英语社团计划 1


吉林省第二实验学校星光英语社团始建于2011年,系“阳光心理社团”的兄弟社团 。第一届指导教师为徐晓玲老师,组织担当王资文同学。社团本着培养兴趣,开拓视野,增强能力,全面发展的宗旨,积极参加学校的各项活动,认真开展每一次社团活动,得到了广大老师和同学的好评。校英语社团的活动,在注重口语表达的同时,也注重知识的学习,能力的加强,每一次活动都设有词汇学习和口语交流两部分,让社团成员在多方面得到了锻炼与发展。本社团的每一次活动均备有教案,准备仔细,严谨。每次活动也均有记录。此外,在本英语社团中,“人人有担当”,从组织到摄影,无时无处不诠释了责任与担当的含义,如今每一个人都在为了一个更好的社团而努力。






高兴能有机会与大家一起徜徉英语的海洋。英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,也是一种如歌的语言。随着社会的进步与发展,我们拥有了更多与外国人交流的机会。自然,熟练掌握英语的也就成了一条必备的素质。英语作为一种语言,是人们交流的工具,更是一种艺术,其中饱含了无限的乐趣与奥秘。喜爱英语,我们聚在一起,今后,我相信我们将共同学习,增长知识,培养能力,收获友谊,一道探索英语的奥秘与乐趣。 加油,让我们一起努力,我们在路上。



Activity Records

Teaching Plan 1

Word Part:

1. head n. 可表示一切的领导 (校长)

the head of … headmaster head teacher

2. delighted adj. (at/ with / by sth to do)

happy: satisfied or pleased [rather common] delighte d >pleased

3. have …with … [be with…]

It ’s a great pleasure to have Premier Wen Jiabao with us!

4. honor n. ( U.K honour)

n. 尊敬 respect: guests of honor 贵宾 荣幸 compare with pleasure

It ’s a great honor THAT we have invited Mrs. Xu to be our adviser.

[Subject Clause]

adj. deserve respect, respectable

We CONNOT say:

We are honorable that we have invited Mrs. Xu to be our adviser.

5. adviser n. 顾问

6. deputy OR vice

Also :associate 两者意义无实际差别,应用属搭配习惯。

7. The Second Experimental School of Jinlin Province

【do / conduct an 】 experiment (on sth) n. &v. 实验 conduct: v. 执行 实施 also: do / conduct a survey 8. society n.

a group of people who have gathered together for a particular purpose ▲association [more official] NBA ▲club [for fun or sports]

Chatting Part:

T oday ’s topic:

Make self-introductions; Introduce yourselves.

After learning, I wanna say,

Teaching Plan 2

Word Part:

1. expert n. &adj [at/in (doing) sth]

▲ adv: expertly eg: He stopped the car expertly. equal to master

2. equal ['i:kwəl]

adj. 相同的,平等的 Every has an equal chance.

be equal to sb/sth : A coin is equal to ten cents. v. A coin is equal to ten cents.= A coin equals ten cents.

equal the world’s record Cooperation equals success! [means] ▲ n. equality [i:'kwɔl ət ɪ] equality between men and women ▲ adv. equally ['i:kwəli]

Food and fruit are equally important. [as…as] 平等的,同样的 They shared the housework equally. 平均的

3. master n. &v.

n. 能手,大师,师傅 [of sth ] v.t 精通,掌握 [master sth]

4. carry out [v.+adv.]

to do sth you have said you will do 把…付诸行动,执行,落实,实施 carry out an order/a plan/a promise.

5. promise n. &v.

n. make/keep a promise that…/to do… 许下/恪守诺言

break/go back on a promise 违背诺言

v. promise sb sth /~ sth to sb/~(sb.) to do/~(sb.) that… I promise (you) ! = Cross my heart! 我发誓

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Do you think watching CCTV-NEWS is a good way to improve you English, and why?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 3

Word Part:

1. wave n. &v.

n. 波浪 eg: Huge waves were 浪潮,心潮 a wave of anger/violence 一股愤怒/暴力的浪潮 sound waves 声波 v. 挥动(手) vt. wave his arms vi

wave to/at sb = give sb. a wave向某人挥手[to和at 无区别,但to 更常用]

2. justice n. the fair treatment of people 一视同仁,公平公正,正义 ▲ adj. just [usually before noun] 公正的,正义的, 合理的,正当的

a just decision/ society 一个公正的决定/社会 a just punishment 应有的惩罚

3. confidence n . u. [have confidence in sb/sth] eg: All the players have confidence in the coach. ▲ adj. confident [be confident of sth/that clause] eg: All the players are confident of the coach.

4. patient n. &adj.

n. 病人

adj. 有耐心的 [patient with sb/sth]

▲adv. patiently ▲n. patience

have / lose / be out of / run out of patience with sb/sth have / lose / be out of / run out of patience to do

do sth with patience eg: He teaches me with patience.

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Do you think watching CCTV-NEWS is a good way to improve you English, and why?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 4

Word Part:

1. treat v.

(1) 对待 [treat sb/sth with sth]

treat people with care/respect 对人关心/尊敬


treat sb as sth=regard sb as sth=consider sb (as) sth=look on sb as sth

eg: I treat/regard/consider/look on you as a good person.

2. consider v.

consider sb (as) sth 视某人为…

考虑[=think about] consider sth / doing sth 认为 consider wh- / that clause

▲consideration n. be under consideration 在考虑中 Eg: Your question is now under consideration.

▲ considering prep. &conj. 考虑到,鉴于,就……而言 Eg: She knows a lot , considering her age.

Considering he’s just a little boy , I forgave him.

3. all kinds of “think ” 小结表示“认为”的词 Sb think / believe / suppose / assume +that clause Sb hold / take(hold) the view(opinion) / be of the opinion +that clause

Sb deem / feel +that clause [not often used]

4. cover v. &n.

v.t ① 覆盖 [cover sb/sth with sth] eg: The snow covered the ground. She covered her face with her hands.

▲ cover sth over 完全覆盖

② 包含,涉及

eg: This book covered lots of subjects. ③ 行走(not passive) +distance eg: We have covered thirty miles.

n. ①封皮 on the cover the front/back cover cover girl 封面女郎

②覆盖 forest/snow cover 森林/积雪覆盖 under cover of sth/sb 在„的掩护下

eg: Under cover of darkness, we succeeded in entering the room.

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Nowadays, global warming has become a problem that we have to face.

Obviously , the environment is becoming worse and worse. To protect the earth, what can we do? What’s your opinion?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 5

Word Part:

1. distance n. 距离

a long/short distance the distance to/from/between… keep one’s distance from sb/sth 与„保持距离

keep the distance 保持距离(车距)

▲in the distance far away but still able to be seen or heard Eg: We saw a cat in the distance. . ▲ adj. distant

2. obviously adv. 显然

eg: Obviously, he is a good boy. He is obviously angly. ▲adj. obvious = It’s obvious that… [ subject clause ]


president 总统 premier 总理 mayor 市长 director 局长,主任

governor 省长 minister 部长 (ministry, department 部) 副:Vice-: vice-president vice-premier vice-minister vice-governor

Deputy: deputy deputy head deputy mayor

前:former + president ……

4. occasion n. 场合, 重大活动, 盛典 a great/happy occasion

eg: I have met her on occasions.

Chatting Part:

T oday ’s topic:

Exchange ideas of learning English!

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 6

Word Part:

1. cooperate co=com→together operate →work/perform ▲ v. 合作, 配合cooperate with sb in sth / cooperate to do sth ▲ n. cooperation [ ~ between A and B / with sb ] ▲ adj. cooperative eg: The people are cooperative ▲ adv. Cooperatively

2. research v. &n.

v.t/v.i. 研究,(探讨,调查) research (into /on/in) sth. ★ n.u. do / conduct / undertake research into/on sb/sth

3. mind n. &v.

v. mind one’s/sb doing sth

—Sorry —Never mind! [没关系]

—W e ’ve missed the train!—Never mind! Another train is coming [不要


n. 头脑,心思[抽象]

state of mind 心境,思想状态

keep one’s mind on sth = put one’s mind to sth 专心于… To my mind , …… 依我看

4. soul n. 灵魂

▲ the soul of… …的典范,化身 the soul of justice 正义的化身

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Try to talk about a picture!

Our Words,


吉林省第二实验学校星光英语社团始建于2011年,系“阳光心理社团”的兄弟社团 。第一届指导教师为徐晓玲老师,组织担当王资文同学。社团本着培养兴趣,开拓视野,增强能力,全面发展的宗旨,积极参加学校的各项活动,认真开展每一次社团活动,得到了广大老师和同学的好评。校英语社团的活动,在注重口语表达的同时,也注重知识的学习,能力的加强,每一次活动都设有词汇学习和口语交流两部分,让社团成员在多方面得到了锻炼与发展。本社团的每一次活动均备有教案,准备仔细,严谨。每次活动也均有记录。此外,在本英语社团中,“人人有担当”,从组织到摄影,无时无处不诠释了责任与担当的含义,如今每一个人都在为了一个更好的社团而努力。






高兴能有机会与大家一起徜徉英语的海洋。英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,也是一种如歌的语言。随着社会的进步与发展,我们拥有了更多与外国人交流的机会。自然,熟练掌握英语的也就成了一条必备的素质。英语作为一种语言,是人们交流的工具,更是一种艺术,其中饱含了无限的乐趣与奥秘。喜爱英语,我们聚在一起,今后,我相信我们将共同学习,增长知识,培养能力,收获友谊,一道探索英语的奥秘与乐趣。 加油,让我们一起努力,我们在路上。



Activity Records

Teaching Plan 1

Word Part:

1. head n. 可表示一切的领导 (校长)

the head of … headmaster head teacher

2. delighted adj. (at/ with / by sth to do)

happy: satisfied or pleased [rather common] delighte d >pleased

3. have …with … [be with…]

It ’s a great pleasure to have Premier Wen Jiabao with us!

4. honor n. ( U.K honour)

n. 尊敬 respect: guests of honor 贵宾 荣幸 compare with pleasure

It ’s a great honor THAT we have invited Mrs. Xu to be our adviser.

[Subject Clause]

adj. deserve respect, respectable

We CONNOT say:

We are honorable that we have invited Mrs. Xu to be our adviser.

5. adviser n. 顾问

6. deputy OR vice

Also :associate 两者意义无实际差别,应用属搭配习惯。

7. The Second Experimental School of Jinlin Province

【do / conduct an 】 experiment (on sth) n. &v. 实验 conduct: v. 执行 实施 also: do / conduct a survey 8. society n.

a group of people who have gathered together for a particular purpose ▲association [more official] NBA ▲club [for fun or sports]

Chatting Part:

T oday ’s topic:

Make self-introductions; Introduce yourselves.

After learning, I wanna say,

Teaching Plan 2

Word Part:

1. expert n. &adj [at/in (doing) sth]

▲ adv: expertly eg: He stopped the car expertly. equal to master

2. equal ['i:kwəl]

adj. 相同的,平等的 Every has an equal chance.

be equal to sb/sth : A coin is equal to ten cents. v. A coin is equal to ten cents.= A coin equals ten cents.

equal the world’s record Cooperation equals success! [means] ▲ n. equality [i:'kwɔl ət ɪ] equality between men and women ▲ adv. equally ['i:kwəli]

Food and fruit are equally important. [as…as] 平等的,同样的 They shared the housework equally. 平均的

3. master n. &v.

n. 能手,大师,师傅 [of sth ] v.t 精通,掌握 [master sth]

4. carry out [v.+adv.]

to do sth you have said you will do 把…付诸行动,执行,落实,实施 carry out an order/a plan/a promise.

5. promise n. &v.

n. make/keep a promise that…/to do… 许下/恪守诺言

break/go back on a promise 违背诺言

v. promise sb sth /~ sth to sb/~(sb.) to do/~(sb.) that… I promise (you) ! = Cross my heart! 我发誓

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Do you think watching CCTV-NEWS is a good way to improve you English, and why?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 3

Word Part:

1. wave n. &v.

n. 波浪 eg: Huge waves were 浪潮,心潮 a wave of anger/violence 一股愤怒/暴力的浪潮 sound waves 声波 v. 挥动(手) vt. wave his arms vi

wave to/at sb = give sb. a wave向某人挥手[to和at 无区别,但to 更常用]

2. justice n. the fair treatment of people 一视同仁,公平公正,正义 ▲ adj. just [usually before noun] 公正的,正义的, 合理的,正当的

a just decision/ society 一个公正的决定/社会 a just punishment 应有的惩罚

3. confidence n . u. [have confidence in sb/sth] eg: All the players have confidence in the coach. ▲ adj. confident [be confident of sth/that clause] eg: All the players are confident of the coach.

4. patient n. &adj.

n. 病人

adj. 有耐心的 [patient with sb/sth]

▲adv. patiently ▲n. patience

have / lose / be out of / run out of patience with sb/sth have / lose / be out of / run out of patience to do

do sth with patience eg: He teaches me with patience.

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Do you think watching CCTV-NEWS is a good way to improve you English, and why?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 4

Word Part:

1. treat v.

(1) 对待 [treat sb/sth with sth]

treat people with care/respect 对人关心/尊敬


treat sb as sth=regard sb as sth=consider sb (as) sth=look on sb as sth

eg: I treat/regard/consider/look on you as a good person.

2. consider v.

consider sb (as) sth 视某人为…

考虑[=think about] consider sth / doing sth 认为 consider wh- / that clause

▲consideration n. be under consideration 在考虑中 Eg: Your question is now under consideration.

▲ considering prep. &conj. 考虑到,鉴于,就……而言 Eg: She knows a lot , considering her age.

Considering he’s just a little boy , I forgave him.

3. all kinds of “think ” 小结表示“认为”的词 Sb think / believe / suppose / assume +that clause Sb hold / take(hold) the view(opinion) / be of the opinion +that clause

Sb deem / feel +that clause [not often used]

4. cover v. &n.

v.t ① 覆盖 [cover sb/sth with sth] eg: The snow covered the ground. She covered her face with her hands.

▲ cover sth over 完全覆盖

② 包含,涉及

eg: This book covered lots of subjects. ③ 行走(not passive) +distance eg: We have covered thirty miles.

n. ①封皮 on the cover the front/back cover cover girl 封面女郎

②覆盖 forest/snow cover 森林/积雪覆盖 under cover of sth/sb 在„的掩护下

eg: Under cover of darkness, we succeeded in entering the room.

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Nowadays, global warming has become a problem that we have to face.

Obviously , the environment is becoming worse and worse. To protect the earth, what can we do? What’s your opinion?

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 5

Word Part:

1. distance n. 距离

a long/short distance the distance to/from/between… keep one’s distance from sb/sth 与„保持距离

keep the distance 保持距离(车距)

▲in the distance far away but still able to be seen or heard Eg: We saw a cat in the distance. . ▲ adj. distant

2. obviously adv. 显然

eg: Obviously, he is a good boy. He is obviously angly. ▲adj. obvious = It’s obvious that… [ subject clause ]


president 总统 premier 总理 mayor 市长 director 局长,主任

governor 省长 minister 部长 (ministry, department 部) 副:Vice-: vice-president vice-premier vice-minister vice-governor

Deputy: deputy deputy head deputy mayor

前:former + president ……

4. occasion n. 场合, 重大活动, 盛典 a great/happy occasion

eg: I have met her on occasions.

Chatting Part:

T oday ’s topic:

Exchange ideas of learning English!

Our opinions,

Teaching Plan 6

Word Part:

1. cooperate co=com→together operate →work/perform ▲ v. 合作, 配合cooperate with sb in sth / cooperate to do sth ▲ n. cooperation [ ~ between A and B / with sb ] ▲ adj. cooperative eg: The people are cooperative ▲ adv. Cooperatively

2. research v. &n.

v.t/v.i. 研究,(探讨,调查) research (into /on/in) sth. ★ n.u. do / conduct / undertake research into/on sb/sth

3. mind n. &v.

v. mind one’s/sb doing sth

—Sorry —Never mind! [没关系]

—W e ’ve missed the train!—Never mind! Another train is coming [不要


n. 头脑,心思[抽象]

state of mind 心境,思想状态

keep one’s mind on sth = put one’s mind to sth 专心于… To my mind , …… 依我看

4. soul n. 灵魂

▲ the soul of… …的典范,化身 the soul of justice 正义的化身

Chatting Part: T oday ’s topic:

Try to talk about a picture!

Our Words,


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