
The time when I freed myself

Good morning,everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about the way to deal with problems by saying them out. It will free ourselves.

When I was in my sixth grade, I joined in a competition which meant a lot to the students,it would help us go to a nice middle school that we all expected. At the time, I had confidence to get the honor for my good results in different fields. But I was still with a feeling of batterflies in my stomach. To my disappointment, my teacher didn’t choose me. How upset I felt! “It ’s unfair. I have tried my best to do everything well.” My world lost a bright, my heart was full of grievances. But I smiled to everyone as usual. I had to accept it as if nothing happened.

My mother found that something was wrong with me. She told me that I should not hide my feelings and encouraged me to face the problem bravly. Finally, I picked up the phone. I told my doubts , I vent my dissatisfaction , and I explained my expectation. I cried and cried when I made the call to my teacher. Though the result didn ’t change, I found that the pressure was disappearing little by little. I had expressed myself and I didn’t need to hide my sense of unhappy any more. When I say the problem out , I relaxed myself, I freed myself. In a good mood, I was admitted to an ideal school at last.

The most important thing was that I had took heart of grace to fight for my own. And I knew the way to solve problems was saying them out, discussing with others instead of keeping silent.

That ’s all .Thanks for listening!

The time when I freed myself

Good morning,everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about the way to deal with problems by saying them out. It will free ourselves.

When I was in my sixth grade, I joined in a competition which meant a lot to the students,it would help us go to a nice middle school that we all expected. At the time, I had confidence to get the honor for my good results in different fields. But I was still with a feeling of batterflies in my stomach. To my disappointment, my teacher didn’t choose me. How upset I felt! “It ’s unfair. I have tried my best to do everything well.” My world lost a bright, my heart was full of grievances. But I smiled to everyone as usual. I had to accept it as if nothing happened.

My mother found that something was wrong with me. She told me that I should not hide my feelings and encouraged me to face the problem bravly. Finally, I picked up the phone. I told my doubts , I vent my dissatisfaction , and I explained my expectation. I cried and cried when I made the call to my teacher. Though the result didn ’t change, I found that the pressure was disappearing little by little. I had expressed myself and I didn’t need to hide my sense of unhappy any more. When I say the problem out , I relaxed myself, I freed myself. In a good mood, I was admitted to an ideal school at last.

The most important thing was that I had took heart of grace to fight for my own. And I knew the way to solve problems was saying them out, discussing with others instead of keeping silent.

That ’s all .Thanks for listening!


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