

听力 1—5 ACBAA 6—10 BABAC 11—15 CAABB 16—20 FTFFT

21. Saturday 22. fine 23. welcome 24. library 25. basketball 笔试:

I. 单选: 1—5 CBCDA 6—10 DDCAC 11—15 CABCD

II. 用所给词正确形式填空:

16 . to protect 17. to go 18. enjoyable 19, twentieth 20 . were watching III. 情景交际

( A ) 21-- 25BFDEA

( B) 26. What was wrong with you?/ what was the matter with you?

27.I’m sorry to hear that.

28.Have you seen the doctor?

29.Why don’t you stay at home today?

30.I can/will help you (with your lessons)

IV. 完型填空

( A ) 31—35 C.ACDD 36—40 CACAC

( B ) 41 lonely, 42 better, 43 most , 44 that, 45 stopped,

46 change, 47. together, 48 friendly, 49 hospital, 50 hope

阅读 (A) 51—55 BCBAC ( B ) 56—60 BBBDC

( C ) 61- 63 BAC 64. stop the car as soon as possible 65. F

( D ) 66 .Get a part – time job. / Vote / Get married. / Get a licence to drive.

67. Seventeen.

68. The United States, Canada and the UK.

69. No.

70. 他们再也不必依靠父母给钱了。

(E) 71. highest 72. grasslands 73. black 74. straw hat 75. beat 写作 (A) 参考答案 (答出五点就可以)

1. You must drive on the right side of the road.

2. When you get a present, you can’t (mustn’t) open it immediately.

3. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t do any cleaning.

4. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you can’t cut you hair.

5. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t break anything. It’s bad luck.

6. You should have dinner with chopsticks.

7. You should shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. ( B ) We should protect animals

There are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas. When people cut down trees, tigers and pandas have no place to live in. Also people kill animals for their fur.

We aren’t alone in the world. People (Human beings) couldn’t live without animals that we have around us. So it is import for us to protect animals. We must do something to stop people killing animals. We should make rules to protect them. We can also build more nature reserves to provide safe environment for animals. We should see animals

as our friends and live with them peacefully.


听力 1—5 ACBAA 6—10 BABAC 11—15 CAABB 16—20 FTFFT

21. Saturday 22. fine 23. welcome 24. library 25. basketball 笔试:

I. 单选: 1—5 CBCDA 6—10 DDCAC 11—15 CABCD

II. 用所给词正确形式填空:

16 . to protect 17. to go 18. enjoyable 19, twentieth 20 . were watching III. 情景交际

( A ) 21-- 25BFDEA

( B) 26. What was wrong with you?/ what was the matter with you?

27.I’m sorry to hear that.

28.Have you seen the doctor?

29.Why don’t you stay at home today?

30.I can/will help you (with your lessons)

IV. 完型填空

( A ) 31—35 C.ACDD 36—40 CACAC

( B ) 41 lonely, 42 better, 43 most , 44 that, 45 stopped,

46 change, 47. together, 48 friendly, 49 hospital, 50 hope

阅读 (A) 51—55 BCBAC ( B ) 56—60 BBBDC

( C ) 61- 63 BAC 64. stop the car as soon as possible 65. F

( D ) 66 .Get a part – time job. / Vote / Get married. / Get a licence to drive.

67. Seventeen.

68. The United States, Canada and the UK.

69. No.

70. 他们再也不必依靠父母给钱了。

(E) 71. highest 72. grasslands 73. black 74. straw hat 75. beat 写作 (A) 参考答案 (答出五点就可以)

1. You must drive on the right side of the road.

2. When you get a present, you can’t (mustn’t) open it immediately.

3. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t do any cleaning.

4. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you can’t cut you hair.

5. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t break anything. It’s bad luck.

6. You should have dinner with chopsticks.

7. You should shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. ( B ) We should protect animals

There are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas. When people cut down trees, tigers and pandas have no place to live in. Also people kill animals for their fur.

We aren’t alone in the world. People (Human beings) couldn’t live without animals that we have around us. So it is import for us to protect animals. We must do something to stop people killing animals. We should make rules to protect them. We can also build more nature reserves to provide safe environment for animals. We should see animals

as our friends and live with them peacefully.


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