

来源: 雅思阅读                                            佳中译

泰国Koh Kood 岛苏尼瓦基里度假村树上餐厅

For travellers looking to branch out, Thailand’s restaurant in the trees should fit the bill. The

Dining Pod, a restaurant in the Six Senses Soneva Kiri resort on the island of Koh Kood, allows

a small number of hotel guests to eat at tree-level with views of the forest and the Gulf of Siam

below. Up to four people can fit in the oval-shaped steel frame, which is covered in nest-like

woven rattan and holds a small table and booth-like seating.

对于寻求新鲜感的游客,泰国树上餐厅应该能满足其需求。Koh Kood 岛苏尼瓦基里六星




Guests enter the pod on the forest floor and a system of safety cords ratchets it up 16ft

above ground. Then waiters travel by zip-line to deliver a fresh Thai meal (including fruits and

vegetables grown from the resort’s organic garden). The food is served from a small platform

adjacent to the pod.




For a more down-to-earth dining experience, Soneva Kiri offers a number of other food

options, including restaurants with wood-fired and tandoor ovens featuring rotating local

specialties, as well as a room dedicated entirely to Thai chocolate served a number of ways.

Rooms for two start around a pricey 44,000 baht a night, but since the resort is all-inclusive,

eating at the Dining Pod does not cost extra, though advanced reservations are recommended.





来源: 雅思阅读                                            佳中译

泰国Koh Kood 岛苏尼瓦基里度假村树上餐厅

For travellers looking to branch out, Thailand’s restaurant in the trees should fit the bill. The

Dining Pod, a restaurant in the Six Senses Soneva Kiri resort on the island of Koh Kood, allows

a small number of hotel guests to eat at tree-level with views of the forest and the Gulf of Siam

below. Up to four people can fit in the oval-shaped steel frame, which is covered in nest-like

woven rattan and holds a small table and booth-like seating.

对于寻求新鲜感的游客,泰国树上餐厅应该能满足其需求。Koh Kood 岛苏尼瓦基里六星




Guests enter the pod on the forest floor and a system of safety cords ratchets it up 16ft

above ground. Then waiters travel by zip-line to deliver a fresh Thai meal (including fruits and

vegetables grown from the resort’s organic garden). The food is served from a small platform

adjacent to the pod.




For a more down-to-earth dining experience, Soneva Kiri offers a number of other food

options, including restaurants with wood-fired and tandoor ovens featuring rotating local

specialties, as well as a room dedicated entirely to Thai chocolate served a number of ways.

Rooms for two start around a pricey 44,000 baht a night, but since the resort is all-inclusive,

eating at the Dining Pod does not cost extra, though advanced reservations are recommended.





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