
出题人Unit 1 My name: 严家俞 审题人:祝崇浩’s Gina

Section A 1a-2d



1. 我的地图 ____________________ 2. 她的杯子 ____________________ 3. 你的直尺 ____________________ 4. 他的名字 ____________________ 5. 她的名字 ____________________ 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. I ____________ (be) Bob White. 2. My name ___________(be) Gina.

3. ----What ________(be) your name? ----I ’m Nancy. 4. ----What’s ________(you) name? ----My name is Betty. 5.----What ’s this in English? ----It _______(be) a clock. 6.She is a girl. _________(she) name is Kate. 7. I am a boy. ________(I) name is Bob.

8. ----What’ s___________(he) name? ----His name is Jack. 9.----Are ___________(your) Tom? ----Yes, I am. 10. Is __________(she) name Helen?

三、从(B )栏中选出与(A)栏中的句子相对应的答语。

(A ) (B)

( )1. Hello, Bob! A. My name is Kate.

( )2. What’s your name? B. Her name is Mary Brown. ( )3. Nice to meet you! C. Nice to meet you, too. ( )4. What color is that clock? D. It’s red. (知识综合应用 )5. What’s her name?

E. Hi, Lisa!


( )1. ---What’s ________ name? ---__________ name is Lucy. A. your; I B. you; I C. your; My D. my; My

( )2. ---Hello, Eric. This ______ Gina. ---Hi, Gina. Nice to meet you. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3. I ________ Liu Dong and he _______ Wang Jing.

A. am; is B. am; are C. is; are D. is; is ( )4. -----______ are you, Tony? ---- I’m fine, thanks.

A. How B. What C. Where D. Who ( )5. ----_________ you Tim? ---Yes, I________.

A. Are; am not B. Is; am C. Are; am D. Is; am not

( )6. ---Hello, Kate. Nice to meet you! -----_____________________ A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I’m fine.

五、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 对划线部分提问)

______________ _____________ is the ball? 对划线部分提问) ______________ _____________ her name? 3. Are you Jack?(作否定回答)

____________, ______________ ____________. 4. I am Linda.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ---- __________ __________ Linda? --- Yes, ___________ __________.

5. My name is Bob Black.(改为同义句) ____________ Bob Black.


Section A 3a-3c


1.what ’s ________________ 2.it ’s _______________ 3. I’m ________________ 4. he’s ________________ 5. she’s _____________ 6. isn’t ________________ 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. ________ is a girl. ___________ name is Gina. (she) 2. What’s ___________ (he) name?

3. Is ___________ (you) English name Betty? 4. __________(I) name is Tom. 5. It’s _____________(you) pen.

6. Bob and I ____________(be) good friend(朋友). 7. Nice __________________(meet) you, Linda.

8.---____________(be) you Jim? 知识综合应用

---- Yes, I ____________.(be)


( )1. ---What’s ___________ name? ----_________ name is Tom. A. your; My B. his; Her C. her; His D. my; your ( )2. ---Is Tom his name? ---- No,__________ isn ’t. A. he B. she C. it D. her ( )3. ----Are you Tom? ---- _________. I’m Bob.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.. C. No, I’m not. D. No, it isn’t. ( )4. ----Is he Jim? ----Yes,_________.

A. he is B. it’s C. he’s D. I’m ( )5.---___________ this in English? ---- It’s a pencil.

A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s ( )6. This is my brother(哥哥). __________ name is John.

A. He B. Her C. She D. His 四、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。

对划线部分提问)___________ _____________ your name? 2. He is Lin Tao.(改为同义句)___________ _____________ is Lin Tao.

3. Are you Mike?(作肯定回答)__________, ____________ ____________. 对划线部分提问)__________ ___________ is the ruler? 对划线部分提问)__________ is ____________ name? 五、完形填空。 A: Good morning! B: _____1_____!

A: _____2_____ your name, please? B:______3_____ name is Amy.

A: I ____4___ Peter. Nice to meet you. B: ____5____.

A: What’s this ____6___ English? B: It’s _____7____.

A: ____8____ this in the picture?

B: ____9___ Kate. She’s English(英国人). A: What’s _____10____ last name? B: Brown.

( ) 1. A. Thanks B. Thank you C. Good morning. D. I’m nice. ( ) 2. A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s ( ) 3. A. I B. I’m C. My D. My is ( ) 4. A. am B. is C. name D. name’s ( ) 5. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Thanks C. Thank you D. You are very nice. ( ) 6. A. for B. at C. in D. of

( ) 7. A. picture B. a picture C. the picture D. an picture ( ) 8. A. What B. What’s C. Who D. Who’s ( ) 9. A. It’s B. Its C. It D. He’s ( ) 10.A. she B. he Section B 1a-1f

C. her D. his



1. 110 __________________ 2. 119 _______________

3.120____________________4. 12315_______________5. 12121 知识综合应用



( )1. ----__________ his ________? --- It’s 857-3526.

A. What’s; phone number B. What; name C. What’s; name D. What; telephone number ( )2. ---What’s your _________? ---It ’s 335-2167.

A. name B. color C. number D. orange ( )3. My name _________ Alice, and _______ name is Tony.

A. am; her B. is; his C. is; her D. am; his ( )4. ----What’s ______ name? ----________ name is Linda.

A. your; Your B. my; Her C. his; His D. your; My ( )5. Is this _________ number?

A. you B. your C. he D. I

( )6. ----Hello, Linda. Nice to meet you. ---__________________.

A. Hi B. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. C. How do you do? D. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you, too. 三、补全对话。 A: Good afternoon.

B: Good 1___________________.

A: What’s 2______________ 3_____________?

B: I 4.__________ Tom Smith. And 5______________ 6_____________name? A: My name 7__________ Jim Green. 8______________ are you? B: Fine, 9_____________ you. And you?

A: I’m OK. What’s your 10____________________ number? B: 281-9176.

四、用am, is, are填空。

1. Hello! _________ you Miss Liu? 2. This ___________ Tom.

3. You ______________ my friend(朋友). 4. My name ___________ Zheng Yun.

5. This _________ Ann Red. 6. ---- How ____________ you? ----I ________ fine, thank you. 7. My mother ____________ a teacher(教师). 8. Lucy and I ___________ friends.

9. __________ her name Gina? 10.---What _______ your telephone number? ---- It’s 555-8019. 五、在横线上填上适当的数词。

1. six+ two=_________ 2. __________— five= four 3. two+ two=__________ 4. ten—ten=____________ 5. two+ ________= nine 6. nine— zero=___________

7.Three minus(减去) two is ______________. 8. Five and two is ______________. 9.Seven minus one is ____________. 10. Four and four is ____________.


Section B 2a-Self Check


1. in China________________ 2. her family name _______________ 3. first name________________ 4. 中学 ______________ 5. 你的朋友 _______________


1. 你姓什么? What ’s your __________________ _______________? 2. 他姓李。 _____________ ______________ name is Li.

3. 她叫什么名字?(不包括姓氏) What’s her ________________ _____________? 4. 他的电话号码是多少?What ’s his _________________ __________________. 5. 知识综合应用你好,我是吉姆。Hi! _________________ _____________.


( )1. My name’s Zhang Hong. Hong is my ____________.

A. name B. family name C. first name D. last name ( )2. ----______ Tony your first name? ---Yes, ______________.

A. Are; it is B. Is; it is C. Are; I am D. Is; I am ( )3. ---- Are you Jim? ----______________.

A. Yes, I’m B. Yes, I am C. No, I am D. Yes, I’m not

( )4. Her name is Kate Green. Her last name is _________.

A. Kate B. Green C. Kate Green D. Green Kate ( )5. --- How do you spell the word “eraser ”? ----_____________.

A. It’s an eraser. B. It’s my eraser. C.E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. D. Yes, it is. 四、用be 动词补全对话。 A: Hi!

B: Hello! I 1.________ Tina. What 2.________ your name? A: My name 3_________ Billy. B: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too.

B: How 4.__________ you today? A: Fine, thanks.

B: What 5._________ your phone number? A: It 6._________ 720-6549.

1. 2. ---Is he ______________ friend (朋友) ? ---- Yes, he is my friend. 3. Mary ____________ in China now.

4. My name is Gina Green. Gina is my ___________ name.

5. ---Is the boy your friend? ----Yes, he is. ___________ name is Lin Hui. 六、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 1. is, your, what, name(连词成句)

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________? 2.My father’对划线部分提问)

_____________ ___________ your father’s _______________ ________________? 3. She is my sister.(改为否定句)

She ___________ __________ my sister. 4. Lucy’s last name is Green. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ Lucy’s ___________ name Green? 5. 5. Joan’对划线部分提问)

__________ ____________ ___________ Joan’s telephone? 七、阅读理解。

My name is Jenny Green. I have(有)a friend(朋友). Her name is Mary Brown. Mary is her first name. Brown is her last name. Mary’s telephone number is 365-8741. And my phone number is 285-4267. 根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F )。 ( )1. I’m a boy.

( )2. Mary and I are friends.

( )3. Brown is Jenny’s last name. ( )4. My first name is Mary.

( )5. My telephone number is 285-4267.


一、用be 动词的适当形式填空。

1. ___________ you Kate? 2. His name ______________ Lin Tao.

3. I ____________ Lily and you ___________ Mary. 4.She ____________ in China. 5. That ____________ a cup. It ___________ red. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I am Kate Smith. __________(I) last name is Smith. 2. This is my cat(猫). ____________(it) name is Mimi.

3. Linda is my friend. ______________ phone number is 125-0989. 4.__________ (you) jacket is blue and __________ (I) jacket is yellow. 5.They are students. ____________(they) names are Li Yuan and Li Hui. 三、单项填空。

( )1. ---How _______ you? ----I ________ fine. Thanks.

A. is; are B. am; is C. are; am D. are; is ( )2. Linda Smith’s first name ________ Linda.

A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3. ----Are you a teacher? --- No, ___________.

A. I am B. I aren’t C. I’m not D. you aren单元自我综合评价一


( )1. This is ______ orange. It is _______ orange.

A./; an B. an; an C. an, / D. /;/ ( )2. She is Mary Black. Her family name is __________.

A. Mary B. Black C. Mary Black D. Black Mary ( )3. I ______ Jenny Green. What________ your name?

A. am; is B. are; is C. am; are D. is; are ( )4. ----Is ________ Eric? -----No, ________ name’s Bob.

A. she; her B. he; his C. you; my D. his; his ( )5. He is Harry Potter. His ________ is Harry.

A. first B. one C. last D. family

( )6. ---__________ your telephone ___________? --- It’s 305-3215. A. What; name B. What’s; color C. What’s; key D. What’s; number ( )7. ----Is Bill your friend? ----_______________.

A. Yes, Bill is B. Yes, I am C. No, she isn’t D. No, he isn’t ( )8. ----Nice to meet you! ---____________________ A. I am fine, thank you! B. Nice to meet you, too! C. How do you do? D. What color is it? ( )9. ----_________________ ----Yes, C-U-P.

A. Can you spell “cup ”, please? B. How do you spell “cup ”? C. Read “cup ”, please! D. Is that a cup? ( )10. This is _______ pen.

A. I pen B. blue I C. my blue D. blue my 二、完形填空。

I am ____11___ English boy. My ____12___ is Mike. I am twelve. My ___13____ name is Ann and we ___14____ students. My mother ____15___a teacher. ___16___ telephone number is 213-3315. My

brother ’s name is ___17___. He ’s five. My father __18__here. ___19__ is in Shanghai. I think my ___20___ is a good one.

( )11.A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )12.A. name B. home C. school D. family ( )13.A. sister B. sister’s C. school D. family ( )14.A. am B. is C. be D. are ( )15.A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )16.A. She B. She’s C. Her D. Her’s ( )17.A. Sue B. Lily C. Jim D. Gina ( )18.A. isn’t B. is C. are D. aren’t ( )19.A. He’s B. He C. His D. Her ( )20.A. class B. school C. home D. family 三、补全对话。

A: 21.________ B: Good morning! A: 22.________ B: I’m Jack Brown. A: Nice to meet you! B:23._________ A: Is this your friend? B: Yes. A: What’s his name? B: 24._______ A: Hi! B: Hi, Here’s my name card. A: 25._______



Hello, everyone! I’m Cindy Smith. This is my friend. His name is Eric Brown. His phone number is two four five eight seven six four. And this is my friend, too. Her first name is Grace. Her last name is Black. Five six eight nine four three one is her phone number. 根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F )。 ( )26. Grace Black is my friend. ( )27. Eric’s last name is Joans.

( )28. Grace’s family name is Black. ( )29. 568-9431 is Eric’s phone number .

( )30. Grace’s phone number is two four five eight seven six four.

( )31. Kate is in __________ now.

A. China B. the UK C. the USA D. Beijing ( )32. Mary’s last name is _____________.

A. Kate B. Smith C. Black D. Yellow ( )33. _____________ phone number is 346-9987.

A. Mary’s B. Kate’s C. Mary’s father’s D. Kate’s father’s ( )34. Mary’s favorite color is ____________.

A. blue B. yellow C. black D. white ( )35. Kate and Mary talk(交谈) ____________.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at night(在夜间) 五、词汇。

(A )用be (am ,is ,are )的适当形式填空。 36. My name __________ Tom. 37. I ___________ John Brown.

38. Her name _____________Lucy. 39. ___________ you Jack?

40. My phone number ____________ 283-6579. (B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

41. _____________ is a new student. _________ name is Bob.(be) 42.________ am Tony. ___________ telephone number is 832-5697.(I) 43. Excuse me(打扰一下), are _____________(your) Jimmy?

44. Do you know the girl over there(那儿), What’s ____________(she) name? 45._____________(her) is my sister. Her name is Alice. (C)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 46.Nice to ______________(遇见) you.

47. What is his ____________(最后的) name? 48. Four and five is ____________(九). 49. This is my ________________(朋友). 50. That _______________(男孩) is Jack. 六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

51. 他的名字是迈克。______________ _____________ ____________ Mike.

52. 我的电话号码是555-8028。____________ ______________ _______________ is 555-8028. 53. 你姓什么?____________ your ____________ name? 54. 见到你很高心!_____________ to _____________ you!

55. 她的电话号码是多少?_______________ is her ____________ ____________? 七、对划线部分提问,每空一词。

出题人Unit 1 My name: 严家俞 审题人:祝崇浩’s Gina

Section A 1a-2d



1. 我的地图 ____________________ 2. 她的杯子 ____________________ 3. 你的直尺 ____________________ 4. 他的名字 ____________________ 5. 她的名字 ____________________ 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. I ____________ (be) Bob White. 2. My name ___________(be) Gina.

3. ----What ________(be) your name? ----I ’m Nancy. 4. ----What’s ________(you) name? ----My name is Betty. 5.----What ’s this in English? ----It _______(be) a clock. 6.She is a girl. _________(she) name is Kate. 7. I am a boy. ________(I) name is Bob.

8. ----What’ s___________(he) name? ----His name is Jack. 9.----Are ___________(your) Tom? ----Yes, I am. 10. Is __________(she) name Helen?

三、从(B )栏中选出与(A)栏中的句子相对应的答语。

(A ) (B)

( )1. Hello, Bob! A. My name is Kate.

( )2. What’s your name? B. Her name is Mary Brown. ( )3. Nice to meet you! C. Nice to meet you, too. ( )4. What color is that clock? D. It’s red. (知识综合应用 )5. What’s her name?

E. Hi, Lisa!


( )1. ---What’s ________ name? ---__________ name is Lucy. A. your; I B. you; I C. your; My D. my; My

( )2. ---Hello, Eric. This ______ Gina. ---Hi, Gina. Nice to meet you. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3. I ________ Liu Dong and he _______ Wang Jing.

A. am; is B. am; are C. is; are D. is; is ( )4. -----______ are you, Tony? ---- I’m fine, thanks.

A. How B. What C. Where D. Who ( )5. ----_________ you Tim? ---Yes, I________.

A. Are; am not B. Is; am C. Are; am D. Is; am not

( )6. ---Hello, Kate. Nice to meet you! -----_____________________ A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I’m fine.

五、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 对划线部分提问)

______________ _____________ is the ball? 对划线部分提问) ______________ _____________ her name? 3. Are you Jack?(作否定回答)

____________, ______________ ____________. 4. I am Linda.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ---- __________ __________ Linda? --- Yes, ___________ __________.

5. My name is Bob Black.(改为同义句) ____________ Bob Black.


Section A 3a-3c


1.what ’s ________________ 2.it ’s _______________ 3. I’m ________________ 4. he’s ________________ 5. she’s _____________ 6. isn’t ________________ 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. ________ is a girl. ___________ name is Gina. (she) 2. What’s ___________ (he) name?

3. Is ___________ (you) English name Betty? 4. __________(I) name is Tom. 5. It’s _____________(you) pen.

6. Bob and I ____________(be) good friend(朋友). 7. Nice __________________(meet) you, Linda.

8.---____________(be) you Jim? 知识综合应用

---- Yes, I ____________.(be)


( )1. ---What’s ___________ name? ----_________ name is Tom. A. your; My B. his; Her C. her; His D. my; your ( )2. ---Is Tom his name? ---- No,__________ isn ’t. A. he B. she C. it D. her ( )3. ----Are you Tom? ---- _________. I’m Bob.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.. C. No, I’m not. D. No, it isn’t. ( )4. ----Is he Jim? ----Yes,_________.

A. he is B. it’s C. he’s D. I’m ( )5.---___________ this in English? ---- It’s a pencil.

A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s ( )6. This is my brother(哥哥). __________ name is John.

A. He B. Her C. She D. His 四、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。

对划线部分提问)___________ _____________ your name? 2. He is Lin Tao.(改为同义句)___________ _____________ is Lin Tao.

3. Are you Mike?(作肯定回答)__________, ____________ ____________. 对划线部分提问)__________ ___________ is the ruler? 对划线部分提问)__________ is ____________ name? 五、完形填空。 A: Good morning! B: _____1_____!

A: _____2_____ your name, please? B:______3_____ name is Amy.

A: I ____4___ Peter. Nice to meet you. B: ____5____.

A: What’s this ____6___ English? B: It’s _____7____.

A: ____8____ this in the picture?

B: ____9___ Kate. She’s English(英国人). A: What’s _____10____ last name? B: Brown.

( ) 1. A. Thanks B. Thank you C. Good morning. D. I’m nice. ( ) 2. A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s ( ) 3. A. I B. I’m C. My D. My is ( ) 4. A. am B. is C. name D. name’s ( ) 5. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Thanks C. Thank you D. You are very nice. ( ) 6. A. for B. at C. in D. of

( ) 7. A. picture B. a picture C. the picture D. an picture ( ) 8. A. What B. What’s C. Who D. Who’s ( ) 9. A. It’s B. Its C. It D. He’s ( ) 10.A. she B. he Section B 1a-1f

C. her D. his



1. 110 __________________ 2. 119 _______________

3.120____________________4. 12315_______________5. 12121 知识综合应用



( )1. ----__________ his ________? --- It’s 857-3526.

A. What’s; phone number B. What; name C. What’s; name D. What; telephone number ( )2. ---What’s your _________? ---It ’s 335-2167.

A. name B. color C. number D. orange ( )3. My name _________ Alice, and _______ name is Tony.

A. am; her B. is; his C. is; her D. am; his ( )4. ----What’s ______ name? ----________ name is Linda.

A. your; Your B. my; Her C. his; His D. your; My ( )5. Is this _________ number?

A. you B. your C. he D. I

( )6. ----Hello, Linda. Nice to meet you. ---__________________.

A. Hi B. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. C. How do you do? D. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you, too. 三、补全对话。 A: Good afternoon.

B: Good 1___________________.

A: What’s 2______________ 3_____________?

B: I 4.__________ Tom Smith. And 5______________ 6_____________name? A: My name 7__________ Jim Green. 8______________ are you? B: Fine, 9_____________ you. And you?

A: I’m OK. What’s your 10____________________ number? B: 281-9176.

四、用am, is, are填空。

1. Hello! _________ you Miss Liu? 2. This ___________ Tom.

3. You ______________ my friend(朋友). 4. My name ___________ Zheng Yun.

5. This _________ Ann Red. 6. ---- How ____________ you? ----I ________ fine, thank you. 7. My mother ____________ a teacher(教师). 8. Lucy and I ___________ friends.

9. __________ her name Gina? 10.---What _______ your telephone number? ---- It’s 555-8019. 五、在横线上填上适当的数词。

1. six+ two=_________ 2. __________— five= four 3. two+ two=__________ 4. ten—ten=____________ 5. two+ ________= nine 6. nine— zero=___________

7.Three minus(减去) two is ______________. 8. Five and two is ______________. 9.Seven minus one is ____________. 10. Four and four is ____________.


Section B 2a-Self Check


1. in China________________ 2. her family name _______________ 3. first name________________ 4. 中学 ______________ 5. 你的朋友 _______________


1. 你姓什么? What ’s your __________________ _______________? 2. 他姓李。 _____________ ______________ name is Li.

3. 她叫什么名字?(不包括姓氏) What’s her ________________ _____________? 4. 他的电话号码是多少?What ’s his _________________ __________________. 5. 知识综合应用你好,我是吉姆。Hi! _________________ _____________.


( )1. My name’s Zhang Hong. Hong is my ____________.

A. name B. family name C. first name D. last name ( )2. ----______ Tony your first name? ---Yes, ______________.

A. Are; it is B. Is; it is C. Are; I am D. Is; I am ( )3. ---- Are you Jim? ----______________.

A. Yes, I’m B. Yes, I am C. No, I am D. Yes, I’m not

( )4. Her name is Kate Green. Her last name is _________.

A. Kate B. Green C. Kate Green D. Green Kate ( )5. --- How do you spell the word “eraser ”? ----_____________.

A. It’s an eraser. B. It’s my eraser. C.E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. D. Yes, it is. 四、用be 动词补全对话。 A: Hi!

B: Hello! I 1.________ Tina. What 2.________ your name? A: My name 3_________ Billy. B: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too.

B: How 4.__________ you today? A: Fine, thanks.

B: What 5._________ your phone number? A: It 6._________ 720-6549.

1. 2. ---Is he ______________ friend (朋友) ? ---- Yes, he is my friend. 3. Mary ____________ in China now.

4. My name is Gina Green. Gina is my ___________ name.

5. ---Is the boy your friend? ----Yes, he is. ___________ name is Lin Hui. 六、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 1. is, your, what, name(连词成句)

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________? 2.My father’对划线部分提问)

_____________ ___________ your father’s _______________ ________________? 3. She is my sister.(改为否定句)

She ___________ __________ my sister. 4. Lucy’s last name is Green. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ Lucy’s ___________ name Green? 5. 5. Joan’对划线部分提问)

__________ ____________ ___________ Joan’s telephone? 七、阅读理解。

My name is Jenny Green. I have(有)a friend(朋友). Her name is Mary Brown. Mary is her first name. Brown is her last name. Mary’s telephone number is 365-8741. And my phone number is 285-4267. 根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F )。 ( )1. I’m a boy.

( )2. Mary and I are friends.

( )3. Brown is Jenny’s last name. ( )4. My first name is Mary.

( )5. My telephone number is 285-4267.


一、用be 动词的适当形式填空。

1. ___________ you Kate? 2. His name ______________ Lin Tao.

3. I ____________ Lily and you ___________ Mary. 4.She ____________ in China. 5. That ____________ a cup. It ___________ red. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I am Kate Smith. __________(I) last name is Smith. 2. This is my cat(猫). ____________(it) name is Mimi.

3. Linda is my friend. ______________ phone number is 125-0989. 4.__________ (you) jacket is blue and __________ (I) jacket is yellow. 5.They are students. ____________(they) names are Li Yuan and Li Hui. 三、单项填空。

( )1. ---How _______ you? ----I ________ fine. Thanks.

A. is; are B. am; is C. are; am D. are; is ( )2. Linda Smith’s first name ________ Linda.

A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3. ----Are you a teacher? --- No, ___________.

A. I am B. I aren’t C. I’m not D. you aren单元自我综合评价一


( )1. This is ______ orange. It is _______ orange.

A./; an B. an; an C. an, / D. /;/ ( )2. She is Mary Black. Her family name is __________.

A. Mary B. Black C. Mary Black D. Black Mary ( )3. I ______ Jenny Green. What________ your name?

A. am; is B. are; is C. am; are D. is; are ( )4. ----Is ________ Eric? -----No, ________ name’s Bob.

A. she; her B. he; his C. you; my D. his; his ( )5. He is Harry Potter. His ________ is Harry.

A. first B. one C. last D. family

( )6. ---__________ your telephone ___________? --- It’s 305-3215. A. What; name B. What’s; color C. What’s; key D. What’s; number ( )7. ----Is Bill your friend? ----_______________.

A. Yes, Bill is B. Yes, I am C. No, she isn’t D. No, he isn’t ( )8. ----Nice to meet you! ---____________________ A. I am fine, thank you! B. Nice to meet you, too! C. How do you do? D. What color is it? ( )9. ----_________________ ----Yes, C-U-P.

A. Can you spell “cup ”, please? B. How do you spell “cup ”? C. Read “cup ”, please! D. Is that a cup? ( )10. This is _______ pen.

A. I pen B. blue I C. my blue D. blue my 二、完形填空。

I am ____11___ English boy. My ____12___ is Mike. I am twelve. My ___13____ name is Ann and we ___14____ students. My mother ____15___a teacher. ___16___ telephone number is 213-3315. My

brother ’s name is ___17___. He ’s five. My father __18__here. ___19__ is in Shanghai. I think my ___20___ is a good one.

( )11.A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )12.A. name B. home C. school D. family ( )13.A. sister B. sister’s C. school D. family ( )14.A. am B. is C. be D. are ( )15.A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )16.A. She B. She’s C. Her D. Her’s ( )17.A. Sue B. Lily C. Jim D. Gina ( )18.A. isn’t B. is C. are D. aren’t ( )19.A. He’s B. He C. His D. Her ( )20.A. class B. school C. home D. family 三、补全对话。

A: 21.________ B: Good morning! A: 22.________ B: I’m Jack Brown. A: Nice to meet you! B:23._________ A: Is this your friend? B: Yes. A: What’s his name? B: 24._______ A: Hi! B: Hi, Here’s my name card. A: 25._______



Hello, everyone! I’m Cindy Smith. This is my friend. His name is Eric Brown. His phone number is two four five eight seven six four. And this is my friend, too. Her first name is Grace. Her last name is Black. Five six eight nine four three one is her phone number. 根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F )。 ( )26. Grace Black is my friend. ( )27. Eric’s last name is Joans.

( )28. Grace’s family name is Black. ( )29. 568-9431 is Eric’s phone number .

( )30. Grace’s phone number is two four five eight seven six four.

( )31. Kate is in __________ now.

A. China B. the UK C. the USA D. Beijing ( )32. Mary’s last name is _____________.

A. Kate B. Smith C. Black D. Yellow ( )33. _____________ phone number is 346-9987.

A. Mary’s B. Kate’s C. Mary’s father’s D. Kate’s father’s ( )34. Mary’s favorite color is ____________.

A. blue B. yellow C. black D. white ( )35. Kate and Mary talk(交谈) ____________.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at night(在夜间) 五、词汇。

(A )用be (am ,is ,are )的适当形式填空。 36. My name __________ Tom. 37. I ___________ John Brown.

38. Her name _____________Lucy. 39. ___________ you Jack?

40. My phone number ____________ 283-6579. (B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

41. _____________ is a new student. _________ name is Bob.(be) 42.________ am Tony. ___________ telephone number is 832-5697.(I) 43. Excuse me(打扰一下), are _____________(your) Jimmy?

44. Do you know the girl over there(那儿), What’s ____________(she) name? 45._____________(her) is my sister. Her name is Alice. (C)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 46.Nice to ______________(遇见) you.

47. What is his ____________(最后的) name? 48. Four and five is ____________(九). 49. This is my ________________(朋友). 50. That _______________(男孩) is Jack. 六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

51. 他的名字是迈克。______________ _____________ ____________ Mike.

52. 我的电话号码是555-8028。____________ ______________ _______________ is 555-8028. 53. 你姓什么?____________ your ____________ name? 54. 见到你很高心!_____________ to _____________ you!

55. 她的电话号码是多少?_______________ is her ____________ ____________? 七、对划线部分提问,每空一词。


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