




















On the use of push up exercise, some people say that there is only one, some people say that only exercise to the muscle. In fact with push ups basically can exercise to the body muscles, and push

ups have many different practices, of course, the difficulty of the work, the effect is also different. This article to share today is eight correct practice push ups, eight push ups is not suitable for the time to go to the gym's friend, just need to practice in accordance with the pictures below the demonstration to exercise. Have a look of the eight kinds of push ups:

Methods / procedures

1, push ups

This push ups is one of the most common push ups, use both hands slightly wider than the shoulder, chest and feet together, tighten the waist and abdomen, and then let the center of gravity of elbow down to the chest quickly close to the ground 1 cm position, pause, and then concentrated pectoralis major muscle strength quickly push up. This general push ups is one of the most commonly used, http://www.3dtvbcn.com/ the main exercise pectoralis major.

2 push ups, and narrow spacing

This narrow range of push ups is based on "general push ups", the spacing between the hands and shoulder width or narrow shoulder, other postures and "push" the same. Narrow pitch push ups exercise pectoralis major raphe and arm triceps.

3, the wide spacing of push ups

This range of push ups is based on "general push ups", the spacing between the hands far wide shoulder, other postures and "push" the same. Lateral and shoulder width distance push ups exercise pectoralis major.

4, about the ups and downs UPS

The left and right and push ups is based on "general push ups", using the pectoralis major powers to control the center of gravity of the body, let the body around the ups and downs. When the push ups can let the body http://www.mgjiyin290mg.com/ center of gravity to the right from the left, and then from the right to the left. The stimulating effect of this kind of push ups on the chest is very good, especially outside of the pectoralis major muscle stimulation effect is best. Of course, to do this kind of push ups require practitioners have some control.

5, around the turn of elbow out push ups

Also in the "push ups" basis, in doing push ups after the left elbow out, is training practitioners, deltoid pectoral muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, abdominal muscle, coordination and exercise practitioners.

6 push ups, creeping to the knee

Asked the practitioners hand moves the push ups, and then to do push ups, and a leg lift on lift knee, elbow as close as possible to the ipsilateral arm. The main exercise chest muscle, abdominal muscle.

7, jump push ups

This is in general do push ups "push ups" basis, using arm muscles, chest muscles, waist and abdomen muscle strength, http://www.007gqsxsb.com/ while power make the body instantly vacated, and then return to the starting position. This push ups exercise chest muscle, abdominal muscle, the main arm explosive force, high requirements for practitioners.

8 push ups, move around

This push ups is required of practitioners in the finish a "push ups", both hands unbend and approach, and then to the other side of the body moves, then do a "push ups", according to this, move around doing push ups. This push ups exercise pectoralis major, also exercise abdominal, shoulder muscles.


If you don't have time to go to the gym, it is recommended that you use more than 8 push ups exercise at home can. http://www.makaxiaoguo.com/ There are not too many requests for more than eight push ups, you only need a little bit of progress every day, and you can.





















On the use of push up exercise, some people say that there is only one, some people say that only exercise to the muscle. In fact with push ups basically can exercise to the body muscles, and push

ups have many different practices, of course, the difficulty of the work, the effect is also different. This article to share today is eight correct practice push ups, eight push ups is not suitable for the time to go to the gym's friend, just need to practice in accordance with the pictures below the demonstration to exercise. Have a look of the eight kinds of push ups:

Methods / procedures

1, push ups

This push ups is one of the most common push ups, use both hands slightly wider than the shoulder, chest and feet together, tighten the waist and abdomen, and then let the center of gravity of elbow down to the chest quickly close to the ground 1 cm position, pause, and then concentrated pectoralis major muscle strength quickly push up. This general push ups is one of the most commonly used, http://www.3dtvbcn.com/ the main exercise pectoralis major.

2 push ups, and narrow spacing

This narrow range of push ups is based on "general push ups", the spacing between the hands and shoulder width or narrow shoulder, other postures and "push" the same. Narrow pitch push ups exercise pectoralis major raphe and arm triceps.

3, the wide spacing of push ups

This range of push ups is based on "general push ups", the spacing between the hands far wide shoulder, other postures and "push" the same. Lateral and shoulder width distance push ups exercise pectoralis major.

4, about the ups and downs UPS

The left and right and push ups is based on "general push ups", using the pectoralis major powers to control the center of gravity of the body, let the body around the ups and downs. When the push ups can let the body http://www.mgjiyin290mg.com/ center of gravity to the right from the left, and then from the right to the left. The stimulating effect of this kind of push ups on the chest is very good, especially outside of the pectoralis major muscle stimulation effect is best. Of course, to do this kind of push ups require practitioners have some control.

5, around the turn of elbow out push ups

Also in the "push ups" basis, in doing push ups after the left elbow out, is training practitioners, deltoid pectoral muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, abdominal muscle, coordination and exercise practitioners.

6 push ups, creeping to the knee

Asked the practitioners hand moves the push ups, and then to do push ups, and a leg lift on lift knee, elbow as close as possible to the ipsilateral arm. The main exercise chest muscle, abdominal muscle.

7, jump push ups

This is in general do push ups "push ups" basis, using arm muscles, chest muscles, waist and abdomen muscle strength, http://www.007gqsxsb.com/ while power make the body instantly vacated, and then return to the starting position. This push ups exercise chest muscle, abdominal muscle, the main arm explosive force, high requirements for practitioners.

8 push ups, move around

This push ups is required of practitioners in the finish a "push ups", both hands unbend and approach, and then to the other side of the body moves, then do a "push ups", according to this, move around doing push ups. This push ups exercise pectoralis major, also exercise abdominal, shoulder muscles.


If you don't have time to go to the gym, it is recommended that you use more than 8 push ups exercise at home can. http://www.makaxiaoguo.com/ There are not too many requests for more than eight push ups, you only need a little bit of progress every day, and you can.


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