

Multi-culture and Crime

Crime is increasing worldwide. There is every reason to believe the trend will continue through the next few decades.

Crime rates have always been high in multi-cultural (多元文化的)industrialized societies such as the United States. But a new phenomenon [fi'nɔminən] 现象has appeared on the world scene: rapidly rising crime rates in nations that previously (事先,以前)reported few offences. Street crimes such as robbery, rape, murder and auto theft are clearly rising, particularly =(in Eastern European countries, such as Hungary, and in Western European nations, such as the Untied Kingdom. certain conditions associated相关联 with rising crime. Increasing heterogeneity异质化 of population, greater cultural pluralism多元论, higher immigration移民, democratization民主化 of governments, changing national borders, greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong. instance, cultures that were previously isolated孤立、分离 and homogenous同质化, such as Japan, Denmark and Greece, are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history.

Multiculturalism can be a rewarding, enriching experience, but it can also lead to a clash of values. Heterogeneity in societies will be the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize(识别) and plan for such diversity(多样,不同) can lead to serious crime problems.


and have they have gained increasing popularity among people in all walks of life. Taking a look around you, you can find examples too numerous to list: When you walk on the street, you can see plastic bags flying over your head; When you ramble along the river, you can find plastic bottles floating on the water; When you stroll in the park with your lover, you can notice waste paper thrown everywhere.

• Among the most important reasons often cited by people is the quickening pace of modern life. They are often too busy to wash dirty dishes or glasses, as a result they can do nothing but use disposal products. Also playing a part is the improvement of

people's life. As a result of the policy of opening and reform, an increasing number of people are much richer than before and can afford disposal products.

• Admittedly, they might benefit us in a short term. Unfortunately, they will do us harm in more than one way. The major harm is (that) they are sure to pollute the environment. To make matters worse, they are likely to have potential harm to public health. To illustrate this point, I can think of no better example than HP, the river through S. As a result of disposal products in it, the water has caused some diseases in the local people.

• To sum up, for the factors mentioned before, we can safely reach the conclusion that the prevalence of disposal products is bound to cause a chain of undesirable effects. In view of the present situation, it is high time that the government tried every means to protect the environment. Only in this way, can we have a bright future.


Multi-culture and Crime

Crime is increasing worldwide. There is every reason to believe the trend will continue through the next few decades.

Crime rates have always been high in multi-cultural (多元文化的)industrialized societies such as the United States. But a new phenomenon [fi'nɔminən] 现象has appeared on the world scene: rapidly rising crime rates in nations that previously (事先,以前)reported few offences. Street crimes such as robbery, rape, murder and auto theft are clearly rising, particularly =(in Eastern European countries, such as Hungary, and in Western European nations, such as the Untied Kingdom. certain conditions associated相关联 with rising crime. Increasing heterogeneity异质化 of population, greater cultural pluralism多元论, higher immigration移民, democratization民主化 of governments, changing national borders, greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong. instance, cultures that were previously isolated孤立、分离 and homogenous同质化, such as Japan, Denmark and Greece, are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history.

Multiculturalism can be a rewarding, enriching experience, but it can also lead to a clash of values. Heterogeneity in societies will be the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize(识别) and plan for such diversity(多样,不同) can lead to serious crime problems.


and have they have gained increasing popularity among people in all walks of life. Taking a look around you, you can find examples too numerous to list: When you walk on the street, you can see plastic bags flying over your head; When you ramble along the river, you can find plastic bottles floating on the water; When you stroll in the park with your lover, you can notice waste paper thrown everywhere.

• Among the most important reasons often cited by people is the quickening pace of modern life. They are often too busy to wash dirty dishes or glasses, as a result they can do nothing but use disposal products. Also playing a part is the improvement of

people's life. As a result of the policy of opening and reform, an increasing number of people are much richer than before and can afford disposal products.

• Admittedly, they might benefit us in a short term. Unfortunately, they will do us harm in more than one way. The major harm is (that) they are sure to pollute the environment. To make matters worse, they are likely to have potential harm to public health. To illustrate this point, I can think of no better example than HP, the river through S. As a result of disposal products in it, the water has caused some diseases in the local people.

• To sum up, for the factors mentioned before, we can safely reach the conclusion that the prevalence of disposal products is bound to cause a chain of undesirable effects. In view of the present situation, it is high time that the government tried every means to protect the environment. Only in this way, can we have a bright future.


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