Abstract: with the continuous development of society, the elevator industry is in rapid development stage, so the quality and safety of the elevator generally also got the attention of people, so the elevator as related inspection department priority! The elevator balance coefficient is the elevator in the supervision and inspection of some special a project detection, and the elevator professional personnel to it often is a rusty and familiar parameters. This paper is about the elevator detection elevator balance coefficients in the relevant contents of discussion!
Keywords: elevator balance coefficient is discussed
电梯的驱动有多种方式,主要有强制式驱动、液压式动、曳引式驱动等,而曳引式驱动是当前电梯业中应用最为广泛的驱动方式。平衡系数作为电梯整体设计的最重要的参数之一,是曳引式驱动电梯的一个很重要的性能指标。所以平衡系数的检测是电梯监督检验中一项很重要的功能试验项目。要正确理解平衡系数的含义,就必须先掌握曳引式驱动电梯的工作原理(如图1 所示)。
1. 电动机 2. 制动器 3. 减速器 4. 曳引钢丝绳
5. 导向轮 6. 绳头组合 7. 轿厢 8. 对重
Abstract: with the continuous development of society, the elevator industry is in rapid development stage, so the quality and safety of the elevator generally also got the attention of people, so the elevator as related inspection department priority! The elevator balance coefficient is the elevator in the supervision and inspection of some special a project detection, and the elevator professional personnel to it often is a rusty and familiar parameters. This paper is about the elevator detection elevator balance coefficients in the relevant contents of discussion!
Keywords: elevator balance coefficient is discussed
电梯的驱动有多种方式,主要有强制式驱动、液压式动、曳引式驱动等,而曳引式驱动是当前电梯业中应用最为广泛的驱动方式。平衡系数作为电梯整体设计的最重要的参数之一,是曳引式驱动电梯的一个很重要的性能指标。所以平衡系数的检测是电梯监督检验中一项很重要的功能试验项目。要正确理解平衡系数的含义,就必须先掌握曳引式驱动电梯的工作原理(如图1 所示)。
1. 电动机 2. 制动器 3. 减速器 4. 曳引钢丝绳
5. 导向轮 6. 绳头组合 7. 轿厢 8. 对重