
2015高三英语阅读材料(12) 导读:时隔八年,她又走上美国总统的角逐之路。与2008年角逐民主党内初选相比,希拉里这一次参选又有哪些不同?

Hillary Clinton announces her presidential campaign希拉里如何“接地气”地宣布竞选美国总统?

After years of often-breathless speculation about her future, Hillary Rodham Clinton confirmed one of the worst-kept secrets in politics: She’s running for president. The former first lady and secretary of state officially entered the 2016 presidential race with a video announcement to supporters Sunday, saying she wants to be the champion of “everyday Americans.”


“Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” Clinton told supporters at the end of a more than two-minute-long video posted on her official campaign website, hillaryclinton.com. “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by.”


The video represented a sharp tonal shift from her announcement video in 2008, which featured Clinton addressing voters while sitting on a couch in her Washington, D.C., home. In contrast, Clinton is only seen and heard in roughly the last minute of Sunday’s video, which features testimony and footage from families, young workers and gay couples.


While she told voters in 2008 that she was “in to win,” Clinton told voters Sunday that she is “hitting the road to earn your vote, because it’s your time.”

2008年,她对选民说 “我来了,我要赢”;而这一次,她对选民说的却是“在这条路上我需要你们的选票,因为这是你们的时代”。

“I hope you’ll join me on this journey,” Clinton added.


Clinton’s announcement will be followed by visits in coming days to key early-voting states, including



It’s an intentionally low-key kickoff plotted by a campaign seeking to avoid the mistakes of Clinton’s failed 2008 quest for the Democratic presidential nomination. In 2007, the then-New York senator entered the race as the overwhelming favorite but ultimately lost ground to an insurgent candidate named Barack Obama amid the perception of an unwieldy campaign apparatus and her inability to personally connect with voters.


Eight years later, Clinton again enters the race as the overwhelming front-runner — albeit this time with no real challenger, so far. But instead of mounting the same shock-and-awe campaign aimed at scaring away potential opponents, Clinton’s strategists are said to be plotting a more humble approach to 2016 in hopes of winning over voters who complained eight years ago that she was inaccessible and distant. 八年之后,希拉里再次以压倒性优势回归,成为此次选举的领跑人。不过,到目前为止,尚未出现真正有实力的竞争对手。但是,不同于上一次用威慑力的竞选活动吓跑潜在对手,这一次她采取了“接地气”的策略,希望能赢回八年前因为她的高冷而对她不满的选民。

Formal confirmation of her candidacy first came in the form of emails from John Podesta, the presumptive chairman of her 2016 campaign, to donors, 2008 campaign staffers and members of Congress on Sunday. “I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me — it’s official: Hillary’s running for president,” he wrote in one missive. In another, he noted: “There will be a formal kickoff event next month.”


高三( )班 姓名:_____________ 学号:_________



2015高三英语阅读材料(12) 导读:时隔八年,她又走上美国总统的角逐之路。与2008年角逐民主党内初选相比,希拉里这一次参选又有哪些不同?

Hillary Clinton announces her presidential campaign希拉里如何“接地气”地宣布竞选美国总统?

After years of often-breathless speculation about her future, Hillary Rodham Clinton confirmed one of the worst-kept secrets in politics: She’s running for president. The former first lady and secretary of state officially entered the 2016 presidential race with a video announcement to supporters Sunday, saying she wants to be the champion of “everyday Americans.”


“Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” Clinton told supporters at the end of a more than two-minute-long video posted on her official campaign website, hillaryclinton.com. “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by.”


The video represented a sharp tonal shift from her announcement video in 2008, which featured Clinton addressing voters while sitting on a couch in her Washington, D.C., home. In contrast, Clinton is only seen and heard in roughly the last minute of Sunday’s video, which features testimony and footage from families, young workers and gay couples.


While she told voters in 2008 that she was “in to win,” Clinton told voters Sunday that she is “hitting the road to earn your vote, because it’s your time.”

2008年,她对选民说 “我来了,我要赢”;而这一次,她对选民说的却是“在这条路上我需要你们的选票,因为这是你们的时代”。

“I hope you’ll join me on this journey,” Clinton added.


Clinton’s announcement will be followed by visits in coming days to key early-voting states, including



It’s an intentionally low-key kickoff plotted by a campaign seeking to avoid the mistakes of Clinton’s failed 2008 quest for the Democratic presidential nomination. In 2007, the then-New York senator entered the race as the overwhelming favorite but ultimately lost ground to an insurgent candidate named Barack Obama amid the perception of an unwieldy campaign apparatus and her inability to personally connect with voters.


Eight years later, Clinton again enters the race as the overwhelming front-runner — albeit this time with no real challenger, so far. But instead of mounting the same shock-and-awe campaign aimed at scaring away potential opponents, Clinton’s strategists are said to be plotting a more humble approach to 2016 in hopes of winning over voters who complained eight years ago that she was inaccessible and distant. 八年之后,希拉里再次以压倒性优势回归,成为此次选举的领跑人。不过,到目前为止,尚未出现真正有实力的竞争对手。但是,不同于上一次用威慑力的竞选活动吓跑潜在对手,这一次她采取了“接地气”的策略,希望能赢回八年前因为她的高冷而对她不满的选民。

Formal confirmation of her candidacy first came in the form of emails from John Podesta, the presumptive chairman of her 2016 campaign, to donors, 2008 campaign staffers and members of Congress on Sunday. “I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me — it’s official: Hillary’s running for president,” he wrote in one missive. In another, he noted: “There will be a formal kickoff event next month.”


高三( )班 姓名:_____________ 学号:_________




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