
英语中打某人某部位用bit+sb+prep.+部位 具体哪些部位用什么介词?



1. in:表示在身体部位内部用in ,这是较理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体表面较软或较“空”的部位也用in. 如:

He hit me in the mouth(eye, stomach).他打了我的嘴(眼、肚子)

表示打在某人的脸上,也有固定用in. 要说hit sb. in the face.

说身体部位受到伤害或感到疼痛时,也常用in 。如:

I was wounded in the leg(shoulder).我的腿(肩膀)受伤了。

She said she had got a pain in her head.她说她有点儿头疼。

2.on :表示身体部位表面和面部表情,常用on. 如:

He stared at her with that peculiar expressions on his face.他脸上带着奇怪的表情注视着她。

He was hit on the head. 有人打了他的头。

She has a ring on her finger . 她戴着戒指。

The man beat the boy on the back(breast, jaw, neck).那人打孩子的后背(胸部、下巴、脖子)

The mother kissed her daughter on both cheeks.妈妈吻了女儿的双颊。

3.at :在身体部位名词前用介词at 的时候不多,常见于:

at heart 在内心来说,内心里

at hand 在手边,在近处

注意:at 后面不用冠词。

4.by : by 常与动词take, seize, catch, lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、抓住身体某部位”。如:

He took her by the hand. 他拉着她的手。

The man caught/seized the thief by the arm. 那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。 lead sb. by the nose.牵着鼻子,控制某人

5.with :with 与身体部位名词连用,常表示借助什么方法、工具等做某事。常见的表达方式有:

take sth. with both hands 用双手拿……

see with one’s eyes 用眼看

listen with your ears. 用耳听


“动词+sb +介词+定冠词+身体部位名词”。如果英语动词的宾语不是“人”或者动词为不及物动词时,身体部位名词前可用物主代词或者其他限定词等。

in one's hand , in one's eye, in one's heart , in one's mouth,

on one's face, on one's back, on one's head, on one's arm, on one's lap

英语中打某人某部位用bit+sb+prep.+部位 具体哪些部位用什么介词?



1. in:表示在身体部位内部用in ,这是较理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体表面较软或较“空”的部位也用in. 如:

He hit me in the mouth(eye, stomach).他打了我的嘴(眼、肚子)

表示打在某人的脸上,也有固定用in. 要说hit sb. in the face.

说身体部位受到伤害或感到疼痛时,也常用in 。如:

I was wounded in the leg(shoulder).我的腿(肩膀)受伤了。

She said she had got a pain in her head.她说她有点儿头疼。

2.on :表示身体部位表面和面部表情,常用on. 如:

He stared at her with that peculiar expressions on his face.他脸上带着奇怪的表情注视着她。

He was hit on the head. 有人打了他的头。

She has a ring on her finger . 她戴着戒指。

The man beat the boy on the back(breast, jaw, neck).那人打孩子的后背(胸部、下巴、脖子)

The mother kissed her daughter on both cheeks.妈妈吻了女儿的双颊。

3.at :在身体部位名词前用介词at 的时候不多,常见于:

at heart 在内心来说,内心里

at hand 在手边,在近处

注意:at 后面不用冠词。

4.by : by 常与动词take, seize, catch, lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、抓住身体某部位”。如:

He took her by the hand. 他拉着她的手。

The man caught/seized the thief by the arm. 那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。 lead sb. by the nose.牵着鼻子,控制某人

5.with :with 与身体部位名词连用,常表示借助什么方法、工具等做某事。常见的表达方式有:

take sth. with both hands 用双手拿……

see with one’s eyes 用眼看

listen with your ears. 用耳听


“动词+sb +介词+定冠词+身体部位名词”。如果英语动词的宾语不是“人”或者动词为不及物动词时,身体部位名词前可用物主代词或者其他限定词等。

in one's hand , in one's eye, in one's heart , in one's mouth,

on one's face, on one's back, on one's head, on one's arm, on one's lap


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