
pro .rata on the basis of such declared value.

A. adjusted B. arranged C. determined D. fixed

2 .

A. Proof bar B. Shifting bar C. Long bar D. Spreader

3 Chafing gear is normally used ________

A. for portable fenders B. for ground tackle C. on the inside of the hawsepipe D. in mooring lines

4 Permission of a bill of lading enables the holder _______obtain delivery of the goods at the port of destination

A .to B. by C. on D. in

4 Strong smelling cargo should be stowed _______the cargo absorbing foreign smell

A together with B. on top of C. underneath D away from

5 What is NOT a securing system used on a containership?

A. Lashing system B . Stacking system C. Locking system D Buttress system

the master is not bound to show both the number of packages and the weight.

A. that B.-which- C. where D. when

7 Life jackets should be marked. with the_______

A. maximum weight allowed B. stowage space assigned C. vessel's home port D . vessel's name

8 Sea Protest should be presented to_______

A. Emigration- Office B. The Harbour Master or Port Authority C. Ship Registers D. Port Captain

9 The cesser clause.mainly purports. to relieve from paying demurrage.

A. the Shipowner B. the carrier C. the shipper D. the Charterer

10Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the_________

A . dip of the line B. stretch of the line C. strain on the line D. length of the line

12 Owing to the big draught of the ship, she has to go alongside by the time of________

A. spring tide B. flood tide. C. ebb tide D. slack water

13 In the early hours of a November morning ,the fully laden 42 ,259gt Panamanian registered container vessel Ambassador Bridge was inbound to the English Channel ,and had closed the south Devon coast to embark a pilot off Brixham.

In preparing to embark the pilot at the port side pilot station situated some 4m above the waterline, a seaman was detailed off to rig the pilot ladder and stand by to receive him .He made a radio check with the bridge when he arrived ,but when the bridge tried to contact him again as the pilot boat approached, there was no reply. An officer was sent down to investigate.

The chief officer found the pilot door wide open ,the ladder unrigged ,water sloshing around the station deck ,but no sign of the seaman detailed off to prepare the ladder for embarkation.

The body of a man ,later identified as the deceased seaman ,was recovered from the sea some four hours later. He was not wearing a lifejacket.

Ambassador Bridge was not______

A. an inbound vessel to the English channel

B. a Panamanian registered container vessel

C. in ballast

D. near the Devon coast

Of the following,______ is not correct.

A. the vessel was receiving her pilot who was to come down from the pilot station which was 4m above the sea

B. the deceased did not rig the pilot ladder

C. the deceased reported to the bridge as soon as he arrived there

D. the vessel was receiving her pilot at port side

The body of the deceased seaman was recovered by_____

A. the C/O

B. the Pilot

C. a salver

D. someone not mentioned

It can be concluded that the deceased seaman________

A. wore a lifejacket but lost it when overboard in the sea

B. committed suicide

C. dropped into the sea to catch the pilot ladder

D. was given instructions in detail before being sent to his station

14 are included in the Queen's enemies.

A. Public enemies B. Pirates C. Robbers D. The enemies of the state to which the merchants belong

15 Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)_______

A. barometer B. wind vane C . anemometer D. thermometer

16 The Shipowner is not by the fact that a remote cause of the loss was an__________excepted peril.

A. excused B. excepted C. excluded D. exported

17 A cargo hose is marked with the________

A. maximum working pressure B. bursting pressure C. safety relief valve setting D. maximum temperature

18 In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL mean?_.

A. Safe working load B: Ship's working lift C. Starboard wing lift D.Stress, weight, load

19 Most minor spills of oil products ate caused by_____·

A. equipment failure B. human error C. major casualties

D.unforeseeable circumstances

20A hygrometer is a device used for determining_·

A. the absolute temperature B. atmospheric pressure C. wind velocity D. relative humidity

21 If there is any fine arising from inadequacy of marks,_shall be liable for it.

A. the Carrier B; the Owner C. the Captain D . the Merchant

22 Metacentric height is a measure of______·

A. initial stability only B. stability through all angles C. maximum righting arm D. All of the above

23 The Charterer is not_to load in a lesser time than the laytime, even if this is possible.

A. obliqued B. objected C. obliterated D. obliged.

24 The carrier is the owner or Charterer who enters into a contract with________

A. the consignee B.. the cargo owner C . the shipper D. the consignor

25Panting frames are located in the_______

A. after double bottoms B. .centerline tanks on tankships C. fore and after peaks. D. forward double bottoms

A . move to port B. move to starboard C. move directly down D. stay in the same position

27 Coastal conditions

The area described in the volume presents the mariner with a generally adverse combination of navigational factors which are outline below. Local Topography. The Dover Strait is shallow and only is 18 miles wide at its narrowest point. Passage through the strait is further constricted by a series of narrow banks, running NE-SW. The seabed is also littered with wrecks. Natural Conditions. There are strong tidal streams in the strait. Sea level may differ from that predicted and in particular may be lower than expected due to negative tidal surges. The area is also subject to gales and poor visibility, Risk of Collision. There is a high risk of collision caused by the density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait, including deep-draught vessels, and crossing traffic, including ferries and high speed craft.

Mine danger area

There are two areas off the N coast of France, which remain dangerous because of mines lied in the war of 1939-1945. Due to the lapse of time the risk to surface navigation is now considered to be no more dangerous than that the ordinary risks of navigation but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring, fishing or any form submarine or seabed activity.

The crossing traffic in the Dover Strait is probably running_________



C. N-S

D. E-W.

According to the passage the risk of collision in the Dover Strait is caused by_______

A. gales and poor visibility

B. a series of narrow banks

C, the density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait and crossing traffic

D. a generally adverse combination of navigational factors

It is inferred that________

A. although the tidal streams in Dover Strait is strong there were few ships sunk in it

B. most of the wrecks in Dover Strait were deep-draught vessels, ferries and high speed craft

C. the wrecks are not dangers to surface navigation

D . there were many ships sunk in Dover Strait

It is implied in the passage that_______

A . mine is not a danger to surface navigation in Dover Strait

B. the width of Dover Strait is not so narrow

C. the natural conditions in Dover Strait are too serous

D. collision with deep-draught vessels or ferries or high speed craft in Dover Strait is hardly avoidable

28 In vessel construction, beam brackets are triangular plates that join the deck beam to a

A. bulkhead B . frame C. stanchion D. deck longitudinal

29 ln the doldrums you will NOT have _________

A. high relative humidity B. frequent showers and thunderstorms C. steep pressure gradients

D. frequent calms

30 Which of the following is not a maritime perils_______

A. Stranding or grounding. B. Striking upon rocks or shoals C. Collision between ships

D. Fire

31 Current refers to the_________

A.vertical movement of the water B. horizontal movement of the water C.density changes in the water D.None of the above

32 ]How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?

A. Light blue haze B. Light brown haze C. Light gray haze . D. Perfectly clear.

33 Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called_________

A. clean cargo B. delicate cargo C. dry cargo D. immune cargo

34 I’ll have the.damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses______

A . incurred B. happened C. spent D. paying out

35 A lookout can leave his station______

A. at the end of the watch B. at any time C. ONLY when properly relieved D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch

[36]All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT________

A. steady rainfall B. hail storms C. thunderstorms D. tornadoes or waterspouts 37 If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor's holding power_______

A. decreases B. increases C. remains the same . D. has no relation to the scope

freight if he is ready to deliver at the port of destination the goods which were loaded.

A. no B. some C. half D . full

[39]A spreader bar is used to__________

A. increase the lifting capacity B. increase the lifting radius C. protect the slings D. protect the upper part of a load

40 A wind vane on a moving vessel shows________

A. dead reckoning wind direction B. true wind .direction C. apparent wind direction D. estimated wind direction

41A Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued for a period not exceeding 12 months. A Cargo Ship Safety Construction certificate, .Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued for a period

specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years. An Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers. (i) When the renewal survey is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to- (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (2)

for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (it) When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new

certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to: (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing .certificate; (2) for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (iii) when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to: (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of completion of the renewal survey; (2) for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.

The valid period of an Exemption Certificate for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate shall be________

A. longer than five years

B . shorter than five years

C. longer than 12 months

D. shorter than 12 months

When the renewal survey is completed within one month before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, the new certificate shall be valid_________

A. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

B. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

C. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date

D. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding five years from the date

When the renewal survey is completed on a date which is 99 days before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, the new certificate shall be valid______

A. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

B. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

C. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date

D. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from that date

It can be concluded that the actual period of validity of a new Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is less than 12 months if the renewal survey is completed______

A. 4 moths before its expiry date

B. 3 moths before its expiry date

C. 2 moths before its expiry date

D. after its expiry date

42 A wet cargo refers to______

A. a cargo that will be damaged if it gets wet B.bulk liquids C. cargoes that will cause condensation D . liquids in containers

43 All lighterage in or off ports of loading or ports of discharge shall be for the account


A. the carrier . B . the merchant C. the owner D. the shipper

44 Anticyclones are usually characterized by_________

A. dry, fair weather B. high winds and cloudiness C. gustiness and continuous precipitation D. overcast skies

45 In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain, you should_________

A. sluice the line B. surge the line C. stopper the line ,D. slip the line

46the Charterer is also the shipper, the bill of lading is usually only a receipt for the goods and a document of title.

A. Which B. There C. Where D. While

47 Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the________

A. uncorrected KG B . virtual height of the center of gravity C. metacenter D. metacentric height

48 As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was. due to_______

A. insufficiency of packaging B. inherent vice of the cargo C. improper stowage D. rough handling

49 Which one of the followings does not limit the effective range of radar?____

A. pulse width B. pulse repetition -frequency C. peak power D. target brightness 50 Initial stability refers to stability_______

A. at small angles of inclination B. when loaded with minimum deck load C. when at transit draft D. when GZ is zero

51 Sue and Labor is to a loss which would be recoverable under PICC Hull Insurance Clauses.

A. avert or minimize B. increase or maximize C. claim D.. indemnifyr

52 The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is (are) the______

A. Hatch boards B. Tank top C. Hatch beams D . Sweat battens

53 The internal hold structure and protective coatings in the cargo hold and the adjacent double bottom are vulnerable to damage when the cargo is discharged using grabs. Other types of equipment employed to free and clear cargo including hydraulic hammers fitted to extending arms of tractors and bulldozers can inflict further damage to the ship's structure especially in way of the side shell and the associated fames and the brackets. Chipping and the local buckling or detachment of side frames at their lower connection could lead to cracking of the side shell plating which would allow the

ingress of water into the cargo space. The protective coatings which may be required to be applied in the cargo hold are also subject to deterioration caused by the corrosive nature of the cargo its high temperature its settlement during the voyage and its abrasive action. Where no protective coatings have been applied or the applied protective coatings have broken down the rate of corrosion in that area will greatly increase especially when carrying corr6sive cargoes such as coal. Corrosion will weaken the ship's structure and may eventually seriously affect the ship's structural integrity. The severity of the corrosion attained by a structural member may not be easily detected without close-up inspection or until the corrosion causes serious structural problems such as the collapse or detachment of hold frames resulting in cracks propagating in the side shell.

The deterioration attained by a structural member in a cargo hold will be increased by all

following items except the_____

A. high temperature of cargo

B. abrasive action of cargo

C. settlement of cargo during the voyage

D . integrity of cargo loaded or discharged using grabs

Of the following_______ is not a harm caused to the structural integrity in the cargo hold.

A. detachment of hold frames

B. cracks propagating in the side shell

C. chipping of side frames at their lower connection

D. protective coating applied in the cargo hold

The protective coatings are most likely damaged by all of the following except_______

A. the corrosive nature of cargo

B. hydraulic hammers fitted to extending arms of tractors and bulldozers used in cargo operations

C grabs used to discharge the cargo

D. the ingress of water into the cargo space

The analysis made in this passage is a concern to the structure of_______

A. general cargo ship

B. container vessel

C . bulk carrier

D. tanker

54 A container with high cube would most likely be used to stow_______

A. dense bulk cargoes B. household appliances C. fragile cargoes D.heavy industrial machinery

55 Port of Registry refers to the port where______

A. the ship has been named B. the ship has been built C. the ship has been signed D. the ship has been registered

A. should be done to B. should not be done to C. must be done with D. must not be done with

57 The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost to render customary assistance with the Vessel's Crew.

A. fastness B. speeding C. swiftness D . dispatch

58Stability is determined,principally by the location of the center of gravity and the_______

A. aft perpendicular B . center of buoyancy C. keel D. center of Flotation

causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.

A. Strong low pressure B. Strong high pressure C. Steep pressure gradient D. Steep gradient pressure

60 An important step in fighting any electrical fire is to________

A. stop ventilation B. stop the vessel C. de-energize the circuit D.apply water to extinguish the fire

61As the temperature of an air mass decreases, the______

A. absolute humidity decreases B. relative humidity increases C. specific humidity decreases

D. dew point rises

62 Accumulations of oily rags should be ______

A. kept in nonmetal containers B. discarded as soon as possible C. cleaned thoroughly for reuse D. kept in the paint locker

63is the tendency of a vessel to return to its original position after it is displaced therefrom.

A. Inclining moment B . Stability C. Shearing force D. Bending moment

64 ]If the Charterer sends a vessel to an unsafe port, and she is damaged as a result,he will have to indemnify the____

A. Receiver B. Cargo owner C. Shipowner D. Merchant

65 sometimes referred to as the backbone.

A. Frame B. Deckbeam C. Stringer D . Keel

66 Jettisoning weight from topside_________

A. returns the vessel to an even keel B. reduces free surface effect C. lowers the center of gravity

D. raises the center of buoyancy

67 If the Shipowner proves that prima facie the cause of damage was excepted, the burden of proof shifts to_______

A. the Shipowner B. the shipper C. the Charterer D. the carrier

68Good weather is usually associated with a region of_______

A. low barometric pressure B. high barometric pressure C. falling barometric pressure D. pumping barometric pressure

69 Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a on the screens of ship's radar sets.

A. incorrect image B. distinctive image C. pictorial image D.pictographic image 70 When air is at its dew point it_______

A. will contain no additional moisture B. has the lowest relative humiditv

C.. cannot keep up its moisture D. has a low absolute humidity

71Cargo on deck; plants and live animals are usually received, handled, carried, kept and discharged at_______

A. Carrier's risk B. Owner's risk C. Merchant's risk D. Charterer's risk

if you could arrange for a radio technician to come on board as soon as possible for my radar repair.

A. obliged B. obliging C. oblige D. being obliged

73 How is the size of chain determined?

A. Length of link in inches - B. Diameter of metal in link in inches or centimeters

C. Links per fathom D. Weight of stud cable lit pounds _ 74 Compass error is equal to the

A. deviation minus variation B. variation plus compass course C.

combined variation and deviation D. difference between true and magnetic


75For small angles of inclination, if the KG were equal to the KM, then the vessel

would have

A. positive stability B. negative stability C. neutral stability D.

maximum stability

76lf a chartered ship is prevented from, or delayed in, getting to the loading port by

peril excepted during the voyage, the exception clauses

A. apply B. comply C. supply D. reply

77 is not the function of Bill of Lading in the eyes of law.

A. Evidence of the contract B. A receipt for the goods C. A document of title D. Evidence of the ship being seaworthiness

78The inner bottom is the

A. tank top B. compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel C. inner side of the vessel's shell D. space between two transverse bottom frames 79Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the

A. uncorrected KG B. maximum allowed KG C. virtual height of the center of gravity D. metacentric height

80 If your propeller is racing in rough weather, - you should

A. decrease your engine speed B: ignore it C. increase your engine speed

D. stop your engine until the rough weather passes

pro .rata on the basis of such declared value.

A. adjusted B. arranged C. determined D. fixed

2 .

A. Proof bar B. Shifting bar C. Long bar D. Spreader

3 Chafing gear is normally used ________

A. for portable fenders B. for ground tackle C. on the inside of the hawsepipe D. in mooring lines

4 Permission of a bill of lading enables the holder _______obtain delivery of the goods at the port of destination

A .to B. by C. on D. in

4 Strong smelling cargo should be stowed _______the cargo absorbing foreign smell

A together with B. on top of C. underneath D away from

5 What is NOT a securing system used on a containership?

A. Lashing system B . Stacking system C. Locking system D Buttress system

the master is not bound to show both the number of packages and the weight.

A. that B.-which- C. where D. when

7 Life jackets should be marked. with the_______

A. maximum weight allowed B. stowage space assigned C. vessel's home port D . vessel's name

8 Sea Protest should be presented to_______

A. Emigration- Office B. The Harbour Master or Port Authority C. Ship Registers D. Port Captain

9 The cesser clause.mainly purports. to relieve from paying demurrage.

A. the Shipowner B. the carrier C. the shipper D. the Charterer

10Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the_________

A . dip of the line B. stretch of the line C. strain on the line D. length of the line

12 Owing to the big draught of the ship, she has to go alongside by the time of________

A. spring tide B. flood tide. C. ebb tide D. slack water

13 In the early hours of a November morning ,the fully laden 42 ,259gt Panamanian registered container vessel Ambassador Bridge was inbound to the English Channel ,and had closed the south Devon coast to embark a pilot off Brixham.

In preparing to embark the pilot at the port side pilot station situated some 4m above the waterline, a seaman was detailed off to rig the pilot ladder and stand by to receive him .He made a radio check with the bridge when he arrived ,but when the bridge tried to contact him again as the pilot boat approached, there was no reply. An officer was sent down to investigate.

The chief officer found the pilot door wide open ,the ladder unrigged ,water sloshing around the station deck ,but no sign of the seaman detailed off to prepare the ladder for embarkation.

The body of a man ,later identified as the deceased seaman ,was recovered from the sea some four hours later. He was not wearing a lifejacket.

Ambassador Bridge was not______

A. an inbound vessel to the English channel

B. a Panamanian registered container vessel

C. in ballast

D. near the Devon coast

Of the following,______ is not correct.

A. the vessel was receiving her pilot who was to come down from the pilot station which was 4m above the sea

B. the deceased did not rig the pilot ladder

C. the deceased reported to the bridge as soon as he arrived there

D. the vessel was receiving her pilot at port side

The body of the deceased seaman was recovered by_____

A. the C/O

B. the Pilot

C. a salver

D. someone not mentioned

It can be concluded that the deceased seaman________

A. wore a lifejacket but lost it when overboard in the sea

B. committed suicide

C. dropped into the sea to catch the pilot ladder

D. was given instructions in detail before being sent to his station

14 are included in the Queen's enemies.

A. Public enemies B. Pirates C. Robbers D. The enemies of the state to which the merchants belong

15 Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)_______

A. barometer B. wind vane C . anemometer D. thermometer

16 The Shipowner is not by the fact that a remote cause of the loss was an__________excepted peril.

A. excused B. excepted C. excluded D. exported

17 A cargo hose is marked with the________

A. maximum working pressure B. bursting pressure C. safety relief valve setting D. maximum temperature

18 In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL mean?_.

A. Safe working load B: Ship's working lift C. Starboard wing lift D.Stress, weight, load

19 Most minor spills of oil products ate caused by_____·

A. equipment failure B. human error C. major casualties

D.unforeseeable circumstances

20A hygrometer is a device used for determining_·

A. the absolute temperature B. atmospheric pressure C. wind velocity D. relative humidity

21 If there is any fine arising from inadequacy of marks,_shall be liable for it.

A. the Carrier B; the Owner C. the Captain D . the Merchant

22 Metacentric height is a measure of______·

A. initial stability only B. stability through all angles C. maximum righting arm D. All of the above

23 The Charterer is not_to load in a lesser time than the laytime, even if this is possible.

A. obliqued B. objected C. obliterated D. obliged.

24 The carrier is the owner or Charterer who enters into a contract with________

A. the consignee B.. the cargo owner C . the shipper D. the consignor

25Panting frames are located in the_______

A. after double bottoms B. .centerline tanks on tankships C. fore and after peaks. D. forward double bottoms

A . move to port B. move to starboard C. move directly down D. stay in the same position

27 Coastal conditions

The area described in the volume presents the mariner with a generally adverse combination of navigational factors which are outline below. Local Topography. The Dover Strait is shallow and only is 18 miles wide at its narrowest point. Passage through the strait is further constricted by a series of narrow banks, running NE-SW. The seabed is also littered with wrecks. Natural Conditions. There are strong tidal streams in the strait. Sea level may differ from that predicted and in particular may be lower than expected due to negative tidal surges. The area is also subject to gales and poor visibility, Risk of Collision. There is a high risk of collision caused by the density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait, including deep-draught vessels, and crossing traffic, including ferries and high speed craft.

Mine danger area

There are two areas off the N coast of France, which remain dangerous because of mines lied in the war of 1939-1945. Due to the lapse of time the risk to surface navigation is now considered to be no more dangerous than that the ordinary risks of navigation but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring, fishing or any form submarine or seabed activity.

The crossing traffic in the Dover Strait is probably running_________



C. N-S

D. E-W.

According to the passage the risk of collision in the Dover Strait is caused by_______

A. gales and poor visibility

B. a series of narrow banks

C, the density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait and crossing traffic

D. a generally adverse combination of navigational factors

It is inferred that________

A. although the tidal streams in Dover Strait is strong there were few ships sunk in it

B. most of the wrecks in Dover Strait were deep-draught vessels, ferries and high speed craft

C. the wrecks are not dangers to surface navigation

D . there were many ships sunk in Dover Strait

It is implied in the passage that_______

A . mine is not a danger to surface navigation in Dover Strait

B. the width of Dover Strait is not so narrow

C. the natural conditions in Dover Strait are too serous

D. collision with deep-draught vessels or ferries or high speed craft in Dover Strait is hardly avoidable

28 In vessel construction, beam brackets are triangular plates that join the deck beam to a

A. bulkhead B . frame C. stanchion D. deck longitudinal

29 ln the doldrums you will NOT have _________

A. high relative humidity B. frequent showers and thunderstorms C. steep pressure gradients

D. frequent calms

30 Which of the following is not a maritime perils_______

A. Stranding or grounding. B. Striking upon rocks or shoals C. Collision between ships

D. Fire

31 Current refers to the_________

A.vertical movement of the water B. horizontal movement of the water C.density changes in the water D.None of the above

32 ]How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?

A. Light blue haze B. Light brown haze C. Light gray haze . D. Perfectly clear.

33 Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called_________

A. clean cargo B. delicate cargo C. dry cargo D. immune cargo

34 I’ll have the.damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses______

A . incurred B. happened C. spent D. paying out

35 A lookout can leave his station______

A. at the end of the watch B. at any time C. ONLY when properly relieved D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch

[36]All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT________

A. steady rainfall B. hail storms C. thunderstorms D. tornadoes or waterspouts 37 If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor's holding power_______

A. decreases B. increases C. remains the same . D. has no relation to the scope

freight if he is ready to deliver at the port of destination the goods which were loaded.

A. no B. some C. half D . full

[39]A spreader bar is used to__________

A. increase the lifting capacity B. increase the lifting radius C. protect the slings D. protect the upper part of a load

40 A wind vane on a moving vessel shows________

A. dead reckoning wind direction B. true wind .direction C. apparent wind direction D. estimated wind direction

41A Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued for a period not exceeding 12 months. A Cargo Ship Safety Construction certificate, .Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued for a period

specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years. An Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers. (i) When the renewal survey is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to- (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (2)

for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (it) When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new

certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to: (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing .certificate; (2) for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate; (iii) when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to: (1) for a passenger ship, a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of completion of the renewal survey; (2) for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.

The valid period of an Exemption Certificate for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate shall be________

A. longer than five years

B . shorter than five years

C. longer than 12 months

D. shorter than 12 months

When the renewal survey is completed within one month before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, the new certificate shall be valid_________

A. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

B. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

C. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date

D. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding five years from the date

When the renewal survey is completed on a date which is 99 days before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, the new certificate shall be valid______

A. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

B. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate

C. from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date

D. from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from that date

It can be concluded that the actual period of validity of a new Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is less than 12 months if the renewal survey is completed______

A. 4 moths before its expiry date

B. 3 moths before its expiry date

C. 2 moths before its expiry date

D. after its expiry date

42 A wet cargo refers to______

A. a cargo that will be damaged if it gets wet B.bulk liquids C. cargoes that will cause condensation D . liquids in containers

43 All lighterage in or off ports of loading or ports of discharge shall be for the account


A. the carrier . B . the merchant C. the owner D. the shipper

44 Anticyclones are usually characterized by_________

A. dry, fair weather B. high winds and cloudiness C. gustiness and continuous precipitation D. overcast skies

45 In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain, you should_________

A. sluice the line B. surge the line C. stopper the line ,D. slip the line

46the Charterer is also the shipper, the bill of lading is usually only a receipt for the goods and a document of title.

A. Which B. There C. Where D. While

47 Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the________

A. uncorrected KG B . virtual height of the center of gravity C. metacenter D. metacentric height

48 As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was. due to_______

A. insufficiency of packaging B. inherent vice of the cargo C. improper stowage D. rough handling

49 Which one of the followings does not limit the effective range of radar?____

A. pulse width B. pulse repetition -frequency C. peak power D. target brightness 50 Initial stability refers to stability_______

A. at small angles of inclination B. when loaded with minimum deck load C. when at transit draft D. when GZ is zero

51 Sue and Labor is to a loss which would be recoverable under PICC Hull Insurance Clauses.

A. avert or minimize B. increase or maximize C. claim D.. indemnifyr

52 The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is (are) the______

A. Hatch boards B. Tank top C. Hatch beams D . Sweat battens

53 The internal hold structure and protective coatings in the cargo hold and the adjacent double bottom are vulnerable to damage when the cargo is discharged using grabs. Other types of equipment employed to free and clear cargo including hydraulic hammers fitted to extending arms of tractors and bulldozers can inflict further damage to the ship's structure especially in way of the side shell and the associated fames and the brackets. Chipping and the local buckling or detachment of side frames at their lower connection could lead to cracking of the side shell plating which would allow the

ingress of water into the cargo space. The protective coatings which may be required to be applied in the cargo hold are also subject to deterioration caused by the corrosive nature of the cargo its high temperature its settlement during the voyage and its abrasive action. Where no protective coatings have been applied or the applied protective coatings have broken down the rate of corrosion in that area will greatly increase especially when carrying corr6sive cargoes such as coal. Corrosion will weaken the ship's structure and may eventually seriously affect the ship's structural integrity. The severity of the corrosion attained by a structural member may not be easily detected without close-up inspection or until the corrosion causes serious structural problems such as the collapse or detachment of hold frames resulting in cracks propagating in the side shell.

The deterioration attained by a structural member in a cargo hold will be increased by all

following items except the_____

A. high temperature of cargo

B. abrasive action of cargo

C. settlement of cargo during the voyage

D . integrity of cargo loaded or discharged using grabs

Of the following_______ is not a harm caused to the structural integrity in the cargo hold.

A. detachment of hold frames

B. cracks propagating in the side shell

C. chipping of side frames at their lower connection

D. protective coating applied in the cargo hold

The protective coatings are most likely damaged by all of the following except_______

A. the corrosive nature of cargo

B. hydraulic hammers fitted to extending arms of tractors and bulldozers used in cargo operations

C grabs used to discharge the cargo

D. the ingress of water into the cargo space

The analysis made in this passage is a concern to the structure of_______

A. general cargo ship

B. container vessel

C . bulk carrier

D. tanker

54 A container with high cube would most likely be used to stow_______

A. dense bulk cargoes B. household appliances C. fragile cargoes D.heavy industrial machinery

55 Port of Registry refers to the port where______

A. the ship has been named B. the ship has been built C. the ship has been signed D. the ship has been registered

A. should be done to B. should not be done to C. must be done with D. must not be done with

57 The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost to render customary assistance with the Vessel's Crew.

A. fastness B. speeding C. swiftness D . dispatch

58Stability is determined,principally by the location of the center of gravity and the_______

A. aft perpendicular B . center of buoyancy C. keel D. center of Flotation

causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.

A. Strong low pressure B. Strong high pressure C. Steep pressure gradient D. Steep gradient pressure

60 An important step in fighting any electrical fire is to________

A. stop ventilation B. stop the vessel C. de-energize the circuit D.apply water to extinguish the fire

61As the temperature of an air mass decreases, the______

A. absolute humidity decreases B. relative humidity increases C. specific humidity decreases

D. dew point rises

62 Accumulations of oily rags should be ______

A. kept in nonmetal containers B. discarded as soon as possible C. cleaned thoroughly for reuse D. kept in the paint locker

63is the tendency of a vessel to return to its original position after it is displaced therefrom.

A. Inclining moment B . Stability C. Shearing force D. Bending moment

64 ]If the Charterer sends a vessel to an unsafe port, and she is damaged as a result,he will have to indemnify the____

A. Receiver B. Cargo owner C. Shipowner D. Merchant

65 sometimes referred to as the backbone.

A. Frame B. Deckbeam C. Stringer D . Keel

66 Jettisoning weight from topside_________

A. returns the vessel to an even keel B. reduces free surface effect C. lowers the center of gravity

D. raises the center of buoyancy

67 If the Shipowner proves that prima facie the cause of damage was excepted, the burden of proof shifts to_______

A. the Shipowner B. the shipper C. the Charterer D. the carrier

68Good weather is usually associated with a region of_______

A. low barometric pressure B. high barometric pressure C. falling barometric pressure D. pumping barometric pressure

69 Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a on the screens of ship's radar sets.

A. incorrect image B. distinctive image C. pictorial image D.pictographic image 70 When air is at its dew point it_______

A. will contain no additional moisture B. has the lowest relative humiditv

C.. cannot keep up its moisture D. has a low absolute humidity

71Cargo on deck; plants and live animals are usually received, handled, carried, kept and discharged at_______

A. Carrier's risk B. Owner's risk C. Merchant's risk D. Charterer's risk

if you could arrange for a radio technician to come on board as soon as possible for my radar repair.

A. obliged B. obliging C. oblige D. being obliged

73 How is the size of chain determined?

A. Length of link in inches - B. Diameter of metal in link in inches or centimeters

C. Links per fathom D. Weight of stud cable lit pounds _ 74 Compass error is equal to the

A. deviation minus variation B. variation plus compass course C.

combined variation and deviation D. difference between true and magnetic


75For small angles of inclination, if the KG were equal to the KM, then the vessel

would have

A. positive stability B. negative stability C. neutral stability D.

maximum stability

76lf a chartered ship is prevented from, or delayed in, getting to the loading port by

peril excepted during the voyage, the exception clauses

A. apply B. comply C. supply D. reply

77 is not the function of Bill of Lading in the eyes of law.

A. Evidence of the contract B. A receipt for the goods C. A document of title D. Evidence of the ship being seaworthiness

78The inner bottom is the

A. tank top B. compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel C. inner side of the vessel's shell D. space between two transverse bottom frames 79Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the

A. uncorrected KG B. maximum allowed KG C. virtual height of the center of gravity D. metacentric height

80 If your propeller is racing in rough weather, - you should

A. decrease your engine speed B: ignore it C. increase your engine speed

D. stop your engine until the rough weather passes


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