

I’d never given much thought to how I would die

But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go So I can’t bring myself to reget the decision to leave home

I would miss Phonenix

I’d miss the heat

I would miss my loving,erratic,harebrained mother


Renee,come on,And her new husband

Guys,come on,I love you both,We got a plane to catch.

But they want to go on the road,so I’m gonna spend some time with my dad And this will be a good thing

I think

(singing)When the thorn bush turns white

That’s when I’ll come home

I am going out to see what I can saw

And I don’t know where I’ll go

And I don’t know what I’ll see(over)

In the state of washington

Under a nar constant cover of clouds and rain

There’s a small town named Forks

Population,3,120 people

This is where I’m moving

My dad’s Charlie

He’s the chef of police

Your hair’s longer

I cut it since the last time I saw you

Gness it grew out again

I used to spend two wekks here almost every summer

But it’s been year’s

I’ve cleared some shelves off in the bathroom

Right,one bathroom

It’s a pretty good work lamps

The saled lady picked out the bed stuff

You like purple,right?

Purple’s cool



One of the best things about Charlie

he doesn’t hover

heard you guys coming all the way down the road

bella,you remember Billy Black,-yeah

wow,you’re looking good –well,I’m still dancing

I’m glad you’re finally here

Charlie here hasn’t shut upabout it since you told him you were coming All right,keep exaggerating,I’ll roll you into the mud After I ram you in the ankles You want to go? –Yeah Bring it Hi,I’m Jacob, -Hey We used to make mud pies when we were little Right,I’m remember Are they always like this? It’s getting worse with old age, -God So,what do you think? Of what? Your homecoming present, -This? Just bought it off billy here –Yep I totally rebuilt the engine for you, -Come on Oh,my gosh! This is perfect, Are you joking me? Sorry I told you she’d love it I’m down with kids Oh, yeah, dude, You’re the bomb Okay Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift But besides that, you should be good That’s this one? –Yeah, Yeah, right there All right Do you want a ride to school or something? I go to school on the reservation Right, Right, Yeah That’s too bad. It would’ve been nice to know one person


I’d never given much thought to how I would die

But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go So I can’t bring myself to reget the decision to leave home

I would miss Phonenix

I’d miss the heat

I would miss my loving,erratic,harebrained mother


Renee,come on,And her new husband

Guys,come on,I love you both,We got a plane to catch.

But they want to go on the road,so I’m gonna spend some time with my dad And this will be a good thing

I think

(singing)When the thorn bush turns white

That’s when I’ll come home

I am going out to see what I can saw

And I don’t know where I’ll go

And I don’t know what I’ll see(over)

In the state of washington

Under a nar constant cover of clouds and rain

There’s a small town named Forks

Population,3,120 people

This is where I’m moving

My dad’s Charlie

He’s the chef of police

Your hair’s longer

I cut it since the last time I saw you

Gness it grew out again

I used to spend two wekks here almost every summer

But it’s been year’s

I’ve cleared some shelves off in the bathroom

Right,one bathroom

It’s a pretty good work lamps

The saled lady picked out the bed stuff

You like purple,right?

Purple’s cool



One of the best things about Charlie

he doesn’t hover

heard you guys coming all the way down the road

bella,you remember Billy Black,-yeah

wow,you’re looking good –well,I’m still dancing

I’m glad you’re finally here

Charlie here hasn’t shut upabout it since you told him you were coming All right,keep exaggerating,I’ll roll you into the mud After I ram you in the ankles You want to go? –Yeah Bring it Hi,I’m Jacob, -Hey We used to make mud pies when we were little Right,I’m remember Are they always like this? It’s getting worse with old age, -God So,what do you think? Of what? Your homecoming present, -This? Just bought it off billy here –Yep I totally rebuilt the engine for you, -Come on Oh,my gosh! This is perfect, Are you joking me? Sorry I told you she’d love it I’m down with kids Oh, yeah, dude, You’re the bomb Okay Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift But besides that, you should be good That’s this one? –Yeah, Yeah, right there All right Do you want a ride to school or something? I go to school on the reservation Right, Right, Yeah That’s too bad. It would’ve been nice to know one person


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