北京科技大学车辆工程 聂余(中英文2003版)

地址:北京科技大学11斋 434室 100083

电话:186-1035-0170 邮箱:[email protected] 政治面貌:中共党员

聂 余 2011.09-2014.01 北京科技大学 车辆工程 硕士(免试) 排名:10/48 职务:党支部书记

(研究方向:整车结构与性能分析、汽车传动系统设计与仿真) 2007.09-2011.07 北京科技大学 车辆工程 学士 排名:5/61 职务:班长

英语:CET-6,有良好的听说读写能力,能运用英语进行日常交流 计算机:国家计算机二级;熟练使用Office、Autocad、Solidworks、Romax等软件

驾驶技能:驾驶证C1,具备良好的驾驶能力 个人技能 2012.11-2013.02 北京奔驰汽车有限公司 一工厂发动机/桥车间 工程师助理

 采用C-value标准,完成3线共计50人的工时测量;

 通过优化,将漆标由496个缩减到200个以下,平均缩短了每个工位7秒的走动时间;

 控制每个工人5min节拍,最终将Value时间比值由58%增至70%,成果得到领导好评。

2012.06-2012.09 北京波尔卡汽车信息咨询有限公司 实习生

 参与奥迪项目,负责数据收集及分析,完成2016年经销商数量、位置规划;

 参与东风日产市场调研项目,负责10大竞争品牌经销商统计与整理工作。

2010.08-2010.09 北京现代汽车有限公司 发动机工厂生产管理部 实习生

 在工程科完成生产计划报表;在物流科验收零件并拆包入库,向装配线配送零件;

 工作认真,与同事相处融洽,被评为优秀实习生。 学生工作 2011.09-至今 北京科技大学机研11车辆党支部 支部书记

 组织召开预备党员发展大会及转正大会;组织党日活动,开展“红色1+1”活动。

2009.10-2010.02 北科大-华南理工大学交流队 队长

 负责30人团队的学习及生活管理;组织两校学生间的篮球比赛、汽车彩绘大赛、知识竞答等活动;

2009.05-2009.09 HONDA本田节能车大赛北科大代表队(车身组) 组长

 负责节能车车身的设计;联系合适的生产厂家


2008.08-2008.09 2008北京奥运会 城市志愿者

2013.06-2013.12 硕士论文:30T铰接式矿用自卸车驱动桥的设计与优化

 设计30T铰接车全时六驱传动系统驱动桥,建立虚拟样机模型;

 进行传动齿轮及轴承疲劳强度分析,并结合工程实践进行优化。

2013.03-2013.07 徐工集团30T、45T铰接式矿用自卸车的设计

 负责传动系统的匹配、驱动桥的设计,齿轮及轴承的疲劳强度分析以及桥壳的有限元分析与优化。

2011.11-2012.01 徐工集团300吨矿用自卸车设计

 独立设计300吨走台、扶梯、护栏等覆盖件,完成覆盖件与驾驶室、进排气管道、车架的干涉检查。 2011.07-2011.09 北汽福田190吨、广州电力机车220吨矿用自卸车设计

 独立完成车架、货箱的设计工作,绘制2D/3D工程图,完成强度校核与干涉验证。


2012.09 国家研究生奖学金一等 2011.08 校级优秀共青团干部 2011.06 校级三好毕业生 2010.09 北京现代优秀实习生  2010.06 校级三好学生  2009.07

人民奖学金二等奖  2008.10 院级演讲比赛二等奖  2008.06 校级优秀团员

Phone:186-1035-0170|Email:[email protected]

Language: CET- 6

Job Objective: Vehicle development and engineering related position

Education 2011.09- Present University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Master Beijing 2007.09-2011.06 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Bachelor Beijing Experience

2012.11-2013.02 Beijing Benz co. Ltd Engine Plant 1(MTM Optimization) Assistant

 Based on C-Value standard, the group leader of line 3 and I finished the working time measurement and

analysis, which includes 26 stations and 50 workers.

 Based on the analysis, we successfully made some optimizations, including reducing paint marks from 496

to 200 and saving 7 seconds of walking time for each station. Finally, we managed to increase the value time

portion from 58% to 70%.

2012.06-2012.09 Beijing Polk-Catarc Vehicle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Intern

 Participated in Audi market project, assisted experts to deal with the date collected;

2010.08-2010.09 BHMC Engine Production Management Department Intern

 Assisted monitor to finish daily production planning report in engineering department.

 Engaged in some logistic work, like receive, unpack and warehouse parts; supply assembly line based on

production plan and actual situation.


2013.3-2013.7 Design 30t,45t mining car for XuZhou Construction Machinery Group

 Designed the drive axle, analyzed the fatigue strength of all gears and bearings based on Romax Designer;

finite element analysis of driving axle housing and Optimization.

2011.7-2011.9 Design 190t mining car for Beiqi Foton

 Designed the frame and the packing box of the car. Finished the 2D/3D engineering drawing with AutoCAD

and Solidworks. And checked the strength with Ansys.

Extracurricular activities 2012.11 Beijing Imported Auto Exhibition Ticket Group Leader

 Prepare the ticket group’s booking process, arrange work shifts.

 Report tickets sales condition to organizers, and together with them to deal with unexpected issues.

2009.10-2010.02 USTB-SCUT Exchange Team Captain

 Studied in South China University of Technology as an exchange for 1 term, and was chosen as the

USTB-SCUT exchange team captain.

 Organized activities together with the students from SCUT, including basketball matches, car painting

competition, vehicle knowledge completion and other activities.

2009.05-2009.09 Honda Energy-Saving Car Competition

 Responsible for energy-saving car body design with two other students.

 Search for the right supplier, negotiate about the price of materials and processing cost

2008.08-2008.09 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer

 During the games I offered services including language translation, consulting, medical help, etc.


“Triple A” student;Excellent league Member;Outstanding Youth League cadres; People's scholarship Second Prize; BHMC Outstanding Intern; Outstanding Graduates of USTB Exemption; Recommended Postgraduate Qualification.


Nie Yu Computer Skills: Passed the National Computer Secondary Examination; Familiar with MS Office, Auto CAD, Solidworks and Romax

地址:北京科技大学11斋 434室 100083

电话:186-1035-0170 邮箱:[email protected] 政治面貌:中共党员

聂 余 2011.09-2014.01 北京科技大学 车辆工程 硕士(免试) 排名:10/48 职务:党支部书记

(研究方向:整车结构与性能分析、汽车传动系统设计与仿真) 2007.09-2011.07 北京科技大学 车辆工程 学士 排名:5/61 职务:班长

英语:CET-6,有良好的听说读写能力,能运用英语进行日常交流 计算机:国家计算机二级;熟练使用Office、Autocad、Solidworks、Romax等软件

驾驶技能:驾驶证C1,具备良好的驾驶能力 个人技能 2012.11-2013.02 北京奔驰汽车有限公司 一工厂发动机/桥车间 工程师助理

 采用C-value标准,完成3线共计50人的工时测量;

 通过优化,将漆标由496个缩减到200个以下,平均缩短了每个工位7秒的走动时间;

 控制每个工人5min节拍,最终将Value时间比值由58%增至70%,成果得到领导好评。

2012.06-2012.09 北京波尔卡汽车信息咨询有限公司 实习生

 参与奥迪项目,负责数据收集及分析,完成2016年经销商数量、位置规划;

 参与东风日产市场调研项目,负责10大竞争品牌经销商统计与整理工作。

2010.08-2010.09 北京现代汽车有限公司 发动机工厂生产管理部 实习生

 在工程科完成生产计划报表;在物流科验收零件并拆包入库,向装配线配送零件;

 工作认真,与同事相处融洽,被评为优秀实习生。 学生工作 2011.09-至今 北京科技大学机研11车辆党支部 支部书记

 组织召开预备党员发展大会及转正大会;组织党日活动,开展“红色1+1”活动。

2009.10-2010.02 北科大-华南理工大学交流队 队长

 负责30人团队的学习及生活管理;组织两校学生间的篮球比赛、汽车彩绘大赛、知识竞答等活动;

2009.05-2009.09 HONDA本田节能车大赛北科大代表队(车身组) 组长

 负责节能车车身的设计;联系合适的生产厂家


2008.08-2008.09 2008北京奥运会 城市志愿者

2013.06-2013.12 硕士论文:30T铰接式矿用自卸车驱动桥的设计与优化

 设计30T铰接车全时六驱传动系统驱动桥,建立虚拟样机模型;

 进行传动齿轮及轴承疲劳强度分析,并结合工程实践进行优化。

2013.03-2013.07 徐工集团30T、45T铰接式矿用自卸车的设计

 负责传动系统的匹配、驱动桥的设计,齿轮及轴承的疲劳强度分析以及桥壳的有限元分析与优化。

2011.11-2012.01 徐工集团300吨矿用自卸车设计

 独立设计300吨走台、扶梯、护栏等覆盖件,完成覆盖件与驾驶室、进排气管道、车架的干涉检查。 2011.07-2011.09 北汽福田190吨、广州电力机车220吨矿用自卸车设计

 独立完成车架、货箱的设计工作,绘制2D/3D工程图,完成强度校核与干涉验证。


2012.09 国家研究生奖学金一等 2011.08 校级优秀共青团干部 2011.06 校级三好毕业生 2010.09 北京现代优秀实习生  2010.06 校级三好学生  2009.07

人民奖学金二等奖  2008.10 院级演讲比赛二等奖  2008.06 校级优秀团员

Phone:186-1035-0170|Email:[email protected]

Language: CET- 6

Job Objective: Vehicle development and engineering related position

Education 2011.09- Present University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Master Beijing 2007.09-2011.06 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Bachelor Beijing Experience

2012.11-2013.02 Beijing Benz co. Ltd Engine Plant 1(MTM Optimization) Assistant

 Based on C-Value standard, the group leader of line 3 and I finished the working time measurement and

analysis, which includes 26 stations and 50 workers.

 Based on the analysis, we successfully made some optimizations, including reducing paint marks from 496

to 200 and saving 7 seconds of walking time for each station. Finally, we managed to increase the value time

portion from 58% to 70%.

2012.06-2012.09 Beijing Polk-Catarc Vehicle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Intern

 Participated in Audi market project, assisted experts to deal with the date collected;

2010.08-2010.09 BHMC Engine Production Management Department Intern

 Assisted monitor to finish daily production planning report in engineering department.

 Engaged in some logistic work, like receive, unpack and warehouse parts; supply assembly line based on

production plan and actual situation.


2013.3-2013.7 Design 30t,45t mining car for XuZhou Construction Machinery Group

 Designed the drive axle, analyzed the fatigue strength of all gears and bearings based on Romax Designer;

finite element analysis of driving axle housing and Optimization.

2011.7-2011.9 Design 190t mining car for Beiqi Foton

 Designed the frame and the packing box of the car. Finished the 2D/3D engineering drawing with AutoCAD

and Solidworks. And checked the strength with Ansys.

Extracurricular activities 2012.11 Beijing Imported Auto Exhibition Ticket Group Leader

 Prepare the ticket group’s booking process, arrange work shifts.

 Report tickets sales condition to organizers, and together with them to deal with unexpected issues.

2009.10-2010.02 USTB-SCUT Exchange Team Captain

 Studied in South China University of Technology as an exchange for 1 term, and was chosen as the

USTB-SCUT exchange team captain.

 Organized activities together with the students from SCUT, including basketball matches, car painting

competition, vehicle knowledge completion and other activities.

2009.05-2009.09 Honda Energy-Saving Car Competition

 Responsible for energy-saving car body design with two other students.

 Search for the right supplier, negotiate about the price of materials and processing cost

2008.08-2008.09 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer

 During the games I offered services including language translation, consulting, medical help, etc.


“Triple A” student;Excellent league Member;Outstanding Youth League cadres; People's scholarship Second Prize; BHMC Outstanding Intern; Outstanding Graduates of USTB Exemption; Recommended Postgraduate Qualification.


Nie Yu Computer Skills: Passed the National Computer Secondary Examination; Familiar with MS Office, Auto CAD, Solidworks and Romax


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