

hen we arrived there,we started to climb the hills at once.We had a picnic on the top of a hill.After that,we took some photos and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didn’t go back until 4:00 pm.We were tired but very happy.We really had a wonderful time!

What an exciting trip it was!

6. 假如你是Frank, 是一名中学生。你爸爸是一名医生(doctor),你妈妈在电台工作。根据下面表格中的内容, 用英语写一篇短文, 介绍你们一家人上学及上班的情况。 要求:①必须包括表格内的所有信息, 可适当发挥。 ②词数:60词左右。

Hi,I’m Frank. I’m a middle school student.I don’t live far from my school.I usually ride my bike to school and it takes about 15 minutes.My father is a doctor.The hospital is far from my home and it takes my father half an hour to drive there.My mother works at a radio station. She usually goes there by bus and the bus ride takes about twenty minutes.

10. 现在是晚上7点钟。请根据表格内的提示信息, 描述一下你全家人正在做的事情。

evening.Let’s see what we are doing.My grandpa and my father are playing chess in the sitting room.My grandma is watching TV on the sofa.My mother is listening to music on her bed.My sisteris talking to her friend on the phone.She is in her bedroom.Where is my brother? He is reading in his room.I am doing my homework at the desk. My sister is only three years old.She is playing with toys on the floor.Everyone is busy.

11. Mr. White上周末过得很忙碌:早起晨练, 遛狗, 打扫房间, 购物, 为家人准备午饭, 看电视足球赛, 和朋友踢球, 陪女儿玩电子游戏, 和家人看电影, 看书……尽管很忙, 他却很高兴。请根据提示, 以“A Busy Weekend”为题, 描述一下Mr. White 这一天的活动, 开头已给出。 A Busy Weekend

I had a busy weekend. I got up early in the morning and played sports. After breakfast, I went out for a walk with my little dog. Then I cleaned the rooms and did some shopping. After that it was 11:30.I cooked lunch for my family. In the afternoon I watched a big football game on TV and then I played football with my friends. At about 5:00 I played computer games with my daughter. We had dinner outside. After dinner we went to the movies. Before I went to bed, I did some reading. I was really busy, but I was very happy to spend the weekend with my family and friends.

13. 根据Peter 上周日的日程表,以“Peter’s Sunday”为题,用英语写一篇短文来介绍Peter 的星期天,可适当发挥。不少于60词。

第2页 共5页

ost office. Then we walk along the street. Finally we turn right at the second crossing. The bank is on our right, and across from the bank is bookshop.

17. 假如你是Jenny ,你有很多家规。请根据所给提示内容给你的好朋友Susan 发一封电子函件,告诉她你的家规并谈谈你对这些家规的看法。

提示: 1.每天六点起床; 2.每天下午6点之前必须到家; 3.上学期间的晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏; 4.周末打扫房间,有时去看望爷爷奶奶; 5. 虽然忙,但很快乐。 要求: 1.函件须包括所有提示内容;


【答案】 Dear Susan,

I have lots of rules at home. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. After school, I have to get home before six o’clock. I have too much homework to do after school. I can't watch TV or play computer games on school nights. On weekends,I have to clean my room. Sometimes I go to visit my grandparents. I’m always very busy,but I’m very happy.Yours.Jenny 18. 根据所给的提示以“Jenny的周末”为题,写一篇短文。

1.上星期六早上在家做作业,练习说英语。下午看电视,打网球,晚上看电影。 2.星期天的早上打扫房间,然后去海滩。下午购物、访友。晚上参加晚会。 3.他的周末繁忙但有趣。

【答案】 Jenny’s Weekend

Last Saturday, he did my homework and practiced English in the morning, while in the afternoon he played tennis. In the evening, he watched a movie.

In the next day, he cleaned my room first and then went to the beach. He also went shopping and visited his friends that afternoon. At last he went to a party at night. what a busy but funny weekend!

19. 假如你在网上结识了一位名叫Lisa 的网友,请根据她发给你的有关信息,向你的同学作一个她个人情况的简要介绍。要求词数不少于60个,语言流畅,符合逻辑。

【答案】One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I’m very glad because I make friends with a girl on the Internet. Her name is Lisa. She is thirteen years old. She has long blonde curly hair. She is of medium build,and a little bit heavy. But she is very lovely. She always wears blue clothes. She comes from New York,Ameri ca. Now,she is in New York with her parents. She is in No. 3 Middle School. She works hard. She likes reading and telling jokes. I’m happy with her together. Would you like to make friends with her? Thanks for your listening.

第4页 共5页

One possible version: Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you abou We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we m每所学校都有自己的规章制度,假如你是Larry ,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请写Tim 做一下介绍。词数80词左右。

上课不许迟到。 2. 课堂上保持安静。 3.见到老师要问好。 不许在教室里吃东西。 5.不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。

can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’ I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.Yours,Larry

第5页 共5页


hen we arrived there,we started to climb the hills at once.We had a picnic on the top of a hill.After that,we took some photos and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didn’t go back until 4:00 pm.We were tired but very happy.We really had a wonderful time!

What an exciting trip it was!

6. 假如你是Frank, 是一名中学生。你爸爸是一名医生(doctor),你妈妈在电台工作。根据下面表格中的内容, 用英语写一篇短文, 介绍你们一家人上学及上班的情况。 要求:①必须包括表格内的所有信息, 可适当发挥。 ②词数:60词左右。

Hi,I’m Frank. I’m a middle school student.I don’t live far from my school.I usually ride my bike to school and it takes about 15 minutes.My father is a doctor.The hospital is far from my home and it takes my father half an hour to drive there.My mother works at a radio station. She usually goes there by bus and the bus ride takes about twenty minutes.

10. 现在是晚上7点钟。请根据表格内的提示信息, 描述一下你全家人正在做的事情。

evening.Let’s see what we are doing.My grandpa and my father are playing chess in the sitting room.My grandma is watching TV on the sofa.My mother is listening to music on her bed.My sisteris talking to her friend on the phone.She is in her bedroom.Where is my brother? He is reading in his room.I am doing my homework at the desk. My sister is only three years old.She is playing with toys on the floor.Everyone is busy.

11. Mr. White上周末过得很忙碌:早起晨练, 遛狗, 打扫房间, 购物, 为家人准备午饭, 看电视足球赛, 和朋友踢球, 陪女儿玩电子游戏, 和家人看电影, 看书……尽管很忙, 他却很高兴。请根据提示, 以“A Busy Weekend”为题, 描述一下Mr. White 这一天的活动, 开头已给出。 A Busy Weekend

I had a busy weekend. I got up early in the morning and played sports. After breakfast, I went out for a walk with my little dog. Then I cleaned the rooms and did some shopping. After that it was 11:30.I cooked lunch for my family. In the afternoon I watched a big football game on TV and then I played football with my friends. At about 5:00 I played computer games with my daughter. We had dinner outside. After dinner we went to the movies. Before I went to bed, I did some reading. I was really busy, but I was very happy to spend the weekend with my family and friends.

13. 根据Peter 上周日的日程表,以“Peter’s Sunday”为题,用英语写一篇短文来介绍Peter 的星期天,可适当发挥。不少于60词。

第2页 共5页

ost office. Then we walk along the street. Finally we turn right at the second crossing. The bank is on our right, and across from the bank is bookshop.

17. 假如你是Jenny ,你有很多家规。请根据所给提示内容给你的好朋友Susan 发一封电子函件,告诉她你的家规并谈谈你对这些家规的看法。

提示: 1.每天六点起床; 2.每天下午6点之前必须到家; 3.上学期间的晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏; 4.周末打扫房间,有时去看望爷爷奶奶; 5. 虽然忙,但很快乐。 要求: 1.函件须包括所有提示内容;


【答案】 Dear Susan,

I have lots of rules at home. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. After school, I have to get home before six o’clock. I have too much homework to do after school. I can't watch TV or play computer games on school nights. On weekends,I have to clean my room. Sometimes I go to visit my grandparents. I’m always very busy,but I’m very happy.Yours.Jenny 18. 根据所给的提示以“Jenny的周末”为题,写一篇短文。

1.上星期六早上在家做作业,练习说英语。下午看电视,打网球,晚上看电影。 2.星期天的早上打扫房间,然后去海滩。下午购物、访友。晚上参加晚会。 3.他的周末繁忙但有趣。

【答案】 Jenny’s Weekend

Last Saturday, he did my homework and practiced English in the morning, while in the afternoon he played tennis. In the evening, he watched a movie.

In the next day, he cleaned my room first and then went to the beach. He also went shopping and visited his friends that afternoon. At last he went to a party at night. what a busy but funny weekend!

19. 假如你在网上结识了一位名叫Lisa 的网友,请根据她发给你的有关信息,向你的同学作一个她个人情况的简要介绍。要求词数不少于60个,语言流畅,符合逻辑。

【答案】One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I’m very glad because I make friends with a girl on the Internet. Her name is Lisa. She is thirteen years old. She has long blonde curly hair. She is of medium build,and a little bit heavy. But she is very lovely. She always wears blue clothes. She comes from New York,Ameri ca. Now,she is in New York with her parents. She is in No. 3 Middle School. She works hard. She likes reading and telling jokes. I’m happy with her together. Would you like to make friends with her? Thanks for your listening.

第4页 共5页

One possible version: Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you abou We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we m每所学校都有自己的规章制度,假如你是Larry ,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请写Tim 做一下介绍。词数80词左右。

上课不许迟到。 2. 课堂上保持安静。 3.见到老师要问好。 不许在教室里吃东西。 5.不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。

can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’ I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.Yours,Larry

第5页 共5页


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