

例(1) 推荐有库存的货物






A Letter to Recommend Goods Available from Stock

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your order of June 1. We enclose a catalogue and price list. Meanwhile, we have also sent a catalogue of our range of tinned vegetables under separate cover, which we trust will reach you very soon.

We are sorry, however, that our tinned fruit products are in great demand at the moment, since it is in the middle of summer, which is our busiest season for fruit. Because of this, tinned peaches and grapefruit are in short supply, and we cannot satisfy all our customers' demands. In fact, our grapefruit products are almost out of supply.

We can recommend apricots, which fortunately we have in stock at the moment. You may be interested to know that our new discounts for bulk purchase came into effect on June 1st.

We would be please to receive your order very soon.

Yours faithfully,

例(2) 老定价优惠老客户


不幸的是,和其他供应商一样,自从你2年前向我们订购后,我们的价格已经上涨。这是由于原材料上涨所致。 不过,你会高兴得知,我们已经决定按照老定价向你供应这批订货,因为你曾是我们的老客户。


Old Price to Favour Old Client

Dear Mr. Henry,

Thank you very much and your order No.392.

Unfortunately, in common with other suppliers, our prices have risen since you placed an order with us two years ago. This is due to the rising cost of raw materials.

However, you will be pleased to hear that we have decided to supply your current order at the old price as you used to be our regular client. I will keep you fully informed about the progress of your order.

Yours sincerely,

(Ms. Addison Tanghal)

Sales Director

例(3) 与老客户恢复关系






A Letter to Renew Relation with an Old Client

Dear Sirs,

Looking though our records we note with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you since last October.

As you were one of our regular clients, we are very much concerned if you have been dissatisfied either with our goods or with the way in which we have handled your orders. Would you please fill out the enclosed reply card if you have encountered some problems with us? We will give your comments immediate attention.

We think you may you may be interested to know that we have recently been appointed agents for the sale in this country of the computers of three of the leading American manufacturers. Our stocks now include a wide range of first - class personal computers at very attractive prices. You will see from the catalogue enclosed that our prices are very much lower than those of other importers. In addition, we are offering very generous terms of payment.

We look forward to the pleasure of your renewed order.

Yours faithfully,

例(4) 推 销 商 品






周三、周四、周五 4月10日、11日、12日


A Letter to Promote the Sale of Products


Dear Customer: We said it and we mean it: NEVER WASH PANS AGAIN!

You can now do all your cooking in beautiful Ceramic Ware—cook and serve food in the same lovely dishes! Boil, fry, roast, bake—do it all in Ceramic Ware. Freeze food in the same dishes, if you wish. These beautiful utensils, made of the same amazing ceramic used in missile cones, can go from freezer to stove to table. You then slip them into the dishwasher or the sink with the other dishes. Never slave at scouring p

ans again.

Come see Ceramic Cookware Demonstrated

in Big Store's Housewares Department

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

April 10th, 11th, and 12th

Handle these Ceramic cook-and-serve pieces. Test and try them yourself. You'll be impressed by their practical and beautiful design, and more important of all the surprisingly reasonable prices.

Yours very truly,


例(1) 推荐有库存的货物






A Letter to Recommend Goods Available from Stock

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your order of June 1. We enclose a catalogue and price list. Meanwhile, we have also sent a catalogue of our range of tinned vegetables under separate cover, which we trust will reach you very soon.

We are sorry, however, that our tinned fruit products are in great demand at the moment, since it is in the middle of summer, which is our busiest season for fruit. Because of this, tinned peaches and grapefruit are in short supply, and we cannot satisfy all our customers' demands. In fact, our grapefruit products are almost out of supply.

We can recommend apricots, which fortunately we have in stock at the moment. You may be interested to know that our new discounts for bulk purchase came into effect on June 1st.

We would be please to receive your order very soon.

Yours faithfully,

例(2) 老定价优惠老客户


不幸的是,和其他供应商一样,自从你2年前向我们订购后,我们的价格已经上涨。这是由于原材料上涨所致。 不过,你会高兴得知,我们已经决定按照老定价向你供应这批订货,因为你曾是我们的老客户。


Old Price to Favour Old Client

Dear Mr. Henry,

Thank you very much and your order No.392.

Unfortunately, in common with other suppliers, our prices have risen since you placed an order with us two years ago. This is due to the rising cost of raw materials.

However, you will be pleased to hear that we have decided to supply your current order at the old price as you used to be our regular client. I will keep you fully informed about the progress of your order.

Yours sincerely,

(Ms. Addison Tanghal)

Sales Director

例(3) 与老客户恢复关系






A Letter to Renew Relation with an Old Client

Dear Sirs,

Looking though our records we note with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you since last October.

As you were one of our regular clients, we are very much concerned if you have been dissatisfied either with our goods or with the way in which we have handled your orders. Would you please fill out the enclosed reply card if you have encountered some problems with us? We will give your comments immediate attention.

We think you may you may be interested to know that we have recently been appointed agents for the sale in this country of the computers of three of the leading American manufacturers. Our stocks now include a wide range of first - class personal computers at very attractive prices. You will see from the catalogue enclosed that our prices are very much lower than those of other importers. In addition, we are offering very generous terms of payment.

We look forward to the pleasure of your renewed order.

Yours faithfully,

例(4) 推 销 商 品






周三、周四、周五 4月10日、11日、12日


A Letter to Promote the Sale of Products


Dear Customer: We said it and we mean it: NEVER WASH PANS AGAIN!

You can now do all your cooking in beautiful Ceramic Ware—cook and serve food in the same lovely dishes! Boil, fry, roast, bake—do it all in Ceramic Ware. Freeze food in the same dishes, if you wish. These beautiful utensils, made of the same amazing ceramic used in missile cones, can go from freezer to stove to table. You then slip them into the dishwasher or the sink with the other dishes. Never slave at scouring p

ans again.

Come see Ceramic Cookware Demonstrated

in Big Store's Housewares Department

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

April 10th, 11th, and 12th

Handle these Ceramic cook-and-serve pieces. Test and try them yourself. You'll be impressed by their practical and beautiful design, and more important of all the surprisingly reasonable prices.

Yours very truly,


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