
A:Hi, B. Long time no see. How are you?

B:Fine, thanks. I just come back from Wuhu. I went together with my friend, C, in the summer vocation.

C: Hi, A and D. It’s nice to see you again.

A: Me too. Did you have a good time?

C: I think we did and it cannot be more interesting. The scenery there was so beautiful. The water was clear and the air was fresh. We went boating, swimming and eating. The food there was really delicious. D:Wuhu is really a good place . In fact, I graduated from Anhui Normal University which lies in wuhu . Do you went to Wuhu yangtze river bridge? C: yeah , Standing on the bridge, we really felt the Yangtze River magnificent . We will nevel forget it .

A:Great . Wuhu heard of pedestrian street is famous, did you go shopping?

B:yes. the pedestrian street is beside yangtze river .we went to then bridge in the daytime ,and wento the street in the envening .

D:good. Have you taken any photos?

B: Of course. There are some in my mobile phone, see.

A: That is really beautiful.

C: Yes, it ’s really an impressive experience and we really enjoyed ourselves. Then how is everything with you, Peter?

A: I am fine, too.Thank you. I stayed at home in the summer holidays. Oh, maybe you can help me with this.

B: What can we do for you?

A: I and D am planning a trip for the National Day. But We can't make up my mind as to which city I should go. It is really hard to decide.

C: Hehehe ...decision decision, ok. Maybe three heads are better than one. What are the choices? Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Yangzhou.

B: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy['lauzi]) and the food was bad.

A: All right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou?

C: I have never been there. But it’s said that Hangzhou is really a good place and the west lake there is quite beautiful.

B:I had never been there either.I can't make any comments on that. Let's check out the information through the Internet and I think it will tell us all necessary information. A: Great!

(So A,B C and D check out the information on the Internet)

B: A you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering any discounts if you want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak seson in summer. But if you go to Yangzhou, you can get big discounts on the hotels.

C In my opinion. A and D, you should take that into consideration,right?

D: You are right. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.I can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou,right?

B: Absolutely.

A :You know,this will be my first journey,do you have some advice for us? :

C:You should take enough money and some clothes with you.You can get more information through the Internet. You need to know all the details before setting out. B:The most important,tell your family where you go,and keep touch with us.

A D:Thank you so much.

C: No thanks. That's what friends are for. Hope you have a good time through the National Day.

A D:Oh,we have to go now.Bye. :


A:Hi, B. Long time no see. How are you?

B:Fine, thanks. I just come back from Wuhu. I went together with my friend, C, in the summer vocation.

C: Hi, A and D. It’s nice to see you again.

A: Me too. Did you have a good time?

C: I think we did and it cannot be more interesting. The scenery there was so beautiful. The water was clear and the air was fresh. We went boating, swimming and eating. The food there was really delicious. D:Wuhu is really a good place . In fact, I graduated from Anhui Normal University which lies in wuhu . Do you went to Wuhu yangtze river bridge? C: yeah , Standing on the bridge, we really felt the Yangtze River magnificent . We will nevel forget it .

A:Great . Wuhu heard of pedestrian street is famous, did you go shopping?

B:yes. the pedestrian street is beside yangtze river .we went to then bridge in the daytime ,and wento the street in the envening .

D:good. Have you taken any photos?

B: Of course. There are some in my mobile phone, see.

A: That is really beautiful.

C: Yes, it ’s really an impressive experience and we really enjoyed ourselves. Then how is everything with you, Peter?

A: I am fine, too.Thank you. I stayed at home in the summer holidays. Oh, maybe you can help me with this.

B: What can we do for you?

A: I and D am planning a trip for the National Day. But We can't make up my mind as to which city I should go. It is really hard to decide.

C: Hehehe ...decision decision, ok. Maybe three heads are better than one. What are the choices? Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Yangzhou.

B: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy['lauzi]) and the food was bad.

A: All right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou?

C: I have never been there. But it’s said that Hangzhou is really a good place and the west lake there is quite beautiful.

B:I had never been there either.I can't make any comments on that. Let's check out the information through the Internet and I think it will tell us all necessary information. A: Great!

(So A,B C and D check out the information on the Internet)

B: A you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering any discounts if you want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak seson in summer. But if you go to Yangzhou, you can get big discounts on the hotels.

C In my opinion. A and D, you should take that into consideration,right?

D: You are right. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.I can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou,right?

B: Absolutely.

A :You know,this will be my first journey,do you have some advice for us? :

C:You should take enough money and some clothes with you.You can get more information through the Internet. You need to know all the details before setting out. B:The most important,tell your family where you go,and keep touch with us.

A D:Thank you so much.

C: No thanks. That's what friends are for. Hope you have a good time through the National Day.

A D:Oh,we have to go now.Bye. :



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