

hivol 采样协议








设置计世资讯(CCW w.dir)0

设置CW w.dir到360

设置LO W.speed的0

设置HI W.speed的100

记录器收集hivol'sdata 即使在鼓风机马达不运行。数据收集在定期的时间间隔的数据,称为平均时期。平均周期被设置在所记录的数据的记录仪安装menu.The 的平均数据值平均期间,数据writter 内存在这一时期结束

从多达150平均周期的数据可以存储在Hivol.once 数据记录器内存已满,停止收集Hivol 数据。Hivol 开始收集数据记录器时,蓄能器设置cleared.when 平均周期,记住这一点,如果你想收集数据的一天,这将是需要设置第t 期至少10 minutes.This,相当于平均超过6天的记录的数据记录仪安装。

的数据点的实际数目可以取决于被存储的字符的数目,其中,可以根据所存储的值。 建立重大故障菜单

从HiV ol 当流量大幅下降,则会出现错误和停止仪器采样(hivol sampling protocol select set up menu,then times menu

select start date:enter a date that is before the current date

select end date:enter a date in the distant future

select daily: set on time 1 to 00:00 set off time 1 to 24:00

select weekly :set all days to yes

set days /cycle to 1

select setup menu,then wind menu

set ccw w.dir to 0

set cw w.dir to 360

set LO W.speed to 0

set HI W.speed to 100

The hivol ‘sdata logger collects data even when the blower motor is not running.The data are collected at regular interval,called the averaging period.The averaging period is set in the Logger Setup menu.The data that are logged are the average data value during the averaging period ,with the data being writter to memory at the end of that period

Data from up to 150 averaging periods may be stored in the Hivol.once the data logger memory is full, the Hivol stops collecting data.The Hivol begins collecting data when the logger accumulator is cleared.when setting the averaging period ,keep this in mind .if you want to collect one day of data ,it will be necessary to set the Logger Setup Averaging period t at least 10 minutes.This equates to over 6 days of logged data .

The actual number of data points can vary depending on the number of characters being

stored,which can chang according to the values being stored.

setup major faults menu

when the flow from a HiV ol drops considerably,an error occurs and the instrument stops sampling,then after a delay ,it attempts to restart.)


hivol 采样协议








设置计世资讯(CCW w.dir)0

设置CW w.dir到360

设置LO W.speed的0

设置HI W.speed的100

记录器收集hivol'sdata 即使在鼓风机马达不运行。数据收集在定期的时间间隔的数据,称为平均时期。平均周期被设置在所记录的数据的记录仪安装menu.The 的平均数据值平均期间,数据writter 内存在这一时期结束

从多达150平均周期的数据可以存储在Hivol.once 数据记录器内存已满,停止收集Hivol 数据。Hivol 开始收集数据记录器时,蓄能器设置cleared.when 平均周期,记住这一点,如果你想收集数据的一天,这将是需要设置第t 期至少10 minutes.This,相当于平均超过6天的记录的数据记录仪安装。

的数据点的实际数目可以取决于被存储的字符的数目,其中,可以根据所存储的值。 建立重大故障菜单

从HiV ol 当流量大幅下降,则会出现错误和停止仪器采样(hivol sampling protocol select set up menu,then times menu

select start date:enter a date that is before the current date

select end date:enter a date in the distant future

select daily: set on time 1 to 00:00 set off time 1 to 24:00

select weekly :set all days to yes

set days /cycle to 1

select setup menu,then wind menu

set ccw w.dir to 0

set cw w.dir to 360

set LO W.speed to 0

set HI W.speed to 100

The hivol ‘sdata logger collects data even when the blower motor is not running.The data are collected at regular interval,called the averaging period.The averaging period is set in the Logger Setup menu.The data that are logged are the average data value during the averaging period ,with the data being writter to memory at the end of that period

Data from up to 150 averaging periods may be stored in the Hivol.once the data logger memory is full, the Hivol stops collecting data.The Hivol begins collecting data when the logger accumulator is cleared.when setting the averaging period ,keep this in mind .if you want to collect one day of data ,it will be necessary to set the Logger Setup Averaging period t at least 10 minutes.This equates to over 6 days of logged data .

The actual number of data points can vary depending on the number of characters being

stored,which can chang according to the values being stored.

setup major faults menu

when the flow from a HiV ol drops considerably,an error occurs and the instrument stops sampling,then after a delay ,it attempts to restart.)


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