灵魂冲浪 观后感 作文

Surfing in life

Yesterday I watched a film based on a true story, which talks about a gorgeous girl Bethany Hamilton's life as a surfer after a horrible shark attack. She lost her one arm but recovered from depression thanks to her strong determination and parents' love.

At the beginning of the film, I just held it an inspiring but nothing special movie. Nevertheless, I was fascinated by the dialogue. When you get in hazard, nobody knows what would happen, so we have to 'take it day by day'. Moreover, what hits me most is that 'I don't need easiness. I just need possible.'

What's more, Bethany taught me that the most important thing in life is having courage to spare no efforts to do and show your attachment. Surfing is not the most momentous thing, but love is.

In brief, you need to get right back when you get caught in the impact zone, because you never know the coming of next wave. That is, if you have faith, anything is possible... Surf the beach of your life!

Surfing in life

Yesterday I watched a film based on a true story, which talks about a gorgeous girl Bethany Hamilton's life as a surfer after a horrible shark attack. She lost her one arm but recovered from depression thanks to her strong determination and parents' love.

At the beginning of the film, I just held it an inspiring but nothing special movie. Nevertheless, I was fascinated by the dialogue. When you get in hazard, nobody knows what would happen, so we have to 'take it day by day'. Moreover, what hits me most is that 'I don't need easiness. I just need possible.'

What's more, Bethany taught me that the most important thing in life is having courage to spare no efforts to do and show your attachment. Surfing is not the most momentous thing, but love is.

In brief, you need to get right back when you get caught in the impact zone, because you never know the coming of next wave. That is, if you have faith, anything is possible... Surf the beach of your life!


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