

Lesson type: Grammar

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

read the passage and fill in the blanks with modal verbs correctly.

2. Language knowledge:

understand and use the modal verbs: can, may, must.

3. Learning strategies:

grasp a language point through summing up the key points in a table.

Teaching focus:

the understanding of the grammar: modal verbs (can, may, must).

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Questions and lead-in: Can Daisy buy a packet of electricity at last? (Yes, she can.)

2. Brainstorming: Think about as many modal verbs as you can.

Step 2 Grammar learning and practicing

A. can

1. Fill in the table about “can”.

2. Make sentences about your special abilities with “I can…”.

3. Read the dialogue between Hi and Lo and complete the sentences with “can/ can’t”.

B. may

1. Read the sentences of “may/ may not”, and fill in the table about “may”.

2. Play a game about “may/ may not”.

3. Complete the sentences with “may/ may not”.

4. Have a role-play using “may/ may not”.

C. must

1. Read the sentences of “must/ must not”, and fill in the table about “must”.

2. (1) Set a scene: Daily saw a doctor and he told her what to do and what not to do.

(2) Assign a task: Help Daisy write down the doctor’s instruction with “must/ mustn’t”.

3. Play a game about “mustn’t”: What do these sighs mean?

4. Make rules with “mustn’t” for our class and draw signs.

C. Bingo Game

Step 3 Summary

Sum up the grammar.

Step 4 Homework

Assign homework.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Great smile on the face.

(2) Amiable to the students.

2. Disadvantages:

(1) Low voice.

(2) Fast speed when reading the instructions of the exercise.

(3) Unclear instructions.

(4) Not funny.

(5) Disobedient to the students’ cognitive laws.

(6) Poor knowledge of English (e.g. the false explanation about “heater”).


Lesson type: Writing

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”.

2. Language knowledge:

(1) understand and grasp the structure of an argumentative.

(2) grasp some good expressions in demonstrating one’s opinion such as First, Second, What’s more,etc.

3. Learning strategies:

Analyze the structure of an argument by finding out its Introduction, Body and Conclusion and the supporting details.

Teaching focus:

The structure of an argumentative.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. Free talk: What animal do you suggest Tom to buy?

Step 2 Pre-writing

1. Find out the structure of the text learned (Introduction, Body, Conclusion).

2. Find out the reason and the supporting details for each paragraph of the body.

3. Read another passage and finish the table on P92.

4. Summarize the structures and expressions.

Step 3 While-writing

1. Group work: Discuss and finish the table, then share.

2. Individual work: Write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”. Step 4 Post-writing

1. Class conferencing

2. Pair work: Exchange and correct.

Step 5 Summary

Sum up the structure and expressions of writing.

Step 6 Homework

Assign the homework.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Clear structure.

(2) Enough interaction with the students.

(3) Enough input and output for the students.

(4) Amiable to the students.

(5) Good oral English.

(6) Good basis of English knowledge.

2. Disadvantages:

(1) Should more smile on the face.

(2) Should teacher the students with love.


Lesson type: Revision

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

describe the features of animals such as horse, cat, fish, etc.

2. Language knowledge:

consolidate the words learned in this unit.

3. Affect

develop the awareness of protecting animals.

Teaching focus:

the words and features of the animals.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. TPL:

(1) Oral instruction: One two three – A B C

(2) Reaction: One/ Two/ Three/… - Finger shape

(3) Game: Listen and do.

3. Sing a song:

(1) Set a scene (picture): They are going to Ben’s uncle’s farm.

(2) Sing a song: Bingo

Step 2 Revision

1. Let’s spy: What animals can you see? (Ss use a piece of paper as a telescope)

(1) It has four legs and a long tail: horse.

(2) It has a long tail: monkey

(3) It has a long nose and big ears: elephant.

2. Let’s listen and number.

3. Let’s look, read and choose:

(1) Set a scene: Suddenly, there is a thunder. The animals hide.

(2) Describe: What can you see?

*mind map (body): tail(s), leg(s), ear(s), eye(s), mouth(s), nose(s), feet, hair, …

(3) Do the exercise: Look, read and choose.

(4) Group work: share the answers.

- How many …(s) are there?

- There are …/ There is…

5. Let’s guess (riddles)

(1) cat.

(2) dog

(3) Show a video: dogs are human’s friends.

9. Let’s describe

(1) Group work:

a. fish: It’s … It’s … It has a short … It has two small eyes.

b. chicken: It’s … It’s … It has … It has …

c. duck: It’s … It’s … It has … It has …

(2) Do the exercise: Read and choose.

- 描述一个时:It has…

- 描述两个时:They have…

11. Let’s look, say and guess

(1) Individual work

(2) Pair work: Share and guess.

12. Expansion:

(1) Pictures of other animals.

(2) Video about a pet.

(3) Summary Aimals are our friends.

Step 3 Self-assessment

1. Group work: Discuss and finish the table, then share.

2. Individual work: Write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”. Step 4 Homework

Draw and tell.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Funny.

(2) Colorful pictures.

(3) Good exercise.

(4) Good preparation for each part (from language input to output)

(5) Strong love for the students.

(6) Young heart and positive attitude,

2. Disadvantages:

Poor oral English.


Lesson type: Grammar

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

read the passage and fill in the blanks with modal verbs correctly.

2. Language knowledge:

understand and use the modal verbs: can, may, must.

3. Learning strategies:

grasp a language point through summing up the key points in a table.

Teaching focus:

the understanding of the grammar: modal verbs (can, may, must).

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Questions and lead-in: Can Daisy buy a packet of electricity at last? (Yes, she can.)

2. Brainstorming: Think about as many modal verbs as you can.

Step 2 Grammar learning and practicing

A. can

1. Fill in the table about “can”.

2. Make sentences about your special abilities with “I can…”.

3. Read the dialogue between Hi and Lo and complete the sentences with “can/ can’t”.

B. may

1. Read the sentences of “may/ may not”, and fill in the table about “may”.

2. Play a game about “may/ may not”.

3. Complete the sentences with “may/ may not”.

4. Have a role-play using “may/ may not”.

C. must

1. Read the sentences of “must/ must not”, and fill in the table about “must”.

2. (1) Set a scene: Daily saw a doctor and he told her what to do and what not to do.

(2) Assign a task: Help Daisy write down the doctor’s instruction with “must/ mustn’t”.

3. Play a game about “mustn’t”: What do these sighs mean?

4. Make rules with “mustn’t” for our class and draw signs.

C. Bingo Game

Step 3 Summary

Sum up the grammar.

Step 4 Homework

Assign homework.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Great smile on the face.

(2) Amiable to the students.

2. Disadvantages:

(1) Low voice.

(2) Fast speed when reading the instructions of the exercise.

(3) Unclear instructions.

(4) Not funny.

(5) Disobedient to the students’ cognitive laws.

(6) Poor knowledge of English (e.g. the false explanation about “heater”).


Lesson type: Writing

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”.

2. Language knowledge:

(1) understand and grasp the structure of an argumentative.

(2) grasp some good expressions in demonstrating one’s opinion such as First, Second, What’s more,etc.

3. Learning strategies:

Analyze the structure of an argument by finding out its Introduction, Body and Conclusion and the supporting details.

Teaching focus:

The structure of an argumentative.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. Free talk: What animal do you suggest Tom to buy?

Step 2 Pre-writing

1. Find out the structure of the text learned (Introduction, Body, Conclusion).

2. Find out the reason and the supporting details for each paragraph of the body.

3. Read another passage and finish the table on P92.

4. Summarize the structures and expressions.

Step 3 While-writing

1. Group work: Discuss and finish the table, then share.

2. Individual work: Write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”. Step 4 Post-writing

1. Class conferencing

2. Pair work: Exchange and correct.

Step 5 Summary

Sum up the structure and expressions of writing.

Step 6 Homework

Assign the homework.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Clear structure.

(2) Enough interaction with the students.

(3) Enough input and output for the students.

(4) Amiable to the students.

(5) Good oral English.

(6) Good basis of English knowledge.

2. Disadvantages:

(1) Should more smile on the face.

(2) Should teacher the students with love.


Lesson type: Revision

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, most of the students will be able to…

1. Language skills:

describe the features of animals such as horse, cat, fish, etc.

2. Language knowledge:

consolidate the words learned in this unit.

3. Affect

develop the awareness of protecting animals.

Teaching focus:

the words and features of the animals.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. TPL:

(1) Oral instruction: One two three – A B C

(2) Reaction: One/ Two/ Three/… - Finger shape

(3) Game: Listen and do.

3. Sing a song:

(1) Set a scene (picture): They are going to Ben’s uncle’s farm.

(2) Sing a song: Bingo

Step 2 Revision

1. Let’s spy: What animals can you see? (Ss use a piece of paper as a telescope)

(1) It has four legs and a long tail: horse.

(2) It has a long tail: monkey

(3) It has a long nose and big ears: elephant.

2. Let’s listen and number.

3. Let’s look, read and choose:

(1) Set a scene: Suddenly, there is a thunder. The animals hide.

(2) Describe: What can you see?

*mind map (body): tail(s), leg(s), ear(s), eye(s), mouth(s), nose(s), feet, hair, …

(3) Do the exercise: Look, read and choose.

(4) Group work: share the answers.

- How many …(s) are there?

- There are …/ There is…

5. Let’s guess (riddles)

(1) cat.

(2) dog

(3) Show a video: dogs are human’s friends.

9. Let’s describe

(1) Group work:

a. fish: It’s … It’s … It has a short … It has two small eyes.

b. chicken: It’s … It’s … It has … It has …

c. duck: It’s … It’s … It has … It has …

(2) Do the exercise: Read and choose.

- 描述一个时:It has…

- 描述两个时:They have…

11. Let’s look, say and guess

(1) Individual work

(2) Pair work: Share and guess.

12. Expansion:

(1) Pictures of other animals.

(2) Video about a pet.

(3) Summary Aimals are our friends.

Step 3 Self-assessment

1. Group work: Discuss and finish the table, then share.

2. Individual work: Write a passage on “Cats/ Dogs/ Birds/ …makes the best pet”. Step 4 Homework

Draw and tell.

Advantage and disadvantage:

1. Advantages:

(1) Funny.

(2) Colorful pictures.

(3) Good exercise.

(4) Good preparation for each part (from language input to output)

(5) Strong love for the students.

(6) Young heart and positive attitude,

2. Disadvantages:

Poor oral English.


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