

推荐]国际顶尖经济学期刊排名Journals (AA)

American Economic Review


Journal of Political Economy

Quarterly Journal of Economics

Review of Economic Studies

Journals (A)

Accounting Review

Econometric Theory

Economic Journal

European Economic Review

Games and Economic Behavior

International Economic Review

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

Journal of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Literature

Journal of Economic Perspectives

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Journal of Finance

Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of Health Economics

Journal of Human Resources

Journal of International Economics

Journal of Labor Economics

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Monetary Economics

Journal of Public Economics

Management Science

Mathematics of Operations Research

Operations Research

Rand Journal of Economics

Review of Economics and Statistics

Review of Financial Studies

World Bank Economic Review

Journals (B)

Accounting and Business Research

Accounting, Organizations and Society

American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Applied Economics

Cambridge Journal of Economics

Canadian Journal of Economics

Contemporary Accounting Research

Contemporary Economic Policy

Ecological Economics

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Economic Geography

Economic History Review

Economic Inquiry

Economic Letters

Economic Policy

Economic Record

Economic Theory


Economics and Philosophy


Energy Economics

Environment and Planning A

Environmental and Resource Economics

European Journal of Operational Research

Europe-Asia Studies

Explorations in Economic History

Financial Management

Health Economics

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics


International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Game Theory

International Journal of Industrial Organization

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Monetary Fund Staff Papers

International Review of Law and Economics

International Tax and Public Finance

Journal of Accounting Literature

Journal of Accounting Research

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Journal of Applied Economics

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Business

Journal of Comparative Economics

Journal of Development Economics

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Journal of Economic History

Journal of Economic Issues

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Journal of Financial Intermediation

Journal of Forecasting

Journal of Industrial Economics

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

Journal of International Money and Finance

Journal of Law and Economics

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

Journal of Macroeconomics

Journal of Mathematical Economics

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Journal of Population Economics

Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

Journal of the Operations Research Society

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

Journal of Urban Economics

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Land Economics

Macroeconomic Dynamics

Marketing Science

Mathematical Finance

National Tax Journal

Operations Research Letters

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

Oxford Economic Papers

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

Public Choice

Queuing Systems

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Resource and Energy Economics

Review of Income and Wealth

Scandanavian Journal of Economics

Scottish Journal of Political Economy

Small Business Economics

Social Choice and Welfare

Southern Economic Journal

Theory and Decision

Transportation Research B - Methodological

Transportation Science

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv

World Development

World Economy


推荐]国际顶尖经济学期刊排名Journals (AA)

American Economic Review


Journal of Political Economy

Quarterly Journal of Economics

Review of Economic Studies

Journals (A)

Accounting Review

Econometric Theory

Economic Journal

European Economic Review

Games and Economic Behavior

International Economic Review

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

Journal of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Literature

Journal of Economic Perspectives

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Journal of Finance

Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of Health Economics

Journal of Human Resources

Journal of International Economics

Journal of Labor Economics

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Monetary Economics

Journal of Public Economics

Management Science

Mathematics of Operations Research

Operations Research

Rand Journal of Economics

Review of Economics and Statistics

Review of Financial Studies

World Bank Economic Review

Journals (B)

Accounting and Business Research

Accounting, Organizations and Society

American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Applied Economics

Cambridge Journal of Economics

Canadian Journal of Economics

Contemporary Accounting Research

Contemporary Economic Policy

Ecological Economics

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Economic Geography

Economic History Review

Economic Inquiry

Economic Letters

Economic Policy

Economic Record

Economic Theory


Economics and Philosophy


Energy Economics

Environment and Planning A

Environmental and Resource Economics

European Journal of Operational Research

Europe-Asia Studies

Explorations in Economic History

Financial Management

Health Economics

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics


International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Game Theory

International Journal of Industrial Organization

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Monetary Fund Staff Papers

International Review of Law and Economics

International Tax and Public Finance

Journal of Accounting Literature

Journal of Accounting Research

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Journal of Applied Economics

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Business

Journal of Comparative Economics

Journal of Development Economics

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Journal of Economic History

Journal of Economic Issues

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Journal of Financial Intermediation

Journal of Forecasting

Journal of Industrial Economics

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

Journal of International Money and Finance

Journal of Law and Economics

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

Journal of Macroeconomics

Journal of Mathematical Economics

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Journal of Population Economics

Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

Journal of the Operations Research Society

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

Journal of Urban Economics

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Land Economics

Macroeconomic Dynamics

Marketing Science

Mathematical Finance

National Tax Journal

Operations Research Letters

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

Oxford Economic Papers

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

Public Choice

Queuing Systems

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Resource and Energy Economics

Review of Income and Wealth

Scandanavian Journal of Economics

Scottish Journal of Political Economy

Small Business Economics

Social Choice and Welfare

Southern Economic Journal

Theory and Decision

Transportation Research B - Methodological

Transportation Science

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv

World Development

World Economy


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