

Hello, everyone, today I want to introduce my home town, linyi. First, I will show you its position. It locates the eastern south in Shandong province. In the picture, we can easily find it. Then, I will talk something about its history. On the history, it is a cultural city. Now I will introduce several famous historical figures In the picture, probably everyone acquaints with him very much, he is Zhuge Liang. Everyone may know that, he helped Liu bei to build up the country of shu with the ability of his genius and obtained very great achievement .but probably no one knows his home town, the answer is linyi. when he was six,to avoid war. he went to Longzhong in the Hubei province with his uncle In the next picture, we can see Wang Xizhi . Wang Xizhi often wrote by a pond and cleaned ink for a long time, at last the water turned black. The pond was known as the"ink tank."On a late spring day, Wang Xizhi together with his friends had a gather at Lanting where they drank wine and wrote poems with great delight. Wangxizhi wrote the preface to the collection of poems. The whole preface was known as The Orchid Pavilion. Wang xiang was also born in linyi. His stepmother want to eat carps when she was ill. but the river frozed for it is too cold, unable to capture. Wang xiang prayed naked on the ice. Suddenly, the ice broken, two carps leaped out from the cracks.

Maybe someone ask what is the relationship between Wang Xizhi and Wang xiang, in fact Wang xiang is Wang Xizhi’s grandfather’s uncle. The re are many other famous People. For example, Meng Tian , the Qin Empire founder, the famous military strategist, the inventor of brush, attacked the Huns and leaded the building of the Great Wall. Guiguzi is the teacher of Sun Bin and Pang Juan. Xunzi is a famous materialist thinker in ancient China, one of the important representatives of Confucianism, with the"Xunzi"book. Yen Zhenqin was a famous calligrapher and military general and suppressed the rebellion. I fell very proud that in my hometown there are so many famous people. They will be our eternal spiritual wealth. That is all. thank you.


Hello, everyone, today I want to introduce my home town, linyi. First, I will show you its position. It locates the eastern south in Shandong province. In the picture, we can easily find it. Then, I will talk something about its history. On the history, it is a cultural city. Now I will introduce several famous historical figures In the picture, probably everyone acquaints with him very much, he is Zhuge Liang. Everyone may know that, he helped Liu bei to build up the country of shu with the ability of his genius and obtained very great achievement .but probably no one knows his home town, the answer is linyi. when he was six,to avoid war. he went to Longzhong in the Hubei province with his uncle In the next picture, we can see Wang Xizhi . Wang Xizhi often wrote by a pond and cleaned ink for a long time, at last the water turned black. The pond was known as the"ink tank."On a late spring day, Wang Xizhi together with his friends had a gather at Lanting where they drank wine and wrote poems with great delight. Wangxizhi wrote the preface to the collection of poems. The whole preface was known as The Orchid Pavilion. Wang xiang was also born in linyi. His stepmother want to eat carps when she was ill. but the river frozed for it is too cold, unable to capture. Wang xiang prayed naked on the ice. Suddenly, the ice broken, two carps leaped out from the cracks.

Maybe someone ask what is the relationship between Wang Xizhi and Wang xiang, in fact Wang xiang is Wang Xizhi’s grandfather’s uncle. The re are many other famous People. For example, Meng Tian , the Qin Empire founder, the famous military strategist, the inventor of brush, attacked the Huns and leaded the building of the Great Wall. Guiguzi is the teacher of Sun Bin and Pang Juan. Xunzi is a famous materialist thinker in ancient China, one of the important representatives of Confucianism, with the"Xunzi"book. Yen Zhenqin was a famous calligrapher and military general and suppressed the rebellion. I fell very proud that in my hometown there are so many famous people. They will be our eternal spiritual wealth. That is all. thank you.


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