys, face-to-face interviews, suggestion forms, e-mail and telephone hotlines13


Progress of On-going Initiatives

B. 網上預訂社區會堂/中心的設施及設立電子政府服務中心Online booking of facilities in community halls/centresand setting up of e-government service centres 民政事務總署會於其資訊系統策略研究中考慮可行性Home Affairs Department to explore potential in its Information System Strategy Study

C. 智能身份證Smart Identity Card

使用智能身份證自助過關–由2004年12月Automated passenger clearance using smart ID cards from Dec 2004

新的功能(駕駛執照功能,預訂體育設施及康樂活動的自助服務) –2006年New applications (driving licence application, self-service booking for sports facilities and leisure activities) in 2006


Progress of On-going Initiatives

D. 物業資訊通Property Information Hub計劃於2005年年中前制訂未來的發展路向Aim to recommend a way forward by mid 2005E. 綜合刑事執法處理程序Integrated Criminal Justice Process (ICJP)就發展這項計劃的緩急次序及負責推行的決策局尋求政策指引

Will seek a policy steer on the priority and leading bureau for theprogramme


Progress of On-going InitiativesF. 政府與僱員及政府與政府服務Government -to -Employee (G2E) and Government -to -Government (G2G) services於2006年9月前完成資訊科技設施普及計劃To complete IT Accessibility Programmein Sep 2006G. 統一的「外觀與風格」標準Common Look and Feel (CLF)

計劃於2005年11月或以前,完成各局及部門的網站更新工作Target is for all B/Ds to complete theprogramme by November 2005


Progress of On-going InitiativesH. 全球定位系統Global Positioning System (GPS)

逾10個部門已採用或計劃採用GPS 。共有11個應用系統現已推行,另有6個正在推行中。

Over 10 B/Ds have adopted or planned to adopt GPS. 11 GPS applications have been implemented and 6 are being built.


Progress of On-going InitiativesH. 全球定位系統(續)Global Positioning System (GPS) (Cont’d) 政府推行的促進措施:Facilitation measures by the Government:

成立新的無線及流動科技推廣專責小組,著力推廣以GPS 配合其他無線及基於位置應用系統的更進一步使用Set up a new task force on promotion of wireless services and technologies to address further adoption of GPS together with other wireless and location-based applications舉辦及統籌推廣活動Organize and co-ordinate promotional events提供資助Provide funding support



End of Presentation


Thank You!


E -government –The Next Wave of Development

14March 2005


First Phase of E-government programme 重點:提供網上資訊及促進電子交易Focus : publishing information online and enabling e-transactions

90% (或1,200項服務) 適合電子化的公共服務已提供電子服務選擇1,200 services with e-option, representing 90% of services amenable to electronic delivery

需採取「全政府性角度」的提供服務理念,由以客為本的方式取代以個別部門為本的方式Need to move from a government-centric to a customer-oriented way of providing e-services, adopting a “whole-of-government”approach

下一階段的電子政府-設立獲賦權的架構Next Wave of E-Government –(A) Establishing empowered institutions資訊科技總監辦公室於2004年7月1日成立,擔當更主動和積極的領導角色Office of the Government Chief Information Officer established on 1 July 2004 to provide more visible and proactive leadership

由財政司司長擔任主席的電子政府督導委員會於2004年9月成立,以督導電子政府計劃的進一步發展E-government Steering Committee, chaired by the Financial Secretary, set up in September 2004 to steer the further development of e-government


Next Wave of E-Government –(B) Embracing a Common Vision


以及推動香港作為領先的數碼城市Use information technology to provide customer-centric services that promote an accessible, accountable and efficient government and contribute to Hong Kong’s achievement as a leading digital city


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 提供電子政府服務的新策略New Strategy for e-government service delivery

新策略的目標:Objectives of the new strategy:


Enhance the quality and boost the utilization of e-government services

讓更多私營機構參與Allow more private sector participation

推廣電子商貿和商務Promote e-commerce and e-business


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 提供電子政府服務的新策略New Strategy for e-government service delivery

採用服務群組的方式Adoption of a service clustering approach

設立一站式服務入門網站Provision of a one-stop access portal

採用開放和互用標準Adoption of open and interoperable standards提供共用基建服務Provision of common infrastructuralservices 採用客戶關係管理

Adoption of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

提供電子公共服務的未來模式(暫定) Future Model of Delivery of Electronic Public Services (Tentative)


* 優先服務群組7


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

a) 推行電子政府服務新策略的時間表Time Table for New Strategy for e-government service delivery

於2005年上半年邀請業界提交發展新策略的意向書Invite Expression of Interest from industry in the first half of 2005

於2005年年底前制訂服務群組的具體業務及推行計劃於2006年開發服務群組及共用基建服務於2007年年內分期推出優先服務群組Draw up business and implementation plans for clusters before end 2005Develop service clusters and common services in 2006Establish priority service clusters by phases from early to end 2007


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

b) 客戶關係管理Customer Relationship Management (CRM)就推廣應用客戶關係管理制訂推行策略

Map out an implementation strategy to promote CRM adoption


Issue a Practical Guide in April 2005


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

c) 服務途徑管理策略Channel Management Strategy

在2005年第3季公布服務途徑管理策略,就下列事項提供指引:Promulgate a channel management strategy by Q3 2005 to provide guidelines on:

提升電子服務的質素及吸引力Enhancement of e-service quality and attractiveness為高增值的服務訂定目標使用率Set utilization targets for high value-added e-services引入不同措施鼓勵客戶轉用電子服務Introduction of incentives to migrate customers to the e-channel

適當地調整提供服務的途徑Rationalization of service delivery channels10


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

d) 電子採購E-procurement

制訂推行電子採購的策略,以提高內部效率和推動工商界應用資訊科技Map out a strategy for taking forward e-procurement, aiming to enhance internal efficiency and driving IT adoption in the business sector預計於2005年第三季將有研究結果Study findings expected by Q3 2005


Next Wave of E-Government -(C) Focusing on Key Priorities

e) 衡量電子政府措施所帶來的效益

Measuring the benefits of e-government initiatives


Commission a study within 2005 on methodologies and tools to identify and measure the benefits of e-government initiatives


Progress of On-going Initiatives

A. 「公共服務電子化」計劃及其他電子服務ESD Scheme and other E-services

a) 嶄新服務New services

物業印花稅系統、綜合註冊資訊系統、綜合公司註冊資訊系統第一期,及為網上訂購統計及其他政府刊物服務提供15%折扣Property Stamping System, Integrated Registration Information System, Integrated Companies Registry Information System Phase 1, 15% discount for online purchase of statistical and government publicationsb) 客戶意見Customer feedback

透過客戶意見調查、面談、意見表格、電郵及電話熱線等方式Through such means as customer surveys, face-to-face interviews, suggestion forms, e-mail and telephone hotlines13


Progress of On-going Initiatives

B. 網上預訂社區會堂/中心的設施及設立電子政府服務中心Online booking of facilities in community halls/centresand setting up of e-government service centres 民政事務總署會於其資訊系統策略研究中考慮可行性Home Affairs Department to explore potential in its Information System Strategy Study

C. 智能身份證Smart Identity Card

使用智能身份證自助過關–由2004年12月Automated passenger clearance using smart ID cards from Dec 2004

新的功能(駕駛執照功能,預訂體育設施及康樂活動的自助服務) –2006年New applications (driving licence application, self-service booking for sports facilities and leisure activities) in 2006


Progress of On-going Initiatives

D. 物業資訊通Property Information Hub計劃於2005年年中前制訂未來的發展路向Aim to recommend a way forward by mid 2005E. 綜合刑事執法處理程序Integrated Criminal Justice Process (ICJP)就發展這項計劃的緩急次序及負責推行的決策局尋求政策指引

Will seek a policy steer on the priority and leading bureau for theprogramme


Progress of On-going InitiativesF. 政府與僱員及政府與政府服務Government -to -Employee (G2E) and Government -to -Government (G2G) services於2006年9月前完成資訊科技設施普及計劃To complete IT Accessibility Programmein Sep 2006G. 統一的「外觀與風格」標準Common Look and Feel (CLF)

計劃於2005年11月或以前,完成各局及部門的網站更新工作Target is for all B/Ds to complete theprogramme by November 2005


Progress of On-going InitiativesH. 全球定位系統Global Positioning System (GPS)

逾10個部門已採用或計劃採用GPS 。共有11個應用系統現已推行,另有6個正在推行中。

Over 10 B/Ds have adopted or planned to adopt GPS. 11 GPS applications have been implemented and 6 are being built.


Progress of On-going InitiativesH. 全球定位系統(續)Global Positioning System (GPS) (Cont’d) 政府推行的促進措施:Facilitation measures by the Government:

成立新的無線及流動科技推廣專責小組,著力推廣以GPS 配合其他無線及基於位置應用系統的更進一步使用Set up a new task force on promotion of wireless services and technologies to address further adoption of GPS together with other wireless and location-based applications舉辦及統籌推廣活動Organize and co-ordinate promotional events提供資助Provide funding support



End of Presentation


Thank You!


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