
Strike while the iron is hot. She listens to the radio while she cleans the house. that he does not obtain all the oxygen he needs.

A She paid when she could have entered free. Wherever a chemical change takes place, there is a new substance formed. should be glad to serve others by any inventions of our own. with ice more than two miles thick in some places.

’t buy anything. The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward. It was such a hot day that even the crops withered. Arable have to come from higher yields.

There were telephone points every kilometer would be able to summon help. They make £10 notes a different size from £5 notes difference between them. consist of materials which are electric conductors. Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. injured.

If everyone is to hear you, you must speak up. If he is poor, he is very honest. I had a very good time even though I didn’t know anybody at the party. “I am ignorant”.

I was careless and lost …

Will the finder kindly send it to … or ring me up to fetch it back?

Whoever knows her whereabouts or has got any information which may lead

to her location is requested to phone.

A green leather bag was left at the …

The manager and his colleagues take pleasure in announcing the official

opening of …

Free tickets are available in … for those who …

The club announces with regret that owing to the rain, the trip to … scheduled

for tomorrow is to be cancelled.

We hereby beg to inform all circles that after June 18, we shall …

Claimants are requested to contact …

If interested, please contact me.

Passengers are requested to note that the new timetable comes into effect

from …

All are welcome to be present at the contest to cheer the …

Owing to … our company find it necessary to remove to …

We beg to advise that our new address shall be at …

Students and teachers are warmly welcome to send in their contribution in

whatever style and form.

Please to be advised that the name of … will be changed to …

Meals and accommodation will be provided at moderate charges.

With the deepest sorrow and profound sadness, we announce the parting of …

… will be open admission free for three days, May 1 to May 3, inclusive.

Visitors are requested not to step on the lawns newly mown。

Recruit other highly qualified teachers on apart time or full time basis.

Positions to be filled

Minimum requirements st rd

Strike while the iron is hot. She listens to the radio while she cleans the house. that he does not obtain all the oxygen he needs.

A She paid when she could have entered free. Wherever a chemical change takes place, there is a new substance formed. should be glad to serve others by any inventions of our own. with ice more than two miles thick in some places.

’t buy anything. The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward. It was such a hot day that even the crops withered. Arable have to come from higher yields.

There were telephone points every kilometer would be able to summon help. They make £10 notes a different size from £5 notes difference between them. consist of materials which are electric conductors. Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. injured.

If everyone is to hear you, you must speak up. If he is poor, he is very honest. I had a very good time even though I didn’t know anybody at the party. “I am ignorant”.

I was careless and lost …

Will the finder kindly send it to … or ring me up to fetch it back?

Whoever knows her whereabouts or has got any information which may lead

to her location is requested to phone.

A green leather bag was left at the …

The manager and his colleagues take pleasure in announcing the official

opening of …

Free tickets are available in … for those who …

The club announces with regret that owing to the rain, the trip to … scheduled

for tomorrow is to be cancelled.

We hereby beg to inform all circles that after June 18, we shall …

Claimants are requested to contact …

If interested, please contact me.

Passengers are requested to note that the new timetable comes into effect

from …

All are welcome to be present at the contest to cheer the …

Owing to … our company find it necessary to remove to …

We beg to advise that our new address shall be at …

Students and teachers are warmly welcome to send in their contribution in

whatever style and form.

Please to be advised that the name of … will be changed to …

Meals and accommodation will be provided at moderate charges.

With the deepest sorrow and profound sadness, we announce the parting of …

… will be open admission free for three days, May 1 to May 3, inclusive.

Visitors are requested not to step on the lawns newly mown。

Recruit other highly qualified teachers on apart time or full time basis.

Positions to be filled

Minimum requirements st rd


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