地址:北京科技大学11斋 434室 100083
电话:186-1035-0170 邮箱:[email protected] 政治面貌:中共党员
聂 余 2011.09-2014.01 北京科技大学 车辆工程 硕士(免试) 排名:10/48 职务:党支部书记
(研究方向:整车结构与性能分析、汽车传动系统设计与仿真) 2007.09-2011.07 北京科技大学 车辆工程 学士 排名:5/61 职务:班长
英语:CET-6,有良好的听说读写能力,能运用英语进行日常交流 计算机:国家计算机二级;熟练使用Office、Autocad、Solidworks、Romax等软件
驾驶技能:驾驶证C1,具备良好的驾驶能力 个人技能 2012.11-2013.02 北京奔驰汽车有限公司 一工厂发动机/桥车间 工程师助理
2012.06-2012.09 北京波尔卡汽车信息咨询有限公司 实习生
2010.08-2010.09 北京现代汽车有限公司 发动机工厂生产管理部 实习生
工作认真,与同事相处融洽,被评为优秀实习生。 学生工作 2011.09-至今 北京科技大学机研11车辆党支部 支部书记
2009.10-2010.02 北科大-华南理工大学交流队 队长
2009.05-2009.09 HONDA本田节能车大赛北科大代表队(车身组) 组长
2008.08-2008.09 2008北京奥运会 城市志愿者
2013.06-2013.12 硕士论文:30T铰接式矿用自卸车驱动桥的设计与优化
2013.03-2013.07 徐工集团30T、45T铰接式矿用自卸车的设计
2011.11-2012.01 徐工集团300吨矿用自卸车设计
独立设计300吨走台、扶梯、护栏等覆盖件,完成覆盖件与驾驶室、进排气管道、车架的干涉检查。 2011.07-2011.09 北汽福田190吨、广州电力机车220吨矿用自卸车设计
2012.09 国家研究生奖学金一等 2011.08 校级优秀共青团干部 2011.06 校级三好毕业生 2010.09 北京现代优秀实习生 2010.06 校级三好学生 2009.07
人民奖学金二等奖 2008.10 院级演讲比赛二等奖 2008.06 校级优秀团员
Phone:186-1035-0170|Email:[email protected]
Language: CET- 6
Job Objective: Vehicle development and engineering related position
Education 2011.09- Present University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Master Beijing 2007.09-2011.06 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Bachelor Beijing Experience
2012.11-2013.02 Beijing Benz co. Ltd Engine Plant 1(MTM Optimization) Assistant
Based on C-Value standard, the group leader of line 3 and I finished the working time measurement and
analysis, which includes 26 stations and 50 workers.
Based on the analysis, we successfully made some optimizations, including reducing paint marks from 496
to 200 and saving 7 seconds of walking time for each station. Finally, we managed to increase the value time
portion from 58% to 70%.
2012.06-2012.09 Beijing Polk-Catarc Vehicle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Intern
Participated in Audi market project, assisted experts to deal with the date collected;
2010.08-2010.09 BHMC Engine Production Management Department Intern
Assisted monitor to finish daily production planning report in engineering department.
Engaged in some logistic work, like receive, unpack and warehouse parts; supply assembly line based on
production plan and actual situation.
2013.3-2013.7 Design 30t,45t mining car for XuZhou Construction Machinery Group
Designed the drive axle, analyzed the fatigue strength of all gears and bearings based on Romax Designer;
finite element analysis of driving axle housing and Optimization.
2011.7-2011.9 Design 190t mining car for Beiqi Foton
Designed the frame and the packing box of the car. Finished the 2D/3D engineering drawing with AutoCAD
and Solidworks. And checked the strength with Ansys.
Extracurricular activities 2012.11 Beijing Imported Auto Exhibition Ticket Group Leader
Prepare the ticket group’s booking process, arrange work shifts.
Report tickets sales condition to organizers, and together with them to deal with unexpected issues.
2009.10-2010.02 USTB-SCUT Exchange Team Captain
Studied in South China University of Technology as an exchange for 1 term, and was chosen as the
USTB-SCUT exchange team captain.
Organized activities together with the students from SCUT, including basketball matches, car painting
competition, vehicle knowledge completion and other activities.
2009.05-2009.09 Honda Energy-Saving Car Competition
Responsible for energy-saving car body design with two other students.
Search for the right supplier, negotiate about the price of materials and processing cost
2008.08-2008.09 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer
During the games I offered services including language translation, consulting, medical help, etc.
“Triple A” student;Excellent league Member;Outstanding Youth League cadres; People's scholarship Second Prize; BHMC Outstanding Intern; Outstanding Graduates of USTB Exemption; Recommended Postgraduate Qualification.
Nie Yu Computer Skills: Passed the National Computer Secondary Examination; Familiar with MS Office, Auto CAD, Solidworks and Romax
地址:北京科技大学11斋 434室 100083
电话:186-1035-0170 邮箱:[email protected] 政治面貌:中共党员
聂 余 2011.09-2014.01 北京科技大学 车辆工程 硕士(免试) 排名:10/48 职务:党支部书记
(研究方向:整车结构与性能分析、汽车传动系统设计与仿真) 2007.09-2011.07 北京科技大学 车辆工程 学士 排名:5/61 职务:班长
英语:CET-6,有良好的听说读写能力,能运用英语进行日常交流 计算机:国家计算机二级;熟练使用Office、Autocad、Solidworks、Romax等软件
驾驶技能:驾驶证C1,具备良好的驾驶能力 个人技能 2012.11-2013.02 北京奔驰汽车有限公司 一工厂发动机/桥车间 工程师助理
2012.06-2012.09 北京波尔卡汽车信息咨询有限公司 实习生
2010.08-2010.09 北京现代汽车有限公司 发动机工厂生产管理部 实习生
工作认真,与同事相处融洽,被评为优秀实习生。 学生工作 2011.09-至今 北京科技大学机研11车辆党支部 支部书记
2009.10-2010.02 北科大-华南理工大学交流队 队长
2009.05-2009.09 HONDA本田节能车大赛北科大代表队(车身组) 组长
2008.08-2008.09 2008北京奥运会 城市志愿者
2013.06-2013.12 硕士论文:30T铰接式矿用自卸车驱动桥的设计与优化
2013.03-2013.07 徐工集团30T、45T铰接式矿用自卸车的设计
2011.11-2012.01 徐工集团300吨矿用自卸车设计
独立设计300吨走台、扶梯、护栏等覆盖件,完成覆盖件与驾驶室、进排气管道、车架的干涉检查。 2011.07-2011.09 北汽福田190吨、广州电力机车220吨矿用自卸车设计
2012.09 国家研究生奖学金一等 2011.08 校级优秀共青团干部 2011.06 校级三好毕业生 2010.09 北京现代优秀实习生 2010.06 校级三好学生 2009.07
人民奖学金二等奖 2008.10 院级演讲比赛二等奖 2008.06 校级优秀团员
Phone:186-1035-0170|Email:[email protected]
Language: CET- 6
Job Objective: Vehicle development and engineering related position
Education 2011.09- Present University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Master Beijing 2007.09-2011.06 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Automotive Engineering Bachelor Beijing Experience
2012.11-2013.02 Beijing Benz co. Ltd Engine Plant 1(MTM Optimization) Assistant
Based on C-Value standard, the group leader of line 3 and I finished the working time measurement and
analysis, which includes 26 stations and 50 workers.
Based on the analysis, we successfully made some optimizations, including reducing paint marks from 496
to 200 and saving 7 seconds of walking time for each station. Finally, we managed to increase the value time
portion from 58% to 70%.
2012.06-2012.09 Beijing Polk-Catarc Vehicle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Intern
Participated in Audi market project, assisted experts to deal with the date collected;
2010.08-2010.09 BHMC Engine Production Management Department Intern
Assisted monitor to finish daily production planning report in engineering department.
Engaged in some logistic work, like receive, unpack and warehouse parts; supply assembly line based on
production plan and actual situation.
2013.3-2013.7 Design 30t,45t mining car for XuZhou Construction Machinery Group
Designed the drive axle, analyzed the fatigue strength of all gears and bearings based on Romax Designer;
finite element analysis of driving axle housing and Optimization.
2011.7-2011.9 Design 190t mining car for Beiqi Foton
Designed the frame and the packing box of the car. Finished the 2D/3D engineering drawing with AutoCAD
and Solidworks. And checked the strength with Ansys.
Extracurricular activities 2012.11 Beijing Imported Auto Exhibition Ticket Group Leader
Prepare the ticket group’s booking process, arrange work shifts.
Report tickets sales condition to organizers, and together with them to deal with unexpected issues.
2009.10-2010.02 USTB-SCUT Exchange Team Captain
Studied in South China University of Technology as an exchange for 1 term, and was chosen as the
USTB-SCUT exchange team captain.
Organized activities together with the students from SCUT, including basketball matches, car painting
competition, vehicle knowledge completion and other activities.
2009.05-2009.09 Honda Energy-Saving Car Competition
Responsible for energy-saving car body design with two other students.
Search for the right supplier, negotiate about the price of materials and processing cost
2008.08-2008.09 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer
During the games I offered services including language translation, consulting, medical help, etc.
“Triple A” student;Excellent league Member;Outstanding Youth League cadres; People's scholarship Second Prize; BHMC Outstanding Intern; Outstanding Graduates of USTB Exemption; Recommended Postgraduate Qualification.
Nie Yu Computer Skills: Passed the National Computer Secondary Examination; Familiar with MS Office, Auto CAD, Solidworks and Romax