

1. The Oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Long-man dictionary because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world.

分析:本句中的原因状语从句较长,应注意 hesitate about doing sth. 的结构,其意思是“对做某事犹豫不决”,与hesitate to do sth.功能相同。1)stand 这里意为“以得起,经受得住”。

2)vigorous 本义为“精力充沛的,强有力的”,此处可理解为“严格的”3) bias : “偏见,成见,倾向性”

译文:因此《牛津词典》比《朗曼词典》更经得起对文化偏见的严格审视,因为后者总是以说英语国家的视角来评判其他国家的文化现象。 37. In reality , though , the BBC dictionary „, as will the other two dictionaries.

分析:as 在此有比较,引导一个比较从句。In reality意为“事实上,实际上”。

译文:实际上,BBC 词典将拥有比另外两本词典更广的读者群。

2. Where is industry's and our recognition that protecting mankind's great treasure is the single most important responsibility?

分析:主从复合句,that „responsibility 是recognition 的同位语从句,从句的主语是动名词短词protecting mankind's great treasure. 1)industry 此处指“公司,企业”。如前文中的industrial denial 指“来自企业或公司的拒绝。2)the single most important 意为”惟一最重要的“,single 在此表示强调。


3. If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.

分析:注意本句的表达及ever 的强调意义。If ever there will be time for „, that time is now. 这一句型是个很有用的句型,表达时能经常用得上。如:

If ever there will be time for you to revenge yourself, that time is now.



4. The Times newspaper agrees , complaining that quality has suffered as student numbers soared , with close tutorial supervision giving way to “mass production methods more typical of

European universities.”

分析:本句中谓语动词agrees 的内容是前句中对扩大招生的怀疑态度,现在分词短语complaining that „ 说明原因,介词短语will „表示结果,说明现在分词短语。


5. Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures.

分析:应注意,based on their electrical signatures不应看作过去分词短语作odors 的定语,而应看作形容词短语作状语说明sorts out. 1)current changes,从上下文看指“电流的变化”。2)log 作名词意为“航海(或飞行)日志”,作动词为“把„记入航海(飞行)日志”此处引申为“记录”。

6. If food already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make sense to add dozens of new man-made ones.

分析:句中it 是形式主语,不定式短语to add dozens of new manmade ones是真实主语。1)if 此处等于even if,表示让步而非条件。2)make sense意为“讲得通,有意义”。此处可理解为“有道理”。


7. By studying mineral grains found in materials ranging from rocks to clay articles, previous researchers have already been able to identify reversals dating back „, including „。

分析:本句较长,应注意几个现在分词短语的作用。 Ranging from„修饰materials , 而dating back „和including „修饰reversals.1)mineral grains: 矿物颗粒2)clay articles:陶器,articles 此处指“物件”3)此外,应注意reversals 和switch 是同义替换,都指“polarity reversal”。


8. Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts.

分析:1)link sth. to sth. else 意为:“将某物与另一物联系起来”, 此处可理解为“将„归因于„”2)flips 此处是polarity reversals的同义说法。3)impact : 物理学上指“撞击,冲击,碰撞”,此处不应理解为“影响”

9. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments.


10. Out of our emotional experiences„comes a social feeling of agreement that„, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life——from „to „will accept.

分析:本句由and 连接两个并列分句,第一个分句为保持句子平衡而采用了倒装语序,将介词短语置于句首,主语置于句尾;第二个分句中破折号后的from „to 结构比较大,用于说明动词apply 的范围。此外,第一分句中的that 从句是agreement 的同位语从句。

11. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends.

分析:1)从上下文看,the current crisis 显然指前句内容,即„has increasingly catered to narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students.2)此外,contend 此处意为“坚持认为,坚决主张”3)derive from:“起源,由来,来源于„”,表示因果关系4)legitimate :本义指“合法的”,此处可理解为“合理的,正确的”。

译文:报告坚持认为,当前高校面临的危机不是由将知识运用于生产这一指导思想导致的,这一思想是完全正确的。 12. Y et for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.

分析:“for all+句词短语”结构表示“尽管”。


13. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market, ——with destructive impact on the have ——nots.

分析:过去分词短语make possible by information technology修饰主语The electronic economy. With 介词短语说明整个句子,表示结果。

14. Home schoolers habor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herd-like approach to teaching children.

分析:现在分词短语charging „to teaching children 作伴随情况状语,that range from „to teaching children 是修饰shortcomings 的定语从句。Charging shortcomings 是charge sb. sth. 结构的变体,意为“把„归咎于„”。1)home schoolers 在本文中指advocates of home-schooling , “家庭教育倡导者”。2)herd-like approach to teaching children:放牧式的教育儿童的方法。Approach 意为“方法,方式”。

15. Finally, advertisers try to begin commercials with sounds that are highly different from those of programming within which the commercial is buries.

分析:本句是一个主从复合句,定语从句that are highly different from „the commercial is buried 中,又含有一个定语从句within which the commercial is buried,后者修饰programming. bury 本文为“埋葬,掩盖”,这里指在正常节目中插播广告。

16. The act, designed to protect species' living areas, and policies that preserve land and forests compete with economic interests.

分析:应注意本句的主语是The act„and policies, 过去分词短语designed to protect species' living areas修饰The act,定语从句that preserve land and forests修饰policies.1)compete with:与„对抗,竞争。2)economic interests: 经济利益。此处interests 不应理解为“兴趣”。

译文:这一旨在保护动物生活场所的法案以及一些保护土地及森林的政策却与经济利益相抵触。 17. Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable>


Y ou say that is un-American, unfair and extremely unbelieveable? That 指第二段的内容,即the conclusion和社会学家的数据表明的情况。

18. Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary.

分析:虽然句子较短,但应识别出mouthing „the contrary 作宾语补足语。本句的难点在于理解mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary的隐含之义。其字面意思是“嘴上说虔诚,做的却相反”,隐含之义是“心口不一,言行不一”。

19. Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population, the factory farming industry also argues that “hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry industry.”

分析:形容词短语Not content with„our own population, 说明the factory farming industry,其中的不定式短语to produce food„补充说明claim.1)be content with 意为“满足于„”如:Not content with having overthrown the government , the military dictator imprisoned all his opponents. 那个军事独裁者不满足于推翻政府,还把所有的反对者囚禁起来。2)factory farming industry指工业化家禽养殖业。3)argue 这里的意思是“用辩解证明,论证”。

20. then came the weakening of the U.S. dollar against major currencies.

分析:本句是一个倒装句,主语是the weakening of „against major currencies. 1)weakening 这里指美元的“疲软”,即“外汇交易中比价下跌”2)major currencies : 世界其他主要货币


21. Bottom retail prices——anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia——have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $79 billion in 1994.

分析:1)破折号之间的内容旨在说明 bottom retail prices. 2)who 引导的定语从句为非限定性定语从句,翻译时,可考虑将其译成单独的句子。Bottom retail prices: 最低的零售价格。注意bottom 作形容词,表示“最低的”。如:bottom salary 最低工资;bottom price底价。


22. It is said that „because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes „consumed by „were becoming „, with a decline of net weight„, without any reduction in price.

分析:本句较长,首先应把握其主句句型:It is said that„。此外要注意作为真实主语的that 从句中含有because 引导的原因状语从句,其中又含有that 引导的宾语从句。最后,应注意过去分词短语 consumed by表被动,修饰the boxes, 以及with 和without 短语同时说明宾语从句的谓语动词were becoming.

译文:参议员哈特一家在购买合装麦片时发现,包装盒变高了,变窄了,食品的分量也减少了,然而价格却分文未降据说,由此在公众和议会中引发了一场关于欺骗性商品包装的轩然大波。 23. The producers „argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one„improving a product's market position.

分析:注意句中的the huge costs有两个修饰成分:分词短语incurred by„和定语从句that are used for„。换言之,定语从句that are used for„不是修饰net weights的。1)argue against: oppose , “反对”。2)even 意为“相等的,同样的”,even weights and volumes即“与从前相等的重量和体积”。3)trade 在这里是“行业”的意思,与industry 同义。注意:作“行业”讲的trade 是可数名词,作“贸易”讲的trade 是不可数名词。

24. If the bottom half can't effectively staff… the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.

分析:本句结构并不十分复杂,只需注意两个that 引导的定语从句即不难把握全句的结构。

1)staff 的本义为“为„配备人员”,此处引申为“担负起责任,完成任务”之意。如:a finely-staffed school 一所师资力量雄厚的学校。2)process 本义为“过程,工序”,此处意为“生产过程,生产流程”。

25. The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject.

分析:1)shaky 意为“摇摇晃晃的,不稳的,危险的”。2)with respect to 表示“关于,就„页言”。本句从结构、甚至用词来看,并不深奥难懂,关键是要读出其隐含之意。全句的字


26. In book promotions, the “unauthorized ” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress.

分析:1)promotions : 此处意为“宣传,促销”。In book promotions 意为“在为书作宣传时”。2)suggests 此处意为“意味着”。3)prospect 本义为“前景,前途”,此处可引申为“可能(性)”。4) juicy gossip:绘声绘色、添油加醋的秘闻。Juicy 本义为“多汁的”,此处意为“有滋味有味的,绘声绘色的”。Gossip 指“有关个人隐私的闲言碎语。”

27. In Japan, however , where babies are carried on their mother's back, infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures.

分析:1)however 表示的转折是本句与上文的转折。2)as much „as 结构表示“像„一样多的”。Attachment 在这里的意思是“依恋,依赖”。


28. It is important that they be looking at …

注意虚拟语气的这种用法。在it be+形容词+that从句结构中,当形容词是important , essential , desirable , necessary , natural imperative, advisable , fair , just , right 时,that 从句中用虚拟语气。如:It is essential that he (should ) be prepared for this.他对此有所准备是很有必要的。

29. Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintainance of conversational flow becomes evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses: „



30. Unlike other lawbreakers , who „computer criminals sometimes escape punishment , demanding not only that they not be charged but that„

分析:现在分词短语demanding „that „作伴随情况状语。此外,demand 后面的that 引导的宾从句中用虚拟语气:should+动词原形,should 可省略。


31. The possibi lity of increases…in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market.

分析:1) provisions 这里意为“措施,防备”。Greater safety provisions 意为“进一步的安全措施。2)price 这里用作动词,意思是”由于抬价过高而„“。如:price one's goods out of the market漫天要价以致失去市场

32. Having weighed up the arguments…reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.

分析:现在分词having weighed up„表示时间先后。Weigh up本义为“称”,此处引申为“估量,权衡”。Arguments 意为“论据,论点”。

33. Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who…

分析:we reach是the conclusions的定语从句;介词短语by providing clues to„表示方式;三个who 引导的从句作介词to 的宾语。


34. Coleman concludes that „so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won't secure you the big promotion.

分析:本句是一个多重主从复合句:that 引导的宾语从句中含有so „that 结构,该结构中that 引导的结果状语从句部分又由一个while 引导的让步状语从句构成。Secure sb. sth. 意为:“为某人弄到某物”。如:secure him the job帮他得到那份工作;secure sb. a ticket替某人弄一张票。

35. Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think… that they play down their visibility.

分析:本句的so „that 结构中含有一个that people will think„从句作frightened 的宾语。1)play down: “降低,贬低”。2)visibility 本义为“可见度”,此处根据上下文可理解为“露面,显示”。


36. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader …conditioned mice to avoid saccharin by …with a drug that while suppressing their immune systems caused stomach upsets.

分析:by 短语有两个动名词短语:feeding them the sweetener和injecting them with a drug, 而a drug的定语从句中又包含了“连词while+现在分词”结构。1)从语义方面看,conditioned

意为“使„形成条件反射”, conditioned mice to avoid saccharin意为“使老鼠对排斥糖精形成条件反射”;2)the sweetener 指saccharin.

译文:1975年,罗切斯特大学医学院的心理学家Robert Ader在使老鼠对排斥糖精形成条件反射的试验中,喂食老鼠粮精的同时给它们注射了一种药剂,这种药在破坏老鼠免疫系统的同时还会引起腹痛。


1. The Oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Long-man dictionary because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world.

分析:本句中的原因状语从句较长,应注意 hesitate about doing sth. 的结构,其意思是“对做某事犹豫不决”,与hesitate to do sth.功能相同。1)stand 这里意为“以得起,经受得住”。

2)vigorous 本义为“精力充沛的,强有力的”,此处可理解为“严格的”3) bias : “偏见,成见,倾向性”

译文:因此《牛津词典》比《朗曼词典》更经得起对文化偏见的严格审视,因为后者总是以说英语国家的视角来评判其他国家的文化现象。 37. In reality , though , the BBC dictionary „, as will the other two dictionaries.

分析:as 在此有比较,引导一个比较从句。In reality意为“事实上,实际上”。

译文:实际上,BBC 词典将拥有比另外两本词典更广的读者群。

2. Where is industry's and our recognition that protecting mankind's great treasure is the single most important responsibility?

分析:主从复合句,that „responsibility 是recognition 的同位语从句,从句的主语是动名词短词protecting mankind's great treasure. 1)industry 此处指“公司,企业”。如前文中的industrial denial 指“来自企业或公司的拒绝。2)the single most important 意为”惟一最重要的“,single 在此表示强调。


3. If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.

分析:注意本句的表达及ever 的强调意义。If ever there will be time for „, that time is now. 这一句型是个很有用的句型,表达时能经常用得上。如:

If ever there will be time for you to revenge yourself, that time is now.



4. The Times newspaper agrees , complaining that quality has suffered as student numbers soared , with close tutorial supervision giving way to “mass production methods more typical of

European universities.”

分析:本句中谓语动词agrees 的内容是前句中对扩大招生的怀疑态度,现在分词短语complaining that „ 说明原因,介词短语will „表示结果,说明现在分词短语。


5. Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures.

分析:应注意,based on their electrical signatures不应看作过去分词短语作odors 的定语,而应看作形容词短语作状语说明sorts out. 1)current changes,从上下文看指“电流的变化”。2)log 作名词意为“航海(或飞行)日志”,作动词为“把„记入航海(飞行)日志”此处引申为“记录”。

6. If food already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make sense to add dozens of new man-made ones.

分析:句中it 是形式主语,不定式短语to add dozens of new manmade ones是真实主语。1)if 此处等于even if,表示让步而非条件。2)make sense意为“讲得通,有意义”。此处可理解为“有道理”。


7. By studying mineral grains found in materials ranging from rocks to clay articles, previous researchers have already been able to identify reversals dating back „, including „。

分析:本句较长,应注意几个现在分词短语的作用。 Ranging from„修饰materials , 而dating back „和including „修饰reversals.1)mineral grains: 矿物颗粒2)clay articles:陶器,articles 此处指“物件”3)此外,应注意reversals 和switch 是同义替换,都指“polarity reversal”。


8. Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts.

分析:1)link sth. to sth. else 意为:“将某物与另一物联系起来”, 此处可理解为“将„归因于„”2)flips 此处是polarity reversals的同义说法。3)impact : 物理学上指“撞击,冲击,碰撞”,此处不应理解为“影响”

9. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments.


10. Out of our emotional experiences„comes a social feeling of agreement that„, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life——from „to „will accept.

分析:本句由and 连接两个并列分句,第一个分句为保持句子平衡而采用了倒装语序,将介词短语置于句首,主语置于句尾;第二个分句中破折号后的from „to 结构比较大,用于说明动词apply 的范围。此外,第一分句中的that 从句是agreement 的同位语从句。

11. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends.

分析:1)从上下文看,the current crisis 显然指前句内容,即„has increasingly catered to narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students.2)此外,contend 此处意为“坚持认为,坚决主张”3)derive from:“起源,由来,来源于„”,表示因果关系4)legitimate :本义指“合法的”,此处可理解为“合理的,正确的”。

译文:报告坚持认为,当前高校面临的危机不是由将知识运用于生产这一指导思想导致的,这一思想是完全正确的。 12. Y et for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.

分析:“for all+句词短语”结构表示“尽管”。


13. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market, ——with destructive impact on the have ——nots.

分析:过去分词短语make possible by information technology修饰主语The electronic economy. With 介词短语说明整个句子,表示结果。

14. Home schoolers habor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herd-like approach to teaching children.

分析:现在分词短语charging „to teaching children 作伴随情况状语,that range from „to teaching children 是修饰shortcomings 的定语从句。Charging shortcomings 是charge sb. sth. 结构的变体,意为“把„归咎于„”。1)home schoolers 在本文中指advocates of home-schooling , “家庭教育倡导者”。2)herd-like approach to teaching children:放牧式的教育儿童的方法。Approach 意为“方法,方式”。

15. Finally, advertisers try to begin commercials with sounds that are highly different from those of programming within which the commercial is buries.

分析:本句是一个主从复合句,定语从句that are highly different from „the commercial is buried 中,又含有一个定语从句within which the commercial is buried,后者修饰programming. bury 本文为“埋葬,掩盖”,这里指在正常节目中插播广告。

16. The act, designed to protect species' living areas, and policies that preserve land and forests compete with economic interests.

分析:应注意本句的主语是The act„and policies, 过去分词短语designed to protect species' living areas修饰The act,定语从句that preserve land and forests修饰policies.1)compete with:与„对抗,竞争。2)economic interests: 经济利益。此处interests 不应理解为“兴趣”。

译文:这一旨在保护动物生活场所的法案以及一些保护土地及森林的政策却与经济利益相抵触。 17. Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable>


Y ou say that is un-American, unfair and extremely unbelieveable? That 指第二段的内容,即the conclusion和社会学家的数据表明的情况。

18. Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary.

分析:虽然句子较短,但应识别出mouthing „the contrary 作宾语补足语。本句的难点在于理解mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary的隐含之义。其字面意思是“嘴上说虔诚,做的却相反”,隐含之义是“心口不一,言行不一”。

19. Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population, the factory farming industry also argues that “hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry industry.”

分析:形容词短语Not content with„our own population, 说明the factory farming industry,其中的不定式短语to produce food„补充说明claim.1)be content with 意为“满足于„”如:Not content with having overthrown the government , the military dictator imprisoned all his opponents. 那个军事独裁者不满足于推翻政府,还把所有的反对者囚禁起来。2)factory farming industry指工业化家禽养殖业。3)argue 这里的意思是“用辩解证明,论证”。

20. then came the weakening of the U.S. dollar against major currencies.

分析:本句是一个倒装句,主语是the weakening of „against major currencies. 1)weakening 这里指美元的“疲软”,即“外汇交易中比价下跌”2)major currencies : 世界其他主要货币


21. Bottom retail prices——anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia——have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $79 billion in 1994.

分析:1)破折号之间的内容旨在说明 bottom retail prices. 2)who 引导的定语从句为非限定性定语从句,翻译时,可考虑将其译成单独的句子。Bottom retail prices: 最低的零售价格。注意bottom 作形容词,表示“最低的”。如:bottom salary 最低工资;bottom price底价。


22. It is said that „because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes „consumed by „were becoming „, with a decline of net weight„, without any reduction in price.

分析:本句较长,首先应把握其主句句型:It is said that„。此外要注意作为真实主语的that 从句中含有because 引导的原因状语从句,其中又含有that 引导的宾语从句。最后,应注意过去分词短语 consumed by表被动,修饰the boxes, 以及with 和without 短语同时说明宾语从句的谓语动词were becoming.

译文:参议员哈特一家在购买合装麦片时发现,包装盒变高了,变窄了,食品的分量也减少了,然而价格却分文未降据说,由此在公众和议会中引发了一场关于欺骗性商品包装的轩然大波。 23. The producers „argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one„improving a product's market position.

分析:注意句中的the huge costs有两个修饰成分:分词短语incurred by„和定语从句that are used for„。换言之,定语从句that are used for„不是修饰net weights的。1)argue against: oppose , “反对”。2)even 意为“相等的,同样的”,even weights and volumes即“与从前相等的重量和体积”。3)trade 在这里是“行业”的意思,与industry 同义。注意:作“行业”讲的trade 是可数名词,作“贸易”讲的trade 是不可数名词。

24. If the bottom half can't effectively staff… the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.

分析:本句结构并不十分复杂,只需注意两个that 引导的定语从句即不难把握全句的结构。

1)staff 的本义为“为„配备人员”,此处引申为“担负起责任,完成任务”之意。如:a finely-staffed school 一所师资力量雄厚的学校。2)process 本义为“过程,工序”,此处意为“生产过程,生产流程”。

25. The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject.

分析:1)shaky 意为“摇摇晃晃的,不稳的,危险的”。2)with respect to 表示“关于,就„页言”。本句从结构、甚至用词来看,并不深奥难懂,关键是要读出其隐含之意。全句的字


26. In book promotions, the “unauthorized ” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress.

分析:1)promotions : 此处意为“宣传,促销”。In book promotions 意为“在为书作宣传时”。2)suggests 此处意为“意味着”。3)prospect 本义为“前景,前途”,此处可引申为“可能(性)”。4) juicy gossip:绘声绘色、添油加醋的秘闻。Juicy 本义为“多汁的”,此处意为“有滋味有味的,绘声绘色的”。Gossip 指“有关个人隐私的闲言碎语。”

27. In Japan, however , where babies are carried on their mother's back, infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures.

分析:1)however 表示的转折是本句与上文的转折。2)as much „as 结构表示“像„一样多的”。Attachment 在这里的意思是“依恋,依赖”。


28. It is important that they be looking at …

注意虚拟语气的这种用法。在it be+形容词+that从句结构中,当形容词是important , essential , desirable , necessary , natural imperative, advisable , fair , just , right 时,that 从句中用虚拟语气。如:It is essential that he (should ) be prepared for this.他对此有所准备是很有必要的。

29. Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintainance of conversational flow becomes evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses: „



30. Unlike other lawbreakers , who „computer criminals sometimes escape punishment , demanding not only that they not be charged but that„

分析:现在分词短语demanding „that „作伴随情况状语。此外,demand 后面的that 引导的宾从句中用虚拟语气:should+动词原形,should 可省略。


31. The possibi lity of increases…in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market.

分析:1) provisions 这里意为“措施,防备”。Greater safety provisions 意为“进一步的安全措施。2)price 这里用作动词,意思是”由于抬价过高而„“。如:price one's goods out of the market漫天要价以致失去市场

32. Having weighed up the arguments…reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.

分析:现在分词having weighed up„表示时间先后。Weigh up本义为“称”,此处引申为“估量,权衡”。Arguments 意为“论据,论点”。

33. Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who…

分析:we reach是the conclusions的定语从句;介词短语by providing clues to„表示方式;三个who 引导的从句作介词to 的宾语。


34. Coleman concludes that „so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won't secure you the big promotion.

分析:本句是一个多重主从复合句:that 引导的宾语从句中含有so „that 结构,该结构中that 引导的结果状语从句部分又由一个while 引导的让步状语从句构成。Secure sb. sth. 意为:“为某人弄到某物”。如:secure him the job帮他得到那份工作;secure sb. a ticket替某人弄一张票。

35. Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think… that they play down their visibility.

分析:本句的so „that 结构中含有一个that people will think„从句作frightened 的宾语。1)play down: “降低,贬低”。2)visibility 本义为“可见度”,此处根据上下文可理解为“露面,显示”。


36. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader …conditioned mice to avoid saccharin by …with a drug that while suppressing their immune systems caused stomach upsets.

分析:by 短语有两个动名词短语:feeding them the sweetener和injecting them with a drug, 而a drug的定语从句中又包含了“连词while+现在分词”结构。1)从语义方面看,conditioned

意为“使„形成条件反射”, conditioned mice to avoid saccharin意为“使老鼠对排斥糖精形成条件反射”;2)the sweetener 指saccharin.

译文:1975年,罗切斯特大学医学院的心理学家Robert Ader在使老鼠对排斥糖精形成条件反射的试验中,喂食老鼠粮精的同时给它们注射了一种药剂,这种药在破坏老鼠免疫系统的同时还会引起腹痛。


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