



The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor in my parents’he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and drop his into the jar.

When the jar was , he would take the coins to the bank and say to the cashier, “These are for my son’s college fund. He’ll work at the mill(磨坊)all his life like me.” The years passed, and I college and took a job. Then the jar was gone. My dad was a man of words, and never lectured me on the of the determination and faith. The pickle jar had taught me more than When I got married, I told my wife Susan about the . In my mind, it showed how much my dad had me. Dad continued to drop his coins into the jar, no matter how things got at home.

The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Susan our baby into my parents ’ bedroom to feed her. When Susan came back to the living room, there were tears in her eyes. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

“Look, ” she said if it had never been , stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already with the coins. I out a handful of coins. With the strong emotion choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw Dad who was carrying Jessica. Our eyes





The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor in my parents’he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and drop his into the jar.

When the jar was , he would take the coins to the bank and say to the cashier, “These are for my son’s college fund. He’ll work at the mill(磨坊)all his life like me.” The years passed, and I college and took a job. Then the jar was gone. My dad was a man of words, and never lectured me on the of the determination and faith. The pickle jar had taught me more than When I got married, I told my wife Susan about the . In my mind, it showed how much my dad had me. Dad continued to drop his coins into the jar, no matter how things got at home.

The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Susan our baby into my parents ’ bedroom to feed her. When Susan came back to the living room, there were tears in her eyes. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

“Look, ” she said if it had never been , stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already with the coins. I out a handful of coins. With the strong emotion choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw Dad who was carrying Jessica. Our eyes



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