
初三六班 张芊芊

Treat Others with Amicability

Amicability is the spring rain, let the soil become moist . Amicability is sunshine that to break the dark, shining all things.

I have heard such a story. One day, there was a thief walking into President Roosevelt's house to steal his money . Roosevelt didn't become angry after he knowing that, instead of it , he just said friendly : "The thief probably has some difficulties in his life, I don't hate him, and I thank him that he only stole my money, but didn't do harm to my life." Friendly and grateful made President Roosevelt handled a unlucky thing quickly.

Someone said that you can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. I felt it in my daily life a time and it made me unforgettable.

Once I have helped a girl who couldn't find her mother, she cried so sad. I dialed 110 and told the policeman about that. In the evening, her mother came to the police station. She was very grateful to me. So something you think that’s small ,but because of your kindness, let a person who you helped will remember you for a long time.

In buses, I often offer my seat to old people and children. They usually give me a big smile and say thanks to me.

Although the world is so big, but the world will be brighter and brighter as long as we treat everyone with kindness.

初三六班 张芊芊

Treat Others with Amicability

Amicability is the spring rain, let the soil become moist . Amicability is sunshine that to break the dark, shining all things.

I have heard such a story. One day, there was a thief walking into President Roosevelt's house to steal his money . Roosevelt didn't become angry after he knowing that, instead of it , he just said friendly : "The thief probably has some difficulties in his life, I don't hate him, and I thank him that he only stole my money, but didn't do harm to my life." Friendly and grateful made President Roosevelt handled a unlucky thing quickly.

Someone said that you can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. I felt it in my daily life a time and it made me unforgettable.

Once I have helped a girl who couldn't find her mother, she cried so sad. I dialed 110 and told the policeman about that. In the evening, her mother came to the police station. She was very grateful to me. So something you think that’s small ,but because of your kindness, let a person who you helped will remember you for a long time.

In buses, I often offer my seat to old people and children. They usually give me a big smile and say thanks to me.

Although the world is so big, but the world will be brighter and brighter as long as we treat everyone with kindness.


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