大学英语自主阅读4 PART 3答案

1 CDBDA C. distinguish between two kinds of opposition D.it is essentially… B. harm D. can… A.Is war

2 CABDA C. The lack of government funding for schools A. concern

B. may … D. the excessive pre… A. inadequate federal …

3 DCBCD D. Highlighting our education C. Copying the formand…

B. The person doing… C. we should begin where… D. There is no need for…

4 CABDA C. agent of socialization A. the first and most… B. children are not re… D. Games A. agent of soci…

5 CDBCA C. American`s education system … D. income and

racial ..in the Amer… B.it is not adaptable to… C. more de……. A.be addressed by

6 DBACC D. the event still influence B. improved measures… A. stress the unexpected C. the ...effects C. stress the…

7 CBDBC C. relates to how it… B. companies are living … D. banks B. a company with … C. find ways to better…

8 CCDAC C. the effect of the unpredictable…. C. base its actions…

D. investing in the… A. a way of small business to… C. The Proper A…

9 BABBC B. on the purpose of… A. carried out araid… B.

reasonable and acc… B. are distinctive… C. intentional

10 ACDBB A. President Clintion`s wrong… C. different… D.

encourage free trade and … B. the startling scene…. B. his failure to match his words…

11 ADBBC A. high-spirited D. eassiness B. stress and anxiety B. a person who settles.. C. cultural adjustment

12 ACDBA A. has been striving to expand C. there is a radical …. D. there should be no… B. interactivity , hospitality and… A. urge active part…..

1 CDBDA C. distinguish between two kinds of opposition D.it is essentially… B. harm D. can… A.Is war

2 CABDA C. The lack of government funding for schools A. concern

B. may … D. the excessive pre… A. inadequate federal …

3 DCBCD D. Highlighting our education C. Copying the formand…

B. The person doing… C. we should begin where… D. There is no need for…

4 CABDA C. agent of socialization A. the first and most… B. children are not re… D. Games A. agent of soci…

5 CDBCA C. American`s education system … D. income and

racial ..in the Amer… B.it is not adaptable to… C. more de……. A.be addressed by

6 DBACC D. the event still influence B. improved measures… A. stress the unexpected C. the ...effects C. stress the…

7 CBDBC C. relates to how it… B. companies are living … D. banks B. a company with … C. find ways to better…

8 CCDAC C. the effect of the unpredictable…. C. base its actions…

D. investing in the… A. a way of small business to… C. The Proper A…

9 BABBC B. on the purpose of… A. carried out araid… B.

reasonable and acc… B. are distinctive… C. intentional

10 ACDBB A. President Clintion`s wrong… C. different… D.

encourage free trade and … B. the startling scene…. B. his failure to match his words…

11 ADBBC A. high-spirited D. eassiness B. stress and anxiety B. a person who settles.. C. cultural adjustment

12 ACDBA A. has been striving to expand C. there is a radical …. D. there should be no… B. interactivity , hospitality and… A. urge active part…..


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