India education mode
1、高等教育迅速发展The rapid development of higher education
印度一直将高等教育作为教育发展的龙头,高等教育经费在教育总经费中一直占较大份额,近几年才有所减少。他们50年代中期仿照美国麻省理工学院(MIT ),在全国相继建立了6所印度理工学院(IIT ),发展到现在,已经有了400多所工程技术学院,今天正是这些学院的毕业生支撑着印度经济的大厦。印度成功地培养出许多世界级的研究生,许多高校是世界一流的,印度尊重知识、尊重人才,给高校教师很高的待遇。高等教育是印度教育名符其实的重大戏。
India has been higher education as education development will be the leading, higher education funding in the education funds for a total has been accounted for the larger share, in recent years that it has reduced. Their 50 s modeled after the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) in the country, have established the six Indian
institute of technology (IIT), development up to now, there have been more than 400 engineering technology college, today it is these college graduates to support the building of India's economy. India successfully nurtured many world class graduate students, many colleges and universities are world class, India respect knowledge, respect talented person, to the university teachers' high treatment. Higher education is the education real important play in India.
2、职业教育独树一帜Vocational education of its own
印度职业教育近年来突出的成就是,完备的职业教育体系为印度培养出大批高质量的软件人才。 在印度政府的引导下, 民间资本、社会资本以及外资大量地流入计算机教育领域。使印度逐步形成了产业化的IT 职业教育。
India professional education in recent years outstanding achievement is, complete professional education system for India train a large number of high quality software talents. In the Indian government's guidance, the folk capital, social capital and a large foreign capital flows to the computer education field. India has gradually formed the vocational education industrialization of IT
3、基础教育相对薄弱Basic education relatively weak
Higher education relative to character, basic education development is slow, the software and hardware of the school to satisfactory. According to the statistics of the Indian government in 1996, registered in grade one of children in primary school education more than 50% in the process of a certain phase dropped out, some nations dropout rates as high as 70%. According to India's largest nonprofit education instit utions statistics: even in grade 5, 35% of India's children cannot read and write. According to government statistics figures, only a quarter of the students can read grade 8, only 15% of the students into the middle school. In the 202 million entrance students, only 7%, also is about 1400 universal graduate.
二、印度教育的问题India education problem
Because of the social productive forces is not rich, the rapid population growth, the national average level of life is generally low, and education overall investment, less India education still exists many problems, such as
literacy and education task of popularizing compulsory is rather difficult; Education funds don't balance, elementary education funds on the whole declined, and higher education investment but in blind to climb, lead to India's
high-tech talent a large number of outflow, a large number of university graduate unemployment and unemployment, the talents cultivated not accorded with their needs. The rural education is relatively backward, the result s make productivity so low, people living in poverty.
The Indian government has been trying to for education reform to establish unified school system, to
eliminate illiteracy, compulsory universal education, improve the quality of the education teaching, try to provide education for all citizens by chance, the past a few years, India's education had the very big development. From education investment for, India in the national income and the national budget, used in education spending the proportion of rising quickly. But the per-capita level is still very low, although to education development much work has been done, but haven't fundamentally change the basic condition of education backward, India's education to get healthy development, establish a with the domestic actual, and democratic, the modernization of education system, also need to hard and long effort.
India education mode
1、高等教育迅速发展The rapid development of higher education
印度一直将高等教育作为教育发展的龙头,高等教育经费在教育总经费中一直占较大份额,近几年才有所减少。他们50年代中期仿照美国麻省理工学院(MIT ),在全国相继建立了6所印度理工学院(IIT ),发展到现在,已经有了400多所工程技术学院,今天正是这些学院的毕业生支撑着印度经济的大厦。印度成功地培养出许多世界级的研究生,许多高校是世界一流的,印度尊重知识、尊重人才,给高校教师很高的待遇。高等教育是印度教育名符其实的重大戏。
India has been higher education as education development will be the leading, higher education funding in the education funds for a total has been accounted for the larger share, in recent years that it has reduced. Their 50 s modeled after the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) in the country, have established the six Indian
institute of technology (IIT), development up to now, there have been more than 400 engineering technology college, today it is these college graduates to support the building of India's economy. India successfully nurtured many world class graduate students, many colleges and universities are world class, India respect knowledge, respect talented person, to the university teachers' high treatment. Higher education is the education real important play in India.
2、职业教育独树一帜Vocational education of its own
印度职业教育近年来突出的成就是,完备的职业教育体系为印度培养出大批高质量的软件人才。 在印度政府的引导下, 民间资本、社会资本以及外资大量地流入计算机教育领域。使印度逐步形成了产业化的IT 职业教育。
India professional education in recent years outstanding achievement is, complete professional education system for India train a large number of high quality software talents. In the Indian government's guidance, the folk capital, social capital and a large foreign capital flows to the computer education field. India has gradually formed the vocational education industrialization of IT
3、基础教育相对薄弱Basic education relatively weak
Higher education relative to character, basic education development is slow, the software and hardware of the school to satisfactory. According to the statistics of the Indian government in 1996, registered in grade one of children in primary school education more than 50% in the process of a certain phase dropped out, some nations dropout rates as high as 70%. According to India's largest nonprofit education instit utions statistics: even in grade 5, 35% of India's children cannot read and write. According to government statistics figures, only a quarter of the students can read grade 8, only 15% of the students into the middle school. In the 202 million entrance students, only 7%, also is about 1400 universal graduate.
二、印度教育的问题India education problem
Because of the social productive forces is not rich, the rapid population growth, the national average level of life is generally low, and education overall investment, less India education still exists many problems, such as
literacy and education task of popularizing compulsory is rather difficult; Education funds don't balance, elementary education funds on the whole declined, and higher education investment but in blind to climb, lead to India's
high-tech talent a large number of outflow, a large number of university graduate unemployment and unemployment, the talents cultivated not accorded with their needs. The rural education is relatively backward, the result s make productivity so low, people living in poverty.
The Indian government has been trying to for education reform to establish unified school system, to
eliminate illiteracy, compulsory universal education, improve the quality of the education teaching, try to provide education for all citizens by chance, the past a few years, India's education had the very big development. From education investment for, India in the national income and the national budget, used in education spending the proportion of rising quickly. But the per-capita level is still very low, although to education development much work has been done, but haven't fundamentally change the basic condition of education backward, India's education to get healthy development, establish a with the domestic actual, and democratic, the modernization of education system, also need to hard and long effort.