



Rapunzel(singing):Just smell the grass, the dirt.Just like I dreamed they'd be.Just feel that summer breeze.The way it's calling me.

For like the first time ever, I'm completely free.I could go running, and racing, and dancing

and chasing, and leaping and bounding.Hair flying, heart pounding

and splashing and reeling。And finally feeling,that's when my life begins.

Rapunzel(speaking):I can't believe I did this.I can't believe I did this.

I can't believe I did this!Mother would be so furious. That's okay, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?

Oh my gosh, this would kill her.This is so fun!I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back.I am never going baaaccckkk!

I am a despicable human being. Best day, ever!

Eugene(speaking):You know, I can't help but notice,you seem a little at war with yourself, here. What? - Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces,

of course, over protective mother, forbidden road trip.I mean, this is serious stuff.But let me ease your conscious.This is part of growing up.A little rebellion,

a little adventure.That's good, healthy even.









this dialogue is from rapunzel and eugene,and rapunzel now has just left the tower which she had never stepped out of before for more than ten years。She and eugene

make a deal,that is as long as eugene lead her to realize her dream of seeing the lantern,she will give back to eugene the crown he stole from the palace。The reason

why this

dialogue become my favorite is because i am not only infectd by the pure ,lovely,and kind personality of rapunzel,but also moved by her persistently

pursuing for dream and freedom.Witch who pretends to be her mother and live with her for years constantly warn her that the world outside the tower is full of dangerous ,

but she is fearless, and still want to chase a dream.However she know her unexpected leave will doutelessly make her mother disappointed and angry.So it can be

seen from these words that rapunzel is indulged in the beauty of the unknown world while blaming herself for the leave.Finally i benifit a lot form eugene’s words。

Actually in reality many children now are overprotected by their parents ,and aquire so much excessive care that they can never face difficulty in person,and

ultimately are vulnerable to Frustration 。

Just like eugene said,the road trip for growing undoubtly require a little rebellion and adventure ,and in which setbacks encountered will be conducive to healthy





Rapunzel(singing):Just smell the grass, the dirt.Just like I dreamed they'd be.Just feel that summer breeze.The way it's calling me.

For like the first time ever, I'm completely free.I could go running, and racing, and dancing

and chasing, and leaping and bounding.Hair flying, heart pounding

and splashing and reeling。And finally feeling,that's when my life begins.

Rapunzel(speaking):I can't believe I did this.I can't believe I did this.

I can't believe I did this!Mother would be so furious. That's okay, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?

Oh my gosh, this would kill her.This is so fun!I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back.I am never going baaaccckkk!

I am a despicable human being. Best day, ever!

Eugene(speaking):You know, I can't help but notice,you seem a little at war with yourself, here. What? - Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces,

of course, over protective mother, forbidden road trip.I mean, this is serious stuff.But let me ease your conscious.This is part of growing up.A little rebellion,

a little adventure.That's good, healthy even.









this dialogue is from rapunzel and eugene,and rapunzel now has just left the tower which she had never stepped out of before for more than ten years。She and eugene

make a deal,that is as long as eugene lead her to realize her dream of seeing the lantern,she will give back to eugene the crown he stole from the palace。The reason

why this

dialogue become my favorite is because i am not only infectd by the pure ,lovely,and kind personality of rapunzel,but also moved by her persistently

pursuing for dream and freedom.Witch who pretends to be her mother and live with her for years constantly warn her that the world outside the tower is full of dangerous ,

but she is fearless, and still want to chase a dream.However she know her unexpected leave will doutelessly make her mother disappointed and angry.So it can be

seen from these words that rapunzel is indulged in the beauty of the unknown world while blaming herself for the leave.Finally i benifit a lot form eugene’s words。

Actually in reality many children now are overprotected by their parents ,and aquire so much excessive care that they can never face difficulty in person,and

ultimately are vulnerable to Frustration 。

Just like eugene said,the road trip for growing undoubtly require a little rebellion and adventure ,and in which setbacks encountered will be conducive to healthy



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