


at I



very goodbye bye in friend rabbit it a book not

who an chair

ruler and cat zoo bird yes no

dog his good panda home she are fine thank my mother he father brother about me sister grandmother

family ice cream


family he his what who father she her how

How are you ? I’m fine thanks。 How about me ? You’ Is this a panda ? Yes , it is./No,it isn’

What ’s this ? It’ Who is she ? She is my mother /sister /grandmother/friend.

Who is he ? He is my father /brother /grandfather /friend.


Hi Hello Goodbye bye

What ’ I ’m Tony . What ’s this ? It ’And this ? Oh,it ’

No,it isn’ Who is she ? How are you ? I ’ 三,写出下列单词的缩写形式。

is not = Who ’ You are =

四,用a an填空。

elephant ruler apple desk fish

hat book table monkey lion girl


A .bird B. father C. pen D. tiger E. mother F. pencil

G . book H . lion I .brother . J .sister . K. ruler L. panda .

M. grandfather . N grandmother .

1, 动物类: ,学习用具类: 家庭成员类: 六,填空。

1,What your name ? 2,Nice meet you.

3,Hello, I MS Black. ’s this ? It’s book. 7,It ’s red apple .

8,It ’s elephant. 9,It ’s fish.

9, this a tiger? Yes ,it is. is she . She is my mother .

11, What’ 12,It ’s chair.

name is Tony . 14.What your name ?

15. You my friend. 16.Is it apple ?

17.Who is ? She is my mother . 18 .This is grandmother .

19, Nice to meet . 20 This my father .

name is Xiao Qiang . is she ? She is my mother .


( )1,A . father B. brother . C. friend .

( )2,A . desk B. pen. C. his .

( )3,A . bird B. sister . C. cat .

( )4,A . grandmother B. name . C. grandfather

( )5,A . me B. who C. what

( )6,A . goodbye B. bye C. dog

( )7,A . monkey B. hello. C. hi .

( )8,A . ruler B. rabbit. C. book .

( )9,A . desk B. apple. C. friend .

( )10,A . father B. brother . C. banana.



at I



very goodbye bye in friend rabbit it a book not

who an chair

ruler and cat zoo bird yes no

dog his good panda home she are fine thank my mother he father brother about me sister grandmother

family ice cream


family he his what who father she her how

How are you ? I’m fine thanks。 How about me ? You’ Is this a panda ? Yes , it is./No,it isn’

What ’s this ? It’ Who is she ? She is my mother /sister /grandmother/friend.

Who is he ? He is my father /brother /grandfather /friend.


Hi Hello Goodbye bye

What ’ I ’m Tony . What ’s this ? It ’And this ? Oh,it ’

No,it isn’ Who is she ? How are you ? I ’ 三,写出下列单词的缩写形式。

is not = Who ’ You are =

四,用a an填空。

elephant ruler apple desk fish

hat book table monkey lion girl


A .bird B. father C. pen D. tiger E. mother F. pencil

G . book H . lion I .brother . J .sister . K. ruler L. panda .

M. grandfather . N grandmother .

1, 动物类: ,学习用具类: 家庭成员类: 六,填空。

1,What your name ? 2,Nice meet you.

3,Hello, I MS Black. ’s this ? It’s book. 7,It ’s red apple .

8,It ’s elephant. 9,It ’s fish.

9, this a tiger? Yes ,it is. is she . She is my mother .

11, What’ 12,It ’s chair.

name is Tony . 14.What your name ?

15. You my friend. 16.Is it apple ?

17.Who is ? She is my mother . 18 .This is grandmother .

19, Nice to meet . 20 This my father .

name is Xiao Qiang . is she ? She is my mother .


( )1,A . father B. brother . C. friend .

( )2,A . desk B. pen. C. his .

( )3,A . bird B. sister . C. cat .

( )4,A . grandmother B. name . C. grandfather

( )5,A . me B. who C. what

( )6,A . goodbye B. bye C. dog

( )7,A . monkey B. hello. C. hi .

( )8,A . ruler B. rabbit. C. book .

( )9,A . desk B. apple. C. friend .

( )10,A . father B. brother . C. banana.


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