目数 - 筛孔尺寸与标准目数对应

目数 - 筛孔尺寸与标准目数对应 / 粒径与标准目数对应

mesh (msh)



a.Any of the open spaces in a net or network; an interstice.

b.The cords, threads, or wires surrounding these spaces. Often used in the plural.

2.An openwork fabric or structure; a net or network: a screen made of wire mesh.

3.Something that snares or entraps. Often used in the plural: "Arabia had become entangled in the meshes of . . . politics" (W. Montgomery Watt).


a.The engagement of gear teeth.

b.The state of being so engaged: gear teeth in mesh.

v.meshed, mesh·ing, mesh·es


1.To catch in or as if in a net; ensnare.

2.To cause (gear teeth) to become engaged.

3.To cause to work closely together; coordinate.


1.To become entangled.

2.To become engaged or interlocked: gears that are not meshing properly.


a.To fit together effectively; be coordinated.

b.To accord with another or each other; harmonize.


Pronunciation (US):

Dictionary entry overview: What does mesh mean?

• MESH (noun)

The noun MESH has 5 senses:

1. the number of opening per inch of a screen; measures size of particles

2. contact by fitting together

3. the topology of a network whose components are all connected directly to every other component

4. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals

5. the act of interlocking or meshing

Familiarity information: MESH used as a noun is common.

• MESH (verb)

The verb MESH has 4 senses:

1. keep engaged

2. coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively

3. work together in harmony

4. entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh

Familiarity information: MESH used as a verb is uncommon.

目数 - 筛孔尺寸与标准目数对应 / 粒径与标准目数对应

mesh (msh)



a.Any of the open spaces in a net or network; an interstice.

b.The cords, threads, or wires surrounding these spaces. Often used in the plural.

2.An openwork fabric or structure; a net or network: a screen made of wire mesh.

3.Something that snares or entraps. Often used in the plural: "Arabia had become entangled in the meshes of . . . politics" (W. Montgomery Watt).


a.The engagement of gear teeth.

b.The state of being so engaged: gear teeth in mesh.

v.meshed, mesh·ing, mesh·es


1.To catch in or as if in a net; ensnare.

2.To cause (gear teeth) to become engaged.

3.To cause to work closely together; coordinate.


1.To become entangled.

2.To become engaged or interlocked: gears that are not meshing properly.


a.To fit together effectively; be coordinated.

b.To accord with another or each other; harmonize.


Pronunciation (US):

Dictionary entry overview: What does mesh mean?

• MESH (noun)

The noun MESH has 5 senses:

1. the number of opening per inch of a screen; measures size of particles

2. contact by fitting together

3. the topology of a network whose components are all connected directly to every other component

4. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals

5. the act of interlocking or meshing

Familiarity information: MESH used as a noun is common.

• MESH (verb)

The verb MESH has 4 senses:

1. keep engaged

2. coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively

3. work together in harmony

4. entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh

Familiarity information: MESH used as a verb is uncommon.


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