
Ladies and gentlemen 女士们先生们

Lady first 女士优先

A bad apple

Big Apple 纽约的另种说法

A fat cat 暴发户

A hot potato 大人物

Lose one’s shirt 丧失某人的财产

Keep one’s shirt on 耐着性子不发火

Eat like a bird 吃得少(吃得像小鸟一样)

A small potato 小人物

A big potato 大人物

Laugh and the world laughs with you ; weep and you weep along. 当你笑时,整个世界与你同欢笑;当你哭时,你只有独自哭泣。 The great wall 长城

The summer palace 紫禁城

America 美国

The U.S.A (The United States of America)

Shared joy is a double joy ; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


How about you? 你怎么样?

How about that? 怎么会这样?那个怎么样?

How come? = why? 为什么?

How goes it ? 事情进展如何?

How is it going? 事情进展如何?

Life is just like a field of newly-fallen snow , where you choose to walk , every step will show.


Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.


Be on one’s high horse 趾高气昂的

Fight tooth and nail 奋力作战

White lie 善意的谎言

Eye for eye 以牙还牙

Cup of tea 最喜欢的东西

Face the music 面对现实,勇于承担后果

Out of sight , out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

No pains , no gains 不劳不获

The outsider sees the most of the game 旁观者清

All happy families are alike ; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。 Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


Trouble is part of your life , if you don’t share it , you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.


What’s the matter? 怎么了?什么事?

What ‘s the matter whit sb? Sb怎么了?

It matters 有关系

I’m tired and thirsty. 我又累又渴

Are you all right? 你好点了么?你怎样了?

Keep your fears to yourself , but share your courage with others. 把你的恐惧留给自己,与别人一起分享你的勇气。

Follow your nose 凭直觉走

Be led by the nose 被牵扯着鼻子走

Make one’s mark 使某人出名

Man eater 食人兽,多指极有魅力的女子,疯婆子

Lady killer 多指极有魅力的男子

Money to burn 有很多钱

Make one’s mouth water 使某人垂涎三尺,使某人嫉妒

Meet one’s waterloo 惨遭失败

Many hands make light work 人多力量大,众人拾柴火焰高

Most people are so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. 大多数人忙于求生,而忘了真正的生活。

Be left in the cold 被冷落

A bed of roses 非常开心

Go bananas 发疯了

A black sheep 败家子

A piece of cake 小菜一碟

Do it well or not at all 要做就做最好

Look before you leap 三思而后行

Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难

Happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road , for then the journey is over and it is to late.


Better half (对丈夫或妻子的戏称)

Green thumb 在园艺技能方面比较擅长

Be all ears 全神贯注

Be all thumbs 笨拙的

Kiss something goodbye 忍痛割爱

Keep one’s mouth out of sth 不要多管闲事

Failure is the mother of sussess 失败乃世功之母

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 光工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。

I can never thank you enouth 我对你感激不尽 What’s up? 有什么新鲜事?

Get out of my face 别烦我,离我远点 Bomb 爆!完了,搞砸了

Give me a break 别开玩笑了,让我休息一下。 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑么?

You’re kidding! 开玩笑!

Have a heart 发发善心

Just go for it 放手去做吧

Gross 真恶心

Dump him/her 甩了他/她

I’ll say 我同意

I don’t care 我不在乎

Who cares? 谁管啊?管他呢!

Be careful 小心点

Look out 小心,当心

Mind yourself 小心一点

Watch your step 小心步履

Careless 粗心的

Take care of = look after 照顾

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


I can never thank you enouth 我对你感激不尽

What’s up? 有什么新鲜事?

Get out of my face 别烦我,离我远点

Bomb 爆!完了,搞砸了

Give me a break 别开玩笑了,让我休息一下。

Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑么?

You’re kidding! 开玩笑!

Have a heart 发发善心

Just go for it 放手去做吧

Gross 真恶心

Dump him/her 甩了他/她

I’ll say 我同意

I don’t care 我不在乎

Who cares? 谁管啊?管他呢!

Be careful 小心点

Look out 小心,当心

Mind yourself 小心一点

Watch your step 小心步履

Careless 粗心的

Take care of = look after 照顾

To be angry with a weak person is to prove that you are not strong yourself.


Get out of here 别开玩笑

Kiss up to 拍马屁

Be crazy about 特别喜欢

Flirt with sb 暗送秋波

Make up one’s mind 下定某人决心

Hurry up 快一点

Let’s take a break 休息一会

Wait a minute 等一下

Sit pretty 处于有利的地位

Best man 伴郎

Cry baby 爱唠叨的人,爱抱怨的人

Double dutch 难解的问题

Show one’s true color 露出。。的本色

Take home in doggy bags 打包带走

There is no smoke without fire 无风不起浪

Better late than never 晚来总比不来好

Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败

To say is one thing , to do is another.


There is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own way. 世界上只有一种成功,那就是按照你自己的意愿去度过一生。

We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. 随着年龄的增长,我们并不变得更好,也不变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。

We can’t all be heroes , somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by .

我们不可能都成为英雄,总得有人在英雄走过的路边为他们鼓掌。 Sometimes 有时

Some times 一些次数

Sometime 某时

Some time 一些时间

Always look for the joy in life. 永远在生命中寻找快乐

Have you lost it? 你疯了么?

No way 免谈

Hot 酷

Cut class 逃课

This is our favourite subject of conversation .


What you get is a living , what you give is a living.


A man isn’t old as long as he is seeking something , a man isn’t old until

regrets take the place of dreams.


What ‘s youth? Youth isn’t a matter of time,but is a state of mind. 青春是什么?青春并不是年龄的问题,而是心态的问题。 Shake in one’s shoes 吓得发抖

Birthday suit 生日礼服

Wall flower 墙花(舞会中无人邀请的女士)

Bet one’s bottom dollar 对某事绝对有把握

In the pink 非常的健康

Like father like son 有其父,必有其子

Every bean has its black 人无完人

In the dictionary of youth there is no such words as failure.


When the fight begins within himself , a man’s worth something. 当一个人内心开始争斗时,这个人就有了价值。

Time to wake up ! 该起床了。

I’m going to take a shower 我要洗澡了。

What do you want for breakfast? 早饭你想吃什么?

Who’s there? 谁啊?

Honey , I’m home 亲爱的,我回来了

Don’t make friends with the people who dare not look into your eyes.


Don’t state me ! 别盯着我看。

Have a dirty tongue 爱说脏话

Have a bitter tongue 尖酸刻薄

Man can only be free through mastery of himself.


Dinner is ready 饭好了

Did you set the table? 桌子摆好了么?

Don’t you talk with your mouth full. 嘴里在吃东西时不要说话。 I’ll do the dishes 我要洗碗

Will you help me clean them up? 你帮我收拾一下好么? Better late than never 亡羊补牢为时未晚

Better safe than sorry 稳妥总比后悔要好

For better for worse 不论好坏(同甘共苦)

For better or worse 不管如何

Dream boat 理想中的人或事

Romeo/Juliet 热恋中

Brown noser 马屁精

Sell like hot cakes 热卖/热销

It ‘s sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻烦

It ‘s never too late to learn 活到老学到老

Where there is life there is hope 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.


When work is a pleasure , life is joy! When work is duty,life is slavery. 当工作是种乐趣时,生活是种享受,当工作是种义务时,生活则是种苦役。

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊?

Don’t bother me 别烦我

Knock it off 少来这套

Leave me alone 离我远点,走开

Take a hike 哪凉快哪呆着去

An exciting finish 一个令人激动的结局

Time will tell 时间会证明一切

Time and tide wait for no man 岁月不等人

Time heals all wounds 时间会治愈所有的创伤

Work banishes those three great evils : boredom,vice and poverty. 工作可以从我们的生活中赶走三种罪恶:无聊、堕落和贫穷。 You have a lot of nerves 你脸皮可真厚

Don’t look at me like that 别那样看着我

You make me so mad 你气死我了

Drop dead 去死吧

Get over yourself 别自以为是了

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.


I can’t help it ! 我受不了了!

That’s your problem 那是你的问题

Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦

Give me a break 饶了我吧

It’s my treat = It’s on me 买单;这次我请客

If winter comes , can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远么? Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在同谁讲话呢? Look at this mess! 看这堆乱摊子!

Excuse the mess! 请原谅这儿这么乱!

You’re so careless 你太粗心了

I’m about to explode 我被气坏了

What a stupid idiot! 真是个白痴!

As like as two peas 一模一样

Cat nap 小睡一会

Carry out / fast food 外卖食品

In a jam 陷入困境

Wet blanket 扫兴的人,败兴的事

Raise the roof 吵翻天

Pain past is pleasure 苦尽甘来

Life is full of uncertainty and strategic behaviour


What do you thing you are doing? 你以为你在做什么?

Don’t you dare come back again! 看你再敢回来!

You asked for it! 自找的!

Nonsense 胡说八道

Mind your own business 管好你自己的事

You’re gone too far 太过分了

You’re a joke 你真是个小丑

We’re through 我完了

We can only learn to love by loving


Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments.


Indeed 真的么?的确?

Jesus 天哪!

Liar 撒谎

Listen 听着

Objection! 抗议!反对!

Perfect 太完美了

Rats 真差劲

Really 真的么?

Relax 放松,别紧张

Satisfied 这回你满意了吧?

Beautiful mind 美丽心灵

Beayty and beast 美女与野兽

Amazing 太神奇了

Anytime 随时

Almost 差不多了

Awful 讨厌!太可怕了!遭透了!

After you 您先请!

About when? 大约什么时候?

All set? 一切安排妥当了么?

Allow me! 让我来吧!

Behave! 你放尊重一点!

Boring 真是无聊

Be on cloud nine 非常高兴,像飘在天上

Hit the ceiling 非常生气,暴跳如雷

Hot seat 困境

More haste , less speed 欲速则不达

Money makes the mare to go 有钱能使鬼推磨

Let bygones be bygones 既往不咎

Fresh! (水果)好有型,真帅!

Exactly 完全正确

Gone! 走了!没了!

Great! 太棒了!了不起!

Hot 辣的。

Imagine 想想看!

Impossible! 不可能!

Willingly! 十分乐意,乐意效劳!

Stingy! 小气鬼!抠门!

Unbelievable 难以置信的!

If you don’t hope , you will not find what is beyond your hopes. 如果你不去希望的话,你永远都不会知道希望之后是什么。

Although the world is full of suffering , it’s also full of the overcoming of it.


Absolutely 绝对如此

Deal 一言为定

Disqusting 真恶心

Exactly 太妙了,非常好

Fifty-fifty! 对半分

Try not to become a person of success , rather try to become a person of value.


If you want to move your greatest obstacle , realize that the greatest obstacle is yourself and that the time to act is now.



No one can give you better advice than yourself.


As you grow older , you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.


Don’t take it to heart 别想心里去

Let’s face it 让我们面对现实吧

Let’s get started 让我们开始吧

I’m really dead 我都累死了

The secret of life isn’t to do what you like , but to like what you do. 生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事,而是去喜欢你所做的事。 April fool’s day 四月一日 愚人节

It’s better to have one friend of great value than to have many friends of little value.


At all 根本

As well = too 也

Friends are like stars , you don’t always see them , but you know they’re always there.


I believe in you 我信任你

I have seen through you 我看透你了

Your desire to excel is beyond your imagination.


If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday. 如果你想懂得今天的话,你就必须研究一下昨天。

Some people , no matter how old they are , never lose their beauty , they merely move from their faces into their hearts.



7:10 it’s ten past seven. It’s sever ten.

6:25 it’s twenty five past six

8:20 it’s eight twenty

一刻钟 a quarter

10:15 it’s a quarter past ten

10:30 it’s half past ten

6:50 it’s ten to seven

Monday 星期一

Tuesday 星期二

Wednesday 星期三

Thursday 星期四

Friday 星期五

Saturday 星期六

Sunday 星期日


In 在。。。里; on 在。。。上; over 在头顶上; under 在。。。底下; near 在。。。旁边; between 在二者之间; into 到。。。里面; out off 从。。。出来; across 从。。。上穿过; through 从。。。里穿过; beside 在。。。旁边。


Twenty 20

Thirty 30

Forty 40

Fifty 50

Sixty 60

Seventy 70

Eighty 80

Ninety 90

One hundred 100

Thousand 千

Hundred 百

Million 百万

One hundred and one 101

Two hundred and ninety 290

Nine hundred and ninety nine 999

One thousand five hundred and sixty four 1,564 Nine thousand and fifty four 9,054

Sixty three thousand one hundred and fifty two 63,152 One million and one 1,000,001

Ladies and gentlemen 女士们先生们

Lady first 女士优先

A bad apple

Big Apple 纽约的另种说法

A fat cat 暴发户

A hot potato 大人物

Lose one’s shirt 丧失某人的财产

Keep one’s shirt on 耐着性子不发火

Eat like a bird 吃得少(吃得像小鸟一样)

A small potato 小人物

A big potato 大人物

Laugh and the world laughs with you ; weep and you weep along. 当你笑时,整个世界与你同欢笑;当你哭时,你只有独自哭泣。 The great wall 长城

The summer palace 紫禁城

America 美国

The U.S.A (The United States of America)

Shared joy is a double joy ; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


How about you? 你怎么样?

How about that? 怎么会这样?那个怎么样?

How come? = why? 为什么?

How goes it ? 事情进展如何?

How is it going? 事情进展如何?

Life is just like a field of newly-fallen snow , where you choose to walk , every step will show.


Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.


Be on one’s high horse 趾高气昂的

Fight tooth and nail 奋力作战

White lie 善意的谎言

Eye for eye 以牙还牙

Cup of tea 最喜欢的东西

Face the music 面对现实,勇于承担后果

Out of sight , out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

No pains , no gains 不劳不获

The outsider sees the most of the game 旁观者清

All happy families are alike ; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。 Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


Trouble is part of your life , if you don’t share it , you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.


What’s the matter? 怎么了?什么事?

What ‘s the matter whit sb? Sb怎么了?

It matters 有关系

I’m tired and thirsty. 我又累又渴

Are you all right? 你好点了么?你怎样了?

Keep your fears to yourself , but share your courage with others. 把你的恐惧留给自己,与别人一起分享你的勇气。

Follow your nose 凭直觉走

Be led by the nose 被牵扯着鼻子走

Make one’s mark 使某人出名

Man eater 食人兽,多指极有魅力的女子,疯婆子

Lady killer 多指极有魅力的男子

Money to burn 有很多钱

Make one’s mouth water 使某人垂涎三尺,使某人嫉妒

Meet one’s waterloo 惨遭失败

Many hands make light work 人多力量大,众人拾柴火焰高

Most people are so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. 大多数人忙于求生,而忘了真正的生活。

Be left in the cold 被冷落

A bed of roses 非常开心

Go bananas 发疯了

A black sheep 败家子

A piece of cake 小菜一碟

Do it well or not at all 要做就做最好

Look before you leap 三思而后行

Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难

Happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road , for then the journey is over and it is to late.


Better half (对丈夫或妻子的戏称)

Green thumb 在园艺技能方面比较擅长

Be all ears 全神贯注

Be all thumbs 笨拙的

Kiss something goodbye 忍痛割爱

Keep one’s mouth out of sth 不要多管闲事

Failure is the mother of sussess 失败乃世功之母

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 光工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。

I can never thank you enouth 我对你感激不尽 What’s up? 有什么新鲜事?

Get out of my face 别烦我,离我远点 Bomb 爆!完了,搞砸了

Give me a break 别开玩笑了,让我休息一下。 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑么?

You’re kidding! 开玩笑!

Have a heart 发发善心

Just go for it 放手去做吧

Gross 真恶心

Dump him/her 甩了他/她

I’ll say 我同意

I don’t care 我不在乎

Who cares? 谁管啊?管他呢!

Be careful 小心点

Look out 小心,当心

Mind yourself 小心一点

Watch your step 小心步履

Careless 粗心的

Take care of = look after 照顾

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


I can never thank you enouth 我对你感激不尽

What’s up? 有什么新鲜事?

Get out of my face 别烦我,离我远点

Bomb 爆!完了,搞砸了

Give me a break 别开玩笑了,让我休息一下。

Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑么?

You’re kidding! 开玩笑!

Have a heart 发发善心

Just go for it 放手去做吧

Gross 真恶心

Dump him/her 甩了他/她

I’ll say 我同意

I don’t care 我不在乎

Who cares? 谁管啊?管他呢!

Be careful 小心点

Look out 小心,当心

Mind yourself 小心一点

Watch your step 小心步履

Careless 粗心的

Take care of = look after 照顾

To be angry with a weak person is to prove that you are not strong yourself.


Get out of here 别开玩笑

Kiss up to 拍马屁

Be crazy about 特别喜欢

Flirt with sb 暗送秋波

Make up one’s mind 下定某人决心

Hurry up 快一点

Let’s take a break 休息一会

Wait a minute 等一下

Sit pretty 处于有利的地位

Best man 伴郎

Cry baby 爱唠叨的人,爱抱怨的人

Double dutch 难解的问题

Show one’s true color 露出。。的本色

Take home in doggy bags 打包带走

There is no smoke without fire 无风不起浪

Better late than never 晚来总比不来好

Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败

To say is one thing , to do is another.


There is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own way. 世界上只有一种成功,那就是按照你自己的意愿去度过一生。

We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. 随着年龄的增长,我们并不变得更好,也不变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。

We can’t all be heroes , somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by .

我们不可能都成为英雄,总得有人在英雄走过的路边为他们鼓掌。 Sometimes 有时

Some times 一些次数

Sometime 某时

Some time 一些时间

Always look for the joy in life. 永远在生命中寻找快乐

Have you lost it? 你疯了么?

No way 免谈

Hot 酷

Cut class 逃课

This is our favourite subject of conversation .


What you get is a living , what you give is a living.


A man isn’t old as long as he is seeking something , a man isn’t old until

regrets take the place of dreams.


What ‘s youth? Youth isn’t a matter of time,but is a state of mind. 青春是什么?青春并不是年龄的问题,而是心态的问题。 Shake in one’s shoes 吓得发抖

Birthday suit 生日礼服

Wall flower 墙花(舞会中无人邀请的女士)

Bet one’s bottom dollar 对某事绝对有把握

In the pink 非常的健康

Like father like son 有其父,必有其子

Every bean has its black 人无完人

In the dictionary of youth there is no such words as failure.


When the fight begins within himself , a man’s worth something. 当一个人内心开始争斗时,这个人就有了价值。

Time to wake up ! 该起床了。

I’m going to take a shower 我要洗澡了。

What do you want for breakfast? 早饭你想吃什么?

Who’s there? 谁啊?

Honey , I’m home 亲爱的,我回来了

Don’t make friends with the people who dare not look into your eyes.


Don’t state me ! 别盯着我看。

Have a dirty tongue 爱说脏话

Have a bitter tongue 尖酸刻薄

Man can only be free through mastery of himself.


Dinner is ready 饭好了

Did you set the table? 桌子摆好了么?

Don’t you talk with your mouth full. 嘴里在吃东西时不要说话。 I’ll do the dishes 我要洗碗

Will you help me clean them up? 你帮我收拾一下好么? Better late than never 亡羊补牢为时未晚

Better safe than sorry 稳妥总比后悔要好

For better for worse 不论好坏(同甘共苦)

For better or worse 不管如何

Dream boat 理想中的人或事

Romeo/Juliet 热恋中

Brown noser 马屁精

Sell like hot cakes 热卖/热销

It ‘s sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻烦

It ‘s never too late to learn 活到老学到老

Where there is life there is hope 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.


When work is a pleasure , life is joy! When work is duty,life is slavery. 当工作是种乐趣时,生活是种享受,当工作是种义务时,生活则是种苦役。

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊?

Don’t bother me 别烦我

Knock it off 少来这套

Leave me alone 离我远点,走开

Take a hike 哪凉快哪呆着去

An exciting finish 一个令人激动的结局

Time will tell 时间会证明一切

Time and tide wait for no man 岁月不等人

Time heals all wounds 时间会治愈所有的创伤

Work banishes those three great evils : boredom,vice and poverty. 工作可以从我们的生活中赶走三种罪恶:无聊、堕落和贫穷。 You have a lot of nerves 你脸皮可真厚

Don’t look at me like that 别那样看着我

You make me so mad 你气死我了

Drop dead 去死吧

Get over yourself 别自以为是了

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.


I can’t help it ! 我受不了了!

That’s your problem 那是你的问题

Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦

Give me a break 饶了我吧

It’s my treat = It’s on me 买单;这次我请客

If winter comes , can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远么? Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在同谁讲话呢? Look at this mess! 看这堆乱摊子!

Excuse the mess! 请原谅这儿这么乱!

You’re so careless 你太粗心了

I’m about to explode 我被气坏了

What a stupid idiot! 真是个白痴!

As like as two peas 一模一样

Cat nap 小睡一会

Carry out / fast food 外卖食品

In a jam 陷入困境

Wet blanket 扫兴的人,败兴的事

Raise the roof 吵翻天

Pain past is pleasure 苦尽甘来

Life is full of uncertainty and strategic behaviour


What do you thing you are doing? 你以为你在做什么?

Don’t you dare come back again! 看你再敢回来!

You asked for it! 自找的!

Nonsense 胡说八道

Mind your own business 管好你自己的事

You’re gone too far 太过分了

You’re a joke 你真是个小丑

We’re through 我完了

We can only learn to love by loving


Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments.


Indeed 真的么?的确?

Jesus 天哪!

Liar 撒谎

Listen 听着

Objection! 抗议!反对!

Perfect 太完美了

Rats 真差劲

Really 真的么?

Relax 放松,别紧张

Satisfied 这回你满意了吧?

Beautiful mind 美丽心灵

Beayty and beast 美女与野兽

Amazing 太神奇了

Anytime 随时

Almost 差不多了

Awful 讨厌!太可怕了!遭透了!

After you 您先请!

About when? 大约什么时候?

All set? 一切安排妥当了么?

Allow me! 让我来吧!

Behave! 你放尊重一点!

Boring 真是无聊

Be on cloud nine 非常高兴,像飘在天上

Hit the ceiling 非常生气,暴跳如雷

Hot seat 困境

More haste , less speed 欲速则不达

Money makes the mare to go 有钱能使鬼推磨

Let bygones be bygones 既往不咎

Fresh! (水果)好有型,真帅!

Exactly 完全正确

Gone! 走了!没了!

Great! 太棒了!了不起!

Hot 辣的。

Imagine 想想看!

Impossible! 不可能!

Willingly! 十分乐意,乐意效劳!

Stingy! 小气鬼!抠门!

Unbelievable 难以置信的!

If you don’t hope , you will not find what is beyond your hopes. 如果你不去希望的话,你永远都不会知道希望之后是什么。

Although the world is full of suffering , it’s also full of the overcoming of it.


Absolutely 绝对如此

Deal 一言为定

Disqusting 真恶心

Exactly 太妙了,非常好

Fifty-fifty! 对半分

Try not to become a person of success , rather try to become a person of value.


If you want to move your greatest obstacle , realize that the greatest obstacle is yourself and that the time to act is now.



No one can give you better advice than yourself.


As you grow older , you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.


Don’t take it to heart 别想心里去

Let’s face it 让我们面对现实吧

Let’s get started 让我们开始吧

I’m really dead 我都累死了

The secret of life isn’t to do what you like , but to like what you do. 生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事,而是去喜欢你所做的事。 April fool’s day 四月一日 愚人节

It’s better to have one friend of great value than to have many friends of little value.


At all 根本

As well = too 也

Friends are like stars , you don’t always see them , but you know they’re always there.


I believe in you 我信任你

I have seen through you 我看透你了

Your desire to excel is beyond your imagination.


If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday. 如果你想懂得今天的话,你就必须研究一下昨天。

Some people , no matter how old they are , never lose their beauty , they merely move from their faces into their hearts.



7:10 it’s ten past seven. It’s sever ten.

6:25 it’s twenty five past six

8:20 it’s eight twenty

一刻钟 a quarter

10:15 it’s a quarter past ten

10:30 it’s half past ten

6:50 it’s ten to seven

Monday 星期一

Tuesday 星期二

Wednesday 星期三

Thursday 星期四

Friday 星期五

Saturday 星期六

Sunday 星期日


In 在。。。里; on 在。。。上; over 在头顶上; under 在。。。底下; near 在。。。旁边; between 在二者之间; into 到。。。里面; out off 从。。。出来; across 从。。。上穿过; through 从。。。里穿过; beside 在。。。旁边。


Twenty 20

Thirty 30

Forty 40

Fifty 50

Sixty 60

Seventy 70

Eighty 80

Ninety 90

One hundred 100

Thousand 千

Hundred 百

Million 百万

One hundred and one 101

Two hundred and ninety 290

Nine hundred and ninety nine 999

One thousand five hundred and sixty four 1,564 Nine thousand and fifty four 9,054

Sixty three thousand one hundred and fifty two 63,152 One million and one 1,000,001


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