
Sheldon , it's not a great time! : 谢尔顿现在打 来真不是时候

What do you want? 你有啥事

Hello to you , too . 我也跟你" 问声好" 啊

I'm sorry , but this is important 抱歉但这事很重要

What is it? 什么事

Back to the Future II was 《回到未来》第二部光盘被放到

in the Back to the Future III case . . 《回到未来》第三部的盒子里了 and Back to the Future III was - - get this - -而《回到未来》第三部你猜怎么着

in the Back to the Future II case . 被放在了第二部的盒子里了

So? 所以呢

So , did you do that , 所以是你干的吗

or am I in the house with an intruder 还是我住的房子里有个入侵者

Sheldon , I got to go inside . 谢尔顿我要先进船舱了

It's getting rough out here . 外头风浪太大了

You're dodging the question ; 你在避开问题

I knew it was you . 我就知道是你干的

What was that? 那是什么声音

What was what? 什么什么声音

This isn't a very good connection , 信号不是太好

but it sounded like someone just released a kraken 但感觉像海怪被释放出来了 Okay , I'm hanging up now . 好了我要挂电话了

You know there's no such thing as a . . . 你知道世界上没有海...

No . . . ! 别啊

Penny . . . Penny . . .佩妮佩妮Penny . . . !佩妮

What's the matter? 怎么了

Um . . . well , I was worried 我刚刚有点担心

that you might be missing Leonard . 你会很想念莱纳德

And that might be causing you to have bad dreams 然后会害你做恶梦

like the kind you'd get if you watched 就是那种睡前看了

Clash of the Titans right before you went to bed . 《诸神之战》之类的电影会做的恶梦 Sweetie , did you have a bad dream? 亲爱的是不是你做恶梦了啦

To be honest , I did . 老实说是的

Back to the Future II was 《回到未来》第二部光盘

in the Back to the Future III case . 被放进第三部的盒子里

Leonard did it . 莱纳德干的

Good night .晚安No , wait . 等等

Perhaps I should sleep her 我是不是应该睡在这边

so you don't miss Leonard as much 这样你不会太想念莱纳德

uh , 'cause you're being kind of a baby about it . 因为你现在就跟小孩一样楚楚可怜

You know what? That would make me feel better . 好好好你待着会让我舒服很多

Thank you . - You're welcome . 谢谢你啊-不用客气Good night .晚安

I think you'd be pleased to hear 你应该会很高兴听到这事

that this morning in the parking garage , 今早我在停车场时

I saw this oil stain on the ground 看到地上有一滩汽油渍

that was shaped just like my ex - girlfriend , Lucy , 形状就跟我前女友露西一模一

and I didn't get upset at all . 但我心情完全没受影响

I'm proud of you . 我为你感到骄傲

Well , you should be , 'cause she was looking good . 应该的她看起来真是美爆了

Dear Lord! You're an astronomer 我的老天爷啊你是个天文学家

Although you may have earthly woes , 虽然你也有着人世间的烦恼

get your mind back on the stars . 但你的脑子得想着天上繁星啊

Gee , even the lowly dung beetle 就连低等生物屎壳郎

chooses to plot its course by using the Milky Way 推粪的路线都是以银河繁星作为指引

Is that true? 真的吗

Everything I say is true . 我说的一切都是真的

Now , of course , the dung beetle also enjoys 当然啦屎壳郎也喜欢

eating feces , living in feces 食粪住粪里

and making little balls out of feces . 然后把粪便做成球

So pick and choose 自己选择

which aspects of its lifestyle you want to embrace . 要学习它生活中的哪些部分吧 Come on , you can talk to girls now . 你现在都能正常跟女人说话了

It shouldn't be hard for you to meet someone new . 再认识个新妞不难吧 How can I meet someone new 我怎么认识啊

when everywhere I look , I see Lucy's face? 我现在看哪都能联想到露西的脸 Tell me you don't see her smile 你看这个鸡肉派的外皮

in the crust of this chicken pot pie . 你能否认没看到她那笑容吗

Oh , will you stop it! 不许再犯傻了

Now , listen to me . 听好了

There's a welcome party for incoming post - docs tonight . 今天晚上有一场博士后新生欢迎会 Go to it and meet someone 去参加然后认识个

who isn't made of grease or pie . 不是油渍或派做成的妹子

You think you're so cool because your wife is a person?怎么你老婆是真人你就觉得自己牛逼啦 Look , 其实呢

Bernie's at a neuroscience conference with Amy - -妮妮与艾米去参加神经科学大会了 I'll go with you . 我陪你去吧

- You would do that for me? - Of course . -你愿意为我这么牺牲吗-当然 You're my friend . 你是我朋友

I want you to be happy . 我也想你开心起来

- Thanks . - Oh , Sheldon ,- 谢了-谢尔顿

since Amy's out of town , would you like to join us? 既然艾米也不在你要一起来吗 I want you to be happy , too , 我也想你开心

but not enough to do anything about it . 但还没想到愿意付出实际行动

Howie , stop . 华仔别闹了

I can't talk like that . 我不能说那种" 话"

Amy's right here . 艾米在旁边呢

Sheldon , stop . For the last time , 谢尔顿别闹了我最后一次保证

I will not bring home bed bugs . 我不会带着床虱回去的

The hotel's nice . 酒店很好

There's a pool , a gym 有泳池健身房

the bar looks like fun . 酒吧感觉也挺好玩的

Because I looked in the bed , and there are no bugs . 因为我检查过床了没有床虱 Aw , I love you , too . 我也爱你

If I don't talk to you before you go to sleep , 如果你睡前没跟你说到话 I'll meet you in dreamland 那我们就梦乡里相会吧

Good night . 晚安

No , I will not consider sleeping in my garment bag . 不我不会考虑套着衣服保护套睡的 Penny , did you ever wonder how Starfleet captains . 佩妮你好奇过星际舰队战舰指挥官们... No . 没有

Well , now that I've piqued your interest , 现在我已经激起了你的兴致

welcome to the exciting world of D chess . 欢迎来到刺激的 D 象棋世界吧 Why don't you just admit 你为什么不老实说

you only want to play this game 你想玩这个游戏

because you always play it with Leonard 是因为你以前老跟莱纳德玩

and you miss him?你很想念他

You overestimate his significance in my life . 你太高估了他对我生活的重要性 Do I miss how he makes a face 我会想念他用糖浆

on my toaster waffle with syrup? 在我的松饼上画张脸吗

No . 不会

Do I miss the way 我会想念

he fixes the zipper on my jacket when it gets stuck? 他把我卡住的夹克拉链修好的方式吗 I don't think so .我想不会Do I miss how we say "good night" 我会想念我们

to each other through the walls of our bedroom 隔着卧室墙用莫尔斯电报密码 using Morse code? 互道晚安的夜晚吗

Okay , I get it , I get it . 好了我懂了我懂了

You are an emotionless robot . 你是个没有感情的机器人

Well , I try . 我尽量保持了

All right , let's just get this stupid game over with . 好啦赶紧把这破游戏玩完吧 - Great . I'll go first . - Okay .- 好的我先走-行

By the way , how are you with zippers 对了你懂拉链吗

Why? 怎么了

Well , I really need to go to the bathroom , 我真的得去上厕所了

and this one's gone all cattywampus . 可是这个拉链要整死我了

Wow , your work on jellyfish neural nets 你的水母神经网络研究备注: 神经的 sounds so interesting . 听起来蛮有意思的

It is . 的确

You can download my paper off the university server你可以在学校伺服器上下到我的研究报告 I will . You can download my paper 会的你也可以在学校伺服器上

on the Van Allen Belts from the university server as well .下到我的范艾伦辐射带研究报告 I will . 会的

All right . 好的

How'd it go? 怎么样了

Well , if you like dry , factual statements 如果你喜欢无趣与论述事实 interspersed with painful moments of silence , 外加各种蛋疼的无语时分的交谈 it was bananas . 那就绝对是爽歪歪了

Check it out . 看那边

Mrs . Davis from Human Resources is here . 人力资源部的戴维斯女士也在 She's probably on the lookout for sexual harassment 估计是来盯着有没有性骚扰案件的 Oh , great .漂亮

There go my chances of being sexually harassed . 这下我被人性骚扰的机会也飞了 I heard her husband left her for a hot , young undergrad .听说她老公泡了性感年轻女大学生甩了她

That's so much better than the old , ugly ones . 的确是比那个老丑货好超多啊 Mr . Wolowitz , 沃罗威茨先生

Dr . Koothrappali . 库萨帕里博士

Mrs . Davis , nice to see you . 戴维斯女士你也好

You know , I recently read a fascinating article 我最近刚阅读了一篇有关企鹅中 on infidelity among penguins . 也有雄性出轨情况的文章Okay .好的 So if the fact that your husband left you 所以你老公离开你的这事

makes you feel unattractive , just remember , 可能让你觉得自己年老色衰但请想想 penguins get cheated on , and they're adorable 连企鹅这么超可爱还会被雄性骗呢 It was better when you couldn't talk to women . 我宁愿你不能跟女人说话 I was thinking of going to the lecture 我打算去听听那场

on posterior cingulate cortex lesions 后扣带回皮质损伤

in the formation of autobiographical memory . 对自传体记忆的形成课程 Oh , brain lesions are fascinating 大脑损伤是很有意思啊

Unless they're yours , then they're a drag . 但如果是你的脑子那就倒霉了 To the advancement of science . 敬科学进步一杯

And to the sick and dying who make it possible . 也敬成就了这些的病人和死人 This is fun ; we never really get to talk shop 这真不错佩妮在的时候

with Penny around . 我们从没机会谈正事

We usually just end up talking about boys . 到最后都是在谈男人的事

Which is fine , but it's nice to mix it up 是也没关系啦但偶尔能聊点

with a little intellectual conversation . 高智商的东西也不错

From the two gentlemen at the bar . 吧台边的两位男士请的

Oh , my gosh , boys bought us drinks! 天啊有男生请我们喝酒

Boys bought us drinks! 男生请我们喝酒

Thank you , thank you , thank you so much . 谢谢谢谢太谢谢了

- Be cool . - You be cool!- 冷静-冷静什么

Guys are hitting on us , and not just to get to Penny .他们不是为了泡佩妮才来泡我们的呢 You're right . 你说的有道理

Thank you . 谢谢啊

Bad move . 坏棋啊

Really? Why? 真的吗为什么

My queen can now take your rook from below . 我的王后可以从下面吃掉你的车 So that means I lose , right? 也就表示我输了对吧

It's over! 结束啦

If I make this move . . . 如果我下这步才会

but I won't because we're having too much fun . 但我不会因为我们玩得正开心呢 Okay , let's take a break . 好吧先休息一下

We're all out of alcohol . 我们家没酒了

I wasn't going to get alcohol . 我不是要去拿酒好吗

Gosh , I wonder what Leonard's doing right now . 天啊我好想知道莱纳德现在在干嘛 I miss him so much . 我好想他

Well , if you'd like , 你要是想

we could call him . 我们可以打给他啊

I - I mean that you could call him . 我是说你可以打给他

As I've explained , 我已经说过

the absence of my friends does not cause me pain . 我的朋友不在对我完全没影响 As rock and roll bad boy , Paul Simon , once said , 就如同摇滚坏男孩保罗·西蒙唱过的曾荣获多次格莱美奖的老牌美国歌手

"I am a rock ." 我是一颗石头

I am an I - I - I - island . " 我是一座孤岛"

I'm calling him . 我打给他吧

Oh , goodie! Put him on speakerphone 太棒了记得开免提啊

Excuse me , ladies , 女士们抱歉

but my pants are buzzing 我的裤子在震动

North Sea , how can I "Kelp" You? 北海有何能为你海带[音似效劳] Leonard? 莱纳德

Penny? 佩妮

Hey , it's Penny . 是佩妮

Everybody say hi to Penny . 大家跟佩妮问声好吧

Hi , Penny! 你好佩妮

Wow , it sounds like you're having a good time . 听起来你玩得挺开心的嘛 Best time of my life! 这辈子最爽的时刻了

Isn't it : in the morning there? 现在不是你们那边的凌晨五点半吗 Is it? 是吗

Hey , everybody , it's : in the morning! 各位现在都凌晨五点半啦 okay , well , we were just calling you 我们打给你

because we were missing you . 是因为我们想你了

- Iceberg - Uh - oh , hang on .- 冰山-等一下

Are you in danger? 你们是不是遇到危险了

No , it's a drinking game . 不是啦是喝酒游戏

Whenever we see an iceberg , we take a shot! 每次我们看见冰山的时候都会干一杯 Berg! Berg ! 冰山冰山

Berg! Berg! Berg! Berg - - 冰山冰山冰山冰山

Leonard , Leonard? 莱纳德莱纳德

I cannot believe we were missing that jerk . 真不敢相信我们居然想念那个混蛋 You were . 是你而已

Sheldon , it's not a great time! : 谢尔顿现在打 来真不是时候

What do you want? 你有啥事

Hello to you , too . 我也跟你" 问声好" 啊

I'm sorry , but this is important 抱歉但这事很重要

What is it? 什么事

Back to the Future II was 《回到未来》第二部光盘被放到

in the Back to the Future III case . . 《回到未来》第三部的盒子里了 and Back to the Future III was - - get this - -而《回到未来》第三部你猜怎么着

in the Back to the Future II case . 被放在了第二部的盒子里了

So? 所以呢

So , did you do that , 所以是你干的吗

or am I in the house with an intruder 还是我住的房子里有个入侵者

Sheldon , I got to go inside . 谢尔顿我要先进船舱了

It's getting rough out here . 外头风浪太大了

You're dodging the question ; 你在避开问题

I knew it was you . 我就知道是你干的

What was that? 那是什么声音

What was what? 什么什么声音

This isn't a very good connection , 信号不是太好

but it sounded like someone just released a kraken 但感觉像海怪被释放出来了 Okay , I'm hanging up now . 好了我要挂电话了

You know there's no such thing as a . . . 你知道世界上没有海...

No . . . ! 别啊

Penny . . . Penny . . .佩妮佩妮Penny . . . !佩妮

What's the matter? 怎么了

Um . . . well , I was worried 我刚刚有点担心

that you might be missing Leonard . 你会很想念莱纳德

And that might be causing you to have bad dreams 然后会害你做恶梦

like the kind you'd get if you watched 就是那种睡前看了

Clash of the Titans right before you went to bed . 《诸神之战》之类的电影会做的恶梦 Sweetie , did you have a bad dream? 亲爱的是不是你做恶梦了啦

To be honest , I did . 老实说是的

Back to the Future II was 《回到未来》第二部光盘

in the Back to the Future III case . 被放进第三部的盒子里

Leonard did it . 莱纳德干的

Good night .晚安No , wait . 等等

Perhaps I should sleep her 我是不是应该睡在这边

so you don't miss Leonard as much 这样你不会太想念莱纳德

uh , 'cause you're being kind of a baby about it . 因为你现在就跟小孩一样楚楚可怜

You know what? That would make me feel better . 好好好你待着会让我舒服很多

Thank you . - You're welcome . 谢谢你啊-不用客气Good night .晚安

I think you'd be pleased to hear 你应该会很高兴听到这事

that this morning in the parking garage , 今早我在停车场时

I saw this oil stain on the ground 看到地上有一滩汽油渍

that was shaped just like my ex - girlfriend , Lucy , 形状就跟我前女友露西一模一

and I didn't get upset at all . 但我心情完全没受影响

I'm proud of you . 我为你感到骄傲

Well , you should be , 'cause she was looking good . 应该的她看起来真是美爆了

Dear Lord! You're an astronomer 我的老天爷啊你是个天文学家

Although you may have earthly woes , 虽然你也有着人世间的烦恼

get your mind back on the stars . 但你的脑子得想着天上繁星啊

Gee , even the lowly dung beetle 就连低等生物屎壳郎

chooses to plot its course by using the Milky Way 推粪的路线都是以银河繁星作为指引

Is that true? 真的吗

Everything I say is true . 我说的一切都是真的

Now , of course , the dung beetle also enjoys 当然啦屎壳郎也喜欢

eating feces , living in feces 食粪住粪里

and making little balls out of feces . 然后把粪便做成球

So pick and choose 自己选择

which aspects of its lifestyle you want to embrace . 要学习它生活中的哪些部分吧 Come on , you can talk to girls now . 你现在都能正常跟女人说话了

It shouldn't be hard for you to meet someone new . 再认识个新妞不难吧 How can I meet someone new 我怎么认识啊

when everywhere I look , I see Lucy's face? 我现在看哪都能联想到露西的脸 Tell me you don't see her smile 你看这个鸡肉派的外皮

in the crust of this chicken pot pie . 你能否认没看到她那笑容吗

Oh , will you stop it! 不许再犯傻了

Now , listen to me . 听好了

There's a welcome party for incoming post - docs tonight . 今天晚上有一场博士后新生欢迎会 Go to it and meet someone 去参加然后认识个

who isn't made of grease or pie . 不是油渍或派做成的妹子

You think you're so cool because your wife is a person?怎么你老婆是真人你就觉得自己牛逼啦 Look , 其实呢

Bernie's at a neuroscience conference with Amy - -妮妮与艾米去参加神经科学大会了 I'll go with you . 我陪你去吧

- You would do that for me? - Of course . -你愿意为我这么牺牲吗-当然 You're my friend . 你是我朋友

I want you to be happy . 我也想你开心起来

- Thanks . - Oh , Sheldon ,- 谢了-谢尔顿

since Amy's out of town , would you like to join us? 既然艾米也不在你要一起来吗 I want you to be happy , too , 我也想你开心

but not enough to do anything about it . 但还没想到愿意付出实际行动

Howie , stop . 华仔别闹了

I can't talk like that . 我不能说那种" 话"

Amy's right here . 艾米在旁边呢

Sheldon , stop . For the last time , 谢尔顿别闹了我最后一次保证

I will not bring home bed bugs . 我不会带着床虱回去的

The hotel's nice . 酒店很好

There's a pool , a gym 有泳池健身房

the bar looks like fun . 酒吧感觉也挺好玩的

Because I looked in the bed , and there are no bugs . 因为我检查过床了没有床虱 Aw , I love you , too . 我也爱你

If I don't talk to you before you go to sleep , 如果你睡前没跟你说到话 I'll meet you in dreamland 那我们就梦乡里相会吧

Good night . 晚安

No , I will not consider sleeping in my garment bag . 不我不会考虑套着衣服保护套睡的 Penny , did you ever wonder how Starfleet captains . 佩妮你好奇过星际舰队战舰指挥官们... No . 没有

Well , now that I've piqued your interest , 现在我已经激起了你的兴致

welcome to the exciting world of D chess . 欢迎来到刺激的 D 象棋世界吧 Why don't you just admit 你为什么不老实说

you only want to play this game 你想玩这个游戏

because you always play it with Leonard 是因为你以前老跟莱纳德玩

and you miss him?你很想念他

You overestimate his significance in my life . 你太高估了他对我生活的重要性 Do I miss how he makes a face 我会想念他用糖浆

on my toaster waffle with syrup? 在我的松饼上画张脸吗

No . 不会

Do I miss the way 我会想念

he fixes the zipper on my jacket when it gets stuck? 他把我卡住的夹克拉链修好的方式吗 I don't think so .我想不会Do I miss how we say "good night" 我会想念我们

to each other through the walls of our bedroom 隔着卧室墙用莫尔斯电报密码 using Morse code? 互道晚安的夜晚吗

Okay , I get it , I get it . 好了我懂了我懂了

You are an emotionless robot . 你是个没有感情的机器人

Well , I try . 我尽量保持了

All right , let's just get this stupid game over with . 好啦赶紧把这破游戏玩完吧 - Great . I'll go first . - Okay .- 好的我先走-行

By the way , how are you with zippers 对了你懂拉链吗

Why? 怎么了

Well , I really need to go to the bathroom , 我真的得去上厕所了

and this one's gone all cattywampus . 可是这个拉链要整死我了

Wow , your work on jellyfish neural nets 你的水母神经网络研究备注: 神经的 sounds so interesting . 听起来蛮有意思的

It is . 的确

You can download my paper off the university server你可以在学校伺服器上下到我的研究报告 I will . You can download my paper 会的你也可以在学校伺服器上

on the Van Allen Belts from the university server as well .下到我的范艾伦辐射带研究报告 I will . 会的

All right . 好的

How'd it go? 怎么样了

Well , if you like dry , factual statements 如果你喜欢无趣与论述事实 interspersed with painful moments of silence , 外加各种蛋疼的无语时分的交谈 it was bananas . 那就绝对是爽歪歪了

Check it out . 看那边

Mrs . Davis from Human Resources is here . 人力资源部的戴维斯女士也在 She's probably on the lookout for sexual harassment 估计是来盯着有没有性骚扰案件的 Oh , great .漂亮

There go my chances of being sexually harassed . 这下我被人性骚扰的机会也飞了 I heard her husband left her for a hot , young undergrad .听说她老公泡了性感年轻女大学生甩了她

That's so much better than the old , ugly ones . 的确是比那个老丑货好超多啊 Mr . Wolowitz , 沃罗威茨先生

Dr . Koothrappali . 库萨帕里博士

Mrs . Davis , nice to see you . 戴维斯女士你也好

You know , I recently read a fascinating article 我最近刚阅读了一篇有关企鹅中 on infidelity among penguins . 也有雄性出轨情况的文章Okay .好的 So if the fact that your husband left you 所以你老公离开你的这事

makes you feel unattractive , just remember , 可能让你觉得自己年老色衰但请想想 penguins get cheated on , and they're adorable 连企鹅这么超可爱还会被雄性骗呢 It was better when you couldn't talk to women . 我宁愿你不能跟女人说话 I was thinking of going to the lecture 我打算去听听那场

on posterior cingulate cortex lesions 后扣带回皮质损伤

in the formation of autobiographical memory . 对自传体记忆的形成课程 Oh , brain lesions are fascinating 大脑损伤是很有意思啊

Unless they're yours , then they're a drag . 但如果是你的脑子那就倒霉了 To the advancement of science . 敬科学进步一杯

And to the sick and dying who make it possible . 也敬成就了这些的病人和死人 This is fun ; we never really get to talk shop 这真不错佩妮在的时候

with Penny around . 我们从没机会谈正事

We usually just end up talking about boys . 到最后都是在谈男人的事

Which is fine , but it's nice to mix it up 是也没关系啦但偶尔能聊点

with a little intellectual conversation . 高智商的东西也不错

From the two gentlemen at the bar . 吧台边的两位男士请的

Oh , my gosh , boys bought us drinks! 天啊有男生请我们喝酒

Boys bought us drinks! 男生请我们喝酒

Thank you , thank you , thank you so much . 谢谢谢谢太谢谢了

- Be cool . - You be cool!- 冷静-冷静什么

Guys are hitting on us , and not just to get to Penny .他们不是为了泡佩妮才来泡我们的呢 You're right . 你说的有道理

Thank you . 谢谢啊

Bad move . 坏棋啊

Really? Why? 真的吗为什么

My queen can now take your rook from below . 我的王后可以从下面吃掉你的车 So that means I lose , right? 也就表示我输了对吧

It's over! 结束啦

If I make this move . . . 如果我下这步才会

but I won't because we're having too much fun . 但我不会因为我们玩得正开心呢 Okay , let's take a break . 好吧先休息一下

We're all out of alcohol . 我们家没酒了

I wasn't going to get alcohol . 我不是要去拿酒好吗

Gosh , I wonder what Leonard's doing right now . 天啊我好想知道莱纳德现在在干嘛 I miss him so much . 我好想他

Well , if you'd like , 你要是想

we could call him . 我们可以打给他啊

I - I mean that you could call him . 我是说你可以打给他

As I've explained , 我已经说过

the absence of my friends does not cause me pain . 我的朋友不在对我完全没影响 As rock and roll bad boy , Paul Simon , once said , 就如同摇滚坏男孩保罗·西蒙唱过的曾荣获多次格莱美奖的老牌美国歌手

"I am a rock ." 我是一颗石头

I am an I - I - I - island . " 我是一座孤岛"

I'm calling him . 我打给他吧

Oh , goodie! Put him on speakerphone 太棒了记得开免提啊

Excuse me , ladies , 女士们抱歉

but my pants are buzzing 我的裤子在震动

North Sea , how can I "Kelp" You? 北海有何能为你海带[音似效劳] Leonard? 莱纳德

Penny? 佩妮

Hey , it's Penny . 是佩妮

Everybody say hi to Penny . 大家跟佩妮问声好吧

Hi , Penny! 你好佩妮

Wow , it sounds like you're having a good time . 听起来你玩得挺开心的嘛 Best time of my life! 这辈子最爽的时刻了

Isn't it : in the morning there? 现在不是你们那边的凌晨五点半吗 Is it? 是吗

Hey , everybody , it's : in the morning! 各位现在都凌晨五点半啦 okay , well , we were just calling you 我们打给你

because we were missing you . 是因为我们想你了

- Iceberg - Uh - oh , hang on .- 冰山-等一下

Are you in danger? 你们是不是遇到危险了

No , it's a drinking game . 不是啦是喝酒游戏

Whenever we see an iceberg , we take a shot! 每次我们看见冰山的时候都会干一杯 Berg! Berg ! 冰山冰山

Berg! Berg! Berg! Berg - - 冰山冰山冰山冰山

Leonard , Leonard? 莱纳德莱纳德

I cannot believe we were missing that jerk . 真不敢相信我们居然想念那个混蛋 You were . 是你而已


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