五年级升六年级英语入学检测卷 简单些


姓名:____________ 得分:___________


1. ( ) A. big B. six C. nice D. miss

2. ( ) A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch

3. ( ) A. three B. those C. their D. these

4. ( ) A. map B. hat C. face D. cat

5. ( ) A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near

二、根据所给的例词写出至少3个同类的单词(15分) 例:spring summer fall

monkey ____________________ Oct. _____________________ swing _____________________ uncle ____________________ 3rd ______________________


( )1.A . spring B . season C. summer D. fall

( )2.A. what B. when C. week D. where

( )3.A. hot B. cold C. weather D. warm

( )4.A. eat B. teacher C. music D. English

( )5.A. elephant B. monkey C. eleven D. tiger


( ) 1._____is Sarah? She is in the car.

A. What B. Where C. That D. How

( ) 2. The elephants often ________ water with ________ trunks .

A drinking … it's B drinking … their C drink … their D. drinks…their

( ) 3.They are _______the insects carefully .

A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched

( ) 4.A rabbit is __on the grass.

A. running B .run C. running D.ran

( ) 5.Can I speak _____Chen Jie, please ?

A. to B. with C. at D. for

( ) 6. It is August _______ today.

A. twenty B. twentyth C. twentieth D. twentieths

( ) 7.Why do you like summer best ? ______ I can swim in the lake.

A. Because B. So C. And D. Because of

( ) 8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ____are in the woods.

A. tomatos, butterflies B. tomatoes, butterflies

C. tomatoes, butterflys D. tomatoes ,butterfliy

( ) 9. I have some beans. _________ you?

A. What about B. How are C. Why do D. How is

( ) 10. Thank you _____telling me about your day .

A. at B. to C. for D./


1. It’s Saturday today. (对划线部分提问)

______ ________is it today?

2. There is a river in the park. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _______________________________________________________

3.mum in the cooked I with kitchen meals the my yesterday (连词成句)___________________________________________

4. Is this your bedroom? (改为复数)___________________?

5. Are there some pandas in the mountains? (找出一处错误,改正并转为陈述句 ) ___________________________________


Hello, I am Andy .October ______ is my grandma’s _______.I am _________a birthday card for her. Usually I _________my grandparents on October 1st .My grandparents live in Harbin. It ’s a beautiful___________. It’s usually snowy in Harbin in October. So I can _____at that time. I usually wear _______and ______.I like playing with the________ _and making a _______in Harbin, too. 附加题:(写出1---12月份全拼及六种以上气候天气,用英语)


姓名:____________ 得分:___________


1. ( ) A. big B. six C. nice D. miss

2. ( ) A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch

3. ( ) A. three B. those C. their D. these

4. ( ) A. map B. hat C. face D. cat

5. ( ) A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near

二、根据所给的例词写出至少3个同类的单词(15分) 例:spring summer fall

monkey ____________________ Oct. _____________________ swing _____________________ uncle ____________________ 3rd ______________________


( )1.A . spring B . season C. summer D. fall

( )2.A. what B. when C. week D. where

( )3.A. hot B. cold C. weather D. warm

( )4.A. eat B. teacher C. music D. English

( )5.A. elephant B. monkey C. eleven D. tiger


( ) 1._____is Sarah? She is in the car.

A. What B. Where C. That D. How

( ) 2. The elephants often ________ water with ________ trunks .

A drinking … it's B drinking … their C drink … their D. drinks…their

( ) 3.They are _______the insects carefully .

A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched

( ) 4.A rabbit is __on the grass.

A. running B .run C. running D.ran

( ) 5.Can I speak _____Chen Jie, please ?

A. to B. with C. at D. for

( ) 6. It is August _______ today.

A. twenty B. twentyth C. twentieth D. twentieths

( ) 7.Why do you like summer best ? ______ I can swim in the lake.

A. Because B. So C. And D. Because of

( ) 8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ____are in the woods.

A. tomatos, butterflies B. tomatoes, butterflies

C. tomatoes, butterflys D. tomatoes ,butterfliy

( ) 9. I have some beans. _________ you?

A. What about B. How are C. Why do D. How is

( ) 10. Thank you _____telling me about your day .

A. at B. to C. for D./


1. It’s Saturday today. (对划线部分提问)

______ ________is it today?

2. There is a river in the park. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _______________________________________________________

3.mum in the cooked I with kitchen meals the my yesterday (连词成句)___________________________________________

4. Is this your bedroom? (改为复数)___________________?

5. Are there some pandas in the mountains? (找出一处错误,改正并转为陈述句 ) ___________________________________


Hello, I am Andy .October ______ is my grandma’s _______.I am _________a birthday card for her. Usually I _________my grandparents on October 1st .My grandparents live in Harbin. It ’s a beautiful___________. It’s usually snowy in Harbin in October. So I can _____at that time. I usually wear _______and ______.I like playing with the________ _and making a _______in Harbin, too. 附加题:(写出1---12月份全拼及六种以上气候天气,用英语)


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