

一、 前言



(1)网络传送层面的技术已日趋成熟,包括虚级联,GFP(GenericFramingProcedure通用帧规程),LCAS(LinkCapacity Adjustment Scheme链路容量调节方案)等新技术和RPR(Resilient Packet Ring弹性分组环),MSPP/MSTP(Multi Service Provisioning Platform/Transport Platform多业务配置/传送平台)等新平台为语音/数据网络融合提供了多种选择;





ASON主要由以下三个独立的平面组成,即传输平面、控制平面和管理平面。(还有一个不常提及的DCN面用来承载控制信号)。类似ATM,ASON支持三种连接,即永久连接PC(PermanentConnection)、交换连接SC(SwithchedConnection)和软永久连接SPC(SoftPermanent Connection)。永久连接也被称为定制连接,由网管系统或者由人工完成,而交换连接是信令驱动的连接,终端用户根据需要,可在任意两个连接端点间建立连接。SPC与PC连接都是由管理平面发起的连接,不同之处在于光网络内部是使用信令还是利用网管接口。光网络内部使用信令建立连接时,涉及到控制面内的信令部分,每个网元的控制实体相互之间需要动态交互信令信息,另外控制面内的路由部分也要在实体之间交换路由信息。信令建链需要网络命名和寻址(Naming and Addressing)策略的支持。


由于AS0N在网络架构上属于层叠模型(OverlayModel),ASON网络逻辑上分为UNI(UserNetworkInterface用户网络接口),I-NNI(Inter-Network Network Interface内部网络-网络接口)和E-NNI(Exterior-Network Network Interface外部网络-网络接口)三个部分。


PrivateNNI),CR-LDP(约束路由的标签分发协议ConstrainedRouting-LabelDistribution Protocol)和RSVP-TE(资源预约协议带流量扩展Resource Reservation Protocol--Traffic Extension)。

I-NNI是属于一个域内的控制平面实体间的双向控制接口。由于在域内运行,一般是同一个设备商的设备,因此没有建议标准化,每个设备厂商可以使用专有的接口协议也可以使用众所周知的接口协议。I-NNI接口使用协议包括路由协议和信令协议,路由协议可以是OSPF-TE(开放最短路径优先协议-带流量工程扩展OpenShortestPathFirst-Traffic Engineering)、IS-IS-TE(中间系统-中间系统路由协议-带流量工程扩展Intermediate System-Intermediate System-Traffic Engineering)或BGP(边界网关协议Border Gateway Protoco1)协议,信令协议主要是CR-LDP和RSVP-TE。








ITU-T的优势是在协议框架搭建,网络管理和业务提供方面,依照ITU-T的建议,ASON只支持层叠模型,定义了G.8080/Y.ASON结构,区分了呼叫和连接,用抽象模型抽象化了信令协议,提出了路由协议的需求,支持DCN细化为SCN(信令连接网SignalingConnectionNetwork)和MCN(网管连接网ManagementConnection Network)仔细考虑了ASON网管的问题。













3.对城域接入的支持如3G基站、企业网边缘路由器、网关、IAD等 新一代的MSTP除了原来的SDH接口,增加了对以太、MPLS甚至RPR(弹性分组环)接入的支持,考虑到未来无线3G应用的宽带需求,例如3G基站之间的互联,企业网络设备的速率升级,利用ASON为用户提供安全高速的二层VPN或者一层VPN满足互联需求是未来可预见的有吸引力的新业务。
















About ASON Automatic Switched Optical Network


The development of modern optical communication networks counting from the PDH, through SDH / SONET / OTN to ASON now automatically switched optical network is the third generation, which fully reflects the optical communication network links from low to high speed, ultra-high speed, from the point point topology to the ring, MESH, from the low-speed electric power used in most high-speed multiplexing, optical multiplexing, from the main for the link, network element management to-end service management for the evolution of trends.

Today, support for ASON has become the optical equipment manufacturer promotion of their optical equipment necessary conditions, especially in China, with AT & T using Ciena introduced intelligent optical equipment, AlCAtel in Beijing, Lucent in Jiangsu deployment of intelligent optical networking products, domestic operators generally showed a warm welcome to the ASON, ASON is so important, operators and manufacturers to obtain unanimous praise, primarily because of:

(1) network transmission level technology has matured, including Virtual Concatenation, GFP (GenericFramingProcedure common frame of order), LCAS (LinkCapacity Adjustment Scheme link capacity adjustment scheme) and other new technologies and RPR (Resilient Packet Ring Resilient Packet Ring), MSPP / MSTP (Multi Service Provisioning Platform / Transport Platform Multi-service configuration / delivery platform) and other new platforms for voice / data network convergence to provide a variety of options;

(2) Regardless of the product or platform, network operators reduce operating, maintenance complexity, reduce network failure rate and improve the effective utilization of resources and faster than your opponents launched a new, flexible bandwidth service has been the most desired ;

(3) ASON for a variety of network equipment provides a unified control and management platform for the manufacturers to provide a technically led a powerful tool for intelligent optical networks, taking full account of how to meet the needs of operators.

Second, ASON technology features and protocol standards

1.ASON components and services

ASON mainly by the following three separate planes, namely, the transport plane, control plane and management plane. (There is also a rarely mentioned in the DCN surface to carry

control signals). Similar to the ATM, ASON supports three connections, namely, a permanent connection PC (PermanentConnection), switched connection SC (SwithchedConnection) and soft permanent connection SPC (SoftPermanent Connection). Permanent connection is also known as custom connected by network management system or by hand to complete, and switched connection is a connection-driven signaling, end-users as needed, can be established between any two terminals connected. SPC and PC connections are initiated by the management plane connection, the difference is within the network is to use optical signaling, or by network management interface. Optical network signaling to establish a connection for internal use when it comes to the control plane signaling part of the controlling entity of each network element requires dynamic interaction between the signaling information, the other part of the routing control plane also in the entities exchange routing information. (Naming and Addressing) Construction chain requires signaling network naming and addressing (Naming and Addressing) policy support.

2.ASON interface definition and network protocol suite

As the network architecture is AS0N Overlay Model (OverlayModel), ASON network logically divided into UNI (UserNetworkInterface user network interface), I-NNI (Inter-Network Network Interface internal network - network interface) and E-NNI (Exterior-Network Network Interface external network - network interface) in three parts.

UNI main client running on the optical network and optical network equipment, and is the business of the requester and service provider control plane entities of the two-way signaling interface, the main function is to establish a connection between the two, the connection removal, connection changes, state query, do not exchange routing information between each other, optional features are neighbor discovery, service discovery. UNI1.O version mainly for SDH interface in the next version of UNI2.O will add support for Ethernet. UNI2.0UNI2.0 signaling information on the integrity, security and so on greater than 1.0 have concerns. Currently there are three candidates UNI protocol: PNNI (private network - network interface PrivateNNI), CR-LDP (constraint-based routing label distribution protocol ConstrainedRouting-LabelDistribution Protocol) and RSVP-TE (resource reservation protocol with flow expansion Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Extension).

Since the domain is running, usually with a device's device, there is no recommended standard, each device manufacturers can use the proprietary interface protocol can also use the well-known interface protocol. I-NNI interface using protocols including routing protocols and signaling protocols, routing protocols can be OSPF-TE (Open Shortest Path First Protocol - with traffic engineering extensions OpenShortestPathFirst-Traffic Engineering), IS-IS-TE (Intermediate System - Intermediate System Routing Protocol - with Traffic Engineering extensions Intermediate System-Intermediate System-Traffic Engineering) or BGP (Border Gateway Protocol Border Gateway Protoco1) protocol, signaling protocol is mainly CR-LDP and RSVP-TE.

E-NNI inter-domain control plane are different entities of the two-way control interface to support call control, resource discovery, connection control, connection options, connection routing. And I-NNI different, it is between the different domains exchange routing reachability information, shielding the internal network topology information. Multi-layer topology of the E-NNI between information exchange, especially the standardization of difficulty and focus.

ASON mainly by the three international standards organizations in promoting, IETF, OIF and


(1) IETF

ASON signaling protocols used in CR-LDP, RSVP-TE is the result of IETF has recently standardized, and ASON routing protocols including OSPF-TE, BGP, they are in the original agreement, based on the needs of the development of optical network do be extended. The latest addition to the LMP Link Management Protocol are also constantly revision.


Thanks UNI1.0, data equipment manufacturers and telecommunications equipment manufacturers in the interconnection of automation equipment have a full time basis trusted. Now, with UNI1.0 the second edition, there is standardization, the introduction of Ethernet services to support dynamic bandwidth change UNI2.0. 0IF Another key research area is the E-NNI, in a bid field equipment provide interoperability between the Internet possible.


ITU-T the advantage of the framework agreement to build, provision of network management and operations, in accordance with ITU-T recommendations, ASON only supports cascading model, defined G.8080/Y.ASON structure, a distinction between call and connection, with the abstract abstract model of a signaling protocol, proposed routing protocol needs to support DCN subdivided into SCN (Signaling Connection Network SignalingConnectionNetwork) and MCN (network connectivity network ManagementConnection Network) careful consideration of the ASON network management issues.

3.ASON technical advantages

And compared with the existing SDH network technology, ASON has the following advantages:

(1) a unified distributed control / management level, and the underlying physical implementation technology has nothing to do, in theory, support a variety of exchange and management of the bandwidth granularity, whether IP routers, ATM switches or optical cross-connect devices can be applied;

(2) rapid customization support different SLA (ServiceLevelAgreement)-level circuit, not only shortened the time for service provision and improve network efficiency, bandwidth can provide new services, such as BODS (on-demand bandwidth services), OVPN (light Virtual Private Network), etc.;

(3) to support end to end connection establishment, monitoring, protection and recovery, on a variety of network topologies, including mesh networks to support and enhance the network's traffic engineering capabilities.

Third, ASON forecast the future market

Before the appearance of the ASON, DWDM technology to meet the way Gilder's law, doubling every six months, the growth trend has greatly improved the long-distance backbone network link capacity shortage problem, do not need to lay new fiber, only the large ones need to increase the wavelength , operators can fully meet the massive demand for bandwidth, the bandwidth of the great wealth does not mean operators can quickly meet customer demand for bandwidth in response to growing data traffic in the network of, a larger context of sudden,

multi-size, dynamic bandwidth changes, the strong demand for the rapid deployment of the circuit makes the ASON increasingly important and popular. The current market has Ciena, Huawei, ZTE, Lucent, Alcatel and other vendors claim to support ASON devices to choose from. In the foreseeable future, ASON in the following four areas will have great market demand.

1. The new generation metro transport network upgrade ASON + MSTP

More data in the business model today, the traditional SDH data services simply can not adapt to the needs of developed SDH-based MSTP (Multi-Service Transport Platform) is the first of a new generation of MAN technologies. Because the development of business needs, ASON and MSTP combination provided by the MSTP lower physical transmission channel, completed by the ASON network intelligent control and management of the inevitable choice for the future.

2. Long-distance transmission network service flexible wavelength In the long-distance backbone transmission line, flexible configuration, the wavelength of the upper and lower road (such as up and down through the reconfigurable optical multiplexers (R-OADM), wavelength expansion or long haul link protection / restoration, can be distributed intelligent control to ASON offer to provide ultra-long haul transmission with ULH technology, real-time long-distance high-capacity circuit assignment, scheduling, and protection can be completed in minutes, greatly reducing the complexity of manual configuration circuit, error-prone and non-flexibility .

3. To the metro access and flexible support, such as 3G base stations, enterprise edge routers, gateways, IAD, etc.

A new generation MSTP SDH interfaces in addition to the original, adds Ethernet, MPLS or RPR (RPR) access to support, taking into account the future demand for wireless 3G broadband applications, such as the interconnection between the 3G base stations, enterprise network equipment the rate of escalation, the use of ASON to provide security for the user, or a layer of high-speed Layer VPN Internet VPN to meet foreseeable future demand for attractive new business.

4. For the support of NGN

NGN is next generation communications network is packet-based, based on the separation of control and call, call and bearer separation of the soft-switching, business-driven, open network architecture system. ASON In essence, it is transmitted in the business environment is not used in packet switching technology, but the circuit type, and equipment, but it itself is the physical transmission / switching technology independent, but also to meet two separate properties, the future The business is open. ASON is bound to comply with the agreed framework of NGN, and should be agreed to meet this important demonstration network.

Fourth, ASON limitations

ASON defects mainly in:

1. The standard to be improved

ASON standards has seen much progress so far, but in the interconnection, network management and robust management plane itself, there is still much work to do so. And because it is involved in several standardization organizations, the standard of communication is also more trouble.

2. Test Equipment immature

Equipment, test equipment, mature first mature to rely on the current known release GMPLS / ASON protocol testing company, in fact, stereotypes are still not mature product launch, the impact of constantly updated by the standard, it is difficult to come up with actual product in the current .

3. Traffic engineering, protection / restoration of features such as the effectiveness of

Operators to run the network, real-time monitoring capability, optimize network, increase the survivability of the network is always constant pursuit, ASON known to solve these problems, but its effectiveness has not real large-scale network of genuine field test, whether is completely solve the problem or just temporarily alleviate the problem are not yet conclusive.

4. The support of new business

ASON supports many different types of business, such as SDH, OTN, Ethernet, storage, networks, etc., it also has a new business expansion, in fact, ASON is mainly selling to the rapid deployment of bandwidth, whether it is leased wavelengths, the wavelength dial, OVPN etc. This is true. ASON claims to support guaranteed QoS or SLA's business connections, including point to point one way / two-way connection, one-way multipoint connection. But the latter, as in the same IP network multicast mechanisms (Multicast) has not clearly defined and verified it, so for some applications, such as where geographically dispersed audience video broadcasting has not particularly efficient way to save bandwidth .

5. Integrated Network Management

ASON control provides a new network management platform, of course, to meet the TMN framework, but not exclusive or completely replace the existing transmission network management system, or ATM network, in relation to the management of the bottom also with the existing management system of mutual cooperation, integration, when in actual operation, will have more complicated problems.


一、 前言



(1)网络传送层面的技术已日趋成熟,包括虚级联,GFP(GenericFramingProcedure通用帧规程),LCAS(LinkCapacity Adjustment Scheme链路容量调节方案)等新技术和RPR(Resilient Packet Ring弹性分组环),MSPP/MSTP(Multi Service Provisioning Platform/Transport Platform多业务配置/传送平台)等新平台为语音/数据网络融合提供了多种选择;





ASON主要由以下三个独立的平面组成,即传输平面、控制平面和管理平面。(还有一个不常提及的DCN面用来承载控制信号)。类似ATM,ASON支持三种连接,即永久连接PC(PermanentConnection)、交换连接SC(SwithchedConnection)和软永久连接SPC(SoftPermanent Connection)。永久连接也被称为定制连接,由网管系统或者由人工完成,而交换连接是信令驱动的连接,终端用户根据需要,可在任意两个连接端点间建立连接。SPC与PC连接都是由管理平面发起的连接,不同之处在于光网络内部是使用信令还是利用网管接口。光网络内部使用信令建立连接时,涉及到控制面内的信令部分,每个网元的控制实体相互之间需要动态交互信令信息,另外控制面内的路由部分也要在实体之间交换路由信息。信令建链需要网络命名和寻址(Naming and Addressing)策略的支持。


由于AS0N在网络架构上属于层叠模型(OverlayModel),ASON网络逻辑上分为UNI(UserNetworkInterface用户网络接口),I-NNI(Inter-Network Network Interface内部网络-网络接口)和E-NNI(Exterior-Network Network Interface外部网络-网络接口)三个部分。


PrivateNNI),CR-LDP(约束路由的标签分发协议ConstrainedRouting-LabelDistribution Protocol)和RSVP-TE(资源预约协议带流量扩展Resource Reservation Protocol--Traffic Extension)。

I-NNI是属于一个域内的控制平面实体间的双向控制接口。由于在域内运行,一般是同一个设备商的设备,因此没有建议标准化,每个设备厂商可以使用专有的接口协议也可以使用众所周知的接口协议。I-NNI接口使用协议包括路由协议和信令协议,路由协议可以是OSPF-TE(开放最短路径优先协议-带流量工程扩展OpenShortestPathFirst-Traffic Engineering)、IS-IS-TE(中间系统-中间系统路由协议-带流量工程扩展Intermediate System-Intermediate System-Traffic Engineering)或BGP(边界网关协议Border Gateway Protoco1)协议,信令协议主要是CR-LDP和RSVP-TE。








ITU-T的优势是在协议框架搭建,网络管理和业务提供方面,依照ITU-T的建议,ASON只支持层叠模型,定义了G.8080/Y.ASON结构,区分了呼叫和连接,用抽象模型抽象化了信令协议,提出了路由协议的需求,支持DCN细化为SCN(信令连接网SignalingConnectionNetwork)和MCN(网管连接网ManagementConnection Network)仔细考虑了ASON网管的问题。













3.对城域接入的支持如3G基站、企业网边缘路由器、网关、IAD等 新一代的MSTP除了原来的SDH接口,增加了对以太、MPLS甚至RPR(弹性分组环)接入的支持,考虑到未来无线3G应用的宽带需求,例如3G基站之间的互联,企业网络设备的速率升级,利用ASON为用户提供安全高速的二层VPN或者一层VPN满足互联需求是未来可预见的有吸引力的新业务。
















About ASON Automatic Switched Optical Network


The development of modern optical communication networks counting from the PDH, through SDH / SONET / OTN to ASON now automatically switched optical network is the third generation, which fully reflects the optical communication network links from low to high speed, ultra-high speed, from the point point topology to the ring, MESH, from the low-speed electric power used in most high-speed multiplexing, optical multiplexing, from the main for the link, network element management to-end service management for the evolution of trends.

Today, support for ASON has become the optical equipment manufacturer promotion of their optical equipment necessary conditions, especially in China, with AT & T using Ciena introduced intelligent optical equipment, AlCAtel in Beijing, Lucent in Jiangsu deployment of intelligent optical networking products, domestic operators generally showed a warm welcome to the ASON, ASON is so important, operators and manufacturers to obtain unanimous praise, primarily because of:

(1) network transmission level technology has matured, including Virtual Concatenation, GFP (GenericFramingProcedure common frame of order), LCAS (LinkCapacity Adjustment Scheme link capacity adjustment scheme) and other new technologies and RPR (Resilient Packet Ring Resilient Packet Ring), MSPP / MSTP (Multi Service Provisioning Platform / Transport Platform Multi-service configuration / delivery platform) and other new platforms for voice / data network convergence to provide a variety of options;

(2) Regardless of the product or platform, network operators reduce operating, maintenance complexity, reduce network failure rate and improve the effective utilization of resources and faster than your opponents launched a new, flexible bandwidth service has been the most desired ;

(3) ASON for a variety of network equipment provides a unified control and management platform for the manufacturers to provide a technically led a powerful tool for intelligent optical networks, taking full account of how to meet the needs of operators.

Second, ASON technology features and protocol standards

1.ASON components and services

ASON mainly by the following three separate planes, namely, the transport plane, control plane and management plane. (There is also a rarely mentioned in the DCN surface to carry

control signals). Similar to the ATM, ASON supports three connections, namely, a permanent connection PC (PermanentConnection), switched connection SC (SwithchedConnection) and soft permanent connection SPC (SoftPermanent Connection). Permanent connection is also known as custom connected by network management system or by hand to complete, and switched connection is a connection-driven signaling, end-users as needed, can be established between any two terminals connected. SPC and PC connections are initiated by the management plane connection, the difference is within the network is to use optical signaling, or by network management interface. Optical network signaling to establish a connection for internal use when it comes to the control plane signaling part of the controlling entity of each network element requires dynamic interaction between the signaling information, the other part of the routing control plane also in the entities exchange routing information. (Naming and Addressing) Construction chain requires signaling network naming and addressing (Naming and Addressing) policy support.

2.ASON interface definition and network protocol suite

As the network architecture is AS0N Overlay Model (OverlayModel), ASON network logically divided into UNI (UserNetworkInterface user network interface), I-NNI (Inter-Network Network Interface internal network - network interface) and E-NNI (Exterior-Network Network Interface external network - network interface) in three parts.

UNI main client running on the optical network and optical network equipment, and is the business of the requester and service provider control plane entities of the two-way signaling interface, the main function is to establish a connection between the two, the connection removal, connection changes, state query, do not exchange routing information between each other, optional features are neighbor discovery, service discovery. UNI1.O version mainly for SDH interface in the next version of UNI2.O will add support for Ethernet. UNI2.0UNI2.0 signaling information on the integrity, security and so on greater than 1.0 have concerns. Currently there are three candidates UNI protocol: PNNI (private network - network interface PrivateNNI), CR-LDP (constraint-based routing label distribution protocol ConstrainedRouting-LabelDistribution Protocol) and RSVP-TE (resource reservation protocol with flow expansion Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Extension).

Since the domain is running, usually with a device's device, there is no recommended standard, each device manufacturers can use the proprietary interface protocol can also use the well-known interface protocol. I-NNI interface using protocols including routing protocols and signaling protocols, routing protocols can be OSPF-TE (Open Shortest Path First Protocol - with traffic engineering extensions OpenShortestPathFirst-Traffic Engineering), IS-IS-TE (Intermediate System - Intermediate System Routing Protocol - with Traffic Engineering extensions Intermediate System-Intermediate System-Traffic Engineering) or BGP (Border Gateway Protocol Border Gateway Protoco1) protocol, signaling protocol is mainly CR-LDP and RSVP-TE.

E-NNI inter-domain control plane are different entities of the two-way control interface to support call control, resource discovery, connection control, connection options, connection routing. And I-NNI different, it is between the different domains exchange routing reachability information, shielding the internal network topology information. Multi-layer topology of the E-NNI between information exchange, especially the standardization of difficulty and focus.

ASON mainly by the three international standards organizations in promoting, IETF, OIF and


(1) IETF

ASON signaling protocols used in CR-LDP, RSVP-TE is the result of IETF has recently standardized, and ASON routing protocols including OSPF-TE, BGP, they are in the original agreement, based on the needs of the development of optical network do be extended. The latest addition to the LMP Link Management Protocol are also constantly revision.


Thanks UNI1.0, data equipment manufacturers and telecommunications equipment manufacturers in the interconnection of automation equipment have a full time basis trusted. Now, with UNI1.0 the second edition, there is standardization, the introduction of Ethernet services to support dynamic bandwidth change UNI2.0. 0IF Another key research area is the E-NNI, in a bid field equipment provide interoperability between the Internet possible.


ITU-T the advantage of the framework agreement to build, provision of network management and operations, in accordance with ITU-T recommendations, ASON only supports cascading model, defined G.8080/Y.ASON structure, a distinction between call and connection, with the abstract abstract model of a signaling protocol, proposed routing protocol needs to support DCN subdivided into SCN (Signaling Connection Network SignalingConnectionNetwork) and MCN (network connectivity network ManagementConnection Network) careful consideration of the ASON network management issues.

3.ASON technical advantages

And compared with the existing SDH network technology, ASON has the following advantages:

(1) a unified distributed control / management level, and the underlying physical implementation technology has nothing to do, in theory, support a variety of exchange and management of the bandwidth granularity, whether IP routers, ATM switches or optical cross-connect devices can be applied;

(2) rapid customization support different SLA (ServiceLevelAgreement)-level circuit, not only shortened the time for service provision and improve network efficiency, bandwidth can provide new services, such as BODS (on-demand bandwidth services), OVPN (light Virtual Private Network), etc.;

(3) to support end to end connection establishment, monitoring, protection and recovery, on a variety of network topologies, including mesh networks to support and enhance the network's traffic engineering capabilities.

Third, ASON forecast the future market

Before the appearance of the ASON, DWDM technology to meet the way Gilder's law, doubling every six months, the growth trend has greatly improved the long-distance backbone network link capacity shortage problem, do not need to lay new fiber, only the large ones need to increase the wavelength , operators can fully meet the massive demand for bandwidth, the bandwidth of the great wealth does not mean operators can quickly meet customer demand for bandwidth in response to growing data traffic in the network of, a larger context of sudden,

multi-size, dynamic bandwidth changes, the strong demand for the rapid deployment of the circuit makes the ASON increasingly important and popular. The current market has Ciena, Huawei, ZTE, Lucent, Alcatel and other vendors claim to support ASON devices to choose from. In the foreseeable future, ASON in the following four areas will have great market demand.

1. The new generation metro transport network upgrade ASON + MSTP

More data in the business model today, the traditional SDH data services simply can not adapt to the needs of developed SDH-based MSTP (Multi-Service Transport Platform) is the first of a new generation of MAN technologies. Because the development of business needs, ASON and MSTP combination provided by the MSTP lower physical transmission channel, completed by the ASON network intelligent control and management of the inevitable choice for the future.

2. Long-distance transmission network service flexible wavelength In the long-distance backbone transmission line, flexible configuration, the wavelength of the upper and lower road (such as up and down through the reconfigurable optical multiplexers (R-OADM), wavelength expansion or long haul link protection / restoration, can be distributed intelligent control to ASON offer to provide ultra-long haul transmission with ULH technology, real-time long-distance high-capacity circuit assignment, scheduling, and protection can be completed in minutes, greatly reducing the complexity of manual configuration circuit, error-prone and non-flexibility .

3. To the metro access and flexible support, such as 3G base stations, enterprise edge routers, gateways, IAD, etc.

A new generation MSTP SDH interfaces in addition to the original, adds Ethernet, MPLS or RPR (RPR) access to support, taking into account the future demand for wireless 3G broadband applications, such as the interconnection between the 3G base stations, enterprise network equipment the rate of escalation, the use of ASON to provide security for the user, or a layer of high-speed Layer VPN Internet VPN to meet foreseeable future demand for attractive new business.

4. For the support of NGN

NGN is next generation communications network is packet-based, based on the separation of control and call, call and bearer separation of the soft-switching, business-driven, open network architecture system. ASON In essence, it is transmitted in the business environment is not used in packet switching technology, but the circuit type, and equipment, but it itself is the physical transmission / switching technology independent, but also to meet two separate properties, the future The business is open. ASON is bound to comply with the agreed framework of NGN, and should be agreed to meet this important demonstration network.

Fourth, ASON limitations

ASON defects mainly in:

1. The standard to be improved

ASON standards has seen much progress so far, but in the interconnection, network management and robust management plane itself, there is still much work to do so. And because it is involved in several standardization organizations, the standard of communication is also more trouble.

2. Test Equipment immature

Equipment, test equipment, mature first mature to rely on the current known release GMPLS / ASON protocol testing company, in fact, stereotypes are still not mature product launch, the impact of constantly updated by the standard, it is difficult to come up with actual product in the current .

3. Traffic engineering, protection / restoration of features such as the effectiveness of

Operators to run the network, real-time monitoring capability, optimize network, increase the survivability of the network is always constant pursuit, ASON known to solve these problems, but its effectiveness has not real large-scale network of genuine field test, whether is completely solve the problem or just temporarily alleviate the problem are not yet conclusive.

4. The support of new business

ASON supports many different types of business, such as SDH, OTN, Ethernet, storage, networks, etc., it also has a new business expansion, in fact, ASON is mainly selling to the rapid deployment of bandwidth, whether it is leased wavelengths, the wavelength dial, OVPN etc. This is true. ASON claims to support guaranteed QoS or SLA's business connections, including point to point one way / two-way connection, one-way multipoint connection. But the latter, as in the same IP network multicast mechanisms (Multicast) has not clearly defined and verified it, so for some applications, such as where geographically dispersed audience video broadcasting has not particularly efficient way to save bandwidth .

5. Integrated Network Management

ASON control provides a new network management platform, of course, to meet the TMN framework, but not exclusive or completely replace the existing transmission network management system, or ATM network, in relation to the management of the bottom also with the existing management system of mutual cooperation, integration, when in actual operation, will have more complicated problems.


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