孙子涵 英语作文(推荐汉语书)

假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你偶然看到在你市求学的美国学生tom 在网上发贴,要大家给她推荐一本学习汉语的书,你手头上正好有一本合适的书可以借给他,请你给她发一份邮件,要点如下:

1. 说明写信原因;

2. 描述书的情况;

3. 约定见面时间和地点;

注意:1. 次数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

淮阳第一高级中学 孙子涵

Dear Tom,

I ’m Li Hua, a student of Xi Wang Middle School. Accidentally, I noticed the

message you left on the Internet, which said you required a useful book to learn Chinese. How lucky you are! I just own such a book that is suitable for you.

First of all, judging by its pretty cover, you can see that it is of great value.

Furthermore, containing all kinds of beautiful pictures, the book becomes more attractive. Interested in all the pictures, you can be eager to learn the book and even do more work when you’re free. More importantly, not only does it teach you Chinese, but also it introduces Chinese culture.

Are you interested in the book? If so, let’s make it at 5:00pm and meet at the

gate of the Ren Min Park. May you have an enjoyable experience of reading.

Yours Li Hua 假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你偶然看到在你市求学的美国学生tom 在网上发贴,要大家给她推荐一本学习汉语的书,你手头上正好有一本合适的书可以借给他,请你给她发一份邮件,要点如下:

1. 说明写信原因;

4. 描述书的情况;

5. 约定见面时间和地点;

注意:1. 次数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

淮阳第一高级中学 翟巧玲

Dear Tom,

I ’m Li Hua, a student of Xi Wang Middle school. It is quite by chance that I noticed your message. I happen to have a book which you are looking for.

It is a book consisting of all kinds of things in life such as culture, music and other things rather than only boring knowledge. It is also a window through which you can learn about Chinese culture, which is of great help for you to have a good command of Chinese. Therefore, such a book is the best choice for Chinese learners. In addition, having a preference for it, I have underlined many important details in it which may help you somehow.

If time permits, we can meet this afternoon; If not, another time which is convenient for both of us should be chosen.

假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你偶然看到在你市求学的美国学生tom 在网上发贴,要大家给她推荐一本学习汉语的书,你手头上正好有一本合适的书可以借给他,请你给她发一份邮件,要点如下:

1. 说明写信原因;

2. 描述书的情况;

3. 约定见面时间和地点;

注意:1. 次数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

淮阳第一高级中学 孙子涵

Dear Tom,

I ’m Li Hua, a student of Xi Wang Middle School. Accidentally, I noticed the

message you left on the Internet, which said you required a useful book to learn Chinese. How lucky you are! I just own such a book that is suitable for you.

First of all, judging by its pretty cover, you can see that it is of great value.

Furthermore, containing all kinds of beautiful pictures, the book becomes more attractive. Interested in all the pictures, you can be eager to learn the book and even do more work when you’re free. More importantly, not only does it teach you Chinese, but also it introduces Chinese culture.

Are you interested in the book? If so, let’s make it at 5:00pm and meet at the

gate of the Ren Min Park. May you have an enjoyable experience of reading.

Yours Li Hua 假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你偶然看到在你市求学的美国学生tom 在网上发贴,要大家给她推荐一本学习汉语的书,你手头上正好有一本合适的书可以借给他,请你给她发一份邮件,要点如下:

1. 说明写信原因;

4. 描述书的情况;

5. 约定见面时间和地点;

注意:1. 次数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

淮阳第一高级中学 翟巧玲

Dear Tom,

I ’m Li Hua, a student of Xi Wang Middle school. It is quite by chance that I noticed your message. I happen to have a book which you are looking for.

It is a book consisting of all kinds of things in life such as culture, music and other things rather than only boring knowledge. It is also a window through which you can learn about Chinese culture, which is of great help for you to have a good command of Chinese. Therefore, such a book is the best choice for Chinese learners. In addition, having a preference for it, I have underlined many important details in it which may help you somehow.

If time permits, we can meet this afternoon; If not, another time which is convenient for both of us should be chosen.


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