

Select the requirements of recruiting expatriates

在国际人力资源管理研究范畴中, 人才招募、招聘、训练、发展、薪酬、外派、回任及劳资关系, 任一环节对企业国际化之成败均具举足轻重之重要性. 外派主管, 除了必须在文化、政治、经济、法律条件与母国截然不同的环境中独立作战外, 还须具备较一般员工更高之抗压性及领导智能. 跨国企业外派人员的遴选, 除传统的遴选方式外应针对驻在国的特殊国情如语言、政治、社会、文化及抗压性分别加权评核。伴随全球经济的发展,跨国经营企业对外派人员的需求量日渐增加,选择合适的外派人员已成为决定跨国经营成败的关键影响因素。招聘招聘是人力资源管理的基础工作,是企业招募人才的主要途径。为此,跨国经营企业外派人员的招聘要从具体需求出发,以期能为跨国经营企业外派人员的选择提供有益的参考。

International Human Resource Management in the category, talent recruitment, recruitment, training, development, compensation, assignment, back office, and labor relations, any part of the internationalization of enterprises have a vital importance of the success or failure. Expatriate director , in addition to the cultural, political, economic, legal articles and home country completely different environment, fighting alone, be with more than ordinary members of the resistance to stress and intelligent leadership . State enterprises expatriate selection, in addition to the selection, methods of transmission should be special conditions for host countries, such as language, political, social, cultural and compression, respectively, the weighted assessment. With the development of the global economy, China Business enterprise outside the growing demand for school staff, choose the right business expatriates into the country decide the success or failure of key factors. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation for human resource management is the main way

companies recruit talent. To this end, state enterprises of the recruitment of expatriates to the specific needs of start of state-run enterprise for the choice of expatriates provide a useful reference. factors. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation for human resource management is the main way companies recruit talent. To this end, state enterprises of the recruitment of expatriates to the specific needs of start of state-run enterprise for the choice of expatriates provide a useful reference.

外派人员的定义是外派人员(Expatriates)是指由母公司任命的在东道国工作的母国公民或第三国公民,也包括在母公司工作的外国公民,其中以在东道国工作的母国公民为主。由于外派成为了跨国公司人力资源制度的特殊组成部分,因此研究如何选拔恰当的外派人员成为了跨国公司的一道难题。外派人员的重要性是在全球化浪潮中的跨国公司,不仅满足于母国的控制权,更因为各种战略因素,将公司的发展路径开辟到其他地区。对外扩张的不仅仅是材料、资金,还有人力资源——外派人员,从而为公司赢得远方竞争的战略优势。外派人员的招聘与招聘是跨国经营管理中的核心环节是外派人员在外的作用,不仅仅是引导帮助东道国的经营生产,更重要的是维持跨国公司在东道国与母国的联系与整体运作,是跨国经营管理中的重要因素。因此,对此重要因素的选取应十分谨慎与科学,从外派人力资源的来源开始,就应该选择最合适的人选。外派人员的招聘与招聘,对跨国公司全球战略的成功实施十分重要。跨国公司的员工配备有三个来源: The definition of expatriate expatriates (Expatriates) is appointed by the parent company's home country in the host country as citizens or third country citizens, but also in the parent company for foreign citizens, which in the host country mainly for the home country citizens. As the assignments became the company's human resources system in the country as part of the special, so study how to select the right company expatriates into the country a difficult problem. The importance of expatriates in the globalization of multinational

companies, not satisfied with the home country control, but because of various strategic factors, the company's growth path will be open to the region. External expansion of the non- The material, capital, human resources - Expatriates, and won the party struggle for the company's strategic advantage. Recruitment and the recruitment of expatriates is the country's nuclear business management aspect is the role of expatriates abroad, not a boot camp to help the host country of production, more importantly, held in the host country and home country for contacts and overall, is the country an important factor in business management. Therefore, an important factor in this selection should be very careful with the science, the source of the beginning of human resources assignment, you should choose the most suitable candidate. The recruitment of expatriates and the recruitment of State companies important to the successful implementation of global strategy. States members of the company is equipped with three sources:


First, sent by the head office, known as the expatriate;


Second, citizens of the host country of employment;


任。在招聘中,重要的管理人员和技术人员都来自母国,当地雇员仅占据低层次和辅助性的职位。并且在经理和技术员工人力资源配置的各个方面,公司都倾向于遵循母公司的人力资源配置方式。采取多中心法的人员配备,一般母国公民还是占据高层管理职位和技术职位,而中层管理职位会招聘一些东道国公民担任。采取全球中心法则在世界范围选择最合适于职位的人选,而不考虑其国籍。地区中心法是根据地理区域划分来招聘员工,人员在地区间流动,高层管理人员从母国招募,中下层管理人员从地区内的国家招聘。不同的人员配备政策有其各自的优缺点确定外派人员的范围,一方面要考虑到工作性质是否要求外来人力资源,避免员工外派的时间浪费;另一方面,还要考虑到外派人员所需的高成本。 对于任何初期建设、并购的企业而言,总经理和财务总监是必须的外派核心人员,规模稍大的企业则需要派出人力资源总监。这些外派人员是一个企业管理的核心团队,这些人能够真正在新的企业中形成有利于母公司的价值理念和管理体系。因此,跨国公司外派人员的综合素质之分重要——科学的外派人员招聘标准有助于识别最合适的外派人员。John B.Cullen 提出了选拔与招聘的五个标准,分别为工作因素、交际能力、国际动机、家庭状况及语言技巧。在招聘选拔过程中,跨国公司会广泛使用面谈、标准化测试、评估中心、简历、工作试用、推荐等方法,其中面谈是最广泛使用并被认为是最有效的方法。

Third, the employment citizens of third countries. Company in the country into the early stages of the host country, usually from countries which are to carry out business activities and with local government. In the entry for some time, multinational companies tend to hire local workers. But not entirely, because the country depends on its corporate staff recruitment policy adopted staffing, staffing policy of the country's four: national in France, more than in France, the world of Law, law areas, all reflect the state of each strategy management and international business management company. Nation in staffing France is the country's key positions in the company of all officers by the home country. In recruitment, the key management personnel and technical personnel from the home country, the local employees hold low-level and auxiliary positions. And technicians in the management and all aspects of human

resources, companies tend to follow the parent company's human resource allocation. To take over the law, staffing, general citizens of the home country is occupied level management positions and technical positions, while the middle management positions will recruit a number of host country citizens. To take the world in Rule in the world choose the most suitable candidates in the job, regardless of their nationality. Region method is based on geographic area to recruit members, staff mobility between regions, the home country level management recruitment, middle and lower management staff recruitment within the region countries. Different staffing policies have their own advantages and disadvantages of the scope of Ding expatriates, on the one hand, to major 性质 to consider asking the external human Zi Yuan, to avoid the assignment of the time Lang Fei Yuan; the other hand, taking into account the cost of expatriate personnel. For any initial set up, mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, the total Management and Chief Financial Officer is required assignment of nuclear personnel, the scale of larger companies will need to send Director of Human Resources. Some expatriates is a business management of the nuclear team, some people can really form a new enterprise management conducive to the value of the parent company and management system. As such, the quality of the company a

combined expatriate distinction important - scientific expatriate recruitment criteria help to identify the most suitable expatriates. John B. Cullen Proposed five criteria selection and recruitment, job factors, respectively, communicative competence, international motivation, family status and language skills. In the recruitment selection process, multinational corporations will be widely used interviews, standardized tests, assessment centers, resume, work trial, recommended by other methods, in which the interview is the most widely used and is considered the most effective method.

Michael Harveya, Milorad M.Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling(2002)提出了一个具有应用性的多元IQ 选拔量表。他们将IQ 分为三大类:分析性智力(Analytical intelligence ),即对解决方案的计划、执行、评估,包括认知IQ 、情感IQ ;实践性智力(Practical intelligence),即从常识、直觉和智谋中获得隐性知识以适应未知的环境,包括行政IQ 、文化社会I Q 、组织I Q 、网络I Q ;创造性智力(Creative intelligence ),即对新问题和环境发展革新性的解决方案的能力,包括革新IQ 、直觉IQ 。这三类IQ 共计为8 个IQ 衡量因素,他们在此基础上进一步分析了在哪种外派环境下更应注重哪类IQ :(1 )认知I Q (C o g n i t i v eintelligence):一种传统的对智力的衡量,它主要关注推理、学习和分析性思考的能力。当察觉国外市场机会存在很高的复杂性时,该IQ 因素在选拔过程中会更为重要。(2 )情感I Q (E m o t i o n a lintelligence):包括感知他人的感觉并在不同的环境下有效控制感情的能力,能处理压力以致绩效不被感情影响,具备充足的能量并努力达到目标,在独特的环境中能做决策以及根据复杂环境调整决策的能力,与主流文化相适应的行为,对处于不同文化背景的人的敏感和同情等。当尤其要求具备情感控制和解决技巧来解决内外部利益相关者的价值冲突问题时,就尤其需要更高的情感IQ 。(3)行政IQ (Political intelligence ):指在公司中使用正式或非正式权力以达到目标的能力,以及知道在公司中如何谨慎地、明智地并巧妙地使用权力的能力。当尤其要求需要非正式资源和手段来管理内外部利益相关者时,越是要求具备这种IQ 。

Michael Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling (2002) proposed an application of multi-scale IQ selection. They IQ into three categories: analytical intelligence (Analytical intelligence), that is the solution of planning, implementation, evaluation, including

cognitive IQ, emotional IQ; practical intelligence (Practical intelligence), that is, from common sense, intuition and resourcefulness to obtain tacit knowledge to adapt to unknown environments, including administrative IQ, cultural and social IQ, organizational IQ, network IQ; Creative Intelligence (Creative intelligence), which issues and environmental development of new innovative solutions capabilities, including innovation IQ, intuitive IQ. These three categories for a total of eight IQ IQ Measure factors, they further analyzed the basis of environment in which the assignment should pay attention to what kind of IQ: (1) cognitive IQ

(C ognitiv eintelligence): a traditional measure of intelligence, it is mainly concerned about the reasoning , learning and analytical thinking. When the perceived market opportunities abroad, a high complexity, the IQ factor in the selection process will be more important. (2) Emotional IQ (E motiona lintelligence ): Includes perceiving other that the feel of the different feelings of Effective control ability, can handle the pressure Ying Xiang Yi Zhi performance not to be emotional, with sufficient energy and towards achieving goals, in the unique environment in the complex environment can do Juece Yijigenju adjust the decision-making, and mainstream culturally appropriate behavior, in different cultures such as the sensitivity and compassion. When the particular

requirements with emotional control and resolution skills to resolve internal and external stakeholders of the value of conflict, the more emotional on the particular needs of IQ. (3) Administrative IQ (Political intelligence ): Refers to companies that use formal or informal power to achieve the objectives of the capability and know how in the company carefully, wisely and skillfully use the power capacity. When the particular needs of informal resources and tools required to manage internal and external stakeholders, the more we ask with that IQ.

(4)社会/文化IQ (Cultural/socialintelligence):指一个人在社会、组织或亚文化中社会化的程度,在不同的环境下对角色、规范、惯例和禁忌的接受和理解。当尤其要求社会知识来评估由于文化的变化、复杂和敌意造成总部和国外子公司间存在的差异时,越是要求具备社会/ 文化IQ 。(5 )组织IQ (Organizationalintelligence ):对组织的功能运作以及什么时候完成什么目标有细致精确的理解。当越是要求对总部和分公司的正式政策、员工关系和可接受的管理实践间的兼容性具有特定的知识和系统的理解时,越是要求具备组织IQ 。(6)网络IQ (Network intelligence ):与多个组织单位工作时完成事情的能力,通过有效的认可、理解和管理组织间关系来达成组织目标。当越是要求发展总部与东道国市场间制度的和个人网络关系时,越是要求具备网络IQ 。(7 )创新I Q (I n n o v a t i v eintelligence):思想具有分离性和革新性,能产生新奇的思想和解决问题的方案,具有洞察力并足智多谋,能够找到独特的解决方式。当要求在总部和国外子公司之间交换隐性知识时,越是要求创造IQ 。(8)直觉IQ (Intuitive intelligence ):快速洞察如何解决问题的能力,没有过去的经验或前人的信息也能提出解决方案。当尤其要求探索性地学习来掌握特定地方习惯、或推行地方战略时,越是要求具备直觉IQ 。在这些因素的基础上,M i c h a e l Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb,Timothy Kiessling给出了一个选拔矩阵。

(4) social / cultural IQ (Cultural / socialintelligence): means a person in the community, organization or sub-culture, the degree of socialization in different environments on the roles, norms, practices and taboos of acceptance and understanding. In particular, social knowledge when asked to assess for cultural change, complexity and

hostility caused by the headquarters and foreign subsidiaries differences exist between the more demands with social / cultural IQ.

(5) Organizational IQ (Organizationalintelligence ): The functions of the organization and when the operation of what goals to complete accurate and detailed understanding. When the headquarters and branch offices require more formal policy, employee relations and management practices acceptable to the compatibility between the systems with specific knowledge and understanding, the more we ask with organizations IQ. (6) Network IQ (Network intelligence): number of organizational units with the ability to do work completed through the effective recognition, understanding and managing inter-organizational relationships to achieve organizational goals. When the more the demand for the market between headquarters and the host system and personal network ties, the more we ask a network IQ. (7) Innovation IQ (I nnovativ eintelligence): Separation and innovative thinking is, can generate new ideas and solutions to the problem, insightful and resourceful, able to find a unique solution. When asked in the exchange between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries of tacit knowledge, the more we ask the creation of IQ. (8) intuition IQ (Intuitive intelligence): quick insight into how to solve problems, not the past experience or previous information can also propose solutions. When the particular requirements of

exploratory learning to master the specific local practices, or implementation of local strategies, the more we ask with intuitive IQ. Based on these factors, M ichael Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling gives a selection matrix.

首先,跨国公司可以根据不同的个人、组织、社会环境给8 个要素分别打分,由此可以识别出不同类型的跨国公司、面对不同的海外市场开发阶段,挑选出最适合的外派人员。

First, TNCs can different individuals, organizations, environment for eight factors are scoring, It can identify different types of transnational corporations is confronted with different overseas market development phase, Select the most appropriate of the assignment people .


According to the leading scholars in the study, the author summarizes several of the more important selection criteria for the expatriate staff were:


(1) skill factors: mainly on the hard skills of expatriates, has been including technical ability, language ability, international business knowledge and performance in the domestic or overseas performance


(2) Cross-Cultural Competence: The main study of the exotic culture of tolerance, empathy is good, the manager whether I ethnocentrism,

and whether such prejudice ect.

(3)管理能力/ 个人特征:该项因素可以用Michael 等提出的多元IQ 量表中的七项IQ 指标(其中社会/ 文化IQ 可归属为跨文化能力)进行测量,其涵盖了大部分的个人特征因素。

(3) management / personal characteristics: the factors that can be made with Michael and other multi-scale IQ in the IQ of the seven indicators (including social / cultural IQ could be attributed to cross-cultural competence) measure, which covers most of personal characteristics factor.


(4) personality factors: can the traditional "Big Five" personality factors measured, but the shape of small scale, and mixed results in practice.


(5) Family factors and personal preferences: Study the candidates spouses and children of expatriate employment and education; personnel sent to work outside their own career aspirations and development of the stage, as an important supporting factor in the selection. Of course, the impact of expatriate success include organizations, overseas environment, as well as other series, such as for staff training and development assignment, the parent company headquarters and subsidiaries with the support and proper home

placement plan. But only do the first step selection, to the assignment to lay a good foundation for success.


7. The recruitment of expatriates Precautions

(1)准确的工作分析 工作分析是人员招聘的依据和基础。科学到位的工作分析能帮助企业理顺管理流程,分清管理职责,也能帮助企业确定人员招聘的标准。企业外派人员的工作分析,不仅仅针对工作职位本身,还应当拓展到对东道国环境分析、派驻机构环境分析和外派职位工作环境分析。只有做好工作分析,确定职位对外派人员的要求标准,才能有效实施外派人员的招聘,达到推动企业跨国经营的目的。

(1) accurate analysis of the work is the basis and foundation for recruitment. Analysis of scientific work place can help companies streamline management processes, to distinguish between management responsibilities, but also can help companies determine the recruitment criteria. Expatriate staff of companies, not just for the job itself should also be extended to the host country environmental analysis, environmental analysis and the presence of institutional work environment of job assignment. Only do a good job analysis to determine the positions on the expatriate staff of the required standard in order to effectively implement the recruitment of expatriate staff, to encourage enterprises to multinational business purposes.

(2) 全方位的考核 外派人员招聘是以人力资源部门为主体,业务部门辅助进行的流程。有许多公司在外派人员招聘中,将员工的国内表现与海外潜力等同起来,并据此标准选拔担任海外职务的候选人,而当他们真正身处异地时,就发生了难以适应环境或没有实现公司期望目标等各种问题。因此,考察候选人的在国内为表现出来的隐性素质条件更为重要。对于候选人的招聘和考评应当是全方位的,不应仅仅包括工作的技能、专业知识、语言能力、交际的能力,还要考核其对于外派工作的热情、对东道国文化的兴趣程度以及家庭对于外派工作的支持程


(2) comprehensive assessment is expatriate recruitment of human resources as the main business processes supporting. There are many companies in the recruitment of expatriates, the members of the potential domestic and overseas are equated, and thus the standard selection of candidates as an overseas office, and when real time are in different places, they happen the difficulty to adapt to the environment or not achieved the desired goals and other company issues. Therefore, investigate the candidate to stand out in the country's hidden quality is more important article. For candidates to recruit and evaluation should be comprehensive and should not include For the skills, expertise, language ability, communication ability, should be examined for the enthusiasm for the assignment, the level of interest to the host culture and family for the degree of support for the assignment.

(3) 加强外派候选人人才库建设 外派人员的招聘需要跨国企业投入大量的人力、财力和物力支持, 重复的人员招聘不仅增加了企业的人力资源管理成本,而且浪费了企业的经营时间。建立外派候选人人才库,及时记录每次人员测评后的测评结果, 将表现优异、符合外派条件的人员的基本信息登记录入人才库。这样一方面企业不需要到处寻找,浪费过多的时间和精力,可以节省招聘成本; 另一方面,人才库的信息详细记录的员工的基本情况,可以降低企业人才外派的风险。

(3) to strengthen the pool of candidates for expatriate assignments based recruitment needs of multinational enterprises invest considerable human, financial and material support, to repeat the recruitment of personnel increased the cost of enterprise human resource management, and a waste of time for doing business.

Expatriate pool of candidates, evaluation and timely records of each officer's evaluation after the fruit is excellent to meet the assignment section of the staff input basic information about the registration pool. While companies do not need to drive around to look like a waste of time and energy saving recruitment costs; on the other hand, detailed information on the pool of staff records Basic information, can reduce the risk of enterprise talent assignment.

(4) 构建“三位一体”的外派人员选拔体系 企业外派的成败直接决定着企业在东道国的发展。企业进行外派人员选拔时应该考虑其是否能胜任外派的工作。外派人员的选派应该建立“三位一体”的选派体系,包括文化适应力、专业知识和技能、个人素质三个方面,从而形成一个整体。此外,由于目前在外派过程中经常发生外派人员利用职权私自侵吞公司资产的不法行为,因此还应加强对外派人员基本道德的考核, 避免其产生对公司不利的败德行为。但是,这些能力和素质往往具有隐藏性,不易被识别和测量。

(4) organization "Trinity" corporate expatriates expatriate selection system determines the success or failure of enterprise development in the host country. Business expatriates should be considered when selecting their suitability for assignment. Expatriate personnel selected should be "one" selected system, including the cultural adaptability, professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities are three aspects to form a whole. Moreover, as often occurs in the assignment process of expatriates used his authority to have embezzled company assets was illegal, so To the outside to send the assessment of basic morality, to avoid its formation the company to negative moral hazard. However, these abilities and qualities are often hidden and difficult to be identified and measured.


Therefore, enterprises must adopt scientific methods and quality of staff to test these capabilities. Enterprises through the interviews, assessment center and other means, you can send through the external short-term training of personnel plus a further assessment of the "reverse selected" approach. In addition, enterprises can set up a special body responsible for overseas operations, for the selection and training of expatriate training, organizational assignment team, coordination of overseas subsidiaries and the headquarters or other departments within the company's relationship to help the team and so stationed overseas duty to promote the parent company and overseas subsidiaries and smooth communication between the close.


Select the requirements of recruiting expatriates

在国际人力资源管理研究范畴中, 人才招募、招聘、训练、发展、薪酬、外派、回任及劳资关系, 任一环节对企业国际化之成败均具举足轻重之重要性. 外派主管, 除了必须在文化、政治、经济、法律条件与母国截然不同的环境中独立作战外, 还须具备较一般员工更高之抗压性及领导智能. 跨国企业外派人员的遴选, 除传统的遴选方式外应针对驻在国的特殊国情如语言、政治、社会、文化及抗压性分别加权评核。伴随全球经济的发展,跨国经营企业对外派人员的需求量日渐增加,选择合适的外派人员已成为决定跨国经营成败的关键影响因素。招聘招聘是人力资源管理的基础工作,是企业招募人才的主要途径。为此,跨国经营企业外派人员的招聘要从具体需求出发,以期能为跨国经营企业外派人员的选择提供有益的参考。

International Human Resource Management in the category, talent recruitment, recruitment, training, development, compensation, assignment, back office, and labor relations, any part of the internationalization of enterprises have a vital importance of the success or failure. Expatriate director , in addition to the cultural, political, economic, legal articles and home country completely different environment, fighting alone, be with more than ordinary members of the resistance to stress and intelligent leadership . State enterprises expatriate selection, in addition to the selection, methods of transmission should be special conditions for host countries, such as language, political, social, cultural and compression, respectively, the weighted assessment. With the development of the global economy, China Business enterprise outside the growing demand for school staff, choose the right business expatriates into the country decide the success or failure of key factors. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation for human resource management is the main way

companies recruit talent. To this end, state enterprises of the recruitment of expatriates to the specific needs of start of state-run enterprise for the choice of expatriates provide a useful reference. factors. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation for human resource management is the main way companies recruit talent. To this end, state enterprises of the recruitment of expatriates to the specific needs of start of state-run enterprise for the choice of expatriates provide a useful reference.

外派人员的定义是外派人员(Expatriates)是指由母公司任命的在东道国工作的母国公民或第三国公民,也包括在母公司工作的外国公民,其中以在东道国工作的母国公民为主。由于外派成为了跨国公司人力资源制度的特殊组成部分,因此研究如何选拔恰当的外派人员成为了跨国公司的一道难题。外派人员的重要性是在全球化浪潮中的跨国公司,不仅满足于母国的控制权,更因为各种战略因素,将公司的发展路径开辟到其他地区。对外扩张的不仅仅是材料、资金,还有人力资源——外派人员,从而为公司赢得远方竞争的战略优势。外派人员的招聘与招聘是跨国经营管理中的核心环节是外派人员在外的作用,不仅仅是引导帮助东道国的经营生产,更重要的是维持跨国公司在东道国与母国的联系与整体运作,是跨国经营管理中的重要因素。因此,对此重要因素的选取应十分谨慎与科学,从外派人力资源的来源开始,就应该选择最合适的人选。外派人员的招聘与招聘,对跨国公司全球战略的成功实施十分重要。跨国公司的员工配备有三个来源: The definition of expatriate expatriates (Expatriates) is appointed by the parent company's home country in the host country as citizens or third country citizens, but also in the parent company for foreign citizens, which in the host country mainly for the home country citizens. As the assignments became the company's human resources system in the country as part of the special, so study how to select the right company expatriates into the country a difficult problem. The importance of expatriates in the globalization of multinational

companies, not satisfied with the home country control, but because of various strategic factors, the company's growth path will be open to the region. External expansion of the non- The material, capital, human resources - Expatriates, and won the party struggle for the company's strategic advantage. Recruitment and the recruitment of expatriates is the country's nuclear business management aspect is the role of expatriates abroad, not a boot camp to help the host country of production, more importantly, held in the host country and home country for contacts and overall, is the country an important factor in business management. Therefore, an important factor in this selection should be very careful with the science, the source of the beginning of human resources assignment, you should choose the most suitable candidate. The recruitment of expatriates and the recruitment of State companies important to the successful implementation of global strategy. States members of the company is equipped with three sources:


First, sent by the head office, known as the expatriate;


Second, citizens of the host country of employment;


任。在招聘中,重要的管理人员和技术人员都来自母国,当地雇员仅占据低层次和辅助性的职位。并且在经理和技术员工人力资源配置的各个方面,公司都倾向于遵循母公司的人力资源配置方式。采取多中心法的人员配备,一般母国公民还是占据高层管理职位和技术职位,而中层管理职位会招聘一些东道国公民担任。采取全球中心法则在世界范围选择最合适于职位的人选,而不考虑其国籍。地区中心法是根据地理区域划分来招聘员工,人员在地区间流动,高层管理人员从母国招募,中下层管理人员从地区内的国家招聘。不同的人员配备政策有其各自的优缺点确定外派人员的范围,一方面要考虑到工作性质是否要求外来人力资源,避免员工外派的时间浪费;另一方面,还要考虑到外派人员所需的高成本。 对于任何初期建设、并购的企业而言,总经理和财务总监是必须的外派核心人员,规模稍大的企业则需要派出人力资源总监。这些外派人员是一个企业管理的核心团队,这些人能够真正在新的企业中形成有利于母公司的价值理念和管理体系。因此,跨国公司外派人员的综合素质之分重要——科学的外派人员招聘标准有助于识别最合适的外派人员。John B.Cullen 提出了选拔与招聘的五个标准,分别为工作因素、交际能力、国际动机、家庭状况及语言技巧。在招聘选拔过程中,跨国公司会广泛使用面谈、标准化测试、评估中心、简历、工作试用、推荐等方法,其中面谈是最广泛使用并被认为是最有效的方法。

Third, the employment citizens of third countries. Company in the country into the early stages of the host country, usually from countries which are to carry out business activities and with local government. In the entry for some time, multinational companies tend to hire local workers. But not entirely, because the country depends on its corporate staff recruitment policy adopted staffing, staffing policy of the country's four: national in France, more than in France, the world of Law, law areas, all reflect the state of each strategy management and international business management company. Nation in staffing France is the country's key positions in the company of all officers by the home country. In recruitment, the key management personnel and technical personnel from the home country, the local employees hold low-level and auxiliary positions. And technicians in the management and all aspects of human

resources, companies tend to follow the parent company's human resource allocation. To take over the law, staffing, general citizens of the home country is occupied level management positions and technical positions, while the middle management positions will recruit a number of host country citizens. To take the world in Rule in the world choose the most suitable candidates in the job, regardless of their nationality. Region method is based on geographic area to recruit members, staff mobility between regions, the home country level management recruitment, middle and lower management staff recruitment within the region countries. Different staffing policies have their own advantages and disadvantages of the scope of Ding expatriates, on the one hand, to major 性质 to consider asking the external human Zi Yuan, to avoid the assignment of the time Lang Fei Yuan; the other hand, taking into account the cost of expatriate personnel. For any initial set up, mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, the total Management and Chief Financial Officer is required assignment of nuclear personnel, the scale of larger companies will need to send Director of Human Resources. Some expatriates is a business management of the nuclear team, some people can really form a new enterprise management conducive to the value of the parent company and management system. As such, the quality of the company a

combined expatriate distinction important - scientific expatriate recruitment criteria help to identify the most suitable expatriates. John B. Cullen Proposed five criteria selection and recruitment, job factors, respectively, communicative competence, international motivation, family status and language skills. In the recruitment selection process, multinational corporations will be widely used interviews, standardized tests, assessment centers, resume, work trial, recommended by other methods, in which the interview is the most widely used and is considered the most effective method.

Michael Harveya, Milorad M.Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling(2002)提出了一个具有应用性的多元IQ 选拔量表。他们将IQ 分为三大类:分析性智力(Analytical intelligence ),即对解决方案的计划、执行、评估,包括认知IQ 、情感IQ ;实践性智力(Practical intelligence),即从常识、直觉和智谋中获得隐性知识以适应未知的环境,包括行政IQ 、文化社会I Q 、组织I Q 、网络I Q ;创造性智力(Creative intelligence ),即对新问题和环境发展革新性的解决方案的能力,包括革新IQ 、直觉IQ 。这三类IQ 共计为8 个IQ 衡量因素,他们在此基础上进一步分析了在哪种外派环境下更应注重哪类IQ :(1 )认知I Q (C o g n i t i v eintelligence):一种传统的对智力的衡量,它主要关注推理、学习和分析性思考的能力。当察觉国外市场机会存在很高的复杂性时,该IQ 因素在选拔过程中会更为重要。(2 )情感I Q (E m o t i o n a lintelligence):包括感知他人的感觉并在不同的环境下有效控制感情的能力,能处理压力以致绩效不被感情影响,具备充足的能量并努力达到目标,在独特的环境中能做决策以及根据复杂环境调整决策的能力,与主流文化相适应的行为,对处于不同文化背景的人的敏感和同情等。当尤其要求具备情感控制和解决技巧来解决内外部利益相关者的价值冲突问题时,就尤其需要更高的情感IQ 。(3)行政IQ (Political intelligence ):指在公司中使用正式或非正式权力以达到目标的能力,以及知道在公司中如何谨慎地、明智地并巧妙地使用权力的能力。当尤其要求需要非正式资源和手段来管理内外部利益相关者时,越是要求具备这种IQ 。

Michael Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling (2002) proposed an application of multi-scale IQ selection. They IQ into three categories: analytical intelligence (Analytical intelligence), that is the solution of planning, implementation, evaluation, including

cognitive IQ, emotional IQ; practical intelligence (Practical intelligence), that is, from common sense, intuition and resourcefulness to obtain tacit knowledge to adapt to unknown environments, including administrative IQ, cultural and social IQ, organizational IQ, network IQ; Creative Intelligence (Creative intelligence), which issues and environmental development of new innovative solutions capabilities, including innovation IQ, intuitive IQ. These three categories for a total of eight IQ IQ Measure factors, they further analyzed the basis of environment in which the assignment should pay attention to what kind of IQ: (1) cognitive IQ

(C ognitiv eintelligence): a traditional measure of intelligence, it is mainly concerned about the reasoning , learning and analytical thinking. When the perceived market opportunities abroad, a high complexity, the IQ factor in the selection process will be more important. (2) Emotional IQ (E motiona lintelligence ): Includes perceiving other that the feel of the different feelings of Effective control ability, can handle the pressure Ying Xiang Yi Zhi performance not to be emotional, with sufficient energy and towards achieving goals, in the unique environment in the complex environment can do Juece Yijigenju adjust the decision-making, and mainstream culturally appropriate behavior, in different cultures such as the sensitivity and compassion. When the particular

requirements with emotional control and resolution skills to resolve internal and external stakeholders of the value of conflict, the more emotional on the particular needs of IQ. (3) Administrative IQ (Political intelligence ): Refers to companies that use formal or informal power to achieve the objectives of the capability and know how in the company carefully, wisely and skillfully use the power capacity. When the particular needs of informal resources and tools required to manage internal and external stakeholders, the more we ask with that IQ.

(4)社会/文化IQ (Cultural/socialintelligence):指一个人在社会、组织或亚文化中社会化的程度,在不同的环境下对角色、规范、惯例和禁忌的接受和理解。当尤其要求社会知识来评估由于文化的变化、复杂和敌意造成总部和国外子公司间存在的差异时,越是要求具备社会/ 文化IQ 。(5 )组织IQ (Organizationalintelligence ):对组织的功能运作以及什么时候完成什么目标有细致精确的理解。当越是要求对总部和分公司的正式政策、员工关系和可接受的管理实践间的兼容性具有特定的知识和系统的理解时,越是要求具备组织IQ 。(6)网络IQ (Network intelligence ):与多个组织单位工作时完成事情的能力,通过有效的认可、理解和管理组织间关系来达成组织目标。当越是要求发展总部与东道国市场间制度的和个人网络关系时,越是要求具备网络IQ 。(7 )创新I Q (I n n o v a t i v eintelligence):思想具有分离性和革新性,能产生新奇的思想和解决问题的方案,具有洞察力并足智多谋,能够找到独特的解决方式。当要求在总部和国外子公司之间交换隐性知识时,越是要求创造IQ 。(8)直觉IQ (Intuitive intelligence ):快速洞察如何解决问题的能力,没有过去的经验或前人的信息也能提出解决方案。当尤其要求探索性地学习来掌握特定地方习惯、或推行地方战略时,越是要求具备直觉IQ 。在这些因素的基础上,M i c h a e l Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb,Timothy Kiessling给出了一个选拔矩阵。

(4) social / cultural IQ (Cultural / socialintelligence): means a person in the community, organization or sub-culture, the degree of socialization in different environments on the roles, norms, practices and taboos of acceptance and understanding. In particular, social knowledge when asked to assess for cultural change, complexity and

hostility caused by the headquarters and foreign subsidiaries differences exist between the more demands with social / cultural IQ.

(5) Organizational IQ (Organizationalintelligence ): The functions of the organization and when the operation of what goals to complete accurate and detailed understanding. When the headquarters and branch offices require more formal policy, employee relations and management practices acceptable to the compatibility between the systems with specific knowledge and understanding, the more we ask with organizations IQ. (6) Network IQ (Network intelligence): number of organizational units with the ability to do work completed through the effective recognition, understanding and managing inter-organizational relationships to achieve organizational goals. When the more the demand for the market between headquarters and the host system and personal network ties, the more we ask a network IQ. (7) Innovation IQ (I nnovativ eintelligence): Separation and innovative thinking is, can generate new ideas and solutions to the problem, insightful and resourceful, able to find a unique solution. When asked in the exchange between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries of tacit knowledge, the more we ask the creation of IQ. (8) intuition IQ (Intuitive intelligence): quick insight into how to solve problems, not the past experience or previous information can also propose solutions. When the particular requirements of

exploratory learning to master the specific local practices, or implementation of local strategies, the more we ask with intuitive IQ. Based on these factors, M ichael Harveya, Milorad M. Novicevicb, Timothy Kiessling gives a selection matrix.

首先,跨国公司可以根据不同的个人、组织、社会环境给8 个要素分别打分,由此可以识别出不同类型的跨国公司、面对不同的海外市场开发阶段,挑选出最适合的外派人员。

First, TNCs can different individuals, organizations, environment for eight factors are scoring, It can identify different types of transnational corporations is confronted with different overseas market development phase, Select the most appropriate of the assignment people .


According to the leading scholars in the study, the author summarizes several of the more important selection criteria for the expatriate staff were:


(1) skill factors: mainly on the hard skills of expatriates, has been including technical ability, language ability, international business knowledge and performance in the domestic or overseas performance


(2) Cross-Cultural Competence: The main study of the exotic culture of tolerance, empathy is good, the manager whether I ethnocentrism,

and whether such prejudice ect.

(3)管理能力/ 个人特征:该项因素可以用Michael 等提出的多元IQ 量表中的七项IQ 指标(其中社会/ 文化IQ 可归属为跨文化能力)进行测量,其涵盖了大部分的个人特征因素。

(3) management / personal characteristics: the factors that can be made with Michael and other multi-scale IQ in the IQ of the seven indicators (including social / cultural IQ could be attributed to cross-cultural competence) measure, which covers most of personal characteristics factor.


(4) personality factors: can the traditional "Big Five" personality factors measured, but the shape of small scale, and mixed results in practice.


(5) Family factors and personal preferences: Study the candidates spouses and children of expatriate employment and education; personnel sent to work outside their own career aspirations and development of the stage, as an important supporting factor in the selection. Of course, the impact of expatriate success include organizations, overseas environment, as well as other series, such as for staff training and development assignment, the parent company headquarters and subsidiaries with the support and proper home

placement plan. But only do the first step selection, to the assignment to lay a good foundation for success.


7. The recruitment of expatriates Precautions

(1)准确的工作分析 工作分析是人员招聘的依据和基础。科学到位的工作分析能帮助企业理顺管理流程,分清管理职责,也能帮助企业确定人员招聘的标准。企业外派人员的工作分析,不仅仅针对工作职位本身,还应当拓展到对东道国环境分析、派驻机构环境分析和外派职位工作环境分析。只有做好工作分析,确定职位对外派人员的要求标准,才能有效实施外派人员的招聘,达到推动企业跨国经营的目的。

(1) accurate analysis of the work is the basis and foundation for recruitment. Analysis of scientific work place can help companies streamline management processes, to distinguish between management responsibilities, but also can help companies determine the recruitment criteria. Expatriate staff of companies, not just for the job itself should also be extended to the host country environmental analysis, environmental analysis and the presence of institutional work environment of job assignment. Only do a good job analysis to determine the positions on the expatriate staff of the required standard in order to effectively implement the recruitment of expatriate staff, to encourage enterprises to multinational business purposes.

(2) 全方位的考核 外派人员招聘是以人力资源部门为主体,业务部门辅助进行的流程。有许多公司在外派人员招聘中,将员工的国内表现与海外潜力等同起来,并据此标准选拔担任海外职务的候选人,而当他们真正身处异地时,就发生了难以适应环境或没有实现公司期望目标等各种问题。因此,考察候选人的在国内为表现出来的隐性素质条件更为重要。对于候选人的招聘和考评应当是全方位的,不应仅仅包括工作的技能、专业知识、语言能力、交际的能力,还要考核其对于外派工作的热情、对东道国文化的兴趣程度以及家庭对于外派工作的支持程


(2) comprehensive assessment is expatriate recruitment of human resources as the main business processes supporting. There are many companies in the recruitment of expatriates, the members of the potential domestic and overseas are equated, and thus the standard selection of candidates as an overseas office, and when real time are in different places, they happen the difficulty to adapt to the environment or not achieved the desired goals and other company issues. Therefore, investigate the candidate to stand out in the country's hidden quality is more important article. For candidates to recruit and evaluation should be comprehensive and should not include For the skills, expertise, language ability, communication ability, should be examined for the enthusiasm for the assignment, the level of interest to the host culture and family for the degree of support for the assignment.

(3) 加强外派候选人人才库建设 外派人员的招聘需要跨国企业投入大量的人力、财力和物力支持, 重复的人员招聘不仅增加了企业的人力资源管理成本,而且浪费了企业的经营时间。建立外派候选人人才库,及时记录每次人员测评后的测评结果, 将表现优异、符合外派条件的人员的基本信息登记录入人才库。这样一方面企业不需要到处寻找,浪费过多的时间和精力,可以节省招聘成本; 另一方面,人才库的信息详细记录的员工的基本情况,可以降低企业人才外派的风险。

(3) to strengthen the pool of candidates for expatriate assignments based recruitment needs of multinational enterprises invest considerable human, financial and material support, to repeat the recruitment of personnel increased the cost of enterprise human resource management, and a waste of time for doing business.

Expatriate pool of candidates, evaluation and timely records of each officer's evaluation after the fruit is excellent to meet the assignment section of the staff input basic information about the registration pool. While companies do not need to drive around to look like a waste of time and energy saving recruitment costs; on the other hand, detailed information on the pool of staff records Basic information, can reduce the risk of enterprise talent assignment.

(4) 构建“三位一体”的外派人员选拔体系 企业外派的成败直接决定着企业在东道国的发展。企业进行外派人员选拔时应该考虑其是否能胜任外派的工作。外派人员的选派应该建立“三位一体”的选派体系,包括文化适应力、专业知识和技能、个人素质三个方面,从而形成一个整体。此外,由于目前在外派过程中经常发生外派人员利用职权私自侵吞公司资产的不法行为,因此还应加强对外派人员基本道德的考核, 避免其产生对公司不利的败德行为。但是,这些能力和素质往往具有隐藏性,不易被识别和测量。

(4) organization "Trinity" corporate expatriates expatriate selection system determines the success or failure of enterprise development in the host country. Business expatriates should be considered when selecting their suitability for assignment. Expatriate personnel selected should be "one" selected system, including the cultural adaptability, professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities are three aspects to form a whole. Moreover, as often occurs in the assignment process of expatriates used his authority to have embezzled company assets was illegal, so To the outside to send the assessment of basic morality, to avoid its formation the company to negative moral hazard. However, these abilities and qualities are often hidden and difficult to be identified and measured.


Therefore, enterprises must adopt scientific methods and quality of staff to test these capabilities. Enterprises through the interviews, assessment center and other means, you can send through the external short-term training of personnel plus a further assessment of the "reverse selected" approach. In addition, enterprises can set up a special body responsible for overseas operations, for the selection and training of expatriate training, organizational assignment team, coordination of overseas subsidiaries and the headquarters or other departments within the company's relationship to help the team and so stationed overseas duty to promote the parent company and overseas subsidiaries and smooth communication between the close.


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  • 广州斯沃德员工外派培训管理制度2017
  • 广州斯沃德科技有限公司 员工外派培训管理制度 第一章 总则 第一条 本制度适用于斯沃德公司全体员工. 第二条 为了规范公司外派培训管理,通过外派培训使员工学习业界先进知识技能,提高员工素质,特制定此制度. 第三条 公司及分子公司应在上报年度 ...查看

  • 公司外派培训制度
  • 公司外派培训制度 第一条 目的:为满足公司对各类人才的需求,防止员工知识结构老化,公司不定期安排员工或管理人员赴外地参加专业技术或管理培训.为规范公司的外部培训,特制定本制度. 第二条 培训范围:本公司所有在岗的正式员工. 第三条 培训原则 ...查看

  • 22-范例-上海ZZ公司员工培训管理办法
  • 上海公司 员工培训管理办法 二0**年*月 目 录 第一章 总则 ................................................................. 1 第二章 培训内容和形式 ....... ...查看

  • 如何制定培训管理制度
  • ××××集团有限公司 培训管理制度(试行) 第一章 总则 一.本制度是公司培训指导性文件,是公司开展员工培训工作的依据. 二.公司从总体上按培训组织主体分为内部培训和外派培训:内部培训分为新员工入司培训 和在职培训; 在职培训又分为A.B. ...查看

  • 最新劳务派遣方案书
  • 编 号: 劳 务 派 遣 方 案 书 选择博乐-- 就是选择专业 就是选择规范 就是选择满意 就是选择共赢 目 录 第一部分„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公司简介 第二部分„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 劳务 ...查看

  • 连锁酒店培训管理制度
  • 鲜屋连锁酒店培训管理制度 第一章 培训目的 第一条 为满足公司发展和员工职业生涯需求,创建优秀员工队伍,特制定本 培训制度 第二条 本规定适用于公司全体员工. 第二章 培训目标 第三条 经过有计划和系统的培训后,员工对本职位的专业知识.工作 ...查看

  • 外派人员管理规定
  • 外派人员管理规定 (初稿) 第一章 总则 第一条 为了规范外派人员行为,使外派人员的各项工作有章可循,顺利完成湖北国创高新材料股份有限公司(以下简称:股份公司)赋予外派人员的职责和任务,特制定本规定. 第二条 本规定适用于股份公司及子公司所 ...查看
