跟团游还是自助游 英语作文

Going on a Self-tour or a Package Tour

With people's pursuing higher level of living quality, most of us are willing to spend the time traveling on vacation. Some people enjoy going on a self-tour to get more freedom. In contrast, those who against the idea claim that the package tour is more enjoyable. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to choose self-travel not only because it’s inexpensive but for its freedom of planning.

To begin with, going on a self-tour saves more money than going a package tour in practice. A part of people believe that a tour arranged by a travel agent costs less on transportation and some discounts on accommodation and admission tickets. However, you have to spend money on some scenery spots which you don’t like but are included on your schedule arranged by the travel agent. If you can’t enjoy yourself at the scenic spots, is it anything different than wasting money and time? Therefore, going on a self-tour spends less on the sight spots we don’t want to go. You will keep costs down and have a much more profound experience if you eat what the locals eat, sleep like the locals sleep and travel like the locals travel.

Likewise, going on a self-tour is beneficial to arrange the trip freely. You can arrange your travel schedule by yourself. You don’t need to get up early to start your trip any more, and you also don’t need to visit a specified place at specific times. It is self-tour that also strengthens our independence of make a choice. Indeed, the tour that transportation and food and lodging are no longer all deal with by travel agent and provided at an inclusive price needs us to make full preparation and check in advance, helping us to take initiative not only in journey but also our learning and living.

It is claimed that self-tour will be the new tendency of the future Chinese travel market. In conclusion, going on a self-tour avoids encountering problems of package tour such us being forced to purchase any unnecessary commodity, giving more freedom of travel planning. Going on a trip arranged by ourselves will heighten our interest on traveling and really enjoy the meaning of travel.

Going on a Self-tour or a Package Tour

With people's pursuing higher level of living quality, most of us are willing to spend the time traveling on vacation. Some people enjoy going on a self-tour to get more freedom. In contrast, those who against the idea claim that the package tour is more enjoyable. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to choose self-travel not only because it’s inexpensive but for its freedom of planning.

To begin with, going on a self-tour saves more money than going a package tour in practice. A part of people believe that a tour arranged by a travel agent costs less on transportation and some discounts on accommodation and admission tickets. However, you have to spend money on some scenery spots which you don’t like but are included on your schedule arranged by the travel agent. If you can’t enjoy yourself at the scenic spots, is it anything different than wasting money and time? Therefore, going on a self-tour spends less on the sight spots we don’t want to go. You will keep costs down and have a much more profound experience if you eat what the locals eat, sleep like the locals sleep and travel like the locals travel.

Likewise, going on a self-tour is beneficial to arrange the trip freely. You can arrange your travel schedule by yourself. You don’t need to get up early to start your trip any more, and you also don’t need to visit a specified place at specific times. It is self-tour that also strengthens our independence of make a choice. Indeed, the tour that transportation and food and lodging are no longer all deal with by travel agent and provided at an inclusive price needs us to make full preparation and check in advance, helping us to take initiative not only in journey but also our learning and living.

It is claimed that self-tour will be the new tendency of the future Chinese travel market. In conclusion, going on a self-tour avoids encountering problems of package tour such us being forced to purchase any unnecessary commodity, giving more freedom of travel planning. Going on a trip arranged by ourselves will heighten our interest on traveling and really enjoy the meaning of travel.


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