



.---Who ’s your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?

---Mr Jones.琼斯老师。

2.---Is he young? 他年轻吗?

--- Yes,he is. 是的,他年轻。

--- No,he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3.---What ’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆长什么样?

---He ’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4.Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

.---Who ’s your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?

---Mr Jones.琼斯老师。

2.---Is he young? 他年轻吗?

--- Yes,he is. 是的,他年轻。

--- No,he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3.---What ’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆长什么样?

---He ’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4.Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

5.He is very helpful at home.


6.He can speak Chinese and English.


7.He makes me finish my homework.


8---What day is it today? 今天是星期几?

---It ’s Saturday. 今天星期六。

9.---What do you have on Thursdays ?星期四你们上什么课?

--- I have math,English and music .我们上数学英语和音乐课。

10.---What do you do on Thursdays,Grandpa?爷爷,星期四你要做什么?

---I have a cooking class with your grandma.我要和你奶奶去上烹饪课。

11.---Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园看书吗?

---Yes,I do.是的

---No,I don’t. 不是

12.Look at my picture.看我的图片。

13.You look tired. 你看起来很累。

14.---What would you like to eat?你想吃什么?

---A sandwich,please.请给我一个三明治。

15.---What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么?

--- I’d like some water. 我想喝点水。

16.---What ’s your favourite food? 你最喜欢吃什么食物?

---Noodles.They are delicious. 面条,面条很好吃。

17.My/His /Her favourite food is fish.


18.I ’m hungry/thirsty.


19.I don ’t like beef but chicken is OK.




—What ’s he/she like?

—He/She is kind/„


—Is he/she„?—Yes, he/she is. —No, he/she isn’t.

—Do you know„? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t

3、be 动词的三种形式am, is, are与人称代词连用的用法:I + am; He, she, it,人名、物名+

is ;

We, you, they + are

4、and 和but 的区别:

and “和,与”,表并列关系 He is tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。

but “但是”,表转折关系 He is short but strong. 他个子矮,但是身体强壮。


—What do you do „? —I often play ping-pong„


—What do you have on„? —We have English class„


—Do you often read books? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.

7、on+具体某一天(年月日,星期),如:on Monday/Tuesday„

at+具体时刻(„点钟),如:at 12 o’clock 在十二点整

in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 2014 在2014年

in the morning/afternoon/evening

8、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play the pipa/piano/v

9、询问想要吃/喝什么:—What would you like to eat/drink? —I ’d like„

10、询问最喜欢的事物: —What ’s your favourite food/vegetable/„?

—My favourite food/„is „/I like„



(1)直接加s ;

(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的,加es ,如, buses boxes sandwiches

(3)以o 结尾,有生命的加es ,如,potatoes tomatoes ;无生命的加s ,如,

photos pianos zoos


(4)以辅音加y 结尾,改y 为i 再加es ,如,families babies ;以元音加y 结尾,直接加s ,

如,boys days

(5)以f 或fe 结尾,改f 为v 再加es ,如knife-knives 小刀 leaf-leaves 树叶


12、例:some apples(可数);some water/rice/juice/bread/„(不可数)


不可数名词(词后不可以加-s/es,所接动词用单数is /V-s/es)

液体 water milk tea orange (桔汁) coke juice

气体 air (空气)

食物 food rice bread fruit

肉类 meat (肉) fish beef chicken

物质work (工作) paper (纸) time music weather (天气) snow money

14、作文练习一)1、介绍自己、朋友或老师等熟悉的人物,如:My „teacher/friend/„。


My Chinese teacher

I have a new Chinese teacher. She is Ms.Yang. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and long black

hair. She is kind and funny. Sometimes she is strict, too. She is hard-working. She likes reading.

Her class is so much fun. We all like her.

(二)1、描写一周的生活,如:My week


My week

My name is Li Ming. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Tuesdays and Thursdays, because

I have music and PE. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. I often play

ping-pong on Sundays.


My family

There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and me. My mother likes

salad best. It’s fresh. Beef is my father’s favourite. He thinks(认为)it ’s delicious. My brother

likes ice cream. It’s sweet. My favourite food is fish. It’s very healthy.


1. —汤姆什么样? —他既聪明又乐于助人。

—What ’s Tom _________? —He is ________ __________ __________.

2. —你最喜欢的水果是什么? —苹果。因为它又甜又新鲜。

—What ’s your _________ ________? —Apple. Because it is ______and _______.

3. —你们星期四有什么课? —我们有英语、美术和音乐课。

—What do you have ________ ________?

—We have ________, ___________and____________.

4. 星期天你经常看电视吗?

________you often ________ ________ _________ __________?

5. 星期六你通常做什么?

__________do you usually _________ _________Saturdays?

用am, is , are 填空。

1. I _______ a boy, you _______ a girl, we ________ friends.

2. He ________ a student, she _____ a student, too. They ______ pupil.

3. I _______ helpful at home, my father _______ helpful, too.

4. My brother _____ tall, my sister _____ short, but they ______ all thin.


I _________ him _________ this _________ her ______

watch _______ child _______ photo ________ diary ______

day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________

tooth_______ sheep ______ box_______ strawberry _____

thief _______ yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______

man______ woman______ paper_______ juice_____

water______ milk________ rice__________ tea_______


1 This is a knife. ____________________________

2. That is a tomato. ________________________

3. That child is very good._________________________________

4. These are mice. ____________________________

5. Those are children. ____________________________


1. Look at those _______. (child)

2. I can see a __________ standing near the door. (policeman)

3. Do you want some ________ for dinner? (potato)

4. In autumn, you can see a lot of _______ on the ground.(leaf)

5. He has two _______.One is blue , the other is yellow.( box)

6. Two ________ live in this building .( family )

1. There are so many________(wolf)in the forest.

2. There are three ______(chair) in the classroom.

3. These _______(tomato) are red.

4. ______(hero) are great.

5. My brother looks after two ______(baby)

6. There are some ______(deer) eating the grass.

7. My father likes to eat _______(potato).

8. Chinese ______(people)like to eat noodles.

9. I have a lot of ______(toy) in my bedroom.

10. I help my mother wash ______(dish) in the kitchen.

11. I have two ______(pencil-box).

12. There are some ______(bus)in the street.

13. Peter has eight _____(foot).

14. Linda has three _______(tooth).

15. There are some ______(child) in the garden.

16. Michael likes the ______(mouse).

17. There are some ______(goose)in the river.



I ’d like(完整形式) _______ thin(反义词) _______

let’s(完整形式)______________ tomato(复数) _______


1.school menu _______ 2. sounds good _______

3. have to _______ 4. 好吃又有益于健康 _______


( )1、A .cabbage B. washroom C. cat D. have

( )2、A. music B. computer C. menu D. mutton

( )3、A. short B. pork C. doctor D. fork

( )4、A. that B. those C. healthy D. this

( )5、A. sweater B. eat C. beans D. meat


We have mutton, fish and tofu today.

2. What do you have for lunch on Thursdays?

3. What is your favorite food?

4. I like apples because they are healthy.


1. — W _____ day is it today?

— It ’s Sunday.

2.He likes m ____________ .

3. — What do we h _______ on Monday?

— We have C______.

4. — W___ classes do you like?

—I like E______________

1. I love English . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

2. Mr Young is my music teacher . (一般疑问句)

3. I have music on Thursdays . (就划线部分提问)

4. We have Chinese on Tuesdays . (一般疑问句)

5. Is he very strict ? (肯定回答)

6. I have art on Thursdays . (否定句)

7. My mother is strong . (写出问句)

8. Mr Zhang is my PE teacher . (就划线部分提问)

9. Mike is very funny . (否定句)

10. We are good students . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)


( Thursday, like, fun, sneakers, music room, English, gym, slippers, P .E., fine,

playground, Thursday )

My Favourite(最喜欢的) Day

Today is ____________. It’s __________. We have Chinese, ___________, math in the morning.

We have art and _________ in the afternoon. I __________ P.E. We often have P.E. class on the

____________________, sometimes in the ____________. I often take my white ____________

to have my P.E. class. I like ____________. It’s _____________ for me.

看问句写1. What day is it today? (星期三) _____________________________________

2. What day is it tomorrow? (星期四) _____________________________________

3. What do you have on Tuesdays? (语文,英语,科学和音乐)


5. What do you do on Saturdays? (看书和做运动)


6. What do they do on Sundays? (做作业和看电视)


7. Do you like weekends? (两种答案都写)



1. is who your math teacher ?


2. pretty and young is the girl ?


3. so much fun is her classroom .


1.old 【对应词】 young

2.funny 【对应词】 strict

3.strict 【对应词】 kind

4.help 【形容词】 helpful

5.she 【对应词】 he

6.Ms 【对应词】 Mr


( ) 1. A. old B. maths C. young

( ) 2. A. kind B. strict C. music

( ) 3. A. know B. clever C. polite

( ) 4. A. sometimes B. helpful C. hard-working

( ) 5. A. funny B. shy C. sorry


( ) 1.A.math B.China C.Chinese

( ) 2.A.TV B. PE C.art

( ) 3.A.orange B.red C.banana

( ) 4.A.have B.am C.is

( ) 5.A.tall B.short C.shirt

( ) 6.A.watch B.read C.robot

( ) 7.A.young B.old C.speak

( ) 8.A.funny B.fun C.strong

( ) 9.A.what B.who C.water

( )10.A.will B.Chinese C.English


1.on tomorrow ( )

2.Monday say ( )

3.student much ( )

4.house soup ( )

5.have grapes ( )


_______________→ Monday → ________________ → __________________ →

___________________→________________________ → Saturday


1.It ’s Saturday today.(对画线部分提问)


2. We have English, math and P.E on Mondays. (对画线部分提问)

3.What do you do on Saturdays? (翻译句子)


4.I like Saturdays.(改为否定句 )


5.What day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答)


( ) 1. 询问今天是星期几, 应该说:______________

What day is it today? B. What day it is today?

( ) 2. 询问周二的课程安排时, 应该说:_____________

A. What do you do on Tuesday? B. What do you have on Tuesday?

( ) 3. 介绍完自己后, 想了解一下对方, 应该说:_____________

What about you? B. How are you?

( ) 4. 询问明天是星期几时, 应该说:________________

What ’s tomorrow? B. What day is tomorrow?

( ) 5. 告诉别人自己周六踢足球时, 应该说:_______________

A. I play football on Sundays. B. I play football on Saturdays.

3. 如果你想说:“我喜欢星期六。”应该说:( )

A .What do you do on Saturdays?

B. like Sundays. I watch TV on Sundays.

C. I like Saturdays.

4. 别人问你:“What do you have on Saturdays?” 你应该回答:( )

I like Saturdays.

I play computer games and read books on Saturdays.

C. I have English, maths and music.

5. “你呢?”除了说“What about you?”外,还可以说:( )

A. Oops! B. Oh, Really? C. And you?


1. Is he young? A. No, I don’t.

2. What’s she like? B. Noodles.

3. What do you have on Tuesdays? C. She’s kind.

4. Do you often read books? D. I’d like some tea.

5. What would you like to eat? E. I have maths and music.

6. What’s your favourite food? F. No, he isn’t.

7. What would you like to drink? G. I’d like a sandwich


Unit 4词组:

1.have an English party 举行英语派对

2.play the pipa 弹琵琶

3.play ping-pong 打乒乓球

4.play together 一起玩

5.at 3 o’clock 在三点钟

6. next Tuesday 下周二

7.sing English songs 唱英语歌

8. do some kungfu 表演武术

9.draw cartoons 画漫画

10.draw pictures 画画

11.clean the classroom 打扫教室卫生

12.learn some kung fu 学习功夫

13.no problem 没问题

14. make a puppet 做个木偶

15.play ping-pong 打乒乓球

16.want a new friend 想要一个新朋友

17.send me an email 给我发一封电子邮件


a big bed 一张大床

a nice photo 一张漂亮的照片

on the desk 在桌子上

in the picture 在图画里

on the plate 在盘子里

in my room 在我的房间里

Unit 6 词组:

go to the forest 去森林

some small boats 一些小船

go boating 去划船

in the forest 在森林里

in the sky 在天空中

many pretty fish 很多可爱的鱼

.so quiet 如此安静

8.tall buildings 高楼

9.on the mountain 在山上

10at the Mr Jones’ house 在琼斯先生家

11.a small village 一个小村庄

12.take some pictures 拍照

13.over there 在那边


1.What can you do for the party,children? 孩子们,你们可以在派对上做什么?

2.I can sing English songs. 我会唱英语歌。

3.How about you? 你呢?

4.We ’ll have an English party next Tuesday? 我们下周二将会举办一个英语派对。

We ’ll= we will. will 表示“将;会”,用在一般将来时态中。

5.Who can dance? 谁会跳舞?

6.---Can you do any kung fu, John? 约翰,你会功夫吗?

--- Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。

7. No problem. 没问题。

8.I can play ping-pong, but I can’t swim. 我会打乒乓球,但是我不会游泳。

9.Please send me an email at robin@urfriend .cn. 请往[email protected]给我发一封电子邮件。

10.There is a big bed.有一张大床。

11.There are so many pictures here. 这里有许多图片。

12.My father can draw very well. 我爸爸能画得很好。

13. There are lots of flowers in it. 有很多花在里面。

14.Is there a river in the forest? 在这片森林里有条河吗?

15.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? 在自然公园里有一些高楼吗?

1. 写出它们的缩略形式或完整形式

she ’s=_____ Wed.=_____ What ’s_=_____ I ’d=_____ they ’re=_____ we ’ll =________ don ’t=____ is not= _____ aren ’t=______ I am=_____ you are=______ Let ’s =_____


strict_____ young ___ short____ Mr _____

thin____ active(活跃的)_________ big_____

he____ boy____ man______ him______ you______ . 写出下列单词的复数(没有画/ )

is______ onion_________ tomato_________ sandwich _________

hamburger_________ carrot_________ potato_________

beef_________ box_________ dress_________ class_________ boy________ candy_________ photo_________ it/she/he____ you__________

I______ this_______ that_________ sheep_______ salad________ milk__________

1. 从下列每组小题中选出一个与另外两个不同类的一项)

( ) 1. A. beside B. behind C. bridge

( ) 2. A. bike B. lake C. river

( ) 3. A. Wednesday B. day C. Saturday

( ) 4. A. delicious B. food C. fresh

( ) 5. A. helpful B. building C. house

2. 判断下列每组单词中划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同)

(1)A. house B. mouse C. count ( )

(2)A. rainy B. wait C. Monday ( )

(3)A. sunny B. windy C. shy ( )

(4)A. look B. good C. food ( )

(5)A. beef B. eat C. see ( )

(6)1. 连词成句

(1)English, sing, songs, can, I (.)


(2)there, so, picture, here, many, are (.)


(3)buildings, are, there, all, nature, tall, in, park ,the(?)


(4)is, there ,a, bed, big (.)


(5)like, what, to, would, eat .you (?)


2. 根据给出的首字母填空,把句子补充完整。

(1)Eat more vegetables and fruit. They are very h________________.

(2)We usually go to school from M__________ to F________________.

(3)Look! There are many small boat on the l________________.

(4)He can do many things. He often helps others(他人). He is __________.

(5)The candy and the cakes are too s_____________________.

(6)He often says “hello ” to everyone. He is a p________________ boy.

(7)I ’d like a s____________ and some t___________ for lunch today.

3. 选词填空

watch tree wash sandwiches am Tuesday

hard-working flowers read homework

Hello! I’m Li Hong. I ____a student. I’m thin and______. My favorite day is _______ , because we have tomatoes and _______ for lunch that day. On Saturdays I often ______TV and play sports. On Sundays I often ______ books and do __________ at home. I’m helpful at home .I can _______ the clothes. Look! There is a big _______ and many colorful _______ near my house !

How nice!

4. 选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。

(1)Who ’s your English teacher? A. He’s tall and strong.

(2)What ’s he like ? B. Mr Carter.

(3)What do we have on Mondays ? C. I often do homework..

(4)What do you do on Sunday? D. We have Chinese and English.

(5)What would you like to eat? E. Apple . They are sweet .

(6)What ’s your favourite food? F. I’d like some sandwiches .

(7)What can you do? G. No, there aren’t.

(8)Are there any fish in the river? H. I can do kung fu PEP 小学英语五年级上册各单元作文范例

My English Teacher

Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.

My Days of the week

I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day . I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.

My Favourite Food

Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It’s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It’s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much.

How about you? What’s your favourite food?

I can help do housework

I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’m helpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too?

In The Kitchen

This is the kitchen of my family. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. This is a microwave and that is a stove. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are these? They look yummy! Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes.

My Village

My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest. A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village!




.---Who ’s your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?

---Mr Jones.琼斯老师。

2.---Is he young? 他年轻吗?

--- Yes,he is. 是的,他年轻。

--- No,he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3.---What ’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆长什么样?

---He ’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4.Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

.---Who ’s your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?

---Mr Jones.琼斯老师。

2.---Is he young? 他年轻吗?

--- Yes,he is. 是的,他年轻。

--- No,he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3.---What ’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆长什么样?

---He ’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4.Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

5.He is very helpful at home.


6.He can speak Chinese and English.


7.He makes me finish my homework.


8---What day is it today? 今天是星期几?

---It ’s Saturday. 今天星期六。

9.---What do you have on Thursdays ?星期四你们上什么课?

--- I have math,English and music .我们上数学英语和音乐课。

10.---What do you do on Thursdays,Grandpa?爷爷,星期四你要做什么?

---I have a cooking class with your grandma.我要和你奶奶去上烹饪课。

11.---Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园看书吗?

---Yes,I do.是的

---No,I don’t. 不是

12.Look at my picture.看我的图片。

13.You look tired. 你看起来很累。

14.---What would you like to eat?你想吃什么?

---A sandwich,please.请给我一个三明治。

15.---What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么?

--- I’d like some water. 我想喝点水。

16.---What ’s your favourite food? 你最喜欢吃什么食物?

---Noodles.They are delicious. 面条,面条很好吃。

17.My/His /Her favourite food is fish.


18.I ’m hungry/thirsty.


19.I don ’t like beef but chicken is OK.




—What ’s he/she like?

—He/She is kind/„


—Is he/she„?—Yes, he/she is. —No, he/she isn’t.

—Do you know„? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t

3、be 动词的三种形式am, is, are与人称代词连用的用法:I + am; He, she, it,人名、物名+

is ;

We, you, they + are

4、and 和but 的区别:

and “和,与”,表并列关系 He is tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。

but “但是”,表转折关系 He is short but strong. 他个子矮,但是身体强壮。


—What do you do „? —I often play ping-pong„


—What do you have on„? —We have English class„


—Do you often read books? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.

7、on+具体某一天(年月日,星期),如:on Monday/Tuesday„

at+具体时刻(„点钟),如:at 12 o’clock 在十二点整

in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 2014 在2014年

in the morning/afternoon/evening

8、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play the pipa/piano/v

9、询问想要吃/喝什么:—What would you like to eat/drink? —I ’d like„

10、询问最喜欢的事物: —What ’s your favourite food/vegetable/„?

—My favourite food/„is „/I like„



(1)直接加s ;

(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的,加es ,如, buses boxes sandwiches

(3)以o 结尾,有生命的加es ,如,potatoes tomatoes ;无生命的加s ,如,

photos pianos zoos


(4)以辅音加y 结尾,改y 为i 再加es ,如,families babies ;以元音加y 结尾,直接加s ,

如,boys days

(5)以f 或fe 结尾,改f 为v 再加es ,如knife-knives 小刀 leaf-leaves 树叶


12、例:some apples(可数);some water/rice/juice/bread/„(不可数)


不可数名词(词后不可以加-s/es,所接动词用单数is /V-s/es)

液体 water milk tea orange (桔汁) coke juice

气体 air (空气)

食物 food rice bread fruit

肉类 meat (肉) fish beef chicken

物质work (工作) paper (纸) time music weather (天气) snow money

14、作文练习一)1、介绍自己、朋友或老师等熟悉的人物,如:My „teacher/friend/„。


My Chinese teacher

I have a new Chinese teacher. She is Ms.Yang. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and long black

hair. She is kind and funny. Sometimes she is strict, too. She is hard-working. She likes reading.

Her class is so much fun. We all like her.

(二)1、描写一周的生活,如:My week


My week

My name is Li Ming. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Tuesdays and Thursdays, because

I have music and PE. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. I often play

ping-pong on Sundays.


My family

There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and me. My mother likes

salad best. It’s fresh. Beef is my father’s favourite. He thinks(认为)it ’s delicious. My brother

likes ice cream. It’s sweet. My favourite food is fish. It’s very healthy.


1. —汤姆什么样? —他既聪明又乐于助人。

—What ’s Tom _________? —He is ________ __________ __________.

2. —你最喜欢的水果是什么? —苹果。因为它又甜又新鲜。

—What ’s your _________ ________? —Apple. Because it is ______and _______.

3. —你们星期四有什么课? —我们有英语、美术和音乐课。

—What do you have ________ ________?

—We have ________, ___________and____________.

4. 星期天你经常看电视吗?

________you often ________ ________ _________ __________?

5. 星期六你通常做什么?

__________do you usually _________ _________Saturdays?

用am, is , are 填空。

1. I _______ a boy, you _______ a girl, we ________ friends.

2. He ________ a student, she _____ a student, too. They ______ pupil.

3. I _______ helpful at home, my father _______ helpful, too.

4. My brother _____ tall, my sister _____ short, but they ______ all thin.


I _________ him _________ this _________ her ______

watch _______ child _______ photo ________ diary ______

day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________

tooth_______ sheep ______ box_______ strawberry _____

thief _______ yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______

man______ woman______ paper_______ juice_____

water______ milk________ rice__________ tea_______


1 This is a knife. ____________________________

2. That is a tomato. ________________________

3. That child is very good._________________________________

4. These are mice. ____________________________

5. Those are children. ____________________________


1. Look at those _______. (child)

2. I can see a __________ standing near the door. (policeman)

3. Do you want some ________ for dinner? (potato)

4. In autumn, you can see a lot of _______ on the ground.(leaf)

5. He has two _______.One is blue , the other is yellow.( box)

6. Two ________ live in this building .( family )

1. There are so many________(wolf)in the forest.

2. There are three ______(chair) in the classroom.

3. These _______(tomato) are red.

4. ______(hero) are great.

5. My brother looks after two ______(baby)

6. There are some ______(deer) eating the grass.

7. My father likes to eat _______(potato).

8. Chinese ______(people)like to eat noodles.

9. I have a lot of ______(toy) in my bedroom.

10. I help my mother wash ______(dish) in the kitchen.

11. I have two ______(pencil-box).

12. There are some ______(bus)in the street.

13. Peter has eight _____(foot).

14. Linda has three _______(tooth).

15. There are some ______(child) in the garden.

16. Michael likes the ______(mouse).

17. There are some ______(goose)in the river.



I ’d like(完整形式) _______ thin(反义词) _______

let’s(完整形式)______________ tomato(复数) _______


1.school menu _______ 2. sounds good _______

3. have to _______ 4. 好吃又有益于健康 _______


( )1、A .cabbage B. washroom C. cat D. have

( )2、A. music B. computer C. menu D. mutton

( )3、A. short B. pork C. doctor D. fork

( )4、A. that B. those C. healthy D. this

( )5、A. sweater B. eat C. beans D. meat


We have mutton, fish and tofu today.

2. What do you have for lunch on Thursdays?

3. What is your favorite food?

4. I like apples because they are healthy.


1. — W _____ day is it today?

— It ’s Sunday.

2.He likes m ____________ .

3. — What do we h _______ on Monday?

— We have C______.

4. — W___ classes do you like?

—I like E______________

1. I love English . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

2. Mr Young is my music teacher . (一般疑问句)

3. I have music on Thursdays . (就划线部分提问)

4. We have Chinese on Tuesdays . (一般疑问句)

5. Is he very strict ? (肯定回答)

6. I have art on Thursdays . (否定句)

7. My mother is strong . (写出问句)

8. Mr Zhang is my PE teacher . (就划线部分提问)

9. Mike is very funny . (否定句)

10. We are good students . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)


( Thursday, like, fun, sneakers, music room, English, gym, slippers, P .E., fine,

playground, Thursday )

My Favourite(最喜欢的) Day

Today is ____________. It’s __________. We have Chinese, ___________, math in the morning.

We have art and _________ in the afternoon. I __________ P.E. We often have P.E. class on the

____________________, sometimes in the ____________. I often take my white ____________

to have my P.E. class. I like ____________. It’s _____________ for me.

看问句写1. What day is it today? (星期三) _____________________________________

2. What day is it tomorrow? (星期四) _____________________________________

3. What do you have on Tuesdays? (语文,英语,科学和音乐)


5. What do you do on Saturdays? (看书和做运动)


6. What do they do on Sundays? (做作业和看电视)


7. Do you like weekends? (两种答案都写)



1. is who your math teacher ?


2. pretty and young is the girl ?


3. so much fun is her classroom .


1.old 【对应词】 young

2.funny 【对应词】 strict

3.strict 【对应词】 kind

4.help 【形容词】 helpful

5.she 【对应词】 he

6.Ms 【对应词】 Mr


( ) 1. A. old B. maths C. young

( ) 2. A. kind B. strict C. music

( ) 3. A. know B. clever C. polite

( ) 4. A. sometimes B. helpful C. hard-working

( ) 5. A. funny B. shy C. sorry


( ) 1.A.math B.China C.Chinese

( ) 2.A.TV B. PE C.art

( ) 3.A.orange B.red C.banana

( ) 4.A.have B.am C.is

( ) 5.A.tall B.short C.shirt

( ) 6.A.watch B.read C.robot

( ) 7.A.young B.old C.speak

( ) 8.A.funny B.fun C.strong

( ) 9.A.what B.who C.water

( )10.A.will B.Chinese C.English


1.on tomorrow ( )

2.Monday say ( )

3.student much ( )

4.house soup ( )

5.have grapes ( )


_______________→ Monday → ________________ → __________________ →

___________________→________________________ → Saturday


1.It ’s Saturday today.(对画线部分提问)


2. We have English, math and P.E on Mondays. (对画线部分提问)

3.What do you do on Saturdays? (翻译句子)


4.I like Saturdays.(改为否定句 )


5.What day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答)


( ) 1. 询问今天是星期几, 应该说:______________

What day is it today? B. What day it is today?

( ) 2. 询问周二的课程安排时, 应该说:_____________

A. What do you do on Tuesday? B. What do you have on Tuesday?

( ) 3. 介绍完自己后, 想了解一下对方, 应该说:_____________

What about you? B. How are you?

( ) 4. 询问明天是星期几时, 应该说:________________

What ’s tomorrow? B. What day is tomorrow?

( ) 5. 告诉别人自己周六踢足球时, 应该说:_______________

A. I play football on Sundays. B. I play football on Saturdays.

3. 如果你想说:“我喜欢星期六。”应该说:( )

A .What do you do on Saturdays?

B. like Sundays. I watch TV on Sundays.

C. I like Saturdays.

4. 别人问你:“What do you have on Saturdays?” 你应该回答:( )

I like Saturdays.

I play computer games and read books on Saturdays.

C. I have English, maths and music.

5. “你呢?”除了说“What about you?”外,还可以说:( )

A. Oops! B. Oh, Really? C. And you?


1. Is he young? A. No, I don’t.

2. What’s she like? B. Noodles.

3. What do you have on Tuesdays? C. She’s kind.

4. Do you often read books? D. I’d like some tea.

5. What would you like to eat? E. I have maths and music.

6. What’s your favourite food? F. No, he isn’t.

7. What would you like to drink? G. I’d like a sandwich


Unit 4词组:

1.have an English party 举行英语派对

2.play the pipa 弹琵琶

3.play ping-pong 打乒乓球

4.play together 一起玩

5.at 3 o’clock 在三点钟

6. next Tuesday 下周二

7.sing English songs 唱英语歌

8. do some kungfu 表演武术

9.draw cartoons 画漫画

10.draw pictures 画画

11.clean the classroom 打扫教室卫生

12.learn some kung fu 学习功夫

13.no problem 没问题

14. make a puppet 做个木偶

15.play ping-pong 打乒乓球

16.want a new friend 想要一个新朋友

17.send me an email 给我发一封电子邮件


a big bed 一张大床

a nice photo 一张漂亮的照片

on the desk 在桌子上

in the picture 在图画里

on the plate 在盘子里

in my room 在我的房间里

Unit 6 词组:

go to the forest 去森林

some small boats 一些小船

go boating 去划船

in the forest 在森林里

in the sky 在天空中

many pretty fish 很多可爱的鱼

.so quiet 如此安静

8.tall buildings 高楼

9.on the mountain 在山上

10at the Mr Jones’ house 在琼斯先生家

11.a small village 一个小村庄

12.take some pictures 拍照

13.over there 在那边


1.What can you do for the party,children? 孩子们,你们可以在派对上做什么?

2.I can sing English songs. 我会唱英语歌。

3.How about you? 你呢?

4.We ’ll have an English party next Tuesday? 我们下周二将会举办一个英语派对。

We ’ll= we will. will 表示“将;会”,用在一般将来时态中。

5.Who can dance? 谁会跳舞?

6.---Can you do any kung fu, John? 约翰,你会功夫吗?

--- Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。

7. No problem. 没问题。

8.I can play ping-pong, but I can’t swim. 我会打乒乓球,但是我不会游泳。

9.Please send me an email at robin@urfriend .cn. 请往[email protected]给我发一封电子邮件。

10.There is a big bed.有一张大床。

11.There are so many pictures here. 这里有许多图片。

12.My father can draw very well. 我爸爸能画得很好。

13. There are lots of flowers in it. 有很多花在里面。

14.Is there a river in the forest? 在这片森林里有条河吗?

15.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? 在自然公园里有一些高楼吗?

1. 写出它们的缩略形式或完整形式

she ’s=_____ Wed.=_____ What ’s_=_____ I ’d=_____ they ’re=_____ we ’ll =________ don ’t=____ is not= _____ aren ’t=______ I am=_____ you are=______ Let ’s =_____


strict_____ young ___ short____ Mr _____

thin____ active(活跃的)_________ big_____

he____ boy____ man______ him______ you______ . 写出下列单词的复数(没有画/ )

is______ onion_________ tomato_________ sandwich _________

hamburger_________ carrot_________ potato_________

beef_________ box_________ dress_________ class_________ boy________ candy_________ photo_________ it/she/he____ you__________

I______ this_______ that_________ sheep_______ salad________ milk__________

1. 从下列每组小题中选出一个与另外两个不同类的一项)

( ) 1. A. beside B. behind C. bridge

( ) 2. A. bike B. lake C. river

( ) 3. A. Wednesday B. day C. Saturday

( ) 4. A. delicious B. food C. fresh

( ) 5. A. helpful B. building C. house

2. 判断下列每组单词中划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同)

(1)A. house B. mouse C. count ( )

(2)A. rainy B. wait C. Monday ( )

(3)A. sunny B. windy C. shy ( )

(4)A. look B. good C. food ( )

(5)A. beef B. eat C. see ( )

(6)1. 连词成句

(1)English, sing, songs, can, I (.)


(2)there, so, picture, here, many, are (.)


(3)buildings, are, there, all, nature, tall, in, park ,the(?)


(4)is, there ,a, bed, big (.)


(5)like, what, to, would, eat .you (?)


2. 根据给出的首字母填空,把句子补充完整。

(1)Eat more vegetables and fruit. They are very h________________.

(2)We usually go to school from M__________ to F________________.

(3)Look! There are many small boat on the l________________.

(4)He can do many things. He often helps others(他人). He is __________.

(5)The candy and the cakes are too s_____________________.

(6)He often says “hello ” to everyone. He is a p________________ boy.

(7)I ’d like a s____________ and some t___________ for lunch today.

3. 选词填空

watch tree wash sandwiches am Tuesday

hard-working flowers read homework

Hello! I’m Li Hong. I ____a student. I’m thin and______. My favorite day is _______ , because we have tomatoes and _______ for lunch that day. On Saturdays I often ______TV and play sports. On Sundays I often ______ books and do __________ at home. I’m helpful at home .I can _______ the clothes. Look! There is a big _______ and many colorful _______ near my house !

How nice!

4. 选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。

(1)Who ’s your English teacher? A. He’s tall and strong.

(2)What ’s he like ? B. Mr Carter.

(3)What do we have on Mondays ? C. I often do homework..

(4)What do you do on Sunday? D. We have Chinese and English.

(5)What would you like to eat? E. Apple . They are sweet .

(6)What ’s your favourite food? F. I’d like some sandwiches .

(7)What can you do? G. No, there aren’t.

(8)Are there any fish in the river? H. I can do kung fu PEP 小学英语五年级上册各单元作文范例

My English Teacher

Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.

My Days of the week

I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day . I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.

My Favourite Food

Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It’s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It’s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much.

How about you? What’s your favourite food?

I can help do housework

I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’m helpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too?

In The Kitchen

This is the kitchen of my family. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. This is a microwave and that is a stove. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are these? They look yummy! Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes.

My Village

My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest. A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village!


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