
加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts)

加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts)



Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Part





Undersigned Parties:

____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party A)

____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party B)



The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standard Magnetic Compasses in ____________ with all necessary parts and materials provided by Party A under the following terms and conditions:




1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts

(1) Name of Commodity——Standard Magnetic Compasses

(2) Quantity——____ sets in total;



2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in ______ or _______;




(2)GLC-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写_____


(3)GLC-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写______


3. Processing Charge for each model is as follows:

(1) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(2) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-2: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(3) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-3: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;


4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shipped to _________ by Party A. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party

A shall be held responsible for supplying replacement;

5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在__________ 或_________ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;

5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in ________ or __________ one month in prior to the shipment of finished products;


6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1 and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence of uncontrollable or unforeseeable events;


加工时零件及原料损耗率为_____%,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过____ %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料;

7. Attrition Rate of Parts and Materials

Attrition rate of parts and materials in processing is _____% and shall be provided by Party A for free. In case attrition rate exceeds ______%, Party B shall supplement the additional parts and materials required for processing;


8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A’s expenses. In case of short shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;


9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses GLC-1 shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modific




10. Technical Service: Party A agrees to send technicians to _______ to help training Party B’s technicians at the request of Party B at any time, and allows the technicians sent by Party A to remain with Party B for inspection of the finished products. As such, Party B agrees to pay a daily wage of $_____ U.S. for each person, all other expenses (including round trip tickets) will be borne by Party A;


11. All import and export formalities concerning this contract shall be effected by Party B;


12. All Standard Magnetic Compasses processed shall be shipped by Party A to the foreign purchasers appointed by Party A at any time;



(2)若必要时乙方在__________或____________ 购买加工标准磁罗经的零件及原料,其品质必须符合标准并事先需甲方核准。


13. Other Terms and Conditions:

(1) Party A shall provide the trademark of Standard Magnetic Compasses and shall be held fully responsible for legal disputes if any;

(2) The quality of parts and materials purchased by Party B in _________ or ___________ for processing Standard Magnetic Compasses, if necessary, shall be in conformity with the standard and approved by Party A in advance;

(3) For promotion of export, Party B shall prepare and store samples of Standard Magnetic Compasses and send them to foreign purchasers appointed by Party A. All parts and materials required shall be provided out of the stock provided by Party A;


14. This contract is made out in triplicate. Party A and Party B shall retain one copy after signing all copies, and submit one to the authorities concerned in __________ (place) for registration.

_________Co. Ltd _________Co. Ltd

(Signature) (Signature)

Manager: Manager:

加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts)

加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts)



Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Part





Undersigned Parties:

____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party A)

____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party B)



The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standard Magnetic Compasses in ____________ with all necessary parts and materials provided by Party A under the following terms and conditions:




1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts

(1) Name of Commodity——Standard Magnetic Compasses

(2) Quantity——____ sets in total;



2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in ______ or _______;




(2)GLC-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写_____


(3)GLC-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写______


3. Processing Charge for each model is as follows:

(1) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(2) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-2: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(3) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-3: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;


4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shipped to _________ by Party A. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party

A shall be held responsible for supplying replacement;

5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在__________ 或_________ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;

5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in ________ or __________ one month in prior to the shipment of finished products;


6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1 and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence of uncontrollable or unforeseeable events;


加工时零件及原料损耗率为_____%,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过____ %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料;

7. Attrition Rate of Parts and Materials

Attrition rate of parts and materials in processing is _____% and shall be provided by Party A for free. In case attrition rate exceeds ______%, Party B shall supplement the additional parts and materials required for processing;


8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A’s expenses. In case of short shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;


9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses GLC-1 shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modific




10. Technical Service: Party A agrees to send technicians to _______ to help training Party B’s technicians at the request of Party B at any time, and allows the technicians sent by Party A to remain with Party B for inspection of the finished products. As such, Party B agrees to pay a daily wage of $_____ U.S. for each person, all other expenses (including round trip tickets) will be borne by Party A;


11. All import and export formalities concerning this contract shall be effected by Party B;


12. All Standard Magnetic Compasses processed shall be shipped by Party A to the foreign purchasers appointed by Party A at any time;



(2)若必要时乙方在__________或____________ 购买加工标准磁罗经的零件及原料,其品质必须符合标准并事先需甲方核准。


13. Other Terms and Conditions:

(1) Party A shall provide the trademark of Standard Magnetic Compasses and shall be held fully responsible for legal disputes if any;

(2) The quality of parts and materials purchased by Party B in _________ or ___________ for processing Standard Magnetic Compasses, if necessary, shall be in conformity with the standard and approved by Party A in advance;

(3) For promotion of export, Party B shall prepare and store samples of Standard Magnetic Compasses and send them to foreign purchasers appointed by Party A. All parts and materials required shall be provided out of the stock provided by Party A;


14. This contract is made out in triplicate. Party A and Party B shall retain one copy after signing all copies, and submit one to the authorities concerned in __________ (place) for registration.

_________Co. Ltd _________Co. Ltd

(Signature) (Signature)

Manager: Manager:


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