
Kimi: Dad, will you sing "little star"?

Jimmy Lin: not ah...

Kimi: Well, I teach you?

Jimmy Lin: good!

Kimi: Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Jimmy Lin: you are out of tune!

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: (laugh)


Zhang Yuexuan: my family has one very cool

Guo Zirui: superhuman powers.

Wang Shiling: his palm is a bit thick

& & age: holding I learnt to walk


Guo Tao: thanks for visiting my little monster

Zhang Liang: you are the most beautiful love letter I wrote

Wang Yuelun: button for a happy family.

& & Guo; Wang: love you regardless of the weather


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise


Guo Tao: This is the first time when your dad.

Zhang Liang: we all felt a bit complicated

Wang Yuelun: you desperately germination my hair white

& & Guo; Wang: write a flick.


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise

RAP children

Guo Zirui: my dad is a myth (Guo Tao: of course!)

Wang Shiling: get Mom anatomia (Wang Yuelun: ha ha!)

Zhang Yuexuan: if one day you lost teeth (Zhang Liang: ouch!)

Rui old & & Xuan: I can take you to the hot (& & Guo; Wang;Zhang: Yeah!)


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life, accompany you to see the day

All: la la la la la la la la la la


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. You are my big and big

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: a baby the hands of time You are forever precious


Chorus: la la la la......


Jimmy Lin: twinkle

The sky is the small star

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder

Jimmy Lin: you're out of tune!

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: (laugh)

Kimi: Dad, will you sing "little star"?

Jimmy Lin: not ah...

Kimi: Well, I teach you?

Jimmy Lin: good!

Kimi: Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Jimmy Lin: you are out of tune!

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: (laugh)


Zhang Yuexuan: my family has one very cool

Guo Zirui: superhuman powers.

Wang Shiling: his palm is a bit thick

& & age: holding I learnt to walk


Guo Tao: thanks for visiting my little monster

Zhang Liang: you are the most beautiful love letter I wrote

Wang Yuelun: button for a happy family.

& & Guo; Wang: love you regardless of the weather


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise


Guo Tao: This is the first time when your dad.

Zhang Liang: we all felt a bit complicated

Wang Yuelun: you desperately germination my hair white

& & Guo; Wang: write a flick.


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise

RAP children

Guo Zirui: my dad is a myth (Guo Tao: of course!)

Wang Shiling: get Mom anatomia (Wang Yuelun: ha ha!)

Zhang Yuexuan: if one day you lost teeth (Zhang Liang: ouch!)

Rui old & & Xuan: I can take you to the hot (& & Guo; Wang;Zhang: Yeah!)


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life, accompany you to see the day

All: la la la la la la la la la la


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. I'm fearless

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: baby baby baby I'm your tree Life with you Watch the sunrise


Guo Zirui & Wang Shiling & Zhang Yuexuan: my dad dad where we go. You are my big and big

Guo Tao & Wang Yuelun & Zhang Liang: a baby the hands of time You are forever precious


Chorus: la la la la......


Jimmy Lin: twinkle

The sky is the small star

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder

Jimmy Lin: you're out of tune!

Jimmy Lin & Kimi: (laugh)


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