

Currently in the English curriculum reform era, but in the present English teaching there is a poor student is increasing, more and more serious polarization phenomenon, this conflict with class changes. Promote group cooperative learning in English teaching at present stage the task-based teaching model, it is an emphasis on set certain task in the teaching activities, lets the student with a mission to learn and eventually complete the task of teaching method, is a concrete task for learning purposes, the process as a learning process and finish the task in classroom to reflect teaching achievements, so as to achieve "take the student as the main body, teacher as a guide, to apply" for the purpose of a kind of teaching method. Using this model can make the classroom efficiency, but also can promote the enthusiasm of students in class. To this end, the author thought that can use this method to improve English teaching, reduce the poor student, prevent polarization, so as to improve English? After much practice, the author thought must start from the following aspects:


A, poor English scores of the root - students polarization


Learning English is easy to produce polarization phenomenon, differentiation phenomenon occurs mainly on the first or second day, there are a variety of causes: 1. Some students along with the increase in vocabulary, grammar knowledge, interest in learning.. 2. Influenced by teachers' own quality. Junior middle school students' mental immature, impressions of the teachers will directly affect the students' interest in English learning. 3. Students lack of good study habits, can't the initiative to learn. 4. Lack of language environment, not used, etc.


2, solve the inequality measures taken



1. Establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students and students. The ancients cloud: "kiss the division, to the faith". Like other subjects, English teaching, must win the trust of students, to establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, between teachers and students to contact students, equal treatment to each student; Attention should be paid to overcome the timidity psychology of students, make students to dare to give vent to their ideas to the teacher; Motivate students confidence of learning English.


English classroom teaching teachers coordinate is emotional ties. English teacher's emotional in stream flow process, the teaching content into the student life, gradually develop their judgment and thinking.


2. Grant to research method, make students form good learning habits


Middle school stage is the foundation of the English teaching stage, is also a crucial period for training students' learning habits. To prevent the student to study the polarization, we must make students form good learning habits, to master correct learning methods. Based on ability training, make communicative classroom teaching approach.


(1) pay special attention to the phonetic teaching is the starting point of English teaching. If did not play a good foundation of phonetic teaching, will directly affect the student to the vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammar learning, affect the listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating ability. Such as the insufficient recognition of phonetic teaching, students can't play solid speech, learning English is full in a passive position. Cause remember the words, pronunciation is often not in accordance with the rules of pronunciation, but with the aid of Chinese characters or imaginary symbols help memory, completely out of the word pronunciation and form the inner link, with only a mechanical memory. Phonetic is the foundation of the language, learn the pronunciation, English is not good.


(2) pay special attention to the vocabulary teaching. Do a good job in vocabulary teaching is the key to prevent some students left behind. Vocabulary teaching can adopt the following methods: teach students to learn with a combination of sound, form and meaning, ways to memorizing words; To guide students to master the pronunciation rules, help the memory word; Words using the rules of word-formation helps students was analyzed, and deepen our memory.


(3) to cultivate interest in learning, to the poor student want to care, love, and more highly appreciated. Common knowledge "interest is the best teacher", have a strong interest in learning what all feel, feel not tired. On the other hand, how can produce curiosity? As a teacher, should pay attention to take good care of every student, especially for poor student to give recognition and praise, praise and encouragement, and must not sarcasm, irony, known as top students are appreciated, poor student is sarcasm, irony, criticism, and then build out of, related to this point in the teaching must be highly attention, otherwise, the poor student will be more and more, teaching is difficult, so, your teaching is failed. In addition, pay attention to teaching art is also one way to stimulate interest in learning. Because of good teaching art can be like a magnet to attract people.


3, prepares a lesson earnestly, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching


(1) the use of multimedia teaching, increase classroom information, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. Quality, to the classroom 45 minutes is the center of the classroom teaching, multimedia teaching information, fast conversion, can make teachers for a limited time, increase the capacity of classroom teaching, increasing the density of class activities, so that students in a lively, relaxed atmosphere of high density, large capacity, high efficiency of language practice

activity, and multi-channel input can also help students understand and master the teaching content from different aspects.


(2) should focus on when preparing pay special attention to the following aspects: first, prepare teaching materials. You read textbooks, find out the key points and difficulties in textbooks and suspects, can creatively use the teaching materials. English teaching material as a good cook cook a delicious delicacy, optimization to the teaching material, make the students easy to accept.


Second, for students. Understand the student often is more important than the understanding of teaching material. Because the material is fixed, and student's thought is changing. According to the different students accept ability and adaptation level differences, proposed different solutions, unified planning, make different degrees of students can actively participate in class activities, to do everybody have something to do, KeKe reap.


Third, the case law. On the choice of law, should as far as possible to use scientific inquiry teaching mode and type teaching method, fully mobilize students' learning initiative, stimulate students' thirst for knowledge, and guide students in learning in the process of feel the joy of success, prompting students understanding knowledge, theory, regularity of deeper, on the basis of gradually strengthen innovation consciousness, improve the ability of creation.


Currently in the English curriculum reform era, but in the present English teaching there is a poor student is increasing, more and more serious polarization phenomenon, this conflict with class changes. Promote group cooperative learning in English teaching at present stage the task-based teaching model, it is an emphasis on set certain task in the teaching activities, lets the student with a mission to learn and eventually complete the task of teaching method, is a concrete task for learning purposes, the process as a learning process and finish the task in classroom to reflect teaching achievements, so as to achieve "take the student as the main body, teacher as a guide, to apply" for the purpose of a kind of teaching method. Using this model can make the classroom efficiency, but also can promote the enthusiasm of students in class. To this end, the author thought that can use this method to improve English teaching, reduce the poor student, prevent polarization, so as to improve English? After much practice, the author thought must start from the following aspects:


A, poor English scores of the root - students polarization


Learning English is easy to produce polarization phenomenon, differentiation phenomenon occurs mainly on the first or second day, there are a variety of causes: 1. Some students along with the increase in vocabulary, grammar knowledge, interest in learning.. 2. Influenced by teachers' own quality. Junior middle school students' mental immature, impressions of the teachers will directly affect the students' interest in English learning. 3. Students lack of good study habits, can't the initiative to learn. 4. Lack of language environment, not used, etc.


2, solve the inequality measures taken



1. Establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students and students. The ancients cloud: "kiss the division, to the faith". Like other subjects, English teaching, must win the trust of students, to establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, between teachers and students to contact students, equal treatment to each student; Attention should be paid to overcome the timidity psychology of students, make students to dare to give vent to their ideas to the teacher; Motivate students confidence of learning English.


English classroom teaching teachers coordinate is emotional ties. English teacher's emotional in stream flow process, the teaching content into the student life, gradually develop their judgment and thinking.


2. Grant to research method, make students form good learning habits


Middle school stage is the foundation of the English teaching stage, is also a crucial period for training students' learning habits. To prevent the student to study the polarization, we must make students form good learning habits, to master correct learning methods. Based on ability training, make communicative classroom teaching approach.


(1) pay special attention to the phonetic teaching is the starting point of English teaching. If did not play a good foundation of phonetic teaching, will directly affect the student to the vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammar learning, affect the listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating ability. Such as the insufficient recognition of phonetic teaching, students can't play solid speech, learning English is full in a passive position. Cause remember the words, pronunciation is often not in accordance with the rules of pronunciation, but with the aid of Chinese characters or imaginary symbols help memory, completely out of the word pronunciation and form the inner link, with only a mechanical memory. Phonetic is the foundation of the language, learn the pronunciation, English is not good.


(2) pay special attention to the vocabulary teaching. Do a good job in vocabulary teaching is the key to prevent some students left behind. Vocabulary teaching can adopt the following methods: teach students to learn with a combination of sound, form and meaning, ways to memorizing words; To guide students to master the pronunciation rules, help the memory word; Words using the rules of word-formation helps students was analyzed, and deepen our memory.


(3) to cultivate interest in learning, to the poor student want to care, love, and more highly appreciated. Common knowledge "interest is the best teacher", have a strong interest in learning what all feel, feel not tired. On the other hand, how can produce curiosity? As a teacher, should pay attention to take good care of every student, especially for poor student to give recognition and praise, praise and encouragement, and must not sarcasm, irony, known as top students are appreciated, poor student is sarcasm, irony, criticism, and then build out of, related to this point in the teaching must be highly attention, otherwise, the poor student will be more and more, teaching is difficult, so, your teaching is failed. In addition, pay attention to teaching art is also one way to stimulate interest in learning. Because of good teaching art can be like a magnet to attract people.


3, prepares a lesson earnestly, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching


(1) the use of multimedia teaching, increase classroom information, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. Quality, to the classroom 45 minutes is the center of the classroom teaching, multimedia teaching information, fast conversion, can make teachers for a limited time, increase the capacity of classroom teaching, increasing the density of class activities, so that students in a lively, relaxed atmosphere of high density, large capacity, high efficiency of language practice

activity, and multi-channel input can also help students understand and master the teaching content from different aspects.


(2) should focus on when preparing pay special attention to the following aspects: first, prepare teaching materials. You read textbooks, find out the key points and difficulties in textbooks and suspects, can creatively use the teaching materials. English teaching material as a good cook cook a delicious delicacy, optimization to the teaching material, make the students easy to accept.


Second, for students. Understand the student often is more important than the understanding of teaching material. Because the material is fixed, and student's thought is changing. According to the different students accept ability and adaptation level differences, proposed different solutions, unified planning, make different degrees of students can actively participate in class activities, to do everybody have something to do, KeKe reap.


Third, the case law. On the choice of law, should as far as possible to use scientific inquiry teaching mode and type teaching method, fully mobilize students' learning initiative, stimulate students' thirst for knowledge, and guide students in learning in the process of feel the joy of success, prompting students understanding knowledge, theory, regularity of deeper, on the basis of gradually strengthen innovation consciousness, improve the ability of creation.


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