高一上册 知识点归纳 (单句改错练习)

高一英语知识点归纳 (单句改错练习)

1.I don’t enjoy singing, so do I like computer.

2.The sweater is too much large for me.

3.He feels lonely when he is lonely.

4.Tom is considered to be a honest man.

5.John is considering to go abroad.

6.They made the boy to stand outside for an hour.

7.He spoke aloud so that he could make himself to understand.

8.You can listen to English songs in the radio.

9.Who knows the answer of this question?

10.The accident was happened on a cold morning.

11.Great changes have been taken place in our hometown.

12.I have some difficulty in spell the words.

13.The book is very popular by the children.

14.I was about to go to bed while the bell rang.

15.Lucy as well as her parents were invited to the party.

16.Neither Jim nor his parents has been to the Great Wall.

17.Please say “sorry” for Bob for me. 18Don’t spend much tome to watch TV.

19.It took him half an hour finishing his homework.

20.They have got married for ten years.

21She was married with a man with much money.

22.The teacher told us to practise speak English every day.

23.He owed his progress for his mother.

24.She is only a seven- years- old girl.

25.When told the news, he couldn’t help cry.

26.They think high of this film.

27.He apologized for me for losing my bike.

28.Can you introduce your friend for me.

29.The boy made a good impression to me.

30.I has had an apple, but I want the second one.

31.It’s impolite for you to shout at the old man.

32.Mr Wang gave us some advices on how to learn English.

33.I called at one of my friends yesterday.

34.I prefer to stay at home rather than to go to the cinema.

35.He prefers reading to play computer games.

36. The road under repair now.

37. The town was almost in ruin in the earthquake.

38.. We will do everything what we can to help you.

39. It is foolish for him to make such a mistake.

40. The match is very worth watching.

41. They don’t allow to make any noise.

42 The children are not allowed smoking.

43. It is necessary for us to learn how to use computer in modern time.

44. The old man is popular by the childre.

45.11. She did what she could improve her English.

高一英语知识点归纳 (单句改错练习)

1.I don’t enjoy singing, so do I like computer.

2.The sweater is too much large for me.

3.He feels lonely when he is lonely.

4.Tom is considered to be a honest man.

5.John is considering to go abroad.

6.They made the boy to stand outside for an hour.

7.He spoke aloud so that he could make himself to understand.

8.You can listen to English songs in the radio.

9.Who knows the answer of this question?

10.The accident was happened on a cold morning.

11.Great changes have been taken place in our hometown.

12.I have some difficulty in spell the words.

13.The book is very popular by the children.

14.I was about to go to bed while the bell rang.

15.Lucy as well as her parents were invited to the party.

16.Neither Jim nor his parents has been to the Great Wall.

17.Please say “sorry” for Bob for me. 18Don’t spend much tome to watch TV.

19.It took him half an hour finishing his homework.

20.They have got married for ten years.

21She was married with a man with much money.

22.The teacher told us to practise speak English every day.

23.He owed his progress for his mother.

24.She is only a seven- years- old girl.

25.When told the news, he couldn’t help cry.

26.They think high of this film.

27.He apologized for me for losing my bike.

28.Can you introduce your friend for me.

29.The boy made a good impression to me.

30.I has had an apple, but I want the second one.

31.It’s impolite for you to shout at the old man.

32.Mr Wang gave us some advices on how to learn English.

33.I called at one of my friends yesterday.

34.I prefer to stay at home rather than to go to the cinema.

35.He prefers reading to play computer games.

36. The road under repair now.

37. The town was almost in ruin in the earthquake.

38.. We will do everything what we can to help you.

39. It is foolish for him to make such a mistake.

40. The match is very worth watching.

41. They don’t allow to make any noise.

42 The children are not allowed smoking.

43. It is necessary for us to learn how to use computer in modern time.

44. The old man is popular by the childre.

45.11. She did what she could improve her English.


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