





As China's reform and opening up, more and more massive economic construction has been carried out. Therefore, Construction Group is developing very quickly, concrete, which is a kind of building material , is the largest and most widely used in civil engineering. The history of concrete can be traced back to ancient times. The Cementitious materials it used including clay, lime, gypsum, volcanic ash, etc. Early 20th century, Someone published water-cement ratio and other theories, which initially laid the theoretical foundation of the strength of concrete. Since then, lightweight aggregate concrete, aerated concrete and other concrete Appeared in succession. Also, a variety of concrete admixtures had been used. Since the 1960s, water reducer has been widely used and high efficiency water reducer and relative flowing concrete has emerged. Polymer materials entered the field of concrete, polymer concrete emerged. Then, Multi fiber is used to disperse fiber reinforced concrete. More and more testing techniques are increasingly applied to the study of science of Concrete materials.

Concrete is artificial stone ,which formulated by a certain

proportion of aggregate material from cement and water,then shaped by mixing and vibrating, Under the condition of certain conservation. Concrete has the characteristics of rich raw materials, low cost, and simple production process , so it has been more and more widely used. Meanwhile, Concrete also has the characteristics of high compressive strength, durability, and wide range of intensity levels, which made it a very wide range of uses. It not only used in a variety of civil engineering, but also important for shipbuilding, industrial machinery, marine development, geothermal projects.

Concrete structures Account for a large proportion in Architectural Engineering, also play an important role in the structural safety, reliability and durability. Thus, it is very essential to control the quality of concrete. There are some details about the quality control of concrete in this paper.






As China's reform and opening up, more and more massive economic construction has been carried out. Therefore, Construction Group is developing very quickly, concrete, which is a kind of building material , is the largest and most widely used in civil engineering. The history of concrete can be traced back to ancient times. The Cementitious materials it used including clay, lime, gypsum, volcanic ash, etc. Early 20th century, Someone published water-cement ratio and other theories, which initially laid the theoretical foundation of the strength of concrete. Since then, lightweight aggregate concrete, aerated concrete and other concrete Appeared in succession. Also, a variety of concrete admixtures had been used. Since the 1960s, water reducer has been widely used and high efficiency water reducer and relative flowing concrete has emerged. Polymer materials entered the field of concrete, polymer concrete emerged. Then, Multi fiber is used to disperse fiber reinforced concrete. More and more testing techniques are increasingly applied to the study of science of Concrete materials.

Concrete is artificial stone ,which formulated by a certain

proportion of aggregate material from cement and water,then shaped by mixing and vibrating, Under the condition of certain conservation. Concrete has the characteristics of rich raw materials, low cost, and simple production process , so it has been more and more widely used. Meanwhile, Concrete also has the characteristics of high compressive strength, durability, and wide range of intensity levels, which made it a very wide range of uses. It not only used in a variety of civil engineering, but also important for shipbuilding, industrial machinery, marine development, geothermal projects.

Concrete structures Account for a large proportion in Architectural Engineering, also play an important role in the structural safety, reliability and durability. Thus, it is very essential to control the quality of concrete. There are some details about the quality control of concrete in this paper.


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