

1. 陈述事物优点的常用句型

1)People have generally discovered several advantages in…, of which the most significant/obvious one is sth /that… ……有许多优点,其中最有意义、最明显的一个是…/从句

2) The advantages of … can be seen as the following. First of all, … Besides/Additionally/In addition, What’s more… …的优点可以从下面看出来。首先…,其次…

3) …is playing an increasing important role in people’s lives. For one thing … For another … …在人们生活中发挥着日益重要的作用。一方面…,另一方面…

4) As is often / frequently pointed out, it certainly helps people to solve / benefit … Besides all the advantages, it also brings other content that …. 如人们经常指出的那样,它可以帮助人们解决…/可以使人们从中获益。除了所有的优点,它也给人们带来…的满足感。

5) In spite of / Despite the disadvantages / side(/adverse) effects, it brings its compensating advantages / beneficial effects. 除了缺点/不利的影响,它也带来了优点/有益的影响。

6) Nothing / Few things / There is hardly anything can equal / match with / be compared with … in terms of … 关于…,没有什么/很少有/几乎没有什么事情能与…相提并论。

7) … has a positive/negative impact / influence / effect on people’s lives. …对人们的生活有积极的影响。

merits and demerits strength shortcoming/weakness

*see Education method: east and west.(Book 2)

The advantage of …is that …. Another advantage is …

However, there are drawbacks.

2. 陈述事物的缺点的常用句型

1)However, just like anything else, …has its negative side as well. 然而,同任何其他事情一样,… 也有其消极的一面。

2) In the meantime, we can not ignore the disadvantages of …


3) Nonetheless/ Nevertheless /However, the negative aspects of … are also apparent / obvious / evident. To begin with,… To make matter worse,… Worst of all, ….然而,…负面的影响也是非常明显的。首先,…。更糟糕的是,…。最糟糕的是…。

4) Like anything else, it has also its faults / shortcomings /disadvantages / weakness / problems / harmful effects. 同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。

5) However … just like anything else, it is not witho+ut limits / weakness / problems / faults / defects. The principal one is / For one thing, … Besides / For another, …同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。最主要的一个是…/一方面,…,另一方面….

6) As the proverb goes, every coin has its two side / every medal has its reverse, … is no exception.正如这句谚语所说的,每件食物都有两面,… 也不例外。


1) In my case, the advantages overweigh / carry more weight than the disadvantages. 我认为,优点多于缺点。

2) Anyway, I still hold … has more advantages than disadvantages. 不管怎样,我依然认为…的优点多于缺点。

3) However, I still believe … has more advantages than disadvantages.然而,我依然认为…的优点多于缺点。

4)But as far as I am concerned, I consider what is more important is its positive side.就我而言,我认为重要的是其积极的一面。

5) With its problems and the benefits exerted on us, I think what is more important is its positive side.对于其在我们身上产生的问题和好处,我认为最重要的是其积极的一面。

6) In fact/actually, the advantages of / gained in / derived from … far outweigh / are much greater than the disadvantages / problems … entails.. 事实上,由…产生/衍生的优点多于其产生的缺点。


1. 陈述事物优点的常用句型

1)People have generally discovered several advantages in…, of which the most significant/obvious one is sth /that… ……有许多优点,其中最有意义、最明显的一个是…/从句

2) The advantages of … can be seen as the following. First of all, … Besides/Additionally/In addition, What’s more… …的优点可以从下面看出来。首先…,其次…

3) …is playing an increasing important role in people’s lives. For one thing … For another … …在人们生活中发挥着日益重要的作用。一方面…,另一方面…

4) As is often / frequently pointed out, it certainly helps people to solve / benefit … Besides all the advantages, it also brings other content that …. 如人们经常指出的那样,它可以帮助人们解决…/可以使人们从中获益。除了所有的优点,它也给人们带来…的满足感。

5) In spite of / Despite the disadvantages / side(/adverse) effects, it brings its compensating advantages / beneficial effects. 除了缺点/不利的影响,它也带来了优点/有益的影响。

6) Nothing / Few things / There is hardly anything can equal / match with / be compared with … in terms of … 关于…,没有什么/很少有/几乎没有什么事情能与…相提并论。

7) … has a positive/negative impact / influence / effect on people’s lives. …对人们的生活有积极的影响。

merits and demerits strength shortcoming/weakness

*see Education method: east and west.(Book 2)

The advantage of …is that …. Another advantage is …

However, there are drawbacks.

2. 陈述事物的缺点的常用句型

1)However, just like anything else, …has its negative side as well. 然而,同任何其他事情一样,… 也有其消极的一面。

2) In the meantime, we can not ignore the disadvantages of …


3) Nonetheless/ Nevertheless /However, the negative aspects of … are also apparent / obvious / evident. To begin with,… To make matter worse,… Worst of all, ….然而,…负面的影响也是非常明显的。首先,…。更糟糕的是,…。最糟糕的是…。

4) Like anything else, it has also its faults / shortcomings /disadvantages / weakness / problems / harmful effects. 同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。

5) However … just like anything else, it is not witho+ut limits / weakness / problems / faults / defects. The principal one is / For one thing, … Besides / For another, …同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。最主要的一个是…/一方面,…,另一方面….

6) As the proverb goes, every coin has its two side / every medal has its reverse, … is no exception.正如这句谚语所说的,每件食物都有两面,… 也不例外。


1) In my case, the advantages overweigh / carry more weight than the disadvantages. 我认为,优点多于缺点。

2) Anyway, I still hold … has more advantages than disadvantages. 不管怎样,我依然认为…的优点多于缺点。

3) However, I still believe … has more advantages than disadvantages.然而,我依然认为…的优点多于缺点。

4)But as far as I am concerned, I consider what is more important is its positive side.就我而言,我认为重要的是其积极的一面。

5) With its problems and the benefits exerted on us, I think what is more important is its positive side.对于其在我们身上产生的问题和好处,我认为最重要的是其积极的一面。

6) In fact/actually, the advantages of / gained in / derived from … far outweigh / are much greater than the disadvantages / problems … entails.. 事实上,由…产生/衍生的优点多于其产生的缺点。


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