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一 设计概论课中,主要讲解了什么叫工业设计,现代工业设计的现状未来,以及现在设计市场等主要概念。以及大量的专业词汇。

课程中,我对现代工业设计研究领域有最深刻的印象,通过介绍我了解到自己学习的主要方向,且研究领域主要分为,视觉传达设计,产品设计,交通设施设计环境设计,和新兴的信息设t 计。通过学习,我在室内设计以及产品设计中表现出了浓厚的兴趣。并希望通过努力做出让我们生活更更便捷的设计。

二 绿色设计

绿色设计:1. 概念:绿色设计是指在产品及其寿命周期全过程的设计中,要充分考虑对





2. 内容:



3. 核心:

绿色设计的核心是Reduce,Recycle,Reuse ,不仅要减少物质和能源的消耗,减少有害物质的排放,而且要使产品及零部件能够方便的分类回收并再生循环或重新利用。 采用绿色设计的实例:

1.ENV (中性排放)摩托车:






2.USB cell:

①设计背景:电池需求量增大的今日,平均每个中国人将会每年带来5只干电池,而每节电池带来的污染极大 ,有标语说,“一节废电池,危害猛于子弹”,而一粒纽扣电池,就可以使60万升水失去其使用价值,等于一个人一生使用的水量。所以设计师开始寻找更符合绿色设计的多次利用电池。

② 产品优点:可充电电池,经济环保,可多次重复利用,


三 成为优秀设计师所要具备的条件

1. 优秀的专业能力

具有优秀的专业能力是成为工业设计的必要素养,例如手绘,软件,对材料的把握,科学性等。 只有具有优秀的专业能力,才能把所具备的知识成为一种工具,把自己学想得自己所创造的作品现实的表达出来,

2. 对未来的憧憬
















4. 对细节的重视










1. 人物简介:1951年, 维纳•潘顿,毕业于丹麦皇家艺术学院建筑系,1957年纸板房屋和1960年的塑料房屋。然而,更为引人注目的则是他的坐具、灯具、纺织品、地毯以及相关的展览设计。1958年他应邀为丹麦福奈岛上著名的“好再来酒吧”做扩建装修室内设计,潘顿用自己的作品展览做了一次彻底的反传统“宣言”,把展览的整个世界全盘颠倒,屋顶被铺着地毯,所有的家具,灯饰全部倒置。初展其惊人才华,一生中最大的成就是1960年的“潘顿椅”。大胆的应用了对比明显的色彩。维纳潘顿,才华横溢,能做出许多颠覆性的创造,让人望而生畏,打破人们的思维定式,大胆的设计不禁让人耳目一新,在当时比较传统的时代做到这点还是让人望而生畏的。.

主要作品:在维纳潘顿的一生中优秀的设计有很多,但最为人称道的就是以她的名字命名的“潘顿椅”了。外形大气,素有美人椅的称号,符合人机工程学,舒适,可以再多种场合使用。 作品赏析:


经过这一次小组分工共同完成一创意作品,我了解到团队合作是快速做出作品的最好方式。 通过团队合作,每个人不同的想法,经过整合,调整,可以使作品逐步走向完美。



1, 人物介绍:


2. 设计背景:






3. 设计作品介绍:

我们利用法拉第电磁感应定律的原理使用无线的移动电源,而且市场调查中,我们发现移动电源可以薄到4.5mm ,但带来的问题是无法大量储存电能,我们将太阳能光板与之结合,随时随地充电,解决了一大烦恼。


《隐秘而伟大的结构》 作者 余秋雨

1. 本书主要内容:本书原名《艺术创造论》。书中主要分析了,作者认为的伟大的作品应该具备共有条件,并深入研究了什么叫艺术,从艺术的本性,眼光,造型,象征等多方面阐明。

2. 读书心得:读过余秋雨先生的几部作品,从中感到余秋雨先生擅长把道理深入浅出,将枯燥的事物生动幽默的表达出来。《伟大作品的隐秘》中作者表达了他的观点思想,作者认为伟大的作品应该具备两种隐秘结构①无结论的两难结构②半透明的双层结构。为表达其思想,作者用大量的事例来阐述其观点,古今中外全部囊括其中,其中使我印象较为深刻的有以下几个例子。





在本论中,即为艺术创造论中,作者引用了培根的定义; 艺术是人与自然的相乘。我认为非常有道理。艺术就是人与自然的共同表达。艺术,就是把人类生态学变成直接审美的一种创造。生活中的艺术,所有都源于再让,源于生态。,被表达出来,获得人们的关注和肯定。这就是我认为艺术。

Experiences of studying survey of modern industrial design

In the courses of survey modern industrial design,we mainly explained what is industrial design,the current situation and the development of it.And we have learned a mass of new words from this course.

And in all lessons of course ,I was deeply impressed with the lesson named the research fields of industrial design.By introducing I have learned that the direction I should follow.And it divides into four fields .They are visual communication design,product design,transportation design ,environment design and information design.through studying ,I find I am interested in transportation design and environment design.I hope I can devise more convenient products by my efforts to serve the public.

Part2 Green design(ecological design)

1. ①concept:Green design refers to the product during all its life cycle,we sufficiently consider its affection of resources and the environment.Meanwhile we should also take its function,quality, development period and its cost.We should also make the relevant things better,to reduce its bad effect and other things during develop.To make sure,all the items

accord with the purpose of green design.

②content:the material selecting and management,and the design of detachable,the recycle design of the products.

③core:For industrial design,the core of green design is ”3R ”,namely Reduce ,Recycle and Reuse.It is necessary not only to reduce the consumption of substances and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substances,but also to classified reclaim,recycle and reuse products and parts conveniently.

2.the examples of green design

3. ①background:Under the circumstance of the global environment worsen day by day,the tail gas and its noise have cause a series of problems to people.And the short of natural resources,it is the high time we should find a product equally.Let nature take its course,the designer find a new product to change the condition efficiently.


The new products newly Hydrogen oxygen fuel so the off gas is water which has no bad effect to environment.And it has no noise during riding and can also make sure the speed of seventy-five miles an hour.And it can cover 100 miles one time.

4.USB cell

①background:The needs of battery is rising day by day and the data shows that every Chinese would bring five dry cells every year on average.But only one battery can bring extremely bad influence to the environment.And there is a slogan goes that:“A battery is stronger than a bullet. ”Only one button cell can make 600 million L water lose its value which is equal to the water a man use the whole life.So the designer begin to discover the battery can recycling .And suits green design.

② advantages:

Rechargeable battery can recycling and repeated use.It is friendly environmental.And it solve the problems that the battery recycling.It has put into use.It‟s cheap that we can use it widely. Part3:the capability to become a good designer

①the excellent ability in your major

It is the necessary attainment to become a good designer.For example ,drawing,software the grasp of the material, scientific and so on.Only we can have excellent ability of our major.can

we turn it a tool to express what we want to and imagine.

②create the vision of the future

W e know nothing about the future life .We all cannot predict what things would be like in the future.So we can only create the vision of the future life.It is the boldly imagination of future life that create the future life.It makes us produce many subvert ideas.And break our inherent way of thinking.And it is enlightening.So far many examples have taken place,the birth of the airplane which are all original from imagination Technology always follow the pace of human ‟s imagination.With only we think about it, we can head towards it.In this way,we can break through the barriers.

③Adapt to the changes of technology

Once I have watched a ted of a type designer,he referred that since he has been worked the technology have changed many times..Phototypesetting,digital ,desktop and website.And all of these to a designer,he must adapt to the changes of technology as soon as he can.Despite it brings him a lot of challenges ,he still love it.And it doesn ‟t stand for compromise ,but to accept the limitation of the technology.Through it has little difference between compromise and limitation,it makes big differences to the attitude of working.

④take details seriously

Many details should be disposed again,but we often take it as “The blinding glimpse of the bleeding obvious.”The good ideas are close to you ,but you just cannot see them.And what we can do is just to do these small things to create the new big.To manage it ,it claims the designer stands by the users‟ side.And it can be enlightening to the designers.For instance,in the class,our teacher gives us the example of „bring a support to the brush of coating.‟and it avoids the spill of the coating.And let me give another example of this,the optical besom.It can clean sunless place completely .All these details can bring us a new life and solve many problems in daily life.

Part four a excellent designer I appreciate

Verner Panton

1.brief introduction

1951,Verner Panton graduated from Denmark royal art college,department of architecture,the year of 1957,he designed paperboard house and the year of 1960,he designed the plastic

house .While the most come to front is that his lamps and lanterns,textiles ,carpet and other relevant exhibition the year of 1958,he was invited to the Denmark fornat island"holly bar"do the decoration and

interior design.,Panton use his exhibition claim against -tradition .He make all the world upside

down.The roof is covered with the carpet.All the furniture and lamps perversion.From this we all

can find his amazing artistic talent.But his most famous achievement is in the year of 1960,his "Pantonchair"come out.He use bright-colored of his chair.We have to say that he is a designer full of wit,He can design many innovate boldly works which are beyond belief to other people.And his works let people find everything fresh and new that time.And think about the time that he birth ,I cannot help to worship him.

2.samples reels

There are many excellent works during all his life ,but the most famous is his chair named after him.It has elegant appearance,suits ergonomic to make people feel comfortable.And we can use in many conditions.

Part five my understanding of design reality and team work

1.introduction of people:

the designers:Chen Yi min,He Zhirui Zhao Xinxin.Through this teamwork,Chen and me discussed what we should make first and make a frame of it.Then we together discuss the details of it.During the discussion ,we talked about whether it can Take into use reality,come up many suggestions and accept one another advice.And we make it in only one and an half hour.And I think it is impossible for one man to do all these in the limited time,and cannot make it perfectly.And it is that the teamwork can bring us.And it can accelerate the pace of accomplish .And the drawing is make bu Zhao and me,the ppt is made by Chen .

2.the background of the product

Currently society is a era of information develop at top speed.And as a student of nowadays society,we cannot avoid

use telephone to receive information from outside.And the telephone as a part of our daily life ,aiming at to make

our life more convenient .While the battery become a barrier ,it can only work a few hours after it charge.And the

portable power source which we use today are inconvenient to shift.Through the designer have managed to make portable power source,but it cannot convey enough electric quantity.And it cannot solve the problem of the poverty stricken call up.Under this situation ,we discuss how can we do to create a convenient portable power source.And we pay our attention to the phone shell which can make our cell phone more beautiful.

3.introduction of our product

We use principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction which is use wireless mobile .And from the market investigation shows that we found mobile power can be thin to

4.5 mm.Through it cannot store enough electrical energy,we can use solar to solve.In this way we can charge anywhere and anytime to solve the worries.

Part 6 the book I like most of Arts

《Secret and great structure》 author Yu Qiuyu

1.the main content of the book:At first,the book‟s name is《art create theory》.In the book the author mainly analyze what is the great works should have .And discuss in-depth study what is art ,from the nature of the art ,vision,modeling,imagine and many other fields to clarify.

2.Reading experiences:

I have read a few books of Mr Yu,and I found that he is good at to explain a profound ideas in a simple way,and make the dull stories into vividly and humorously.From this book,he express his ideas ,he referred that the great works should suit this two kinds:first, non conclusion of the double structure.And second double structure of the semi transparent structure.To make his viewpoint more distinct,the authors use many examples to clarify his expressions.

Example1.American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel,which the writer regard it as a good work of art.From Hemingway to readers, no one can speak it clearly who is the winner or the loser.And it also make us think that so far from ancient,the victory and defeat is a dilemma.And it is permanent exchange, permanent solution.

Example2:《Honglongmeng 》the author believes that the great work is also buried in the two law. In this book the person who is a little important , no one is a one-way, not a word to

cover it. Slightly important plot, not a simple right or wrong choice, this may ask many question that no solution of the problem, and it is the endless problems, in this way this book has aspired to seize the great.

The great secret of great works is that it is not closed, not closed in a certain period of time, not closed in some of the typical, and it can face to all the people. And the author of the double layer structure of the double structure is described as: the art has great difference to the philosophy, is that even if you do not understand, the art is possible to attract people's attention.

In this theory that in the creation of art, the author cites Bacon's definition; art is the multiplication of man and nature. I think it is quite right. Art is the common expression of man and nature. Art is the creation of a direct aesthetic of human ecology. The art of living and all of them comes from the ecology To express it is that get people's attention and affirmation. This is what I think art.


班 级:

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一 设计概论课中,主要讲解了什么叫工业设计,现代工业设计的现状未来,以及现在设计市场等主要概念。以及大量的专业词汇。

课程中,我对现代工业设计研究领域有最深刻的印象,通过介绍我了解到自己学习的主要方向,且研究领域主要分为,视觉传达设计,产品设计,交通设施设计环境设计,和新兴的信息设t 计。通过学习,我在室内设计以及产品设计中表现出了浓厚的兴趣。并希望通过努力做出让我们生活更更便捷的设计。

二 绿色设计

绿色设计:1. 概念:绿色设计是指在产品及其寿命周期全过程的设计中,要充分考虑对





2. 内容:



3. 核心:

绿色设计的核心是Reduce,Recycle,Reuse ,不仅要减少物质和能源的消耗,减少有害物质的排放,而且要使产品及零部件能够方便的分类回收并再生循环或重新利用。 采用绿色设计的实例:

1.ENV (中性排放)摩托车:






2.USB cell:

①设计背景:电池需求量增大的今日,平均每个中国人将会每年带来5只干电池,而每节电池带来的污染极大 ,有标语说,“一节废电池,危害猛于子弹”,而一粒纽扣电池,就可以使60万升水失去其使用价值,等于一个人一生使用的水量。所以设计师开始寻找更符合绿色设计的多次利用电池。

② 产品优点:可充电电池,经济环保,可多次重复利用,


三 成为优秀设计师所要具备的条件

1. 优秀的专业能力

具有优秀的专业能力是成为工业设计的必要素养,例如手绘,软件,对材料的把握,科学性等。 只有具有优秀的专业能力,才能把所具备的知识成为一种工具,把自己学想得自己所创造的作品现实的表达出来,

2. 对未来的憧憬
















4. 对细节的重视










1. 人物简介:1951年, 维纳•潘顿,毕业于丹麦皇家艺术学院建筑系,1957年纸板房屋和1960年的塑料房屋。然而,更为引人注目的则是他的坐具、灯具、纺织品、地毯以及相关的展览设计。1958年他应邀为丹麦福奈岛上著名的“好再来酒吧”做扩建装修室内设计,潘顿用自己的作品展览做了一次彻底的反传统“宣言”,把展览的整个世界全盘颠倒,屋顶被铺着地毯,所有的家具,灯饰全部倒置。初展其惊人才华,一生中最大的成就是1960年的“潘顿椅”。大胆的应用了对比明显的色彩。维纳潘顿,才华横溢,能做出许多颠覆性的创造,让人望而生畏,打破人们的思维定式,大胆的设计不禁让人耳目一新,在当时比较传统的时代做到这点还是让人望而生畏的。.

主要作品:在维纳潘顿的一生中优秀的设计有很多,但最为人称道的就是以她的名字命名的“潘顿椅”了。外形大气,素有美人椅的称号,符合人机工程学,舒适,可以再多种场合使用。 作品赏析:


经过这一次小组分工共同完成一创意作品,我了解到团队合作是快速做出作品的最好方式。 通过团队合作,每个人不同的想法,经过整合,调整,可以使作品逐步走向完美。



1, 人物介绍:


2. 设计背景:






3. 设计作品介绍:

我们利用法拉第电磁感应定律的原理使用无线的移动电源,而且市场调查中,我们发现移动电源可以薄到4.5mm ,但带来的问题是无法大量储存电能,我们将太阳能光板与之结合,随时随地充电,解决了一大烦恼。


《隐秘而伟大的结构》 作者 余秋雨

1. 本书主要内容:本书原名《艺术创造论》。书中主要分析了,作者认为的伟大的作品应该具备共有条件,并深入研究了什么叫艺术,从艺术的本性,眼光,造型,象征等多方面阐明。

2. 读书心得:读过余秋雨先生的几部作品,从中感到余秋雨先生擅长把道理深入浅出,将枯燥的事物生动幽默的表达出来。《伟大作品的隐秘》中作者表达了他的观点思想,作者认为伟大的作品应该具备两种隐秘结构①无结论的两难结构②半透明的双层结构。为表达其思想,作者用大量的事例来阐述其观点,古今中外全部囊括其中,其中使我印象较为深刻的有以下几个例子。





在本论中,即为艺术创造论中,作者引用了培根的定义; 艺术是人与自然的相乘。我认为非常有道理。艺术就是人与自然的共同表达。艺术,就是把人类生态学变成直接审美的一种创造。生活中的艺术,所有都源于再让,源于生态。,被表达出来,获得人们的关注和肯定。这就是我认为艺术。

Experiences of studying survey of modern industrial design

In the courses of survey modern industrial design,we mainly explained what is industrial design,the current situation and the development of it.And we have learned a mass of new words from this course.

And in all lessons of course ,I was deeply impressed with the lesson named the research fields of industrial design.By introducing I have learned that the direction I should follow.And it divides into four fields .They are visual communication design,product design,transportation design ,environment design and information design.through studying ,I find I am interested in transportation design and environment design.I hope I can devise more convenient products by my efforts to serve the public.

Part2 Green design(ecological design)

1. ①concept:Green design refers to the product during all its life cycle,we sufficiently consider its affection of resources and the environment.Meanwhile we should also take its function,quality, development period and its cost.We should also make the relevant things better,to reduce its bad effect and other things during develop.To make sure,all the items

accord with the purpose of green design.

②content:the material selecting and management,and the design of detachable,the recycle design of the products.

③core:For industrial design,the core of green design is ”3R ”,namely Reduce ,Recycle and Reuse.It is necessary not only to reduce the consumption of substances and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substances,but also to classified reclaim,recycle and reuse products and parts conveniently.

2.the examples of green design

3. ①background:Under the circumstance of the global environment worsen day by day,the tail gas and its noise have cause a series of problems to people.And the short of natural resources,it is the high time we should find a product equally.Let nature take its course,the designer find a new product to change the condition efficiently.


The new products newly Hydrogen oxygen fuel so the off gas is water which has no bad effect to environment.And it has no noise during riding and can also make sure the speed of seventy-five miles an hour.And it can cover 100 miles one time.

4.USB cell

①background:The needs of battery is rising day by day and the data shows that every Chinese would bring five dry cells every year on average.But only one battery can bring extremely bad influence to the environment.And there is a slogan goes that:“A battery is stronger than a bullet. ”Only one button cell can make 600 million L water lose its value which is equal to the water a man use the whole life.So the designer begin to discover the battery can recycling .And suits green design.

② advantages:

Rechargeable battery can recycling and repeated use.It is friendly environmental.And it solve the problems that the battery recycling.It has put into use.It‟s cheap that we can use it widely. Part3:the capability to become a good designer

①the excellent ability in your major

It is the necessary attainment to become a good designer.For example ,drawing,software the grasp of the material, scientific and so on.Only we can have excellent ability of our major.can

we turn it a tool to express what we want to and imagine.

②create the vision of the future

W e know nothing about the future life .We all cannot predict what things would be like in the future.So we can only create the vision of the future life.It is the boldly imagination of future life that create the future life.It makes us produce many subvert ideas.And break our inherent way of thinking.And it is enlightening.So far many examples have taken place,the birth of the airplane which are all original from imagination Technology always follow the pace of human ‟s imagination.With only we think about it, we can head towards it.In this way,we can break through the barriers.

③Adapt to the changes of technology

Once I have watched a ted of a type designer,he referred that since he has been worked the technology have changed many times..Phototypesetting,digital ,desktop and website.And all of these to a designer,he must adapt to the changes of technology as soon as he can.Despite it brings him a lot of challenges ,he still love it.And it doesn ‟t stand for compromise ,but to accept the limitation of the technology.Through it has little difference between compromise and limitation,it makes big differences to the attitude of working.

④take details seriously

Many details should be disposed again,but we often take it as “The blinding glimpse of the bleeding obvious.”The good ideas are close to you ,but you just cannot see them.And what we can do is just to do these small things to create the new big.To manage it ,it claims the designer stands by the users‟ side.And it can be enlightening to the designers.For instance,in the class,our teacher gives us the example of „bring a support to the brush of coating.‟and it avoids the spill of the coating.And let me give another example of this,the optical besom.It can clean sunless place completely .All these details can bring us a new life and solve many problems in daily life.

Part four a excellent designer I appreciate

Verner Panton

1.brief introduction

1951,Verner Panton graduated from Denmark royal art college,department of architecture,the year of 1957,he designed paperboard house and the year of 1960,he designed the plastic

house .While the most come to front is that his lamps and lanterns,textiles ,carpet and other relevant exhibition the year of 1958,he was invited to the Denmark fornat island"holly bar"do the decoration and

interior design.,Panton use his exhibition claim against -tradition .He make all the world upside

down.The roof is covered with the carpet.All the furniture and lamps perversion.From this we all

can find his amazing artistic talent.But his most famous achievement is in the year of 1960,his "Pantonchair"come out.He use bright-colored of his chair.We have to say that he is a designer full of wit,He can design many innovate boldly works which are beyond belief to other people.And his works let people find everything fresh and new that time.And think about the time that he birth ,I cannot help to worship him.

2.samples reels

There are many excellent works during all his life ,but the most famous is his chair named after him.It has elegant appearance,suits ergonomic to make people feel comfortable.And we can use in many conditions.

Part five my understanding of design reality and team work

1.introduction of people:

the designers:Chen Yi min,He Zhirui Zhao Xinxin.Through this teamwork,Chen and me discussed what we should make first and make a frame of it.Then we together discuss the details of it.During the discussion ,we talked about whether it can Take into use reality,come up many suggestions and accept one another advice.And we make it in only one and an half hour.And I think it is impossible for one man to do all these in the limited time,and cannot make it perfectly.And it is that the teamwork can bring us.And it can accelerate the pace of accomplish .And the drawing is make bu Zhao and me,the ppt is made by Chen .

2.the background of the product

Currently society is a era of information develop at top speed.And as a student of nowadays society,we cannot avoid

use telephone to receive information from outside.And the telephone as a part of our daily life ,aiming at to make

our life more convenient .While the battery become a barrier ,it can only work a few hours after it charge.And the

portable power source which we use today are inconvenient to shift.Through the designer have managed to make portable power source,but it cannot convey enough electric quantity.And it cannot solve the problem of the poverty stricken call up.Under this situation ,we discuss how can we do to create a convenient portable power source.And we pay our attention to the phone shell which can make our cell phone more beautiful.

3.introduction of our product

We use principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction which is use wireless mobile .And from the market investigation shows that we found mobile power can be thin to

4.5 mm.Through it cannot store enough electrical energy,we can use solar to solve.In this way we can charge anywhere and anytime to solve the worries.

Part 6 the book I like most of Arts

《Secret and great structure》 author Yu Qiuyu

1.the main content of the book:At first,the book‟s name is《art create theory》.In the book the author mainly analyze what is the great works should have .And discuss in-depth study what is art ,from the nature of the art ,vision,modeling,imagine and many other fields to clarify.

2.Reading experiences:

I have read a few books of Mr Yu,and I found that he is good at to explain a profound ideas in a simple way,and make the dull stories into vividly and humorously.From this book,he express his ideas ,he referred that the great works should suit this two kinds:first, non conclusion of the double structure.And second double structure of the semi transparent structure.To make his viewpoint more distinct,the authors use many examples to clarify his expressions.

Example1.American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel,which the writer regard it as a good work of art.From Hemingway to readers, no one can speak it clearly who is the winner or the loser.And it also make us think that so far from ancient,the victory and defeat is a dilemma.And it is permanent exchange, permanent solution.

Example2:《Honglongmeng 》the author believes that the great work is also buried in the two law. In this book the person who is a little important , no one is a one-way, not a word to

cover it. Slightly important plot, not a simple right or wrong choice, this may ask many question that no solution of the problem, and it is the endless problems, in this way this book has aspired to seize the great.

The great secret of great works is that it is not closed, not closed in a certain period of time, not closed in some of the typical, and it can face to all the people. And the author of the double layer structure of the double structure is described as: the art has great difference to the philosophy, is that even if you do not understand, the art is possible to attract people's attention.

In this theory that in the creation of art, the author cites Bacon's definition; art is the multiplication of man and nature. I think it is quite right. Art is the common expression of man and nature. Art is the creation of a direct aesthetic of human ecology. The art of living and all of them comes from the ecology To express it is that get people's attention and affirmation. This is what I think art.


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