

Analysis of the Female consciousness by Freud Personality Theory

Abstraction: 《Cat in the rain 》is one masterpiece of female consciousness by Hemingway. Author explore the motivation of the heroine ’s inward desire to make herself independent, change herself and alter the present situation by means of Sigmund Freud Personality Theory – ID, Ego, Superego. And then reflect the awakening of female consciousness.

Key words: 《Cat in the rain》,Female consciousness, ID,Ego ,Superego ,Freud Personality Theory

Introduction: Mentioned American writer, Hemingway, The unyielding man cross people ’s mind immediately: A man can be destroyed but never can be defeated. [1]The extensive War theme and Hero image in his works give him an image of adoring male but ignore female. The domestic and overseas research scholars have made an in-depth study of Hemingway ’s female consciousness. In fact , though Hemingway was well-known by his ―Tough man‖, but he did not ignore female at all. He has manifested the intense female consciousness in his inchoate short story, also paid boundless attention, like

, All of those works mirror female issues, care about the female destiny and which show the pains and wars from the sexual conflicts. is the representative masterpiece of Hemingway and which is caring much about female consciousness and survival.

Then author, I, will get deep into the heroine’s inward activity through Freud Personality Theory to find out the source of her awakening Female Consciousness.

1、The short description of the fiction:

This fiction mainly talk about that there is a pair of American couple who are traveling in Italy, but for the sake of the bad weather, they can only stay at a hotel. In the hotel, the husband read on bed, the American wife stood at the window looking out. [2] And see a cat by chance crouched under one of the dripping green tables so that it would not be dripped on. By the sense of compassion, the wife decides to embrace back that cat. But it turns out to be that the cat disappear when she goes down, and when she back their apartment disappointed, she looks over herself in the mirror falling into a reverie, full of desires. At the end of the story, the hotel-keeper ask his maid to send a big

tortoise-shell cat.

What kinds of intense fight is the heroine undergoing, and how to explain her inner life by Freud’s Personality Theory?

2、 Freud 3P Theory:Freud put forward the triple personality

structure in his work, he regarded as personality was composed by ID、Ego 、Superego.

2.1 ID :ID is the most original , subconscious ,and

non-rational mental structure. It is filled with intense impulsion of instinct and desire which is controlled by ―Pleasure Principle‖, pursuing satisfaction blindly.


2.2 Ego :Ego is affected by consciousness system, acting

according to reality principle. It does not only uses most of vigor to control and constrain the non-rational impulsion, but also give suitable satisfaction sinuously.【3】

2.3 Superego :Superego is a middle-high ranking,

moral, super-ego mental structure of personality.【4】 In theory, Freud describes ego, id and superego as a psychological process which is mutual independence and

mutual contradiction. Reaching a subtle balance by conflicts. 【5】

3、 The reflection of Freud Personality Theory in the fiction:

Many scenes in the story shows that the functions of triple personality of the heroine.

3.1 The restrained ego:One can imagine that a couple go for a travel, the hotel they lodged is that “There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their room. ”【6】And moreover, in such a bad weather they were suffering. In the time like that, man and wife should have spent time doing some funny things or having a lively chatting. Nevertheless, the man lied on the bed reading book and paying no attention to his wife. When the wife came to the window aimlessly, she discovered a cat hiding a wringing green table to protect itself from the rain. By instinct, she wanted to bring that poor kitty back.

In that way, why did the wife want the cat so badly? From Freud ’s views, the power condition is determinate by that spirit energy division and transfer of the personality. A human essence and behavior depends on his power condition. If the energy still rest on ID, then his behavior have impulsiveness.

[7]人The ID in one’s personality totally is unconscious, it is mainly composed of libido, including all original, genetic instinct and desire. It abides by ―Pleasure Principle‖ to compel human-being to satisfy their desires in the cockles of the heart.

[8] By means of the heroine’s word, “I’m going down and get that kitty‖, ―Oh, I wanted it so much, I wanted a kitty‖【. 8】She still goes out for that cat even in such a heavy rainy day, when his husband says,“I ’ll do it”, however the wife says, “No, I’ll get it. The poor kitty is trying to keep dry under a table”【9】By this way, it is obvious that the wife ’s ID make herself believe that she can do it by herself, and only when she gets that cat can she get rid of vapidity. Through Hemingway ’s description to the cat, “outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green tables. The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on”【10】And compared with the situation of heroine, they are both pathetic, and what else differences are there. In such a boring vocation, the women needs the attention and love of his man in her deep heart. However, what the fact, it is ―The husband went on reading, lying propped up with the pillows at the foot of the bed”,【11】‖. It is “对她不闻不问。在男权社会的现实中,女主人公超我的力量过于强大,以


3.2 The struggled Ego:When the wife went downstairs and the hotel owner stood up and bowed to her as she passed the office. He was an old man and very tall‖. Let the maid send umbrella to her, and so on. “The wife liked him. She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints. She liked his dignity. She liked the way he wanted to serve her , She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked his old, heavy face and big hands 。”【12】作The author use six ―like ‖ to describe the heroine ’s affection for the boss. In her heart, how she does want her status 者用了留个“喜欢”来描述女主人公对老板的喜爱。在她内心,她是多么希望自己的地位可以得到改变,多么希望丈夫可以如此般尊重,关心自己。此时的本我力量越来越大,自我本该恪守自己的监督和管理指导,压抑本我。但是以追求快乐原则为目的的本我在面对如此想得到关注,得到爱的欲望时,就如脱缰的野马完全超出自我的管束,她压抑不了自己对旅店老板的喜爱,应为她压抑不了自己渴望改变,渴望独立的欲望。不止是这些,在她出来找猫的时候,店主吩咐女侍过去给女主人公送伞。“You must not get wet, she smiled, speaking Italian. Of course, the hotel-keeper had

sent her”【13】 正如黑格尔所言:“情欲是人的自然本性,具有原始本能的特性,情欲是能动的,躁动不安的,本质上是不安于现状的”【】7丈夫的言行举止和旅店老板之间的进行比较一下,旅店老板表现出来的尊重和关切,让妻子感受到了自我的存在,让她有了一种“被重视”的感觉。“他们沿着。。她走上了楼梯。”与此同时,女主人公的自我的功能也得到了体现。本我对自由,爱的渴望,但是超我明白自身所处的社会环境。但是她内心还是觉得自己也该得到丈夫如此般的尊重,所以其实自我在调节时,最多本我和超我达到一种微妙的平衡,不可能完全平衡。

3.3 Want herself change :从作者对丈夫的言语描述中“我喜欢你现在这样”“你看上去蛮漂亮的”“是吗”“奥,闭上嘴,找点东西来读”【14】他又开始读书了,可以看出妻子生活在一个父权制度的社会环境。评论界姜淑芹、严启刚认为故事通过文明与自然的对立,猫与书的对立,夜猫与家猫的对立,体现了父权制以文明为工具对自然和女性的双重统治【3】在回到房间之后,猫没有得到,丈夫却依然还是在读书。在此时妻子的本我意识越来越强烈,于是寻求突破点,想改变的自己发型,“I want to pull my hair back…when I stroke her”【15】在未得到满意答复的情况下。女主人公继续说道“我还


4、The female consciousness come to her sense:在丈夫一句“Oh, shut up and get something to read”George said. He was reading again.之后,美国妻子说“Anyway, I want a cat,” ―I want a cat now, If I cannot have long hair or any fun, I can have a cat ‖. 【17】从这里可以看出,女主人公内心的意识已经觉醒。心灵的一端是独立,自由,即本我。另一端是男权社会伦理道德的束缚—女人永远是处于第二位,即超我。这两者产生了剧烈的碰撞,但最终本我的力量战胜了超我,现实的自我做出了选择—退让。但是退让并不是妥协。此时自我是向着本我方向前进的,本我在此时就是改变的本能,一直被压抑的女性意识就像沉默已久的火山即将爆发一样,一旦有足够的刺激,它就会完全释放。此时对改变的欲望是非常强烈的。她的全部心思就是渴望改变,渴望独立,这也是为什么最后女主人公没有一如既往的保持沉默。

4、 Conclusion: 在弗洛伊德人格动力系统中,本我、自我和超我



References ……………………………………………….. Acknowledgements ………………………………………

【1】(美)海明威(Hemingway ,E. )《老人与海》,黄源深译,译林出版社,2007年,第131页

[2.3.4] 《The Selected Works of Sigmund Freud-自我与本我》P108 主编 车文博 长春出版社

【3】陈少华. 新编人格心理学【M 】广州:暨南大学出版社,2004 Hemingway Ernest . The complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway [C] New York :Charles Scribner’s Sons 1987.


【9】秦小孟. 当代美国文学:概述及作品选读【M 】 上海:上海译文出版社 1986:93

【8】Ernest Hemingway, ―The Art of short fiction‖ in Joseph M. Flora, Ernest Hemingway . A Study of the short Fiction,

Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989.


Analysis of the Female consciousness by Freud Personality Theory

Abstraction: 《Cat in the rain 》is one masterpiece of female consciousness by Hemingway. Author explore the motivation of the heroine ’s inward desire to make herself independent, change herself and alter the present situation by means of Sigmund Freud Personality Theory – ID, Ego, Superego. And then reflect the awakening of female consciousness.

Key words: 《Cat in the rain》,Female consciousness, ID,Ego ,Superego ,Freud Personality Theory

Introduction: Mentioned American writer, Hemingway, The unyielding man cross people ’s mind immediately: A man can be destroyed but never can be defeated. [1]The extensive War theme and Hero image in his works give him an image of adoring male but ignore female. The domestic and overseas research scholars have made an in-depth study of Hemingway ’s female consciousness. In fact , though Hemingway was well-known by his ―Tough man‖, but he did not ignore female at all. He has manifested the intense female consciousness in his inchoate short story, also paid boundless attention, like

, All of those works mirror female issues, care about the female destiny and which show the pains and wars from the sexual conflicts. is the representative masterpiece of Hemingway and which is caring much about female consciousness and survival.

Then author, I, will get deep into the heroine’s inward activity through Freud Personality Theory to find out the source of her awakening Female Consciousness.

1、The short description of the fiction:

This fiction mainly talk about that there is a pair of American couple who are traveling in Italy, but for the sake of the bad weather, they can only stay at a hotel. In the hotel, the husband read on bed, the American wife stood at the window looking out. [2] And see a cat by chance crouched under one of the dripping green tables so that it would not be dripped on. By the sense of compassion, the wife decides to embrace back that cat. But it turns out to be that the cat disappear when she goes down, and when she back their apartment disappointed, she looks over herself in the mirror falling into a reverie, full of desires. At the end of the story, the hotel-keeper ask his maid to send a big

tortoise-shell cat.

What kinds of intense fight is the heroine undergoing, and how to explain her inner life by Freud’s Personality Theory?

2、 Freud 3P Theory:Freud put forward the triple personality

structure in his work, he regarded as personality was composed by ID、Ego 、Superego.

2.1 ID :ID is the most original , subconscious ,and

non-rational mental structure. It is filled with intense impulsion of instinct and desire which is controlled by ―Pleasure Principle‖, pursuing satisfaction blindly.


2.2 Ego :Ego is affected by consciousness system, acting

according to reality principle. It does not only uses most of vigor to control and constrain the non-rational impulsion, but also give suitable satisfaction sinuously.【3】

2.3 Superego :Superego is a middle-high ranking,

moral, super-ego mental structure of personality.【4】 In theory, Freud describes ego, id and superego as a psychological process which is mutual independence and

mutual contradiction. Reaching a subtle balance by conflicts. 【5】

3、 The reflection of Freud Personality Theory in the fiction:

Many scenes in the story shows that the functions of triple personality of the heroine.

3.1 The restrained ego:One can imagine that a couple go for a travel, the hotel they lodged is that “There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their room. ”【6】And moreover, in such a bad weather they were suffering. In the time like that, man and wife should have spent time doing some funny things or having a lively chatting. Nevertheless, the man lied on the bed reading book and paying no attention to his wife. When the wife came to the window aimlessly, she discovered a cat hiding a wringing green table to protect itself from the rain. By instinct, she wanted to bring that poor kitty back.

In that way, why did the wife want the cat so badly? From Freud ’s views, the power condition is determinate by that spirit energy division and transfer of the personality. A human essence and behavior depends on his power condition. If the energy still rest on ID, then his behavior have impulsiveness.

[7]人The ID in one’s personality totally is unconscious, it is mainly composed of libido, including all original, genetic instinct and desire. It abides by ―Pleasure Principle‖ to compel human-being to satisfy their desires in the cockles of the heart.

[8] By means of the heroine’s word, “I’m going down and get that kitty‖, ―Oh, I wanted it so much, I wanted a kitty‖【. 8】She still goes out for that cat even in such a heavy rainy day, when his husband says,“I ’ll do it”, however the wife says, “No, I’ll get it. The poor kitty is trying to keep dry under a table”【9】By this way, it is obvious that the wife ’s ID make herself believe that she can do it by herself, and only when she gets that cat can she get rid of vapidity. Through Hemingway ’s description to the cat, “outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green tables. The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on”【10】And compared with the situation of heroine, they are both pathetic, and what else differences are there. In such a boring vocation, the women needs the attention and love of his man in her deep heart. However, what the fact, it is ―The husband went on reading, lying propped up with the pillows at the foot of the bed”,【11】‖. It is “对她不闻不问。在男权社会的现实中,女主人公超我的力量过于强大,以


3.2 The struggled Ego:When the wife went downstairs and the hotel owner stood up and bowed to her as she passed the office. He was an old man and very tall‖. Let the maid send umbrella to her, and so on. “The wife liked him. She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints. She liked his dignity. She liked the way he wanted to serve her , She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked his old, heavy face and big hands 。”【12】作The author use six ―like ‖ to describe the heroine ’s affection for the boss. In her heart, how she does want her status 者用了留个“喜欢”来描述女主人公对老板的喜爱。在她内心,她是多么希望自己的地位可以得到改变,多么希望丈夫可以如此般尊重,关心自己。此时的本我力量越来越大,自我本该恪守自己的监督和管理指导,压抑本我。但是以追求快乐原则为目的的本我在面对如此想得到关注,得到爱的欲望时,就如脱缰的野马完全超出自我的管束,她压抑不了自己对旅店老板的喜爱,应为她压抑不了自己渴望改变,渴望独立的欲望。不止是这些,在她出来找猫的时候,店主吩咐女侍过去给女主人公送伞。“You must not get wet, she smiled, speaking Italian. Of course, the hotel-keeper had

sent her”【13】 正如黑格尔所言:“情欲是人的自然本性,具有原始本能的特性,情欲是能动的,躁动不安的,本质上是不安于现状的”【】7丈夫的言行举止和旅店老板之间的进行比较一下,旅店老板表现出来的尊重和关切,让妻子感受到了自我的存在,让她有了一种“被重视”的感觉。“他们沿着。。她走上了楼梯。”与此同时,女主人公的自我的功能也得到了体现。本我对自由,爱的渴望,但是超我明白自身所处的社会环境。但是她内心还是觉得自己也该得到丈夫如此般的尊重,所以其实自我在调节时,最多本我和超我达到一种微妙的平衡,不可能完全平衡。

3.3 Want herself change :从作者对丈夫的言语描述中“我喜欢你现在这样”“你看上去蛮漂亮的”“是吗”“奥,闭上嘴,找点东西来读”【14】他又开始读书了,可以看出妻子生活在一个父权制度的社会环境。评论界姜淑芹、严启刚认为故事通过文明与自然的对立,猫与书的对立,夜猫与家猫的对立,体现了父权制以文明为工具对自然和女性的双重统治【3】在回到房间之后,猫没有得到,丈夫却依然还是在读书。在此时妻子的本我意识越来越强烈,于是寻求突破点,想改变的自己发型,“I want to pull my hair back…when I stroke her”【15】在未得到满意答复的情况下。女主人公继续说道“我还


4、The female consciousness come to her sense:在丈夫一句“Oh, shut up and get something to read”George said. He was reading again.之后,美国妻子说“Anyway, I want a cat,” ―I want a cat now, If I cannot have long hair or any fun, I can have a cat ‖. 【17】从这里可以看出,女主人公内心的意识已经觉醒。心灵的一端是独立,自由,即本我。另一端是男权社会伦理道德的束缚—女人永远是处于第二位,即超我。这两者产生了剧烈的碰撞,但最终本我的力量战胜了超我,现实的自我做出了选择—退让。但是退让并不是妥协。此时自我是向着本我方向前进的,本我在此时就是改变的本能,一直被压抑的女性意识就像沉默已久的火山即将爆发一样,一旦有足够的刺激,它就会完全释放。此时对改变的欲望是非常强烈的。她的全部心思就是渴望改变,渴望独立,这也是为什么最后女主人公没有一如既往的保持沉默。

4、 Conclusion: 在弗洛伊德人格动力系统中,本我、自我和超我



References ……………………………………………….. Acknowledgements ………………………………………

【1】(美)海明威(Hemingway ,E. )《老人与海》,黄源深译,译林出版社,2007年,第131页

[2.3.4] 《The Selected Works of Sigmund Freud-自我与本我》P108 主编 车文博 长春出版社

【3】陈少华. 新编人格心理学【M 】广州:暨南大学出版社,2004 Hemingway Ernest . The complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway [C] New York :Charles Scribner’s Sons 1987.


【9】秦小孟. 当代美国文学:概述及作品选读【M 】 上海:上海译文出版社 1986:93

【8】Ernest Hemingway, ―The Art of short fiction‖ in Joseph M. Flora, Ernest Hemingway . A Study of the short Fiction,

Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989.


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