



With the development of _1现象或问题的背景__, ___2现象或问题__ has aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons

involved. Among them, ___3原因之一___ plays a very important role, that is to say, __4原因之一的主题词___ becomes __5原因之一的状态____ thanks to _6前述状态的理由___. What is more, it is ___7原因二___ to some degree. The similar

reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is to __8观点或方法一___. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to __9观点或方法二___. Only in this way can we __10重申主题____.


例子1 题目:On friendship

With the development ofhas aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them, plays a very important role, that is to say, 4 friendship becomes 5some degree. The similar reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is 8. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to . (141 words)


例子2 题目:the problem of heavy traffic

With the development ofwhich requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them,




With the development of _1现象或问题的背景__, ___2现象或问题__ has aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons

involved. Among them, ___3原因之一___ plays a very important role, that is to say, __4原因之一的主题词___ becomes __5原因之一的状态____ thanks to _6前述状态的理由___. What is more, it is ___7原因二___ to some degree. The similar

reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is to __8观点或方法一___. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to __9观点或方法二___. Only in this way can we __10重申主题____.


例子1 题目:On friendship

With the development ofhas aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them, plays a very important role, that is to say, 4 friendship becomes 5some degree. The similar reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is 8. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to . (141 words)


例子2 题目:the problem of heavy traffic

With the development ofwhich requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them,


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