


(1)确定title时勿选择太概括的题目,如"marketing strategy of Haier in China";

(2)确定research aim and objectives时,过于descriptive和general,如"to conclude the current marketing strategy of Haier in China";

(3)确定methodology时,not linked to literature review 是常见的问题。此外,还容易出现research methods不能实现research objectives的问题。例如使用descriptive statistics计算mean, percentage的数据分析方法不能实现casual relationship的research objectives。

(4)进行conclusion的时候,缺乏critically linked to literature review. 如果您的dissertation存在以上提及的问题,请立即联系我们进行修改。同时,如果您选择自己修改,我们也愿意将我们的经验无私地传授给您。

如果您需要写作dissertation,请尽快开 始动笔。因为dissertation需要每个部分都和supervisor 进行讨论,而可能出现supervisor长时间不回复学生邮件,不与学生见面的情况。为了确保能和老师进行充分的沟通,请您务必尽快动笔,勿因 dissertation的失败影响学位。




Introduction, presenting information on the field of study and the question or hypothesis under research. Apart from this, the chapter focuses on the topicality, main objectives, tasks involved in the research。

Literature review, focusing on the researches into your subject carried out by outstanding scientists, whose ideas serve you as the basis of your own research. In addition, we mention here the most up-to-date researches, as well as enumerate the drawbacks of out-dated ones. The more extended is our list of the literature referred, the more argumentative your own research will be. Methodology section, mentioning your research question or hypothesis and suggesting one or more appropriate scientific methods with the help of which you can answer your spot question, or prove/reject the hypothesis you have put forward in Introduction. Of no less importance for your dissertation is to convincingly justify the preferred methods of scientific research, stating both their advantages and limitations.

Findings, outlining a set of findings which make your original scientific contribution to the investigated subject area.

Conclusions and Recommendations, briefly summing up the whole research, underlining our novelty, findings, as well as giving suggestions for future research.

List of references, presenting a list of academic sources directly relevant to the topic dealt with. Set of appendices, practically illustrating the material presented in theoretical chapters, etc.



(1)确定title时勿选择太概括的题目,如"marketing strategy of Haier in China";

(2)确定research aim and objectives时,过于descriptive和general,如"to conclude the current marketing strategy of Haier in China";

(3)确定methodology时,not linked to literature review 是常见的问题。此外,还容易出现research methods不能实现research objectives的问题。例如使用descriptive statistics计算mean, percentage的数据分析方法不能实现casual relationship的research objectives。

(4)进行conclusion的时候,缺乏critically linked to literature review. 如果您的dissertation存在以上提及的问题,请立即联系我们进行修改。同时,如果您选择自己修改,我们也愿意将我们的经验无私地传授给您。

如果您需要写作dissertation,请尽快开 始动笔。因为dissertation需要每个部分都和supervisor 进行讨论,而可能出现supervisor长时间不回复学生邮件,不与学生见面的情况。为了确保能和老师进行充分的沟通,请您务必尽快动笔,勿因 dissertation的失败影响学位。




Introduction, presenting information on the field of study and the question or hypothesis under research. Apart from this, the chapter focuses on the topicality, main objectives, tasks involved in the research。

Literature review, focusing on the researches into your subject carried out by outstanding scientists, whose ideas serve you as the basis of your own research. In addition, we mention here the most up-to-date researches, as well as enumerate the drawbacks of out-dated ones. The more extended is our list of the literature referred, the more argumentative your own research will be. Methodology section, mentioning your research question or hypothesis and suggesting one or more appropriate scientific methods with the help of which you can answer your spot question, or prove/reject the hypothesis you have put forward in Introduction. Of no less importance for your dissertation is to convincingly justify the preferred methods of scientific research, stating both their advantages and limitations.

Findings, outlining a set of findings which make your original scientific contribution to the investigated subject area.

Conclusions and Recommendations, briefly summing up the whole research, underlining our novelty, findings, as well as giving suggestions for future research.

List of references, presenting a list of academic sources directly relevant to the topic dealt with. Set of appendices, practically illustrating the material presented in theoretical chapters, etc.


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