城市情报City Information 美女 ■昂贵之美 英国模特凯特・摩斯的纯金塑像于2008年10月4日至2009年1月25日在大英博物馆展出。塑像名为“魅女”,由纯金铸成,重50千克,价值280万美元,是由英国著名艺术家马克・奎恩创作的。 A solid gold sculpture of British supermodel Kate Moss worth 2.8 million US dollars was unveiled in London. The 50 kilograms work was created by the famous artist Marc Quinn. ■韵味之美 南京夫子庙小学在夫子庙大成殿内举办了一年级新生的入学典礼。一年级新生们穿上传统的服装,举行中国最传统的开笔礼。新生们手持《论语》,齐声朗读三字经,极具中国传统韵味。 Nanjing Fuzi Miao (Confucius Temple) Primary school held an entrance ceremony for the new students in Dacheng Palace, Confucius Temple. The students wore traditional dress. ■狂放之美 美国流行天后麦当娜于日前展开她的世界巡回演唱会的演出。在英国的演出中,麦当娜跨坐马鞍上,在舞台上空盘旋展现舞技、背着十字架唱歌;而在柏林的演出中,麦当娜选择在奥林匹克体育馆举行。当日她的造型酷美,黑色酷装,质感吉他,银色个性礼帽。50岁的麦当娜在舞台上依旧性感狂放。 Madonna started her world tour recently. She was dressed up in a style that was very cool and beautiful―black clothes, wonderful guitar, and characteristic silver bowler hat, making Madonna, who is already 50 look sexy and crazy on the stage. ■奥运之美 最近,2008第三届中国(大连)国际服装纺织品博览会首场中外名师时装展演在大连拉开帷幕。由意大利国际著名品牌GATTINONI时装设计师在北京奥运会举办期间设计完成的“奥运之礼”因具有浓厚的北京奥运风情获得好评。 Recently, 2008 the first fashion show of the world famous designers of the 3rd China (Dalian) International Clothing & Textile Exposition was held in Dalian. “Present for Olympics” designed by the famous Italian designer won high praise. ■典雅之美 北京2008年残奥会圣火采集暨火炬接力启动仪式在天坛公园祈年殿南广场隆重举行。来自山东青岛的圣火采集使者姜馨田身着长裙,在祈年殿前伸出双臂,上仰及天,下俯为地,表达对天地无限的尊崇;又展开双臂拥抱阳光,将最美好的祝愿献给人间。北京2008年残奥会火炬接力分为“中华文明”和“时代风采”两条线路,前往11个省区市的11个城市同时传递。 The opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games flame collection and torch relay was held in south square, Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest at Beijing's Temple. Jiang Xintian, the flame collector wore a long skirt, opened her arms to hold the sunshine, and gave her best wishes to the world. 城市趣闻 比赛 ■最有趣 不久前,在美国宾州马纳扬克镇举行了一场创意十足的红牛肥皂箱车比赛,参赛者将车子打扮成各种奇怪的造型,在没有动力的情形下滑下坡道。这种肥皂箱车比赛相当受欢迎。 Recently, the Red Bull Soapbox Race was held in Manayunk. The racers crafted outrageous human-powered carts to race against the clock in a downhill sprint to the finish line. ■最考验 别开生面的北美背媳妇大赛在滑雪胜地美国缅因州开锣,主办方准备了别出心裁的奖品。冠军夫妻将获得相当于妻子体重的啤酒,和等于妻子体重数五倍的现金。 The Annual North American Wife Carrying Contest was held at Sunday River Ski Resort in Bethel, Maine. The winners could receive the wife's weight in beer and five times the wife's weight in cash. ■最幸福 不久前,在美国纽约时代广场举办了疯狂新娘爬冻蛋糕比赛。准新娘们的最终目标是在最短的时间内爬上巨型结婚蛋糕的顶部拿到花束,获胜的新娘子赢得2.5万美元的奖金。最终来自纽约州的准新娘获胜。 The Bridezillas Cake Eating Contest was held in Times Square, New York. The winner could get 25,000 US Dollars. At last, a bride-to-be from the State of New York won the contest. ■最艰难 2008年8月25日,来自世界各地的选手聚集在英国小镇拉努蒂德韦尔斯参加世界沼泽潜水大赛。这项比赛在一条1.2米深的水渠中进行,参赛选手脚穿脚蹼,用通气管呼吸。比赛用时最短的选手获得“世界沼泽潜水冠军”的头衔。 On August 25, 2008, competitors from all over the world participated in the World Bog Snorkelling Championship in a small town of Britain. The competitors passed through a 1.2-meter-deep water channel. They wore flippers and breathed with snorkels. ■最浪漫 探戈有一种狂野、张扬而性感的美,最原始的探戈起源于布宜诺斯艾利斯。现在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯正在举办一场世界探戈舞大赛,在当地的街道和酒吧都可以看到人们翩翩起舞的身姿。最初跳探戈的男子大抵都是要系带短刀或者匕首的,而探戈特有的左顾右盼就是为了防止情敌的突然出现,这种说法应该是最为浪漫的。 The very first tango originated from Buenos Aires. Now Buenos Aires, Argentina is holding a world tango competition. The local people can see the beautiful dancing postures everywhere.
城市情报City Information 美女 ■昂贵之美 英国模特凯特・摩斯的纯金塑像于2008年10月4日至2009年1月25日在大英博物馆展出。塑像名为“魅女”,由纯金铸成,重50千克,价值280万美元,是由英国著名艺术家马克・奎恩创作的。 A solid gold sculpture of British supermodel Kate Moss worth 2.8 million US dollars was unveiled in London. The 50 kilograms work was created by the famous artist Marc Quinn. ■韵味之美 南京夫子庙小学在夫子庙大成殿内举办了一年级新生的入学典礼。一年级新生们穿上传统的服装,举行中国最传统的开笔礼。新生们手持《论语》,齐声朗读三字经,极具中国传统韵味。 Nanjing Fuzi Miao (Confucius Temple) Primary school held an entrance ceremony for the new students in Dacheng Palace, Confucius Temple. The students wore traditional dress. ■狂放之美 美国流行天后麦当娜于日前展开她的世界巡回演唱会的演出。在英国的演出中,麦当娜跨坐马鞍上,在舞台上空盘旋展现舞技、背着十字架唱歌;而在柏林的演出中,麦当娜选择在奥林匹克体育馆举行。当日她的造型酷美,黑色酷装,质感吉他,银色个性礼帽。50岁的麦当娜在舞台上依旧性感狂放。 Madonna started her world tour recently. She was dressed up in a style that was very cool and beautiful―black clothes, wonderful guitar, and characteristic silver bowler hat, making Madonna, who is already 50 look sexy and crazy on the stage. ■奥运之美 最近,2008第三届中国(大连)国际服装纺织品博览会首场中外名师时装展演在大连拉开帷幕。由意大利国际著名品牌GATTINONI时装设计师在北京奥运会举办期间设计完成的“奥运之礼”因具有浓厚的北京奥运风情获得好评。 Recently, 2008 the first fashion show of the world famous designers of the 3rd China (Dalian) International Clothing & Textile Exposition was held in Dalian. “Present for Olympics” designed by the famous Italian designer won high praise. ■典雅之美 北京2008年残奥会圣火采集暨火炬接力启动仪式在天坛公园祈年殿南广场隆重举行。来自山东青岛的圣火采集使者姜馨田身着长裙,在祈年殿前伸出双臂,上仰及天,下俯为地,表达对天地无限的尊崇;又展开双臂拥抱阳光,将最美好的祝愿献给人间。北京2008年残奥会火炬接力分为“中华文明”和“时代风采”两条线路,前往11个省区市的11个城市同时传递。 The opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games flame collection and torch relay was held in south square, Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest at Beijing's Temple. Jiang Xintian, the flame collector wore a long skirt, opened her arms to hold the sunshine, and gave her best wishes to the world. 城市趣闻 比赛 ■最有趣 不久前,在美国宾州马纳扬克镇举行了一场创意十足的红牛肥皂箱车比赛,参赛者将车子打扮成各种奇怪的造型,在没有动力的情形下滑下坡道。这种肥皂箱车比赛相当受欢迎。 Recently, the Red Bull Soapbox Race was held in Manayunk. The racers crafted outrageous human-powered carts to race against the clock in a downhill sprint to the finish line. ■最考验 别开生面的北美背媳妇大赛在滑雪胜地美国缅因州开锣,主办方准备了别出心裁的奖品。冠军夫妻将获得相当于妻子体重的啤酒,和等于妻子体重数五倍的现金。 The Annual North American Wife Carrying Contest was held at Sunday River Ski Resort in Bethel, Maine. The winners could receive the wife's weight in beer and five times the wife's weight in cash. ■最幸福 不久前,在美国纽约时代广场举办了疯狂新娘爬冻蛋糕比赛。准新娘们的最终目标是在最短的时间内爬上巨型结婚蛋糕的顶部拿到花束,获胜的新娘子赢得2.5万美元的奖金。最终来自纽约州的准新娘获胜。 The Bridezillas Cake Eating Contest was held in Times Square, New York. The winner could get 25,000 US Dollars. At last, a bride-to-be from the State of New York won the contest. ■最艰难 2008年8月25日,来自世界各地的选手聚集在英国小镇拉努蒂德韦尔斯参加世界沼泽潜水大赛。这项比赛在一条1.2米深的水渠中进行,参赛选手脚穿脚蹼,用通气管呼吸。比赛用时最短的选手获得“世界沼泽潜水冠军”的头衔。 On August 25, 2008, competitors from all over the world participated in the World Bog Snorkelling Championship in a small town of Britain. The competitors passed through a 1.2-meter-deep water channel. They wore flippers and breathed with snorkels. ■最浪漫 探戈有一种狂野、张扬而性感的美,最原始的探戈起源于布宜诺斯艾利斯。现在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯正在举办一场世界探戈舞大赛,在当地的街道和酒吧都可以看到人们翩翩起舞的身姿。最初跳探戈的男子大抵都是要系带短刀或者匕首的,而探戈特有的左顾右盼就是为了防止情敌的突然出现,这种说法应该是最为浪漫的。 The very first tango originated from Buenos Aires. Now Buenos Aires, Argentina is holding a world tango competition. The local people can see the beautiful dancing postures everywhere.